[chronojump] code clean

commit 427023c797eb82be198ed11b70f6ea497b5cf49d
Author: Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
Date:   Fri Apr 1 07:40:37 2016 +0200

    code clean

 encoder/capture.R |   34 ++--------------------------------
 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)
diff --git a/encoder/capture.R b/encoder/capture.R
index a68530d..3ada1f2 100644
--- a/encoder/capture.R
+++ b/encoder/capture.R
@@ -244,43 +244,13 @@ doProcess <- function(options)
                #       write("doProcess 3", stderr())
-               #if isInertial: getDisplacementInertialBody separate phases using initial height of full 
extended person
-               #so now there will be two different curves to process
-               #Update. Since 1.6.1 on inertial at C# two curves are sent "e" and "c"
-#              position = cumsum(displacement)
-#              if(isInertial(op$EncoderConfigurationName)) 
-#              {
-#                      if(abs(max(position) - min(position)) >= op$MinHeight) {
-#                              if(inertialCapturingFirstPhase)
-#                                      inertialCapturingFirstPhase = FALSE
-#                              else {
-#                                      positionTop <- floor(mean(which(position == max(position))))
-#                                      displacement1 = displacement[1:positionTop]
-#                                      displacement2 = displacement[(positionTop+1):length(displacement)]
-#                                      if(op$Eccon == "c") {
-#                                              curveNum <- calcule(displacement1, op, curveNum)
-#                                      } else {
-#                                              curveNum <- calcule(displacement1, op, curveNum)
-#                                              curveNum <- calcule(displacement2, op, curveNum)
-#                                      }
-#                              }
-#                      }
-#              } else {
-#                      curveNum <- calcule(displacement, op, curveNum)
-#              }
                position = cumsum(displacement)
                        if(abs(max(position) - min(position)) >= op$MinHeight) {
-                               #if(inertialCapturingFirstPhase)
-                               #       inertialCapturingFirstPhase = FALSE
-                               #else
-                                       curveNum <- calcule(displacement, op, curveNum)
+                               #Update. Since 1.6.1 on inertial at C# two curves are sent "e" and "c"
+                               curveNum <- calcule(displacement, op, curveNum)
                } else {
                        curveNum <- calcule(displacement, op, curveNum)

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