[network-manager-openvpn: 3/3] all: merge branch 'max-routes-option'

commit 83c27454ec859f6bc69c0c3042aef743f8c9acc1
Merge: 6a33808 ae6de64
Author: Thomas Haller <thaller redhat com>
Date:   Mon Aug 15 11:18:15 2016 +0200

    all: merge branch 'max-routes-option'
    Add support for max-routes option, although this option is already
    deprecated for upcoming 2.4 release [1]. But it seems 2.4 release
    takes a very long time to materialize, so lets add support for this
    option as of today everybody still uses 2.3 or older.
    [1] https://github.com/OpenVPN/openvpn/commit/d0085293e709c8a722356cfa68ad74c962aef9a2

 properties/auth-helpers.c       |   25 +++++++++++++++++-
 properties/import-export.c      |   11 ++++++++
 properties/nm-openvpn-dialog.ui |   55 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 shared/nm-service-defines.h     |    1 +
 shared/utils.h                  |    1 +
 src/nm-openvpn-service.c        |   19 +++++++++++++
 6 files changed, 111 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

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