[evolution] Simplify and fix how the HTML is parsed into composer's DOM structure

commit 4bd1a93b4aaa7d239687621c109031617cfbf785
Author: Tomas Popela <tpopela redhat com>
Date:   Fri Aug 5 14:36:43 2016 +0200

    Simplify and fix how the HTML is parsed into composer's DOM structure
    Rework and simplify the parse_html_into_blocks():
     * instead of removing new lines around citations when processing them, remove
       them in advance - this allowed us to dramatically simplify the code and also
       fix the code path when it was possible to lost some parts of the parsed text
     * remove the option that was allowing to detect blocks as it was disabled and
       the code was not quite ready - need to find a better solution or implement a
       crystal ball..

 e-util/e-html-editor-view.c |  477 +++++++++++-------------------------------
 1 files changed, 125 insertions(+), 352 deletions(-)
diff --git a/e-util/e-html-editor-view.c b/e-util/e-html-editor-view.c
index 02f32fe..90f881a 100644
--- a/e-util/e-html-editor-view.c
+++ b/e-util/e-html-editor-view.c
@@ -61,8 +61,6 @@
 #define d(x)
@@ -7260,74 +7258,6 @@ append_citation_mark (WebKitDOMDocument *document,
-static glong
-get_decoded_line_length (WebKitDOMDocument *document,
-                         const gchar *line_text)
-       glong total_length = 0, length = 0;
-       WebKitDOMElement *decode;
-       WebKitDOMNode *node;
-       decode = webkit_dom_document_create_element (document, "DIV", NULL);
-       webkit_dom_html_element_set_inner_html (
-               WEBKIT_DOM_HTML_ELEMENT (decode), line_text, NULL);
-       node = webkit_dom_node_get_first_child (WEBKIT_DOM_NODE (decode));
-       while (node) {
-               if (WEBKIT_DOM_IS_TEXT (node)) {
-                       gulong text_length = 0;
-                       text_length = webkit_dom_character_data_get_length (WEBKIT_DOM_CHARACTER_DATA (node));
-                       total_length += text_length;
-                       length += text_length;
-               } else if (WEBKIT_DOM_IS_ELEMENT (node)) {
-                       if (element_has_class (WEBKIT_DOM_ELEMENT (node), "Apple-tab-span")) {
-                               total_length += TAB_LENGTH - length % TAB_LENGTH;
-                               length = 0;
-                       }
-               }
-               node = webkit_dom_node_get_next_sibling (node);
-       }
-       g_object_unref (decode);
-       return total_length;
-static gboolean
-check_if_end_block (const gchar *input,
-                    glong length,
-                    gboolean preserve_next_line)
-       const gchar *next_space;
-       next_space = strstr (input, " ");
-       if (next_space) {
-               const gchar *next_br;
-               glong length_next_word =
-                       next_space - input - 4;
-               if (g_str_has_prefix (input + 4, "<br>"))
-                       length_next_word = 0;
-               if (length_next_word > 0)
-                       next_br = strstr (input + 4, "<br>");
-               if (length_next_word > 0 && next_br < next_space)
-                       length_next_word = 0;
-               if (length_next_word + length < 72)
-                       return TRUE;
-       } else {
-               /* If the current text to insert doesn't contain space we
-                * have to look on the previous line if we were preserving
-                * the block or not */
-               return !preserve_next_line;
-       }
-       return FALSE;
 static void
 replace_selection_markers (gchar **text)
@@ -7359,6 +7289,54 @@ replace_selection_markers (gchar **text)
+static GString *
+remove_new_lines_around_citations (const gchar *input)
+       GString *str = NULL;
+       const gchar *p, *next;
+       str = g_string_new ("");
+       printf ("%s\n", input);
+       /* Remove the new lines around citations:
+        * Replace <br><br>##CITATION_START## with <br>##CITATION_START##
+        * Replace ##CITATION_START##<br><br> with ##CITATION_START##<br>
+        * Replace <br>##CITATION_END## with ##CITATION_END## */
+       p = input;
+       while (next = strstr (p, "##CITATION_"), next) {
+               gchar citation_type = 0;
+               if (p < next)
+                       g_string_append_len (str, p, next - p);
+               if (next + 11)
+                       citation_type = next[11];
+               /* ##CITATION_START## */
+               if (citation_type == 'S') {
+                       if (g_str_has_suffix (str->str, "<br><br>"))
+                               g_string_truncate (str, str->len - 4);
+                       if (g_str_has_prefix (next + 11, "START##<br><br>")) {
+                               g_string_append (str, "##CITATION_START##<br>");
+                               p = next + 26;
+                               continue;
+                       }
+               } else if (citation_type == 'E') {
+                       if (g_str_has_suffix (str->str, "<br>"))
+                               g_string_truncate (str, str->len - 4);
+               }
+               g_string_append (str, "##CITATION_");
+               p = next + 11;
+       }
+       g_string_append (str, p);
+       printf ("%s\n", str->str);
+       return str;
 /* This parses the HTML code (that contains just text, &nbsp; and BR elements)
  * into blocks.
  * HTML code in that format we can get by taking innerText from some element,
@@ -7368,18 +7346,14 @@ parse_html_into_blocks (EHTMLEditorView *view,
                         WebKitDOMDocument *document,
                         WebKitDOMElement *parent,
                         WebKitDOMElement *passed_block_template,
-                        const gchar *html)
+                        const gchar *input)
        EHTMLEditorSelection *selection;
-       gboolean ignore_next_br = FALSE;
-       gboolean first_element = TRUE;
-       gboolean citation_was_first_element = FALSE;
-       gboolean preserve_next_line = FALSE;
-       gboolean has_citation = FALSE;
-       gboolean previously_had_empty_citation_start = FALSE;
+       gboolean has_citation = FALSE, processing_last = FALSE;
        const gchar *prev_br, *next_br;
        GRegex *regex_nbsp = NULL, *regex_link = NULL, *regex_email = NULL;
-       WebKitDOMElement *block = NULL, *block_template = passed_block_template;
+       GString *html = NULL;
+       WebKitDOMElement *block_template = passed_block_template;
        selection = e_html_editor_view_get_selection (view);
@@ -7404,9 +7378,6 @@ parse_html_into_blocks (EHTMLEditorView *view,
                g_object_unref (settings);
-       prev_br = html;
-       next_br = strstr (prev_br, "<br>");
        /* Replace the tabulators with SPAN elements that corresponds to them.
         * If not inserting the content into the PRE element also replace single
         * spaces on the beginning of line, 2+ spaces and with non breaking
@@ -7416,97 +7387,54 @@ parse_html_into_blocks (EHTMLEditorView *view,
                regex_nbsp = g_regex_new ("^\\s{1}|\\s{2,}|\x9|\\s$", 0, 0, NULL);
+       html = remove_new_lines_around_citations (input);
+       prev_br = html->str;
+       next_br = strstr (prev_br, "<br>");
        while (next_br) {
-               gboolean local_ignore_next_br = ignore_next_br;
-               gboolean local_preserve_next_line = preserve_next_line;
-               gboolean local_previously_had_empty_citation_start =
-                       previously_had_empty_citation_start;
-               gboolean preserve_block = TRY_TO_PRESERVE_BLOCKS;
-               const gchar *citation = NULL, *citation_end = NULL;
+               const gchar *citation_start = NULL, *citation_end = NULL;
                const gchar *rest = NULL, *with_br = NULL;
-               gchar *to_insert = NULL;
-               ignore_next_br = FALSE;
-               preserve_next_line = TRUE;
+               gchar *to_process = NULL, *to_insert = NULL;
+               guint to_insert_start = 0, to_insert_end = 0;
-               to_insert = g_utf8_substring (
-                       prev_br, 0, g_utf8_pointer_to_offset (prev_br, next_br));
-               with_br = strstr (to_insert, "<br>");
-               citation = strstr (to_insert, "##CITATION_");
-               if (citation) {
-                       gboolean processed = FALSE;
-                       while (!processed) {
-                               gchar *citation_mark;
-                               gboolean citation_start = TRUE;
-                               has_citation = TRUE;
-                               if (g_str_has_prefix (citation + 11, "END##")) {
-                                       citation_start = FALSE;
-                                       if (block)
-                                               append_new_block (parent, &block);
-                               } else
-                                       previously_had_empty_citation_start = TRUE;
-                               citation_end = strstr (citation + 2, "##");
-                               if (citation_end)
-                                       rest = citation_end + 2;
-                               if (rest && *rest && !g_str_has_prefix (rest, "##CITATION_"))
-                                       previously_had_empty_citation_start = FALSE;
-                               if (first_element)
-                                       citation_was_first_element = TRUE;
-                               if (block)
-                                       append_new_block (parent, &block);
-                               else if (with_br && rest && !*rest &&
-                                        previously_had_empty_citation_start &&
-                                        ignore_next_br) {
-                                       /* Insert an empty block for an empty blockquote */
-                                       block = create_and_append_new_block (
-                                               selection, document, parent, block_template, "<br>");
-                                       previously_had_empty_citation_start = FALSE;
-                               }
-                               if (citation_start)
-                                       ignore_next_br = TRUE;
+               if ((to_process = g_utf8_substring (prev_br, 0, g_utf8_pointer_to_offset (prev_br, next_br))) 
&& !*to_process && !processing_last) {
+                       g_free (to_process);
+                       to_process = g_strdup (next_br);
+                       processing_last = TRUE;
+               }
+               to_insert_end = g_utf8_strlen (to_process, -1);
-                               citation_mark = g_utf8_substring (
-                                       citation,
-                                       0,
-                                       g_utf8_pointer_to_offset (citation, rest));
+               if ((with_br = strstr (to_process, "<br>")))
+                       to_insert_start += 4;
+               if ((citation_start = strstr (to_process, "##CITATION_START"))) {
+                       to_insert_start += 18; /* + ## */
+                       has_citation = TRUE;
+               }
+               if ((citation_end = strstr (to_process, "##CITATION_END")))
+                       to_insert_end -= 16; /* + ## */
-                               append_citation_mark (document, parent, citation_mark);
+               /* First BR */
+               if (with_br && prev_br == html->str)
+                       create_and_append_new_block (
+                               selection,
+                               document,
+                               parent,
+                               block_template,
+                               "<br id=\"-x-evo-first-br\">");
-                               g_free (citation_mark);
+               if (with_br && citation_start)
+                       create_and_append_new_block (
+                               selection, document, parent, block_template, "<br>");
-                               if (rest && *rest) {
-                                       if (g_str_has_prefix (rest, "##CITATION_"))
-                                               citation = rest;
-                                       else
-                                               processed = TRUE;
-                               } else
-                                       processed = TRUE;
-                       }
-               } else {
-                       rest = with_br ?
-                               to_insert + 4 + (with_br - to_insert) : to_insert;
-                       previously_had_empty_citation_start = FALSE;
-               }
+               if (citation_start)
+                       append_citation_mark (document, parent, "##CITATION_START##");
-               if (!rest) {
-                       preserve_next_line = FALSE;
-                       goto next;
-               }
-               if (*rest) {
+               if ((to_insert = g_utf8_substring (to_process, to_insert_start, to_insert_end)) && 
*to_insert) {
                        gboolean empty = FALSE;
-                       gchar *truncated = g_strdup (rest);
+                       gchar *truncated = g_strdup (to_insert);
                        gchar *rest_to_insert;
-                       empty = !*truncated && strlen (rest) > 0;
+                       empty = !*truncated && strlen (to_insert) > 0;
                        rest_to_insert = g_regex_replace_eval (
@@ -7521,9 +7449,6 @@ parse_html_into_blocks (EHTMLEditorView *view,
                        replace_selection_markers (&rest_to_insert);
-                       if (strchr (" +-@*=\t;#", *rest))
-                               preserve_block = FALSE;
                        if (surround_links_with_anchor (rest_to_insert)) {
                                gboolean is_email_address =
                                        strstr (rest_to_insert, "@") &&
@@ -7548,206 +7473,52 @@ parse_html_into_blocks (EHTMLEditorView *view,
                                rest_to_insert = truncated;
-                       if (g_strcmp0 (rest_to_insert, UNICODE_ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE) == 0) {
-                               if (block)
-                                       append_new_block (parent, &block);
-                               block = create_and_append_new_block (
-                                       selection, document, parent, block_template, "<br>");
-                       } else if (preserve_block) {
-                               gchar *html;
-                               gchar *content_to_append;
-                               if (!block) {
-                                       if (WEBKIT_DOM_IS_HTML_DIV_ELEMENT (block_template))
-                                               block = e_html_editor_selection_get_paragraph_element (
-                                                       selection, document, -1, 0);
-                                       else
-                                               block = WEBKIT_DOM_ELEMENT (webkit_dom_node_clone_node (
-                                                       WEBKIT_DOM_NODE (block_template), FALSE));
-                               }
-                               html = webkit_dom_html_element_get_inner_html (
-                                       WEBKIT_DOM_HTML_ELEMENT (block));
-                               content_to_append = g_strconcat (
-                                       html && *html ? " " : "",
-                                       rest_to_insert ? rest_to_insert : "<br>",
-                                       NULL),
-                               webkit_dom_html_element_insert_adjacent_html (
-                                       WEBKIT_DOM_HTML_ELEMENT (block),
-                                       "beforeend",
-                                       content_to_append,
-                                       NULL);
-                               g_free (html);
-                               g_free (content_to_append);
-                       } else {
-                               if (block)
-                                       append_new_block (parent, &block);
-                               block = create_and_append_new_block (
-                                       selection, document, parent, block_template, rest_to_insert);
-                       }
-                       if (rest_to_insert && *rest_to_insert && preserve_block && block) {
-                               glong length = 0;
-                               /* If the line contains some encoded chracters (i.e. &gt;)
-                                * we can't use the strlen functions. */
-                               if (strstr (rest_to_insert, "&"))
-                                       length = get_decoded_line_length (document, rest_to_insert);
-                               else
-                                       length = g_utf8_strlen (rest_to_insert, -1);
-                               /* End the block if there is line with less that 62 characters. */
-                               /* The shorter line can also mean that there is a long word on next
-                                * line (and the line was wrapped). So look at it and decide what to do. */
-                               if (length < 62 && check_if_end_block (next_br, length, 
local_preserve_next_line)) {
-                                       append_new_block (parent, &block);
-                                       preserve_next_line = FALSE;
-                               }
-                               if (length > 72) {
-                                       append_new_block (parent, &block);
-                                       preserve_next_line = FALSE;
-                               }
-                       }
-                       citation_was_first_element = FALSE;
+                       create_and_append_new_block (
+                               selection, document, parent, block_template, rest_to_insert);
                        g_free (rest_to_insert);
-               } else if (with_br) {
-                       if (!citation && (!local_ignore_next_br || citation_was_first_element)) {
-                               if (block)
-                                       append_new_block (parent, &block);
-                               block = create_and_append_new_block (
-                                       selection, document, parent, block_template, "<br>");
+               } else if (to_insert && !citation_start)
+                       create_and_append_new_block (
+                               selection, document, parent, block_template, "<br>");
-                               citation_was_first_element = FALSE;
-                       } else if (first_element && !citation_was_first_element) {
-                               block = create_and_append_new_block (
-                                       selection,
-                                       document,
-                                       parent,
-                                       block_template,
-                                       "<br id=\"-x-evo-first-br\">");
-                       } else if (local_previously_had_empty_citation_start &&
-                                  !citation && with_br && rest && !*rest) {
-                               /* Empty citation */
-                               if (block)
-                                       append_new_block (parent, &block);
-                               block = create_and_append_new_block (
-                                       selection, document, parent, block_template, "<br>");
-                       } else
-                               preserve_next_line = FALSE;
-               } else if (first_element && !citation_was_first_element) {
-                       block = create_and_append_new_block (
-                               selection,
-                               document,
-                               parent,
-                               block_template,
-                               "<br id=\"-x-evo-first-br\">");
-               } else
-                       preserve_next_line = FALSE;
- next:
-               first_element = FALSE;
-               prev_br = next_br;
-               next_br = strstr (prev_br + 4, "<br>");
                g_free (to_insert);
-       }
-       if (block)
-               append_new_block (parent, &block);
-       if (g_utf8_strlen (prev_br, -1) > 0) {
-               gchar *rest_to_insert;
-               gchar *truncated = g_strdup (
-                       g_str_has_prefix (prev_br, "<br>") ? prev_br + 4 : prev_br);
+               if (citation_end)
+                       append_citation_mark (document, parent, "##CITATION_END##");
-               /* On the end on the HTML there is always an extra BR element,
-                * so skip it and if there was another BR element before it mark it. */
-               if (truncated && !*truncated) {
-                       WebKitDOMNode *child;
+               prev_br = next_br;
+               next_br = strstr (prev_br + 4, "<br>");
+               if (!next_br && !processing_last) {
+                       if (g_utf8_strlen (prev_br, -1) > 4)
+                               next_br = prev_br;
+                       else {
+                               WebKitDOMNode *child;
-                       child = webkit_dom_node_get_last_child (
-                               WEBKIT_DOM_NODE (parent));
-                       if (child) {
-                               child = webkit_dom_node_get_first_child (child);
-                               if (child && WEBKIT_DOM_IS_HTMLBR_ELEMENT (child)) {
-                                       /* If the processed HTML contained just
-                                        * the BR don't overwrite its id. */
-                                       if (!element_has_id (WEBKIT_DOM_ELEMENT (child), "-x-evo-first-br"))
-                                               webkit_dom_element_set_id (
-                                                       WEBKIT_DOM_ELEMENT (child),
-                                                       "-x-evo-last-br");
-                               } else if (!view->priv->is_editting_message)
+                               child = webkit_dom_node_get_last_child (
+                                       WEBKIT_DOM_NODE (parent));
+                               if (child) {
+                                       child = webkit_dom_node_get_first_child (child);
+                                       if (child && WEBKIT_DOM_IS_HTMLBR_ELEMENT (child)) {
+                                               /* If the processed HTML contained just
+                                                * the BR don't overwrite its id. */
+                                               if (!element_has_id (WEBKIT_DOM_ELEMENT (child), 
+                                                       webkit_dom_element_set_id (
+                                                               WEBKIT_DOM_ELEMENT (child),
+                                                               "-x-evo-last-br");
+                                       } else if (!view->priv->is_editting_message)
+                                               create_and_append_new_block (
+                                                       selection, document, parent, block_template, "<br>");
+                               } else
                                        create_and_append_new_block (
                                                selection, document, parent, block_template, "<br>");
-                       } else
-                               create_and_append_new_block (
-                                       selection, document, parent, block_template, "<br>");
-                       g_free (truncated);
-                       goto end;
-               }
-               if (g_ascii_strncasecmp (truncated, "##CITATION_END##", 16) == 0) {
-                       append_citation_mark (document, parent, truncated);
-                       g_free (truncated);
-                       goto end;
-               }
-               rest_to_insert = g_regex_replace_eval (
-                       regex_nbsp,
-                       truncated,
-                       -1,
-                       0,
-                       0,
-                       (GRegexEvalCallback) replace_to_nbsp,
-                       NULL,
-                       NULL);
-               g_free (truncated);
-               replace_selection_markers (&rest_to_insert);
-               if (surround_links_with_anchor (rest_to_insert)) {
-                       gboolean is_email_address =
-                               strstr (rest_to_insert, "@") &&
-                               !strstr (rest_to_insert, "://");
-                       if (is_email_address && !regex_email)
-                               regex_email = g_regex_new (E_MAIL_PATTERN, 0, 0, NULL);
-                       if (!is_email_address && !regex_link)
-                               regex_link = g_regex_new (URL_PATTERN, 0, 0, NULL);
-                       truncated = g_regex_replace_eval (
-                               is_email_address ? regex_email : regex_link,
-                               rest_to_insert,
-                               -1,
-                               0,
-                               G_REGEX_MATCH_NOTEMPTY,
-                               create_anchor_for_link,
-                               NULL,
-                               NULL);
-                       g_free (rest_to_insert);
-                       rest_to_insert = truncated;
+                               g_free (to_process);
+                               break;
+                       }
+                       processing_last = TRUE;
-               if (g_strcmp0 (rest_to_insert, UNICODE_ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE) == 0)
-                       create_and_append_new_block (
-                               selection, document, parent, block_template, "<br>");
-               else
-                       create_and_append_new_block (
-                               selection, document, parent, block_template, rest_to_insert);
-               g_free (rest_to_insert);
+               g_free (to_process);
- end:
        if (has_citation) {
                gchar *inner_html;
                GString *start, *end;
@@ -7767,6 +7538,8 @@ parse_html_into_blocks (EHTMLEditorView *view,
                g_string_free (end, TRUE);
+       g_string_free (html, TRUE);
        if (regex_email != NULL)
                g_regex_unref (regex_email);
        if (regex_link != NULL)

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