[polari/wip/fmuellner/nickserv: 2/4] telepathyClient: Ask users whether to save "identify" passwords

commit 3397da7d44e14ba3324b067e9019ae69c00adead
Author: Florian MĂźllner <fmuellner gnome org>
Date:   Tue Aug 2 21:49:13 2016 +0200

    telepathyClient: Ask users whether to save "identify" passwords
    To identify with NickServ, users don't need to actually select the
    corresponding room - they could use the /msg command or gnome-shell's
    built-in chat notifications.  As the user likely won't see the info
    bar added in the previous commit in that case, use a notification
    to ask for confirmation when the bot's room isn't active.

 src/telepathyClient.js |   41 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 1 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/telepathyClient.js b/src/telepathyClient.js
index 07aab54..63297d6 100644
--- a/src/telepathyClient.js
+++ b/src/telepathyClient.js
@@ -378,6 +378,7 @@ const TelepathyClient = new Lang.Class({
     _discardIdentifyPassword: function(accountPath) {
+        this._app.withdraw_notification(this._getIdentifyNotificationID(accountPath));
@@ -459,16 +460,31 @@ const TelepathyClient = new Lang.Class({
         return 'pending-message-%s-%d'.format(room.id, id);
+    _getIdentifyNotificationID: function(accountPath) {
+        return 'identify-password-%s'.format(accountPath);
+    },
     _createNotification: function(room, summary, body) {
         let notification = new Gio.Notification();
-        let param = GLib.Variant.new('(ssu)',
-                                     [ room.account.object_path,
-                                       room.channel_name,
-                                       Utils.getTpEventTime() ]);
-        notification.set_default_action_and_target('app.join-room', param);
+        let params = [room.account.object_path,
+                      room.channel_name,
+                      Utils.getTpEventTime()];
+        let actionName, paramFormat;
+        if (room.type == Tp.HandleType.ROOM) {
+            actionName = 'app.join-room';
+            paramFormat = '(ssu)';
+        } else {
+            actionName = 'app.message-user';
+            paramFormat = '(sssu)';
+            params.splice(2, 0, '');
+        }
+        let param = GLib.Variant.new(paramFormat, params);
+        notification.set_default_action_and_target(actionName, param);
         return notification;
@@ -481,6 +497,21 @@ const TelepathyClient = new Lang.Class({
             password: password
         this._pendingBotPasswords.set(accountPath, data);
+        if (this._app.isRoomFocused(room))
+            return;
+        let accountName = room.account.display_name;
+        /* Translators: Those are a botname and an accountName, e.g.
+           "Save NickServ password for GNOME" */
+        let summary = _("Save %s password for %s?").format(data.botname, accountName);
+        let text = _("Identification will happen automatically the next time you connect to 
+        let notification = this._createNotification(room, summary, text);
+        notification.add_button_with_target(_("Save"), 'app.save-identify-password',
+                                            new GLib.Variant('o', accountPath));
+        this._app.send_notification(this._getIdentifyNotificationID(accountPath), notification);
     _onMessageReceived: function(channel, msg) {

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