[gtk+] gdk: Remove all code that only existed because of use_gl

commit bddfd7bb41cebd9b4e8ea418ce4d8e1f11822e81
Author: Benjamin Otte <otte redhat com>
Date:   Tue Nov 22 20:03:14 2016 +0100

    gdk: Remove all code that only existed because of use_gl
    Now that we don't use GL anymore, this code is unnecessary.

 gdk/gdkgl.c                     |  349 +++++----------------------------------
 gdk/gdkinternals.h              |   71 --------
 gdk/gdkwindow.c                 |  110 ++-----------
 gdk/wayland/gdkwindow-wayland.c |    2 +
 gtk/gtkwidget.c                 |   46 -----
 5 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 517 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gdk/gdkgl.c b/gdk/gdkgl.c
index b62fc2d..3a175b6 100644
--- a/gdk/gdkgl.c
+++ b/gdk/gdkgl.c
@@ -340,18 +340,11 @@ gdk_cairo_draw_from_gl (cairo_t              *cr,
   GdkGLContext *paint_context;
   cairo_surface_t *image;
   cairo_matrix_t matrix;
-  int dx, dy, window_scale;
-  gboolean trivial_transform;
-  cairo_surface_t *group_target;
-  GdkWindow *direct_window, *impl_window;
   guint framebuffer;
   int alpha_size = 0;
   cairo_region_t *clip_region;
   GdkGLContextPaintData *paint_data;
-  impl_window = window->impl_window;
-  window_scale = gdk_window_get_scale_factor (impl_window);
+  int major, minor, version;
   paint_context = gdk_window_get_paint_gl_context (window, NULL);
   if (paint_context == NULL)
@@ -388,324 +381,71 @@ gdk_cairo_draw_from_gl (cairo_t              *cr,
-  group_target = cairo_get_group_target (cr);
-  direct_window = cairo_surface_get_user_data (group_target, &direct_key);
   cairo_get_matrix (cr, &matrix);
-  dx = matrix.x0;
-  dy = matrix.y0;
-  /* Trivial == integer-only translation */
-  trivial_transform =
-    (double)dx == matrix.x0 && (double)dy == matrix.y0 &&
-    matrix.xx == 1.0 && matrix.xy == 0.0 &&
-    matrix.yx == 0.0 && matrix.yy == 1.0;
-  /* For direct paint of non-alpha renderbuffer, we can
-     just do a bitblit */
-  if ((_gdk_gl_flags & GDK_GL_SOFTWARE_DRAW_GL) == 0 &&
-      source_type == GL_RENDERBUFFER &&
-      alpha_size == 0 &&
-      direct_window != NULL &&
-      direct_window->current_paint.use_gl &&
-      trivial_transform &&
-      clip_region != NULL)
-    {
-      int unscaled_window_height;
-      int i;
+  gdk_gl_context_get_version (paint_context, &major, &minor);
+  version = major * 100 + minor;
-      /* Create a framebuffer with the source renderbuffer and
-         make it the current target for reads */
-      framebuffer = paint_data->tmp_framebuffer;
-      glBindFramebufferEXT (GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, framebuffer);
-      glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT (GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT,
-                                    GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, source);
-      glBindFramebufferEXT (GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, 0);
-      /* Translate to impl coords */
-      cairo_region_translate (clip_region, dx, dy);
+  /* TODO: Use glTexSubImage2D() and do a row-by-row copy to replace
+   * the GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH support
+   */
+  if (gdk_gl_context_get_use_es (paint_context) &&
+      !(version >= 300 || gdk_gl_context_has_unpack_subimage (paint_context)))
+    goto out;
-      glEnable (GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
+  /* TODO: avoid reading back non-required data due to dest clip */
+  image = cairo_surface_create_similar_image (cairo_get_target (cr),
+                                              (alpha_size == 0) ? CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24 : CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32,
+                                              width, height);
-      gdk_window_get_unscaled_size (impl_window, NULL, &unscaled_window_height);
-      /* We can use glDrawBuffer on OpenGL only; on GLES 2.0 we are already
-       * double buffered so we don't need it...
-       */
-      if (!gdk_gl_context_get_use_es (paint_context))
-        glDrawBuffer (GL_BACK);
-      else
-        {
-          int maj, min;
-          gdk_gl_context_get_version (paint_context, &maj, &min);
-          /* ... but on GLES 3.0 we can use the vectorized glDrawBuffers
-           * call.
-           */
-          if ((maj * 100 + min) >= 300)
-            {
-              static const GLenum buffers[] = { GL_BACK };
-              glDrawBuffers (G_N_ELEMENTS (buffers), buffers);
-            }
-        }
-#define FLIP_Y(_y) (unscaled_window_height - (_y))
-      for (i = 0; i < cairo_region_num_rectangles (clip_region); i++)
-        {
-          cairo_rectangle_int_t clip_rect, dest;
-          cairo_region_get_rectangle (clip_region, i, &clip_rect);
-          clip_rect.x *= window_scale;
-          clip_rect.y *= window_scale;
-          clip_rect.width *= window_scale;
-          clip_rect.height *= window_scale;
-          glScissor (clip_rect.x, FLIP_Y (clip_rect.y + clip_rect.height),
-                     clip_rect.width, clip_rect.height);
-          dest.x = dx * window_scale;
-          dest.y = dy * window_scale;
-          dest.width = width * window_scale / buffer_scale;
-          dest.height = height * window_scale / buffer_scale;
-          if (gdk_rectangle_intersect (&clip_rect, &dest, &dest))
-            {
-              int clipped_src_x = x + (dest.x - dx * window_scale);
-              int clipped_src_y = y + (height - dest.height - (dest.y - dy * window_scale));
-              glBlitFramebufferEXT(clipped_src_x, clipped_src_y,
-                                   (clipped_src_x + dest.width), (clipped_src_y + dest.height),
-                                   dest.x, FLIP_Y(dest.y + dest.height),
-                                   dest.x + dest.width, FLIP_Y(dest.y),
-                                   GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, GL_NEAREST);
-              if (impl_window->current_paint.flushed_region)
-                {
-                  cairo_rectangle_int_t flushed_rect;
-                  flushed_rect.x = dest.x / window_scale;
-                  flushed_rect.y = dest.y / window_scale;
-                  flushed_rect.width = (dest.x + dest.width + window_scale - 1) / window_scale - 
-                  flushed_rect.height = (dest.y + dest.height + window_scale - 1) / window_scale - 
-                  cairo_region_union_rectangle (impl_window->current_paint.flushed_region,
-                                                &flushed_rect);
-                  cairo_region_subtract_rectangle (impl_window->current_paint.need_blend_region,
-                                                   &flushed_rect);
-                }
-            }
-        }
+  cairo_surface_set_device_scale (image, buffer_scale, buffer_scale);
-      glDisable (GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
+  framebuffer = paint_data->tmp_framebuffer;
+  glBindFramebufferEXT (GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, framebuffer);
-      glBindFramebufferEXT (GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, 0);
-#undef FLIP_Y
-    }
-  /* For direct paint of alpha or non-alpha textures we can use texturing */
-  else if ((_gdk_gl_flags & GDK_GL_SOFTWARE_DRAW_GL) == 0 &&
-           source_type == GL_TEXTURE &&
-           direct_window != NULL &&
-           direct_window->current_paint.use_gl &&
-           trivial_transform &&
-           clip_region != NULL)
+  if (source_type == GL_RENDERBUFFER)
-      int unscaled_window_height;
-      GLint texture_width;
-      GLint texture_height;
-      int i, n_rects, n_quads;
-      GdkTexturedQuad *quads;
-      cairo_rectangle_int_t clip_rect;
-      /* Translate to impl coords */
-      cairo_region_translate (clip_region, dx, dy);
-      if (alpha_size != 0)
-        {
-          cairo_region_t *opaque_region, *blend_region;
-          opaque_region = cairo_region_copy (clip_region);
-          cairo_region_subtract (opaque_region, impl_window->current_paint.flushed_region);
-          cairo_region_subtract (opaque_region, impl_window->current_paint.need_blend_region);
-          if (!cairo_region_is_empty (opaque_region))
-            gdk_gl_texture_from_surface (impl_window->current_paint.surface,
-                                         opaque_region);
-          blend_region = cairo_region_copy (clip_region);
-          cairo_region_intersect (blend_region, impl_window->current_paint.need_blend_region);
-          glEnable (GL_BLEND);
-          if (!cairo_region_is_empty (blend_region))
-            gdk_gl_texture_from_surface (impl_window->current_paint.surface,
-                                         blend_region);
-          cairo_region_destroy (opaque_region);
-          cairo_region_destroy (blend_region);
-        }
-      glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, source);
-      if (gdk_gl_context_get_use_es (paint_context))
-        {
-          texture_width = width;
-          texture_height = height;
-        }
-      else
-        {
-          glGetTexLevelParameteriv (GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH, &texture_width);
-          glGetTexLevelParameteriv (GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_TEXTURE_HEIGHT, &texture_height);
-        }
-      glTexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT);
-      glTexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_REPEAT);
-      glEnable (GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
-      gdk_window_get_unscaled_size (impl_window, NULL, &unscaled_window_height);
-#define FLIP_Y(_y) (unscaled_window_height - (_y))
-      cairo_region_get_extents (clip_region, &clip_rect);
-      glScissor (clip_rect.x * window_scale, FLIP_Y ((clip_rect.y + clip_rect.height) * window_scale),
-                 clip_rect.width * window_scale, clip_rect.height * window_scale);
-      n_quads = 0;
-      n_rects = cairo_region_num_rectangles (clip_region);
-      quads = g_new (GdkTexturedQuad, n_rects);
-      for (i = 0; i < n_rects; i++)
-        {
-          cairo_rectangle_int_t dest;
-          cairo_region_get_rectangle (clip_region, i, &clip_rect);
-          clip_rect.x *= window_scale;
-          clip_rect.y *= window_scale;
-          clip_rect.width *= window_scale;
-          clip_rect.height *= window_scale;
-          dest.x = dx * window_scale;
-          dest.y = dy * window_scale;
-          dest.width = width * window_scale / buffer_scale;
-          dest.height = height * window_scale / buffer_scale;
-          if (gdk_rectangle_intersect (&clip_rect, &dest, &dest))
-            {
-              int clipped_src_x = x + (dest.x - dx * window_scale);
-              int clipped_src_y = y + (height - dest.height - (dest.y - dy * window_scale));
-              GdkTexturedQuad quad = {
-                dest.x, FLIP_Y(dest.y),
-                dest.x + dest.width, FLIP_Y(dest.y + dest.height),
-                clipped_src_x / (float)texture_width, (clipped_src_y + dest.height) / (float)texture_height,
-                (clipped_src_x + dest.width) / (float)texture_width, clipped_src_y / (float)texture_height,
-              };
-              quads[n_quads++] = quad;
-              if (impl_window->current_paint.flushed_region)
-                {
-                  cairo_rectangle_int_t flushed_rect;
-                  flushed_rect.x = dest.x / window_scale;
-                  flushed_rect.y = dest.y / window_scale;
-                  flushed_rect.width = (dest.x + dest.width + window_scale - 1) / window_scale - 
-                  flushed_rect.height = (dest.y + dest.height + window_scale - 1) / window_scale - 
-                  cairo_region_union_rectangle (impl_window->current_paint.flushed_region,
-                                                &flushed_rect);
-                  cairo_region_subtract_rectangle (impl_window->current_paint.need_blend_region,
-                                                   &flushed_rect);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-      if (n_quads > 0)
-        gdk_gl_texture_quads (paint_context, GL_TEXTURE_2D, n_quads, quads, FALSE);
-      g_free (quads);
-      if (alpha_size != 0)
-        glDisable (GL_BLEND);
-#undef FLIP_Y
+      /* Create a framebuffer with the source renderbuffer and
+         make it the current target for reads */
+      glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT (GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT,
+                                    GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, source);
-      /* Software fallback */
-      int major, minor, version;
-      gdk_gl_context_get_version (paint_context, &major, &minor);
-      version = major * 100 + minor;
-      /* TODO: Use glTexSubImage2D() and do a row-by-row copy to replace
-       * the GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH support
-       */
-      if (gdk_gl_context_get_use_es (paint_context) &&
-          !(version >= 300 || gdk_gl_context_has_unpack_subimage (paint_context)))
-        goto out;
-      /* TODO: avoid reading back non-required data due to dest clip */
-      image = cairo_surface_create_similar_image (cairo_get_target (cr),
-                                                  (alpha_size == 0) ? CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24 : 
-                                                  width, height);
-      cairo_surface_set_device_scale (image, buffer_scale, buffer_scale);
-      framebuffer = paint_data->tmp_framebuffer;
-      glBindFramebufferEXT (GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, framebuffer);
-      if (source_type == GL_RENDERBUFFER)
-        {
-          /* Create a framebuffer with the source renderbuffer and
-             make it the current target for reads */
-          glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT (GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT,
-                                        GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, source);
-        }
-      else
-        {
-                                     GL_TEXTURE_2D, source, 0);
-        }
+                                 GL_TEXTURE_2D, source, 0);
+    }
-      glPixelStorei (GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 4);
-      glPixelStorei (GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH, cairo_image_surface_get_stride (image) / 4);
+  glPixelStorei (GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 4);
+  glPixelStorei (GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH, cairo_image_surface_get_stride (image) / 4);
-      /* The implicit format conversion is going to make this path slower */
-      if (!gdk_gl_context_get_use_es (paint_context))
-        glReadPixels (x, y, width, height, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV,
-                      cairo_image_surface_get_data (image));
-      else
-        glReadPixels (x, y, width, height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,
-                      cairo_image_surface_get_data (image));
+  /* The implicit format conversion is going to make this path slower */
+  if (!gdk_gl_context_get_use_es (paint_context))
+    glReadPixels (x, y, width, height, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV,
+                  cairo_image_surface_get_data (image));
+  else
+    glReadPixels (x, y, width, height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,
+                  cairo_image_surface_get_data (image));
-      glPixelStorei (GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0);
+  glPixelStorei (GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0);
-      glBindFramebufferEXT (GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, 0);
+  glBindFramebufferEXT (GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, 0);
-      cairo_surface_mark_dirty (image);
+  cairo_surface_mark_dirty (image);
-      /* Invert due to opengl having different origin */
-      cairo_scale (cr, 1, -1);
-      cairo_translate (cr, 0, -height / buffer_scale);
+  /* Invert due to opengl having different origin */
+  cairo_scale (cr, 1, -1);
+  cairo_translate (cr, 0, -height / buffer_scale);
-      cairo_set_source_surface (cr, image, 0, 0);
-      cairo_set_operator (cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER);
-      cairo_paint (cr);
+  cairo_set_source_surface (cr, image, 0, 0);
+  cairo_set_operator (cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER);
+  cairo_paint (cr);
-      cairo_surface_destroy (image);
-    }
+  cairo_surface_destroy (image);
   if (clip_region)
     cairo_region_destroy (clip_region);
 /* This is always called with the paint context current */
@@ -726,6 +466,7 @@ gdk_gl_texture_from_surface (cairo_surface_t *surface,
   float umax, vmax;
   gboolean use_texture_rectangle;
   guint target;
   paint_context = gdk_gl_context_get_current ();
   if ((_gdk_gl_flags & GDK_GL_SOFTWARE_DRAW_SURFACE) == 0 &&
       paint_context &&
diff --git a/gdk/gdkinternals.h b/gdk/gdkinternals.h
index 9700627..7bce8f9 100644
--- a/gdk/gdkinternals.h
+++ b/gdk/gdkinternals.h
@@ -187,74 +187,6 @@ struct _GdkWindow
   GList children_list_node;
   GList *native_children;
-  /* The paint logic here is a bit complex because of our intermingling of
-   * cairo and GL. Let's first go over the cairo-alone case:
-   *
-   *  1) gdk_window_begin_paint_region() is called with an update region. If
-   *     the backend wants it, we redirect drawing to a temporary surface
-   *     sized the same as the update region and set `surface_needs_composite`
-   *     to TRUE. Otherwise, we paint directly onto the real server-side window.
-   *
-   *  2) Things paint with cairo using GdkDrawingContext
-   *
-   *  3) When everything is painted, the user calls gdk_window_end_paint().
-   *     If there was a temporary surface, this is composited back onto the
-   *     real backing surface in the appropriate places.
-   *
-   * This is similar to double buffering, except we only have partial surfaces
-   * of undefined contents, and instead of swapping between two buffers, we
-   * create a new temporary buffer every time.
-   *
-   * When we add GL to the mix, we have this instead:
-   *
-   *  1) gdk_window_begin_paint_region() is called with an update region like
-   *     before. We always redirect cairo drawing to a temporary surface when
-   *     GL is enabled.
-   *
-   *  2) Things paint with cairo using GdkDrawingContext. Whenever
-   *     something paints, it calls gdk_window_mark_paint_from_clip() to mark
-   *     which regions it has painted in software. We'll learn what this does
-   *     soon.
-   *
-   *  3) Something paints with GL and uses gdk_cairo_draw_from_gl() to
-   *     composite back into the scene. We paint this onto the backing
-   *     store for the window *immediately* by using GL, rather than
-   *     painting to the temporary surface, and keep track of the area that
-   *     we've painted in `flushed_region`.
-   *
-   *  4) Something paints using software again. It calls
-   *     gdk_window_mark_paint_from_clip(), which subtracts the region it
-   *     has painted from `flushed_region` and adds the region to
-   *     `needs_blended_region`.
-   *
-   *  5) Something paints using GL again, using gdk_cairo_draw_from_gl().
-   *     It paints directly to the backing store, removes the region it
-   *     painted from `needs_blended_region`, and adds to `flushed_region`.
-   *
-   *  6) gdk_window_end_paint() is called. It composites the temporary surface
-   *     back to the window, using GL, except it doesn't bother copying
-   *     `flushed_region`, and when it paints `needs_blended_region`, it also
-   *     turns on GL blending.
-   *
-   * That means that at any point in time, we have three regions:
-   *
-   *   * `region` - This is the original invalidated region and is never
-   *     touched.
-   *
-   *   * `flushed_region` - This is the portion of `region` that has GL
-   *     contents that have been painted directly to the window, and
-   *     doesn't have any cairo drawing painted over it.
-   *
-   *   * `needs_blended_region` - This is the portion of `region` that
-   *     GL contents that have part cairo drawing painted over it.
-   *     gdk_window_end_paint() will draw this region using blending.
-   *
-   * `flushed_region` and `needs_blended_region` never intersect, and the
-   * rest of `region` that isn't covered by either is the "opaque region",
-   * which is any area of cairo drawing that didn't ever intersect with GL.
-   * We can paint these from GL without turning on blending.
-   **/
   struct {
     /* The temporary surface that we're painting to. This will be composited
      * back into the window when we call end_paint. This is our poor-man's
@@ -262,11 +194,8 @@ struct _GdkWindow
     cairo_surface_t *surface;
     cairo_region_t *region;
-    cairo_region_t *flushed_region;
-    cairo_region_t *need_blend_region;
     gboolean surface_needs_composite;
-    gboolean use_gl;
   } current_paint;
   GdkGLContext *gl_paint_context;
diff --git a/gdk/gdkwindow.c b/gdk/gdkwindow.c
index c6ece27..c17d03d 100644
--- a/gdk/gdkwindow.c
+++ b/gdk/gdkwindow.c
@@ -1874,12 +1874,6 @@ gdk_window_free_current_paint (GdkWindow *window)
   cairo_region_destroy (window->current_paint.region);
   window->current_paint.region = NULL;
-  cairo_region_destroy (window->current_paint.flushed_region);
-  window->current_paint.flushed_region = NULL;
-  cairo_region_destroy (window->current_paint.need_blend_region);
-  window->current_paint.need_blend_region = NULL;
   window->current_paint.surface_needs_composite = FALSE;
@@ -2719,13 +2713,9 @@ gdk_window_begin_paint_internal (GdkWindow            *window,
   cairo_region_intersect (window->current_paint.region, window->clip_region);
   cairo_region_get_extents (window->current_paint.region, &clip_box);
-  window->current_paint.flushed_region = cairo_region_create ();
-  window->current_paint.need_blend_region = cairo_region_create ();
   surface_content = gdk_window_get_content (window);
-  window->current_paint.use_gl = FALSE;
+#if 0
   if (window->current_paint.use_gl)
       GdkGLContext *context;
@@ -2757,6 +2747,7 @@ gdk_window_begin_paint_internal (GdkWindow            *window,
           glViewport (0, 0, ww, wh);
   if (needs_surface)
@@ -2806,11 +2797,10 @@ gdk_window_end_paint_internal (GdkWindow *window)
       cairo_surface_t *surface;
+#if 0
       if (window->current_paint.use_gl)
           cairo_region_t *opaque_region = cairo_region_copy (window->current_paint.region);
-          cairo_region_subtract (opaque_region, window->current_paint.flushed_region);
-          cairo_region_subtract (opaque_region, window->current_paint.need_blend_region);
           gdk_gl_context_make_current (window->gl_paint_context);
@@ -2831,23 +2821,21 @@ gdk_window_end_paint_internal (GdkWindow *window)
-      else
-        {
-          surface = gdk_window_ref_impl_surface (window);
-          cr = cairo_create (surface);
+      surface = gdk_window_ref_impl_surface (window);
+      cr = cairo_create (surface);
-          cairo_set_source_surface (cr, window->current_paint.surface, 0, 0);
-          gdk_cairo_region (cr, window->current_paint.region);
-          cairo_clip (cr);
+      cairo_set_source_surface (cr, window->current_paint.surface, 0, 0);
+      gdk_cairo_region (cr, window->current_paint.region);
+      cairo_clip (cr);
-          cairo_set_operator (cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE);
-          cairo_paint (cr);
+      cairo_set_operator (cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE);
+      cairo_paint (cr);
-          cairo_destroy (cr);
+      cairo_destroy (cr);
-          cairo_surface_flush (surface);
-          cairo_surface_destroy (surface);
-        }
+      cairo_surface_flush (surface);
+      cairo_surface_destroy (surface);
   gdk_window_free_current_paint (window);
@@ -3008,76 +2996,6 @@ gdk_window_get_drawing_context (GdkWindow *window)
- * gdk_window_mark_paint_from_clip:
- * @window: a #GdkWindow
- * @cr: a #cairo_t
- *
- * If you call this during a paint (e.g. between gdk_window_begin_paint_region()
- * and gdk_window_end_paint() then GDK will mark the current clip region of the
- * window as being drawn. This is required when mixing GL rendering via
- * gdk_cairo_draw_from_gl() and cairo rendering, as otherwise GDK has no way
- * of knowing when something paints over the GL-drawn regions.
- *
- * This is typically called automatically by GTK+ and you don't need
- * to care about this.
- *
- * Since: 3.16
- **/
-gdk_window_mark_paint_from_clip (GdkWindow *window,
-                                 cairo_t   *cr)
-  cairo_region_t *clip_region;
-  GdkWindow *impl_window = window->impl_window;
-  if (impl_window->current_paint.surface == NULL ||
-      cairo_get_target (cr) != impl_window->current_paint.surface)
-    return;
-  if (cairo_region_is_empty (impl_window->current_paint.flushed_region))
-    return;
-  /* This here seems a bit weird, but basically, we're taking the current
-     clip and applying also the flushed region, and the result is that the
-     new clip is the intersection of these. This is the area where the newly
-     drawn region overlaps a previosly flushed area, which is an area of the
-     double buffer surface that need to be blended OVER the back buffer rather
-     than SRCed. */
-  cairo_save (cr);
-  /* We set the identity matrix here so we get and apply regions in native
-     window coordinates. */
-  cairo_identity_matrix (cr);
-  gdk_cairo_region (cr, impl_window->current_paint.flushed_region);
-  cairo_clip (cr);
-  clip_region = gdk_cairo_region_from_clip (cr);
-  if (clip_region == NULL)
-    {
-      /* Failed to represent clip as region, mark all as requiring
-         blend */
-      cairo_region_union (impl_window->current_paint.need_blend_region,
-                          impl_window->current_paint.flushed_region);
-      cairo_region_destroy (impl_window->current_paint.flushed_region);
-      impl_window->current_paint.flushed_region = cairo_region_create ();
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      cairo_region_subtract (impl_window->current_paint.flushed_region, clip_region);
-      cairo_region_union (impl_window->current_paint.need_blend_region, clip_region);
-    }
-  cairo_region_destroy (clip_region);
-  /* Clear the area on the double buffer surface to transparent so we
-     can start drawing from scratch the area "above" the flushed
-     region */
-  cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-  cairo_set_operator (cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE);
-  cairo_paint (cr);
-  cairo_restore (cr);
  * gdk_window_get_clip_region:
  * @window: a #GdkWindow
diff --git a/gdk/wayland/gdkwindow-wayland.c b/gdk/wayland/gdkwindow-wayland.c
index e8db78b..4d12015 100644
--- a/gdk/wayland/gdkwindow-wayland.c
+++ b/gdk/wayland/gdkwindow-wayland.c
@@ -882,6 +882,7 @@ gdk_window_impl_wayland_begin_paint (GdkWindow *window)
 static void
 gdk_window_impl_wayland_end_paint (GdkWindow *window)
+#if 0
   GdkWindowImplWayland *impl = GDK_WINDOW_IMPL_WAYLAND (window->impl);
   cairo_rectangle_int_t rect;
   int i, n;
@@ -920,6 +921,7 @@ gdk_window_impl_wayland_end_paint (GdkWindow *window)
       impl->pending_commit = TRUE;
   gdk_wayland_window_sync_margin (window);
   gdk_wayland_window_sync_opaque_region (window);
diff --git a/gtk/gtkwidget.c b/gtk/gtkwidget.c
index d9eab4e..3d3ac7b 100644
--- a/gtk/gtkwidget.c
+++ b/gtk/gtkwidget.c
@@ -6252,24 +6252,6 @@ gtk_widget_real_mnemonic_activate (GtkWidget *widget,
   return TRUE;
-static const cairo_user_data_key_t mark_for_draw_key;
-static gboolean
-gtk_cairo_is_marked_for_draw (cairo_t *cr)
-  return cairo_get_user_data (cr, &mark_for_draw_key) != NULL;
-static void
-gtk_cairo_set_marked_for_draw (cairo_t  *cr,
-                               gboolean  marked)
-  if (marked)
-    cairo_set_user_data (cr, &mark_for_draw_key, GINT_TO_POINTER (1), NULL);
-  else
-    cairo_set_user_data (cr, &mark_for_draw_key, NULL, NULL);
 static GskRenderer *
 gtk_widget_get_renderer (GtkWidget *widget)
@@ -6333,23 +6315,6 @@ gtk_widget_draw_internal (GtkWidget *widget,
       gboolean push_group;
       RenderMode mode;
-      /* If this was a cairo_t passed via gtk_widget_draw() then we don't
-       * require a window; otherwise we check for the window associated
-       * to the drawing context and mark it using the clip region of the
-       * Cairo context.
-       */
-      if (!gtk_cairo_is_marked_for_draw (cr))
-        {
-          GdkDrawingContext *context = gdk_cairo_get_drawing_context (cr);
-          if (context != NULL)
-            {
-              event_window = gdk_drawing_context_get_window (context);
-              if (event_window != NULL)
-                gdk_window_mark_paint_from_clip (event_window, cr);
-            }
-        }
       push_group =
         widget->priv->alpha != 255 && !_gtk_widget_is_toplevel (widget);
@@ -6500,8 +6465,6 @@ void
 gtk_widget_draw (GtkWidget *widget,
                  cairo_t   *cr)
-  gboolean was_marked;
   g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget));
   g_return_if_fail (!widget->priv->alloc_needed);
   g_return_if_fail (!widget->priv->alloc_needed_on_child);
@@ -6509,17 +6472,8 @@ gtk_widget_draw (GtkWidget *widget,
   cairo_save (cr);
-  was_marked = gtk_cairo_is_marked_for_draw (cr);
-  /* We mark the window so that gtk_cairo_should_draw_window()
-   * will always return TRUE, and all GdkWindows get drawn
-   */
-  gtk_cairo_set_marked_for_draw (cr, TRUE);
   gtk_widget_draw_internal (widget, cr, TRUE);
-  gtk_cairo_set_marked_for_draw (cr, was_marked);
   cairo_restore (cr);

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