[beast] Created tag 0.10.0

The unsigned tag '0.10.0' was created.

Tagger: Tim Janik <timj gnu org>
Date: Thu Apr 7 14:27:13 2016 +0200

    Release beast-0.10.0.tar.xz

Changes since the last tag '0.9.2':

Stefan Westerfeld (3):
      SFI: Use fully namespaced assertion macros in headers.
      BSE: Use fully namespaced assertion macros in headers.
      BSE: install additional #include files required to build SpectMorph

Tim Janik (385):
      configure.ac: revision increment to 0.9.3
      DOCS: upload stable version docs to versioned directory instead of "latest/"
      BSE: fix bsequery initialization to avoid crashing
      SFI: fix filecrawler reporting root dir as empty string
      SFI: fix sfi_ring_free_deep() leaking every second node
      SFI: PspecVisitor::visit_vector: fix uninitialized variable access
      SFI: sfi_pspec_seq_field_from_visitable: cache pspecs per template type
      GXK: widget_lower_windows: fix invalid GdkWindow child list modifications
      Merge branch 'bug-fixes'
      BSE: remove bseautodoc which is long unused
      BSE: move file crawling test from bseinfo to "bsetool crawl"
      BSE: move bseinfo to "bsetool dump-info"
      BSE: bsetool: add CommandRegistry to simplify adding and registering new commands
      BSE: move "bsequery cats" to "bsetool dump-categories"
      BSE: bsetool: fix missing command blurbs
      BSE: move "bsequery synth" to "bsetool standard-synth"
      BSE: move bsequery tree dumps to "bsetool type-tree", remove bsequery
      Merge branch 'merge-tools'
      BSE: move Track.remove_link() to bseapi.idl
      BSE: move Bus.connect_track() to bseapi.idl
      BSE: move Bus methods connect_bus(), disconnect_bus(), disconnect_track() to bseapi.idl
      BSE: use __func__ as first arg to push_undo() which is good blurb in most cases
      BSE: Bus.ensure_output(): simply call an undoable method to connect busses
      BSE: Bus: use C++ methods to disconnect busses
      BSE: Track.ensure_output(): simply call an undoable method to connect to master bus
      Merge branch 'move-procs'
      BSE: remove unused bse-categories-match-method procedure
      BSE: rename ic0n and p1xel to make room for new API
      PLUGINS: rename ic0n and p1xel to make room for new API
      BEAST: rename ic0n and p1xel to make room for new API
      BSE: add PixelSeq and Icon to bseapi.idl
      BSE: Item: add 'icon' property
      BEAST: use Bse::Item.icon instead of bse_item_get_icon
      BSE: remove unused bse-item-get-icon procedure
      BEAST: introduce bst_path_leaf_index() to find the last path string segment
      BEAST: avoid use of the 'category_id' field, use GQuark to identify categories
      BSE: remove bse_category_from_id() which is now unused
      Merge branch 'idl-icon'
      BSE: use Rapicorn's assert()
      PLUGINS: use Rapicorn's assert()
      TESTS: use Rapicorn's assert()
      TOOLS: use Rapicorn's assert()
      BEAST: include bstutils.hh instead of specific gtk headers
      BEAST: use Rapicorn's assert_return()
      BSE: use Rapicorn's assert_return()
      PLUGINS: use Rapicorn's assert_return()
      SFI: use Rapicorn's assert_return()
      TOOLS: use Rapicorn's assert_return()
      BEAST: use Rapicorn's assert_unreached()
      BSE: use Rapicorn's assert_unreached()
      SFI: use Rapicorn's assert_unreached()
      PLUGINS: use Rapicorn's assert_unreached()
      TESTS: use Rapicorn's assert_unreached()
      BEAST: use Rapicorn's assert() instead of g_assert()
      BSE: use Rapicorn's assert() instead of g_assert()
      PLUGINS: use Rapicorn's assert() instead of g_assert()
      SFI: use Rapicorn's assert() instead of g_assert()
      TOOLS: use Rapicorn's assert() instead of g_assert()
      GXK: use Rapicorn's assert_return()
      Merge branch 'rapicorn-assertions'
      BEAST: provide bst_param_is_proxy()
      BEAST: avoid bst_param_set_proxy() for Aida::Parameter GxkParams
      BSE: move BseSNet procedures into bseapi.idl
      BEAST: use SnetH methods
      SFI: add g_sname_equals to compare strings while ignoring '-' vs '_' differences
      BSE: move BseSNet::auto-activate (and from BseSong) to SNet.auto_activate
      BEAST: use SNetH.auto_activate()
      BEAST: display 'auto_activate' on SNets, hide it from Song display
      BSE: ignore '-' vs '_' when scanning C++ properties
      BSE: storage: allow '#t' and '#f' as C++ bool property values
      BSE: change auto_activate default
      Merge branch 'move-snet-procs'
      SFI: use Rapicorn's printout()
      BSE: use Rapicorn's printout()
      BEAST: use Rapicorn's printout()
      TOOLS: use Rapicorn's printout()
      TESTS: use Rapicorn's printout()
      SFI: add 'using' for Rapicorn's printout, printerr, string_format
      SFI: use Rapicorn's printerr()
      BEAST: use Rapicorn's printerr()
      DRIVERS: use Rapicorn's printerr()
      TOOLS: use Rapicorn's printerr()
      TESTS: use Rapicorn's printerr()
      BSE: use Rapicorn's printerr()
      GXK: use Rapicorn's printout()
      SFI: remove g_printf_find_localised_directive() which appears to be unused
      SFI: internal rename of gstring_format(), which uses Rapicorn's string_format()
      BSE: use Rapicorn's printout() and printerr()
      SFI: use Rapicorn's string_format()
      TOOLS: use Rapicorn's string_format()
      PLUGINS: use Rapicorn's string_format()
      DRIVERS: use Rapicorn's string_format()
      BSE: use Rapicorn's string_format()
      BEAST: use Rapicorn's string_format()
      SFI: remove dead code
      Merge branch 'string-format'
      BSE: fix bse_cxx_init namespace
      BSE: fix use of deprecated g_source_get_current_time()
      BSE: fix prototype ordering in BSE_DUMMY_TYPE
      BSE: fix compiler warnings about switch type
      BSE: fix signedness compiler warnings
      BSE: fix procedure prototype warnings
      BSE: silence compiler
      PLUGINS: fix signedness compiler warnings
      GXK: fix signedness compiler warnings
      GXK: fix compiler warnings about switch type
      GXK: fix warning about macro redefinition
      BEAST: silence compiler
      BEAST: fix signedness compiler warnings
      SHELL: silence compiler
      TOOLS: fix signedness compiler warnings
      LAUNCHERS: abort if seteuid/setreuid failed to drop priviledges
      BSE: use std::atomic<>, since Rapicorn's Atomic<> is gone
      Merge branch 'g++-warning-fixes'
      BEAST: provide a descriptive warning about unsupported aida parameters
      SFI: use __func__ to print error messages
      BSE: use __func__ to print error messages
      GXK: use __func__ to print error messages
      BEAST: use __func__ to print error messages
      Merge branch 'fix-error-messages'
      BSE: remove unused Dot and DotSeq
      BEAST: remove unused BstRack* code
      TESTS: audio: save .bse files without unused parasite info
      BEAST: remove unused parasite zoom code
      BSE: remove unused parasite code
      BSE: remove unused DataPocket code
      BSE: remove unused IntSeq
      BEAST: remove unused bstplaylist.hh and bstplaylist.cc
      BEAST: remove unused bsteffectview.hh and bsteffectview.cc
      BSE: remove unused bse_source_get_tick_stamp()
      BSE: remove unused bse_editable_sample_read_samples()
      BSE: remove unused project procedures: list-uname-paths, find-item, match-items-by-uname
      BSE: remove unused bse-wave-load-wave
      BSE: remove unused bse_item_undo_depth, bse_item_redo_depth
      Merge branch 'unused-code'
      BSE: libtool >= 1.5.2 doesn't always set rpath, requiring ldconfig
      PO: add POTLIST and related files to CLEANFILES
      PO: unlist obsolete source file entries
      TRAVIS: add travis-ci, first build Rapicorn then attempt a full build
      TRAVIS: install libxml2-utils for xmllint
      TRAVIS: install asound, flac, vorbis, mad, guile and gnomecanvas2 packages
      TRAVIS: force installation of guile-1.8-dev and libgnomecanvas2-dev
      BUILD: detect git repo by inspecting HEAD:configure.ac
      BUILD: only generate shortened ChangeLog if the limiting commits are known
      BUILD: properly quote AM macro arguments with comma (e.g. -Wl,--no-undefined)
      Merge branch 'travis-ci'
      BUILD: let --enable-devel-mode=auto decide 'no' if $srcdir/.git is missing
      BUILD: autogen.sh: cleanups, leave ChangeLog alone
      BUILD: rename README.md from README
      BUILD: produce .xz tarballs for 'make dist'
      BUILD: autogen.sh: simplify to the bare minimum required
      README.md: update descriptions and add CI button
      README.md: update build requirements
      README.md: fix travis-cli badge links
      BSE: check for writable /etc/ld.so.cache before running /sbin/ldconfig
      BUILD: don't create bz2 tarballs, .xz is enough
      BUILD: install README.md, NEWS along Beast documentation
      BUILD: adjust to Rapicorn packaging fixups: rapicorn-15.09 aidacc-15.09
      README.md: match badge order from Rapicorn
      Merge branch 'build-fixes'
      DEBIAN: remove largely outdated debian/* files
      BUILD: require rapicorn-15 >= 15.09.1
      BUILD: tie libbse ABI stability to MINOR version number
      BUILD: strip MINOR from install paths and generally use 'beast- MAJOR@' scheme
      BUILD: install bse plugins and drivers into prefix/lib/bse-<MAJOR>/
      BUILD: remove pkglibexecdir which was unused
      BUILD: let --enable-devel-mode=auto decide 'yes' if $srcdir/.git is present
      BUILD: pass --enable-devel-mode=yes for 'autogen.sh' initiated builds
      DATA: bse.pc.in: list Rapicorn requirement
      BUILD: add compile & link test for BSE executable
      BUILD: install beast and bse translation files under versioned beast-bse name
      Merge branch 'api-abi-revision-versioning'
      BUILD: fix configure regeneration during maintainer-clean
      DATA: generate and install unversioned bse.pc
      BUILD: install unversioned docs in ${prefix}/doc/beast/
      BUILD: install unversioned data in ${prefix}/share/beast/
      BUILD: rename installpath datadir
      LAUNCHERS: stop building and installing a bsescm wrapper
      SHELL: install unversioned bsescm
      LAUNCHERS: beast: match exact version number of spawned beast executable
      Merge branch 'unversioned-installdirs'
      DATA: update beast.desktop, beast can handle multiple file names
      BUILD: ship HACKING.html to avoid pandoc dependency for tarballs
      DEBIAN: compat: add '9'
      DEBIAN: source/format: add "3.0 (quilt)"
      DEBIAN: control: create beast, beast-doc, libbse, libbse-dev packages
      DEBIAN: libbse-0-9.install: list files for libbse-0-9 package
      DEBIAN: libbse-dev.install: list files for libbse-dev package
      DEBIAN: beast.install: list files for beast package
      DEBIAN: beast-doc.install: list files for beast-doc package
      DEBIAN: rules: add rules to build packages
      DEBIAN: watch: match recent beast releases
      DEBIAN: copyright: list all copyrights and licenses applicable to Beast
      DEBIAN: control: add Breaks and Replaces for old beast, doc, bse and alsa packages
      DEBIAN: patches: add patch to leave mime updates to dh_installmime
      DEBIAN: rules: use dh_makeshlibs -X to exclude driver libraries
      DEBIAN: rules: fix binary-without-manpage for versioned beast executable
      DEBIAN: rules: remove unused doxygen files with dh_doxygen
      DEBIAN: control: update Standards-Version: 3.9.6
      DEBIAN: control: make beast the first binary package specified
      DEBAIN: changelog: start changelog for Debian
      DEBIAN: build with autoreconf
      DEBIAN: source builds also need libasound2-dev and libxml-parser-perl
      TRAVIS: use citool.sh and precompiled rapicorn to build tarball and packages
      TRAVIS: notify irc.gimp.org#beast about build status
      TRAVIS: the pdebuild host system needs dh-autoreconf installed for beast builds
      TRAVIS: upgrade cibuild.sh to include upstream version in bintray version name
      README.md: describe how to install binary packages
      DEBIAN: beast.postinst: set beast launcher suid bit
      Merge branch 'debian-packages'
      BSE: rename publically installed header file to effectbase.hh
      BUILD: provide BSEINCLUDEDIR via bse API and bse.pc for IDL code headers
      Merge branch 'external-plugin-fixes'
      BSE: rename Str1ngSeq to make room for new API
      BSE: add Bse::icon_from_pixstream to create an Icon from a GdkPixbuf pixstream
      BSE: implement list_module_types, find_module_type, module_type_icon on ServerImpl
      BEAST: use AuxData, find_module_type() and related functions to create modules
      BSE: replace old procedure with Server::sample_file_info()
      BSE: remove unused bse_project_list_upaths() and BseStr1ngSeq
      Merge branch 'move-procs'
      BSE: fix NULL access on LADSPA registration
      BEAST: properly split category tags at ';'
      Merge branch 'ladspa-fixups'
      BSE: tests: use TPASS/TCHECK for test output
      TESTS: use TCHECK() and tprintout for test output
      BSE: avoid using a wrapper macro for 'extern "C"'
      BUILD: taptool.sh: add script to be used as TEST_LOG_DRIVER
      BUILD: Makefile.decl: add rules to run $(TAPTESTS) tests through taptool.sh
      BSE: tests: run tests as TAPTESTS
      SFI: tests: run tests as TAPTESTS
      TESTS: run tests as TAPTESTS
      BSE: tests/blocktests.cc: eliminate slow runs, use new benchmark code
      BSE: tests/resamplehandle.cc: eliminate slow runs, use new benchmark code
      BSE: tests/misctests.cc: output cosmetics
      BSE: tests/firhandle.cc: eliminate slow runs, use new benchmark code
      TESTS: filecheck: 'make check' cosmetics
      PO: remove outdated entry from POTSCAN
      BUILD: Makefile.decl: add x11tests (X11TESTS) for taptests inside xvfb
      BUILD: ship taptool.sh in tarballs
      Merge branch 'taptests'
      BSE: storage: keep property values unmodified during default value check
      ALL: adjust for Aida::EnumValue being passed by value
      BEAST: process Aida enum parameters by using Aida::EnumInfo
      BSE: save and restore symbolic enum values by using Aida::EnumInfo
      Merge branch 'fixes+updates'
      BSE: rename BseIt3mSeq to make room for new API
      BSE: move Track.list_parts[_uniq]() into bseapi.idl
      BSE: bseapi.idl: list unported procedures from Janitor, Server, Source, Item
      BSE: bseprocedure.proc: remove unused procedures
      Merge branch 'idl-migration'
      TESTS: remove perftest which uses an old style procedure
      BSE: move MusicalTuningType, NoteDescription and related API to bseapi.idl
      BSE: document push_undo() variants
      BSE: Item: add push_property_undo()
      BSE: Song: save 'bpm' and 'musical_tuning' properties to undo
      BSE: add Object::changed() signal
      BSE: emit changed() notification for aida properties
      BEAST: update UI upon aida Parameter changed() signals
      Merge branch 'idl-note-describe'
      BEAST: bstmain.cc: extract method main_cleanup
      BEAST: bstmain.cc: extract method main_save_rc_files
      BEAST: bstmain.cc: extract method main_run_event_loops
      BEAST: bstmain.cc: extract method main_splash_down
      BEAST: bstmain.cc: extract method main_show_release_notes
      BEAST: bstmain.cc: extract method main_open_default_window
      BEAST: bstmain.cc: extract method main_open_files
      BEAST: bstmain.cc: extract method main_init_dialogs
      BEAST: bstmain.cc: extract method main_init_scripts
      BEAST: bstmain.cc: extract method main_sleep4gdb
      BEAST: bstmain.cc: extract method main_init_ladspa
      BEAST: bstmain.cc: extract method main_init_core_plugins
      BEAST: bstmain.cc: extract method main_splash_image
      BEAST: bstmain.cc: extract method main_load_rc_files
      BEAST: bstmain.cc: extract method main_init_bst_systems
      BEAST: bstmain.cc: extract method main_init_gxk
      BEAST: bstmain.cc: extract method main_init_sfi_glue
      BEAST: bstmain.cc: extract method main_init_bse
      Merge branch 'main-methods'
      BUILD: add -export-dynamic and -Bsymbolic-functions to AM_LDFLAGS
      BUILD: remove old debugging flags
      BUILD: leave compiler diagnostics colorization and line wrapping to user
      BUILD: rename SIMD_FLAGS variable
      BUILD: preserve user defined CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS, LDFLAGS
      BUILD: avoid autoconf specific AC_ prefixes
      BUILD: taptool.sh: prevent excessive printouts during pipeline failures
      SFI: adapt to Rapicorn providing parse_init_args()
      Merge branch 'configure-cleanups'
      BUILD: check for python-dev and python >= 2.7
      BSE: move version(), installpath() and INSTALLPATH_* into Bse namespace
      PYBEAST: add directory
      BEAST: initialize and finalize python in main()
      BEAST: use Python to run the Beast main event loop
      SFI: add installpath_override()     Signed-off-by: Tim Janik <timj gnu org>
      BEAST: use top_srcdir as installpath from an uninstalled beast executable
      PYBEAST: add main.py
      BEAST: start installpath/pybeast/main.py which in turns runs the main event loop
      BEAST: parse and filter Gtk+ argc/argv early on
      BEAST: provide sys.argv for Python
      BSE: rename 'UserMessageType utype' to avoid reserved Python keywords
      Merge branch 'python-main'
      BSE: rename 'Category.otype', since 'type' is a reserved word in Python
      BSE: provide init_server_instance() and init_server_connection() to ease startup
      BEAST: make use of init_server_instance() and init_server_connection()
      BUILD: add bse/pybse/Makefile
      BSE: pybse: build bseidlapi.pyx from bseapi.idl
      BSE: pybse: build 'Bse.so' Python module
      SFI: remove (mostly useless) 'app_name' argument from sfi_init()
      BSE: provide Bse::init_needed()
      BSE: pybse: initialize libbse from sys.argv
      Merge branch 'pybse-module'
      BSE: pybse: add pysupport.hh to dist tarballs
      Merge branch 'pybse-module'
      BSE: use Bse::Error::* instead of Bse::ERROR_*
      BEAST: use Bse::Error::* instead of Bse::ERROR_*
      BSE: use Bse::MidiSignal::* instead of Bse::MIDI_SIGNAL_*
      BEAST: use Bse::MidiSignal::* instead of Bse::MIDI_SIGNAL_*
      BSE: use Bse::MusicalTuning::* instead of Bse::MUSICAL_TUNING_*
      PLUGINS: use Bse::MusicalTuning::* instead of Bse::MUSICAL_TUNING_*
      BEAST: use Bse::MusicalTuning::* instead of Bse::MUSICAL_TUNING_*
      TOOLS: use Bse::MusicalTuning::* instead of Bse::MUSICAL_TUNING_*
      BSE: bseapi.idl: rename Bse::ErrorType to Bse::Error
      BSE: bseapi.idl: rename Bse::Error::ERROR_* to Bse::Error::*
      BSE: fix Bse::error uses and type mismatches
      BSE: convert enum type MusicalTuningType to enum class MusicalTuning
      BSE: fix Bse::MidiSignal type mismatches
      BSE: convert enum type MidiSignalType to enum class MidiSignal
      BSE: convert enum type UserMessageType to enum class UserMessageType
      BSE: pybse: adapt to scoped C++ enum values
      BEAST: convert enum type Bst::Direction to enum class Bst::Direction
      BEAST: fix FFTSize enum value to int64 conversion
      BEAST: fix NoteLength enum value to int64 conversion
      BEAST: fix RowShading enum value to int64 conversion
      BEAST: convert enum type Bst::QSamplerDrawMode to enum class Bst::QSamplerDrawMode
      SFI: sfidl-cbase.cc: add int64 conversions around enum value use in arithmetics
      BEAST: fix Bse::error checks
      BSE: fix Bse::error checks
      DRIVERS: fix Bse::error checks
      TOOLS: fix Bse::error checks
      Merge branch 'scoped-enums'
      BUILD: buildtool.sh: script to print build 'config' and do 'bintrayup' uploads
      TRAVIS: add .travis.docker - a basic setup to build deb packages in docker
      TRAVIS: use docker and buildtool.sh to build and upload packages
      DEBIAN: beast.install: package pybeast installation files
      DEBIAN: fix package-installs-python-bytecode
      TRAVIS: applyenv: allow importing arbitrary environment variables into Dockerfile
      TRAVIS: fix line breaks
      TRAVIS: add debian:jessie to the build matrix
      TRAVIS: add ubuntu trusty and xenial to the build matrix
      TRAVIS: allow ubuntu:trusty builds to fail
      TRAVIS: add debian testing to the build matrix
      TRAVIS: allow failure for ubuntu xenial builds
      BSE: pybse: link Bse.la with $(PYTHON_LIBS)
      TRAVIS: allow failures for debian 'testing'
      TRAVIS: test package installation and removal
      TRAVIS: register the bintray key with apt-key in order to download bintray packages
      BSE: pybse: let srcdir relative files depend on build sources
      PO: fix srcdir relative file path
      DEBIAN: changelog: set version number to pre-relese, to match Debian versioning scheme
      TRAVIS: redo snapshot versioning to follow debian guidelines more closely
      TRAVIS: use complete version information for bintray package versions
      TRAVIS: fix upload version and initial distribution pick
      TRAVIS: add 'distcheck' to build matrix
      TRAVIS: slightly increase network operation retries
      TRAVIS: disable "ubuntu:trusty" builds, whose C++11 version is too old
      TRAVIS: notify IRC about build success
      TRAVIS: simplify bintray package installations
      TRAVIS: .travis.docker: introduce more caching layers for lengthy build steps
      PO: fix rule so a piping subshell doesn't hide "missing gawk" errors
      TRAVIS: add build dependency 'gawk' to dockerfile
      PO: avoid triggering 'update-po' for read-only srcdir, even if root
      BUILD: distcheck: ensure $XZ_OPT doesn't default to fast/bad compression
      PO: distcheck: ensure 'update-po' has been run to ship updated .po files
      DEBIAN: control: adjust dependencies to Rapicorn's updated package versioning
      TRAVIS: allow 'distcheck' test builds to fail
      TRAVIS: trim dependencies and add INTENT to env variable display
      TRAVIS: defer env variable definitions to increase docker layer reuse
      Merge branch 'travis.docker'
      PO: updates for make dist
      BUILD: configure.ac: verify ABI_MICRO==0
      NEWS: updates for the next release
      Version increment to 0.10.0
      Merge branch 'release'
      Release Beast 0.10.0

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