[geary/wip/765516-gtk-widget-conversation-viewer: 84/119] Scroll to a useful location when a conversation is first loaded.
- From: Michael Gratton <mjog src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [geary/wip/765516-gtk-widget-conversation-viewer: 84/119] Scroll to a useful location when a conversation is first loaded.
- Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2016 00:23:31 +0000 (UTC)
commit d31953d41e33383e277530635ed6d16831e33be1
Author: Michael James Gratton <mike vee net>
Date: Fri Jul 22 11:59:40 2016 +1000
Scroll to a useful location when a conversation is first loaded.
Scrolls to the first expanded row (first unread, or last email) in the
conversation list box to the top when the convo is fully loaded. To
implement this cleanly, ConversationViewer's handling of ListBoxRows was
cleaned up significantly by introducing a custom subclass and moving
related funtionality there.
* src/client/conversation-viewer/conversation-viewer.vala (EmailRow): New
class for managing expanded and last row state, events needed to ensure
we can robustly scroll to the row after its message has been loaded.
(ConversationViewer::scroll_to_top): New method for scrolling to a
specific row.
(ConversationViewer::update_last_row): New method for correctly
updating the last_email_row property and the row's flags. Replace
existing ad-hoc methods of determining the last row and ensure that the
last_email_row is used instead.
(ConversationViewer::select_conversation_async): Find the first
expanded row in the newly loaded conversation, and wire it up so that
it is scrolled to when the email body is eventually loaded, and the
resulting size reallocations have taken place.
* src/client/conversation-viewer/conversation-web-view.vala
(ConversationWebView::is_height_valid): Allows checking if the web
view's height is considered to have been correctly calculated.
.../conversation-viewer/conversation-viewer.vala | 253 +++++++++++++++-----
.../conversation-viewer/conversation-web-view.vala | 7 +-
ui/geary.css | 4 +-
3 files changed, 202 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/client/conversation-viewer/conversation-viewer.vala
index e0fb3d1..e3ec8aa 100644
--- a/src/client/conversation-viewer/conversation-viewer.vala
+++ b/src/client/conversation-viewer/conversation-viewer.vala
@@ -38,6 +38,14 @@ public class ConversationViewer : Gtk.Stack {
+ // Offset from the top of the list box which emails views will
+ // scrolled to, so the user can see there are additional messages
+ // above it. XXX This is currently approx 1.5 times the height of
+ // a collapsed ConversationEmail, it should probably calculated
+ // somehow so that differences user's font size are taken into
+ // account.
+ private const int EMAIL_TOP_OFFSET = 92;
private enum ViewState {
// Main view state
@@ -63,6 +71,76 @@ public class ConversationViewer : Gtk.Stack {
+ // Custom class used to display ConversationEmail views in the
+ // conversation listbox.
+ private class EmailRow : Gtk.ListBoxRow {
+ private const string EXPANDED_CLASS = "geary-expanded";
+ private const string LAST_CLASS = "geary-last";
+ // Is the row showing the email's message body?
+ public bool is_expanded {
+ get { return get_style_context().has_class(EXPANDED_CLASS); }
+ }
+ // Designate this row as the last visible row in the
+ // conversation listbox, or not. See Bug 764710 and
+ // on_conversation_listbox_email_row_added
+ public bool is_last {
+ get { return get_style_context().has_class(LAST_CLASS); }
+ set {
+ if (value) {
+ get_style_context().add_class(LAST_CLASS);
+ } else {
+ get_style_context().remove_class(LAST_CLASS);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // We can only scroll to a specific row once it has been
+ // allocated space in the conversation listbox. This signal
+ // allows the viewer to hook up to appropriate times to try to
+ // do that scroll.
+ public signal void should_scroll();
+ public ConversationEmail view {
+ get { return (ConversationEmail) get_child(); }
+ }
+ public EmailRow(ConversationEmail view) {
+ add(view);
+ }
+ public new void expand(bool include_transitions=true) {
+ get_style_context().add_class(EXPANDED_CLASS);
+ this.view.expand_email(include_transitions);
+ }
+ public void collapse() {
+ get_style_context().remove_class(EXPANDED_CLASS);
+ this.view.collapse_email();
+ }
+ public void enable_should_scroll() {
+ this.size_allocate.connect(on_size_allocate);
+ }
+ private void on_size_allocate() {
+ // Disable should_scroll after the message body has been
+ // loaded so we don't keep on scrolling later, like when
+ // the window has been resized.
+ ConversationWebView web_view = view.primary_message.web_view;
+ if (web_view.is_height_valid &&
+ web_view.load_status == WebKit.LoadStatus.FINISHED) {
+ this.size_allocate.disconnect(on_size_allocate);
+ }
+ should_scroll();
+ }
+ }
/** Fired when an email view is added to the conversation list. */
public signal void email_row_added(ConversationEmail email);
@@ -94,7 +172,7 @@ public class ConversationViewer : Gtk.Stack {
// Conversation emails list
private Gtk.ListBox conversation_listbox;
- private Gtk.Widget? last_list_row = null;
+ private EmailRow? last_email_row = null;
// Email view with selected text, if any
private ConversationEmail? body_selected_view = null;
@@ -107,9 +185,9 @@ public class ConversationViewer : Gtk.Stack {
private Gee.TreeSet<Geary.Email> emails { get; private set; default =
new Gee.TreeSet<Geary.Email>(Geary.Email.compare_sent_date_ascending); }
- // Maps displayed emails to their corresponding ListBoxRow.
- private Gee.HashMap<Geary.EmailIdentifier, Gtk.ListBoxRow> email_to_row = new
- Gee.HashMap<Geary.EmailIdentifier, Gtk.ListBoxRow>();
+ // Maps displayed emails to their corresponding EmailRow.
+ private Gee.HashMap<Geary.EmailIdentifier, EmailRow> email_to_row = new
+ Gee.HashMap<Geary.EmailIdentifier, EmailRow>();
// State machine setup for search/find modes.
private Geary.State.MachineDescriptor search_machine_desc = new Geary.State.MachineDescriptor(
@@ -130,32 +208,23 @@ public class ConversationViewer : Gtk.Stack {
public ConversationViewer() {
// Setup the conversation list box
- conversation_listbox.set_sort_func(on_conversation_listbox_sort);
- conversation_listbox.row_activated.connect(on_conversation_listbox_row_actvated);
+ conversation_listbox.add.connect(() => {
+ update_last_row();
+ });
conversation_listbox.realize.connect(() => {
- conversation_listbox.size_allocate.connect(check_mark_read);
- conversation_listbox.add.connect((widget) => {
- // Due to Bug 764710, we can only use the CSS
- // :last-child selector for GTK themes after 3.20.3,
- // so for now manually maintain a class on the last
- // box in the convo listbox so we can emulate it.
- Gtk.Widget current_last_row =
- conversation_listbox.get_children().last().data;;
- if (last_list_row != current_last_row) {
- if (last_list_row != null) {
- last_list_row.get_style_context().remove_class("geary_last");
- }
- last_list_row = current_last_row;
- last_list_row.get_style_context().add_class("geary_last");
- }
+ conversation_listbox.row_activated.connect(
+ on_conversation_listbox_row_activated
+ );
+ conversation_listbox.set_sort_func(
+ on_conversation_listbox_sort
+ );
+ conversation_listbox.size_allocate.connect(() => {
+ check_mark_read();
// Setup state machine for search/find states.
Geary.State.Mapping[] mappings = {
new Geary.State.Mapping(SearchState.NONE, SearchEvent.RESET, on_reset),
@@ -196,11 +265,12 @@ public class ConversationViewer : Gtk.Stack {
* returned. Else the last message by sort order will be returned,
* if any.
- public ConversationEmail get_reply_email_view() {
- ConversationEmail view = this.body_selected_view;
+ public ConversationEmail? get_reply_email_view() {
+ ConversationEmail? view = this.body_selected_view;
if (view == null) {
- Geary.Email last_email = emails.is_empty ? null : emails.last();
- view = conversation_email_for_id(last_email.id);
+ if (this.last_email_row != null) {
+ view = this.last_email_row.view;
+ }
return view;
@@ -223,6 +293,7 @@ public class ConversationViewer : Gtk.Stack {
+ update_last_row();
@@ -233,6 +304,7 @@ public class ConversationViewer : Gtk.Stack {
+ update_last_row();
@@ -437,6 +509,46 @@ public class ConversationViewer : Gtk.Stack {
+ private void scroll_to(EmailRow row) {
+ Gtk.Allocation? alloc = null;
+ row.get_allocation(out alloc);
+ int y = 0;
+ if (alloc.y > EMAIL_TOP_OFFSET) {
+ y = alloc.y - EMAIL_TOP_OFFSET;
+ }
+ // XXX This doesn't always quite work right, maybe since it's
+ // hard getting a reliable height out of WebKitGTK, or maybe
+ // because we stop calling this method when the email message
+ // body has finished loading, but attachments and sub-messages
+ // may still be loading. Or both?
+ this.conversation_page.get_vadjustment().clamp_page(
+ y, y + alloc.height
+ );
+ }
+ // Due to Bug 764710, we can only use the CSS :last-child selector
+ // for GTK themes after 3.20.3, so for now manually maintain a
+ // class on the last box in the convo listbox so we can emulate
+ // it.
+ private void update_last_row() {
+ EmailRow? last = null;
+ this.conversation_listbox.foreach((child) => {
+ if (child.is_visible()) {
+ last = (EmailRow) child;
+ }
+ });
+ if (this.last_email_row != last) {
+ if (this.last_email_row != null) {
+ this.last_email_row.is_last = false;
+ }
+ this.last_email_row = last;
+ this.last_email_row.is_last = true;
+ }
+ }
private void on_folder_selected(Geary.Folder? folder) {
loading_conversations = true;
@@ -549,28 +661,62 @@ public class ConversationViewer : Gtk.Stack {
- // Add emails.
if (emails_to_add != null) {
foreach (Geary.Email email in emails_to_add)
add_email(email, conversation.is_in_current_folder(email.id));
- // Ensure the last email is always shown
- Gtk.ListBoxRow last_row =
- conversation_listbox.get_row_at_index(emails.size - 1);
- expand_email(last_row, false);
+ // Work out what the first expanded row is. We can't do this
+ // in the foreach above since that is not adding messages in
+ // order.
+ EmailRow? first_expanded_row = null;
+ this.conversation_listbox.foreach((child) => {
+ if (first_expanded_row == null) {
+ EmailRow row = (EmailRow) child;
+ if (row.is_expanded) {
+ first_expanded_row = row;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if (this.last_email_row != null) {
+ // The last email should always be expanded so the user
+ // isn't presented with a list of collapsed headers when a
+ // conversation has no unread messages.
+ this.last_email_row.expand(false);
+ if (first_expanded_row == null) {
+ first_expanded_row = this.last_email_row;
+ }
+ // The first expanded row (i.e. first unread or simply the
+ // last message) is scrolled to the top of the visible
+ // area. We need to wait the web view to load first, so
+ // that the message has a non-trivial height, and then
+ // wait for it to be reallocated, so that it picks up the
+ // web_view's height.
+ first_expanded_row.should_scroll.connect((row) => {
+ scroll_to(row);
+ });
+ first_expanded_row.enable_should_scroll();
+ }
+ if (state == ViewState.CONVERSATION) {
+ set_visible_child(conversation_page);
+ }
+ this.loading_conversations = false;
+ debug("Conversation loading complete");
+ // Only do search highlighting after all loading is complete
+ // since it's async, and hence things like the conversation
+ // changing could happen in the mean time
if (current_folder is Geary.SearchFolder) {
yield highlight_search_terms();
} else {
- loading_conversations = false;
- if (state == ViewState.CONVERSATION) {
- debug("Emails loaded\n");
- set_visible_child(conversation_page);
- }
private void on_select_conversation_completed(Object? source, AsyncResult result) {
@@ -589,13 +735,13 @@ public class ConversationViewer : Gtk.Stack {
return Geary.Email.compare_sent_date_ascending(msg1.email, msg2.email);
- private void on_conversation_listbox_row_actvated(Gtk.ListBoxRow row) {
- ConversationEmail? msg = row.get_child() as ConversationEmail;
- if (msg != null && !row.get_style_context().has_class("geary_last")) {
- if (msg.is_collapsed) {
- expand_email(row);
+ private void on_conversation_listbox_row_activated(Gtk.ListBoxRow widget) {
+ EmailRow row = (EmailRow) widget;
+ if (!row.is_last) {
+ if (row.is_expanded) {
+ row.collapse();
} else {
- collapse_email(row);
+ row.expand();
@@ -757,15 +903,14 @@ public class ConversationViewer : Gtk.Stack {
- Gtk.ListBoxRow row = new Gtk.ListBoxRow();
+ EmailRow row = new EmailRow(conversation_email);
- row.add(conversation_email);
email_to_row.set(email.id, row);
if (email.is_unread() == Geary.Trillian.TRUE) {
- expand_email(row, false);
+ row.expand(false);
@@ -774,6 +919,8 @@ public class ConversationViewer : Gtk.Stack {
// Update the search results
//if (conversation_find_bar.visible)
// conversation_find_bar.commence_search();
+ return;
private void remove_email(Geary.Email email) {
@@ -784,16 +931,6 @@ public class ConversationViewer : Gtk.Stack {
- private void expand_email(Gtk.ListBoxRow row, bool include_transitions=true) {
- row.get_style_context().add_class("geary_expand");
- ((ConversationEmail) row.get_child()).expand_email(include_transitions);
- }
- private void collapse_email(Gtk.ListBoxRow row) {
- row.get_style_context().remove_class("geary_expand");
- ((ConversationEmail) row.get_child()).collapse_email();
- }
private void compress_emails() {
@@ -912,7 +1049,7 @@ public class ConversationViewer : Gtk.Stack {
private ConversationEmail? conversation_email_for_id(Geary.EmailIdentifier id) {
- return (ConversationEmail) email_to_row.get(id).get_child();
+ return email_to_row.get(id).view;
diff --git a/src/client/conversation-viewer/conversation-web-view.vala
index 18fe0a8..280b1c7 100644
--- a/src/client/conversation-viewer/conversation-web-view.vala
+++ b/src/client/conversation-viewer/conversation-web-view.vala
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ public class ConversationWebView : StylishWebView {
public string allow_prefix { get; private set; default = ""; }
+ public bool is_height_valid = false;
private FileMonitor? user_style_monitor = null;
public signal void link_selected(string link);
@@ -79,8 +81,9 @@ public class ConversationWebView : StylishWebView {
// failures/warnings. If we get one, log it and limit it. A
// value of ~22000 was crashing my xserver with a WebView
// width of around 745.
- const int MAX = 10000;
- if (preferred_height > MAX) {
+ const int MAX = 15000;
+ this.is_height_valid = preferred_height > MAX;
+ if (this.is_height_valid) {
warning("WebView height reported as %i/%li, clamping",
diff --git a/ui/geary.css b/ui/geary.css
index e1cea35..0eaa29a 100644
--- a/ui/geary.css
+++ b/ui/geary.css
@@ -70,11 +70,11 @@ row.geary-folder-popover-list-row > label {
#conversation_listbox > row:hover > box {
background: shade(@theme_base_color, 0.96);
-#conversation_listbox > row.geary_expand {
+#conversation_listbox > row.geary-expanded {
margin-bottom: 6px;
border-bottom-width: 1px;
-#conversation_listbox > row.geary_last {
+#conversation_listbox > row.geary-last {
margin-bottom: 0;
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