[chronojump] Created tag 1.6.2

The unsigned tag '1.6.2' was created.

Tagger: Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
Date: Fri Aug 5 11:48:11 2016 +0200


Changes since the last tag '1.6.1':

Balázs Úr (2):
      Updated Hungarian translation
      Updated Hungarian translation

Daniel Mustieles (3):
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation

Jordi Mas (1):
      Fixes to Catalan translation

Piotr Drąg (1):
      Add Language headers to po files

Xavier Padullés (6):
      Spanish translation minor fixes
      fixed Inertia Momentum calculation time-distance since 1.6.1
      NotFullyExtendedString function improved
      Updated catalan and spanish translation
      minor translation changes
      minor changes in catalan and spanish translation

Xavier de Blas (100):
      Fixing character problems on encoderSaveCurve
      change person or jump type updates jump simple graph
      Fix since last commit
      change person or run type updates run simple graph
      DB 1.29 reactiontimes differentiated and graph changes as jump or run
      edit reaction time updates it correctly
      jumps, runs, reactionTime graph updates on edit, delete on treeviews
      Shown person best (all sessions) on jump, run, reaction time graphs (50%)
      Minor change
      Shown person best (all sessions) on jump (80%)
      Improvements on update button (all tests)
      Best intersession jump with context info
      Better sensitivity of hbox_results_legend
      On jumps shown person intersession line (previous to jump on this session)
      Better message on jumps graph if there's no data
      Minor gui change
      First concept of JumpsProfile graph
      jumpsProfile graph (2)
      Jumps profile 95% (need to fix notebook tabs)
      Fixes on jumps profile graph
      Minor change
      Better coder on jumps profile
      JumpsProfile refactorized
      Reorganized SQL jumpsProfile code
      Minor fix since last commits
      Encoder exercise name removes " on insert
      Jump and Run types with " get removed
      JumpsProfile only shown on jumps
      While doing a test, notebook_capture_analyze cannot be changed (only capture tab is shown). Good for 
      On delete selected jump/run/reactionTime capture graph is not blank now
      Better colors for JumpsProfile
      Better GUI for ExecuteAuto
      JumpsProfile better info when missing all indexes
      JumpsProfile graph starts at top of pie (12 o'clock)
      runsSimple capture graph button maxAllSessions implemented
      capture graph jumps/runs can differentiate to max values on same height
      Minor changes on Jumps Profile
      Done general recommendations table for jumps profile
      Minor change
      Added jumps profile icon on notebook tab
      Minor change
      Encoder automatic mode. First implementation
      Encoder automatic mode (20%)
      Minor change
      encoder auto -> cont (50%). Also on capture only max num of initial zeros is 1000
      Fixed a crash on crossVariables with 2 unique X values and trying to plot a curve
      On continuous mode pulsebar pulses from left to right and viceversa (no limit)
      Added jumps profile indexes explanations
      On continuous capture last set is shown with "Previous set" message
      Better names of jump profile indexes
      Encoder capture cont nicer and easier to finish
      cont mode: signal says "disabled", bars show "previous" better
      Better gui for encoder capture buttons, specially on CustomButtons (tablets)
      At encoder, fixed some glitches with RepsActive and RepsAll
      BuildDate is shown in log
      Minor change
      New encoder autosavecurves mode: "from 4th to penultimate" repetition
      Updated Chronopic firmware for Windows
      On ec distance is calculated suming both phases
      added function function to fix an inertial signal captured wihout string fully extended
      Added image to explain howto detect and fix inertial string not fully extended
      Fixed bug since last commits
      inertial capture not fully extended correction DONE. Need tests.
      If creating a session with an existing name, solved better
      Better gui on new/edit session
      DB:1.30 Added SIMULATED session
      SIMULATED session cannot be edited or deleted
      Minor change
      Simulated tests only on SIMULATED session
      Jumps profile strings translatable
      Jumps profile only shown on simple jumps tab
      Analyze tab not shown on "other" tests
      Encoder reps save automatic on 4top (was missing)
      Fixes on genericWin and encSelReps (fixed on_delete_event and multi callbacks)
      continuous capture mode only on gravitory
      Better comments on Jumps profile
      new build date
      Better fixInertialSignalIfNotFullyExtended and applied if error > 360
      buildDate more useful now
      Added LeastSquares method in new utilMath.cs
      Several fixes on encSelReps and genericWin delegates
      on ecc-con single curve, only calculate smoothings for selected curve
      Minor fix on delete_encoder_curve callback
      Added guiTests class (WIP)
      guiTests better
      guiTests better
      guiTests added SaveReps with Timeout support
      Change from gravitatory<->inertial, blanks interface
      try/catch on LogB.Commit by multithreading problems of Console.SetOut
      Show to user if set is corrected (not fully extended)
      Fixed last commit
      Fixed header message on encoder session overview
      Session load separates gravitatory/inertial sets/repetitions
      Removed " on strings adding/editing a session
      Logs are synced between threads and only printed by main thread (solving set.out -> streamwriter not 
      Changed fully string threashold from 800 to 1000
      Fixes on JumpsProfile general recommendations
      Improved howto_new_version
      Minor change
      Bump version 1.6.2

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