[evolution/wip/webkit2] Add some paste clipboard tests and a "wait" command

commit a6d4937a404faa8e4537339437bc0148aba1b136
Author: Milan Crha <mcrha redhat com>
Date:   Mon Aug 8 20:02:57 2016 +0200

    Add some paste clipboard tests and a "wait" command

 e-util/test-html-editor-units-utils.c |   24 ++++++++
 e-util/test-html-editor-units-utils.h |    2 +
 e-util/test-html-editor-units.c       |   96 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 122 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/e-util/test-html-editor-units-utils.c b/e-util/test-html-editor-units-utils.c
index 36cb08e..cd71d14 100644
--- a/e-util/test-html-editor-units-utils.c
+++ b/e-util/test-html-editor-units-utils.c
@@ -794,6 +794,7 @@ test_utils_pick_undo_content (const GSList *undo_stack,
              / seqcmd    ; Sequence of special key strokes
              / typecmd   ; Type a text
              / undocmd   ; Undo/redo commands
+             / waitcmd   ; Wait command
    actioncmd = "action:" name
@@ -830,6 +831,8 @@ test_utils_pick_undo_content (const GSList *undo_stack,
             / "drop" [ ":" number ] ; Forgets saved content, if 'number' is provided, then top number saves 
are forgotten
             / "test" [ ":" number ] ; Tests current editor content against any previously saved state; the 
                                      ; 'number' argument can be used to specify which exact previous state 
to use
+   waitcmd   = "wait:" milliseconds  ; waits for 'milliseconds'
 test_utils_process_commands (TestFixture *fixture,
@@ -915,6 +918,8 @@ test_utils_process_commands (TestFixture *fixture,
                        test_utils_wait_milliseconds (event_processing_delay_ms);
+               } else if (g_str_has_prefix (command, "wait:")) {
+                       test_utils_wait_milliseconds (atoi (command + 5));
                } else if (*command) {
                        g_warning ("%s: Unknown command '%s'", G_STRFUNC, command);
                        success = FALSE;
@@ -994,3 +999,22 @@ test_utils_insert_content (TestFixture *fixture,
        cnt_editor = e_html_editor_get_content_editor (fixture->editor);
        e_content_editor_insert_content (cnt_editor, content, flags);
+test_utils_set_clipboard_text (const gchar *text,
+                              gboolean is_html)
+       GtkClipboard *clipboard;
+       g_return_if_fail (text != NULL);
+       clipboard = gtk_clipboard_get (GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD);
+       gtk_clipboard_clear (clipboard);
+       if (is_html) {
+               e_clipboard_set_html (clipboard, text, -1);
+       } else {
+               gtk_clipboard_set_text (clipboard, text, -1);
+       }
diff --git a/e-util/test-html-editor-units-utils.h b/e-util/test-html-editor-units-utils.h
index 78f470c..15bf7bf 100644
--- a/e-util/test-html-editor-units-utils.h
+++ b/e-util/test-html-editor-units-utils.h
@@ -82,5 +82,7 @@ gboolean      test_utils_run_simple_test      (TestFixture *fixture,
 void           test_utils_insert_content       (TestFixture *fixture,
                                                 const gchar *content,
                                                 EContentEditorInsertContentFlags flags);
+void           test_utils_set_clipboard_text   (const gchar *text,
+                                                gboolean is_html);
diff --git a/e-util/test-html-editor-units.c b/e-util/test-html-editor-units.c
index 97f2511..981ef3b 100644
--- a/e-util/test-html-editor-units.c
+++ b/e-util/test-html-editor-units.c
@@ -1213,6 +1213,96 @@ test_paragraph_wrap_lines (TestFixture *fixture)
                g_test_fail ();
+static void
+test_paste_html2html (TestFixture *fixture)
+       test_utils_set_clipboard_text ("<html><body>some <b>bold</b> text</body></html>", TRUE);
+       if (!test_utils_run_simple_test (fixture,
+               "mode:html\n"
+               "type:text before \n"
+               "action:paste\n"
+               "type: text after\n",
+               HTML_PREFIX "<p>text before some <b>bold</b> text text after</p>" HTML_SUFFIX,
+               "text before some bold text text after\n"))
+               g_test_fail ();
+static void
+test_paste_html2plain (TestFixture *fixture)
+       test_utils_set_clipboard_text ("<html><body>some <b>bold</b> text</body></html>", TRUE);
+       if (!test_utils_run_simple_test (fixture,
+               "mode:plain\n"
+               "type:text before \n"
+               "action:paste\n"
+               "type: text after\n",
+               HTML_PREFIX_PLAIN "<p style=\"width: 71ch;\">text before some bold text text after</p>" 
+               "text before some bold text text after\n"))
+               g_test_fail ();
+static void
+test_paste_plain2html (TestFixture *fixture)
+       test_utils_set_clipboard_text ("some plain text", FALSE);
+       if (!test_utils_run_simple_test (fixture,
+               "mode:html\n"
+               "type:text before \n"
+               "action:paste\n"
+               "type: text after\n",
+               HTML_PREFIX "<p>text before some plain text text after</p>" HTML_SUFFIX,
+               "text before some plain text text after\n"))
+               g_test_fail ();
+static void
+test_paste_plain2plain (TestFixture *fixture)
+       test_utils_set_clipboard_text ("some plain text", FALSE);
+       if (!test_utils_run_simple_test (fixture,
+               "mode:plain\n"
+               "type:text before \n"
+               "action:paste\n"
+               "type: text after\n",
+               HTML_PREFIX_PLAIN "<p style=\"width: 71ch;\">text before some plain text text after</p>" 
+               "text before some plain text text after\n"))
+               g_test_fail ();
+static void
+test_paste_quoted_html (TestFixture *fixture)
+       test_utils_set_clipboard_text ("<html><body>some <b>bold</b> text</body></html>", TRUE);
+       if (!test_utils_run_simple_test (fixture,
+               "mode:html\n"
+               "type:text before \n"
+               "action:paste-quote\n"
+               "type: text after\n",
+               HTML_PREFIX "<p>text before some <b>bold</b> text text after</p>" HTML_SUFFIX,
+               "text before some bold text text after\n"))
+               g_test_fail ();
+static void
+test_paste_quoted_plain (TestFixture *fixture)
+       test_utils_set_clipboard_text ("some plain text", FALSE);
+       if (!test_utils_run_simple_test (fixture,
+               "mode:plain\n"
+               "type:text before \n"
+               "action:paste-quote\n"
+               "type: text after\n",
+               HTML_PREFIX_PLAIN "<p style=\"width: 71ch;\">text before some plain text text after</p>" 
+               "text before some plain text text after\n"))
+               g_test_fail ();
 main (gint argc,
       gchar *argv[])
@@ -1322,6 +1412,12 @@ main (gint argc,
        add_test ("/paragraph/header6/selection", test_paragraph_header6_selection);
        add_test ("/paragraph/header6/typed", test_paragraph_header6_typed);
        add_test ("/paragraph/wrap-lines", test_paragraph_wrap_lines);
+       add_test ("/paste/html2html", test_paste_html2html);
+       add_test ("/paste/html2plain", test_paste_html2plain);
+       add_test ("/paste/plain2html", test_paste_plain2html);
+       add_test ("/paste/plain2plain", test_paste_plain2plain);
+       add_test ("/paste/quoted/html", test_paste_quoted_html);
+       add_test ("/paste/quoted/plain", test_paste_quoted_plain);
        #undef add_test

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