[orca] Created tag ORCA_3_16_3

The unsigned tag 'ORCA_3_16_3' was created.

Tagger: Joanmarie Diggs <jdiggs igalia com>
Date: Mon Sep 21 12:15:19 2015 -0400

    Orca v3.16.3

Changes since the last tag 'ORCA_3_16_2':

Anders Jonsson (1):
      Fix typo (currenty) in documentation

Christian Kirbach (2):
      Updated German translation
      Updated German translation

Cédric Valmary (1):
      Updated Occitan translation

Joanmarie Diggs (26):
      Post-release version bump
      Fix Say All bug for Gecko content
      Initialize and reset Gecko's line contents cache to an empty list
      Work around still more missing object:state-changed:focused events from Gtk+
      Handle traceback when calling findAllDescendants in broken implementation
      Stop repeating tutorial messages when navigating amongst items of the same type
      Update spellchecking support to handle changes in Thunderbird
      Fix traceback from Evolution script
      Add handling for Evo's "autocomplete" popups
      Set the profile when reloading settings
      Enable toggling of speech via keybinding when it's not silenced, but disabled
      Handle some changes in the Thunderbird v.38 spellcheck dialog
      Add handling for ROLE_HEADER
      Remove sound module
      Work around broken custom comboboxes
      Add new(ish) structural navigation and speech keybindings to Commands help
      Remove obsolete Gecko setting from docs
      Add documentation for the 'Enable layout mode for content' checkbox
      Add documentation for the 'Automatic focus mode' checkboxes
      Remove non-existent command from documentation
      Add focus/browse mode commands to the reading commands documentation
      Update the forms how-to docs to reflect that Orca now has browse and focus modes
      Eliminate false positive identifying Thunderbird spellcheck dialog
      Work around a missing object:state-changed:focused event from Gecko
      Work around two more missing object:state-changed:focused events from Gecko
      Prep for the 3.16.3 release

Pedro Albuquerque (2):
      Updated Portuguese translation
      Updated Portuguese translation

Piotr DrÄ…g (1):
      Updated Polish translation

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