[nautilus/gnome-3-22] rename-file-popover-controller: select entire name for folders

commit 5a37fea5d3811239ef49a7c4bb7e384946a11508
Author: Razvan Chitu <razvan ch95 gmail com>
Date:   Fri Nov 4 14:00:20 2016 +0200

    rename-file-popover-controller: select entire name for folders
    When renaming a file, the extension is not selected for editing, even if the
    file is a directory. In order to fix this, deselect the extension only if the
    renamed file is of regular type.

 src/nautilus-rename-file-popover-controller.c |   20 +++++++++++++-------
 1 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/nautilus-rename-file-popover-controller.c b/src/nautilus-rename-file-popover-controller.c
index 9d47b38..2f148bb 100644
--- a/src/nautilus-rename-file-popover-controller.c
+++ b/src/nautilus-rename-file-popover-controller.c
@@ -199,13 +199,19 @@ nautilus_rename_file_popover_controller_new (NautilusFile *target_file,
     gtk_popover_popup (GTK_POPOVER (rename_file_popover));
-    /* Select the name part withouth the file extension */
-    eel_filename_get_rename_region (nautilus_file_get_display_name (target_file),
-                                    &start_offset, &end_offset);
-    n_chars = g_utf8_strlen (nautilus_file_get_display_name (target_file), -1);
-    gtk_entry_set_width_chars (GTK_ENTRY (name_entry),
-                               MIN (MAX (n_chars, RENAME_ENTRY_MIN_CHARS), RENAME_ENTRY_MAX_CHARS));
-    gtk_editable_select_region (GTK_EDITABLE (name_entry), start_offset, end_offset);
+    if (nautilus_file_is_regular_file (target_file))
+    {
+        /* Select the name part without the file extension */
+        eel_filename_get_rename_region (nautilus_file_get_display_name (target_file),
+                                        &start_offset, &end_offset);
+        n_chars = g_utf8_strlen (nautilus_file_get_display_name (target_file),
+                                 -1);
+        gtk_entry_set_width_chars (GTK_ENTRY (name_entry),
+                                   MIN (MAX (n_chars, RENAME_ENTRY_MIN_CHARS),
+                                        RENAME_ENTRY_MAX_CHARS));
+        gtk_editable_select_region (GTK_EDITABLE (name_entry),
+                                    start_offset, end_offset);
+    }
     nautilus_directory_unref (containing_directory);

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