[evolution/wip/webkit2] EHTMLEditorView - Replace citation marks to actual citation in one round

commit c04fb69cb8f0b05b579cef7e4187aed9c2cace56
Author: Tomas Popela <tpopela redhat com>
Date:   Fri Aug 5 16:24:14 2016 +0200

    EHTMLEditorView - Replace citation marks to actual citation in one round

 .../web-extension/e-editor-dom-functions.c         |   46 ++++++++++++++++---
 1 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
diff --git a/modules/webkit-editor/web-extension/e-editor-dom-functions.c 
index 6cbe630..466b776 100644
--- a/modules/webkit-editor/web-extension/e-editor-dom-functions.c
+++ b/modules/webkit-editor/web-extension/e-editor-dom-functions.c
@@ -5063,6 +5063,40 @@ remove_new_lines_around_citations (const gchar *input)
        return str;
+static GString *
+replace_citation_marks_to_citations (const gchar *input)
+       GString *str = NULL;
+       const gchar *p, *next;
+       str = g_string_new ("");
+       /* Replaces text markers with actual HTML blockquotes */
+       p = input;
+       while (next = strstr (p, "##CITATION_"), next) {
+               gchar citation_type = 0;
+               if (p < next)
+                       g_string_append_len (str, p, next - p);
+               if (next + 11)
+                       citation_type = next[11];
+               /* ##CITATION_START## */
+               if (citation_type == 'S') {
+                       g_string_append (str, "<blockquote type=\"cite\">");
+                       p = next + 18;
+               } else if (citation_type == 'E') {
+                       g_string_append (str, "</blockquote>");
+                       p = next + 16;
+               } else
+                       p = next + 11;
+       }
+       g_string_append (str, p);
+       return str;
 /* This parses the HTML code (that contains just text, &nbsp; and BR elements)
  * into blocks.
  * HTML code in that format we can get by taking innerText from some element,
@@ -5256,19 +5290,15 @@ parse_html_into_blocks (EEditorPage *editor_page,
        if (has_citation) {
                gchar *inner_html;
-               GString *start, *end;
+               GString *parsed;
                /* Replace text markers with actual HTML blockquotes */
                inner_html = webkit_dom_element_get_inner_html (parent);
-               start = e_str_replace_string (
-                       inner_html, "##CITATION_START##","<blockquote type=\"cite\">");
-               end = e_str_replace_string (
-                       start->str, "##CITATION_END##", "</blockquote>");
-               webkit_dom_element_set_inner_html (parent, end->str, NULL);
+               parsed = replace_citation_marks_to_citations (inner_html);
+               webkit_dom_element_set_inner_html (parent, parsed->str, NULL);
                g_free (inner_html);
-               g_string_free (start, TRUE);
-               g_string_free (end, TRUE);
+               g_string_free (parsed, TRUE);
        g_string_free (html, TRUE);

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