[beast] Created tag 0.9.2

The unsigned tag '0.9.2' was created.

Tagger: Tim Janik <timj gnu org>
Date: Wed Sep 16 10:47:36 2015 +0200

    Release beast-0.9.2.tar.bz2

Changes since the last tag '0.9.0':

Tim Janik (307):
      configure.ac: revision increment to 1
      BEAST-GTK: use Rapicorn resources to compile and access dialog XML files
      BSE: use Rapicorn resources to compile and access BSE files
      BSE: remove unused builtin synthesizer listing
      BSE: move resources into bse/res/
      BEAST-GTK: move resources into bse/res/
      BSE: res/: fix resource file paths
      BEAST-GTK: res/: fix resource file paths
      Merge branch 'rapidres'
      BSE: remove Bse::ImplicitBase workaround, which is not required by newer Rapicorn
      BSE: return shared_ptr from IDL methods, as mandated by newer Rapicorn
      BSE: use Aida::ObjectBroker::bind<> to provide an IPC connectoin to ServerIface
      BEAST: use Aida::ObjectBroker::connect<> to establish a ServerHandle IPC connection
      BUILD: depend on Rapicorn-14.10.1
      BSE: build aida code with the same guarding macro
      BSE: fix includes to separate serverapi from clientapi
      BSE: use aidacc --bse-extensions to support Bool, Int, Num, Real
      BSE: simplify BSE version handling
      Merge branch 'aida-bind-connect'
      BSE: fix typo
      HACKING.md: document the first things to know for hacking the code base
      BSE: channel all object creations through bse_object_new_valist
      SFI: remove unused file
      BEAST: remove unused file
      BSE: linker fixes
      BSE: introduce Bse::Object IDL type, tied to BseObject
      SFI: consistently use 'SfiString' everywhere for IDL related strings
      SFI: add global 'using' for very common utilities from Rapicorn
      BSE: move bse_server.get_mp3_version to bseapi.idl
      BEAST: sort out BSE startup and initialization
      BSE: remove superflous '= 0' qualifier from aida IDL methods
      BSE: move bse_server.get_vorbis_version to bseapi.idl
      BSE: move bse_server.get_*_path to bseapi.idl
      SFI: fix compiler warnings
      BSE: remove outdated patch-bseserverapi.cc.diff
      BSE: icons: simplify make output
      BSE: res: simplify make output
      BSE: fix and simplify make output
      BSE: simplify fft generation make output
      BSE: silence useless compiler warnings in gslfft.cc and gsloscillator-aux.cc
      BSE: bsefilter-ellf.cc: silence compiler
      BSE: bseprocidl.cc: silence compiler
      BSE: bsecontainer.cc bsemidifile.cc: silence compiler
      BSE: bsemidireceiver.cc bseparam.cc: silence compiler
      BSE: tests: fix subnormals compilation warnings
      BSE: get rid of deprecated g_type_init()
      BEAST: get rid of deprecated g_type_init()
      BSE: tests: minor compilation fix
      BSE: move bse server get_version and get_custom_*_dir into bseapi.idl
      Merge branch 'bseapi-idl'
      PO: POTIGNORE, POTSKIP: fix comments
      SFI: add Bse::choice_values_from_enum_values()
      BSE: allow linkage exporting of Rapicorn*::Aida::enum_info<>() symbols
      BEAST: move FFTSize into bstapi.idl a new AIDA IDL file
      PO: update scanned sources
      HACKING.md: migration updates
      BEAST: move NoteLength enum into bstapi.idl
      BEAST: move RowShading enum into bstapi.idl
      BSE: minor cleanup
      BEAST: move Direction enum into bstapi.idl
      BEAST: remove unused bstprocbrowser.{hh|cc}
      BEAST: fix some deprecations
      BEAST: move QSamplerDrawMode enum into bstapi.idl
      BEAST: remove mkenums generated files which are all obsolete
      HACKING.md: migration status updates
      BEAST: fix comment
      BSE: minor comment improvement
      BEAST: fix bstapi.idl generation for enums
      SFI: ensrue SfiRecFields is properly 0-initialized
      SFI: add ToRecVisitor, FromRecVisitor and PspecVisitor to integrate AIDA IDL structures
      BEAST: handle int64 as well as int32 for spin button params
      BEAST: use enum_value_from_string<>() where appropriate
      BEAST: move SkinConfig record into bstapi.idl
      BEAST: move GConfig record into bstapi.idl
      SFI: add conversions for SfiSeq and visitables
      BEAST: move MsgAbsorb filter into bstapi.idl
      BEAST: move KeyBinding data into bstapi.idl
      BEAST: remove unused bstrecords.idl and code generation around it
      Merge branch 'bstapi-idl'
      BSE: move most ServerImpl procedures to bseapi.idl
      HACKING.md: document object conversions
      BSE: bseapi.idl: introduce Project
      BSE: move ServerImpl::use_new_project() to bseapi.idl and remove bseserver.proc
      TESTS: disable Bse C++ API tests, b/c bsecxxapi.cc clashes with bseserverapi symbols
      BSE: move Bse::ErrorType to bseapi.idl, but keep BseErrorType for GType compatibility
      BSE: move most Project procedures to bseapi.idl methods
      BSE: ignore warnings for remotely disconnected signals that are already disconnected
      BSE: move conversion template from ObjectImpl to ObjectIface.as<BseObjectPtr>()
      BSE: remove explicit use_count on projects, leave reference counting to Bse::ProjectHandle
      BEAST: introduce explicit destruction of projects to avoid leaks
      BSE: bseapi.idl: introduce Item
      BSE: bseapi.idl: introduce Container
      BSE: bseapi.idl: introduce Super
      BSE: create C++ pendant for BseObject's of types super, container or item
      BSE: bseapi.idl: introduce Source
      BSE: minor fix
      BSE: bseapi.idl: introduce SNet
      BEAST: BstSuperShell: leave reference counting to Bse::SuperH
      BEAST: BstSNetRouter: leave reference counting to Bse::SNetH
      SFI: sfidl: allow skipping of enum definitions via macro
      BEAST: replace BseErrorType with Bse::ErrorType
      BSE: bseapi.idl: introduce Part
      BEAST: use Bse::error_blurb()
      BSE: remove bseenums.proc
      BSE: replace BseErrorType with Bse::ErrorType
      BSE: provide C variants of all IDL enum values for validation and I/O
      BSE: stop building if bseprocidl ran into an error
      BEAST: allow note/event movements with shift+alt+button1
      PO: update source lists
      BSE: move MidiSignalType enum and PartControl procedures into bseapi.idl
      BSE: move most Part procedures into bseapi.idl
      BSE: add forward declarations for Impl classes
      BSE: add undo_stack_to_descriptor and undo_stack_from_descriptor for Impl classes
      BSE: fix project procedure calls to be real C++ method calls
      BSE: allow push_undo() with C++11 lambdas
      BSE: fix script registration as to not involve an obsolete procedure
      BSE: fix midi import as to not involve a obsolete Part procedures
      BSE: PartImpl: fix undo steps as to not involve obsolete procedures
      BSE: add note, octave, etc constants to bseapi.idl
      BSE: move PartNote and related Part methods into bseapi.idl
      BSE: bseapi.idl: introduce ContextMerger
      BSE: fix undo_stack_to_descriptor() on dummy undo stacks
      BSE: Item: provide parent() and pass BseUndoStack along into undo lambdas
      BSE: bseapi.idl: introduce Track
      BSE: add type-safe undo_descriptor/undo_resolve to pass objects into undo lambdas
      BSE: allow (and discard) non-ErrorType returns from undo lambdas
      BSE: fix Bse::ErrorType 'blurb' fields (field 'label' was wrongly used)
      Merge branch 'move-procs' [ongoing]
      BSE: allow BseObject->as<shared_ptr<Type>>() conversions
      PO: update source lists
      BSE: port 4 more Track procedures to bseapi.idl, fix BEAST track row display
      BSE: bseapi.idl: provide BPM, TRANSPOSE, STANDARD and GUISTANDARD constants
      BSE: bseapi.idl: introduce Song
      BEAST: always update track roll rows when tracks are deleted
      BSE: bseapi.idl: introduce CSynth
      BSE: bseapi.idl: reorder interfaces due to dependencies
      BSE: bseapi.idl: introduce SubSynth
      BSE: bseapi.idl: fix flag constants to match SFI
      BSE: bseapi.idl: introduce Bus
      BSE: bseapi.idl: introduce WaveRepo
      BSE: bseapi.idl: improve interface docs
      BSE: introduce Wave, EditableSample, PcmWriter, MidiSynth, MidiNotifier
      HACKING.md: migration status updates
      BSE: allow as<shared_ptr<>>() from Bse::ItemIface
      BSE: ItemImpl: add push_undo_to_redo() to compensate for bse_container_remove_backedup
      BSE: SongImpl: port create_bus() and remove_bus()
      BSE: SongImpl: port create_part() and remove_part()
      BSE: SongImpl: port create_track() and remove_track()
      BSE: move SongTiming into bseapi.idl
      BSE: move PartLinkSeq into bseapi.idl
      BSE: remove bse_midi_notifier_current_time procedure which was entirely unused
      BSE: remove bse_proxy_check procedure which was entirely unused
      BSE: bseapi.idl: minor blurb elaboration
      Merge branch 'move-procs' [ongoing]
      BSE: use the new Rapicorn::Aida::ServerConnection::bind API for startup
      BEAST: use the new Rapicorn::Aida::ClientConnection::connect API for startup
      SFI: properly handle Aida aux data of type std::vector<String>
      BSE: BUILD: optimize build by using fine grained dependencies for bsegentypes.h
      BSE: BUILD: remove rarely used generated-files build rules
      BSE: BUILD: optimize build by using fine grained dependencies for bse*api.cc
      Merge branch 'aida-updates'
      SFI: provide sfi_pspecs_fields_from_accessor_visitable()
      BEAST: fixup for sfi_pspec_* rename
      BSE: store and load C++ object properties
      BEAST: provide a GxkParamBinding for an Aida::Parameter
      BEAST: generate UI elements (GxkParam) from IDL properties
      Merge branch 'aida-parameter'
      BSE: move Song.bpm into bseapi.idl
      BEAST: extract Bse::SongH properties for UI generation
      Merge branch 'idl-bpm-property'
      BSE: rename bse_bindtextdomain()
      BSE: bsemain.cc: slight reordering
      BSE: allow bse_bindtextdomain() to be called only once
      BSE: remake bsehack.idl via stamp file to avoid unneccessary BEAST recompilations
      BSE: merge bse_init_intern into bse_init_inprocess
      BSE: merge BSE startup routines before BSE thread starts
      BSE: move thread registration
      BSE: merge arg parsing setup into initialize_with_argv()
      BSE: always complete BSE initialization including Aida IDL and Sequencer
      BSE: keep task registration to bse_main_loop_thread()
      Merge branch 'simplify-init'
      DOCS: allow to skip documentation rebuilds with "NODOC=1 make"
      DOCS: minor fixups to ChangeLog doc generation
      DOCS: strip spaces from DOXYGEN_TAGFILES
      DOCS: include tagfile from cppreference.com for docu generation
      DOCS: avoid using Rapicorn tag file, as Doxygen ignore namespaces from tag files
      DOCS: simplify doc builds, always build docs in html/
      DOCS: fix docu upload logic
      Merge branch 'documentation-upload'
      BUILD: ship HACKING.md
      BSE: fix missing build dependencies
      BEAST: fix build dependencies
      PO: fix outdated file list
      BSE: avoid defining _ISOC99_SOURCE directly
      BSE: include cmath for signbit()
      BSE: cleanup IIR filter enumeration
      TESTS: audio: adjust thresholds for audio feature matches to pass (all above 90%)
      Merge branch 'build-fixes'
      BUILD: define VORBISFILE_BADSEEK if vorbisfile <= 1.3.4
      BSE: work around vorbisfile-1.3.4 pcm_seek crashes
      Merge branch 'vorbisfile-badseek'
      BSE: reap main loop thread atexit
      BSE: reap sequencer thread atexit
      BSE: reap master thread atexit
      Merge branch 'thread-exit'
      BSE: add bsetool for future utility routines
      BSE: rename BSE_SERVER() to BSE_SERVER_CAST()
      BSE: provide BSE_SERVER as alias for Bse::ServerImpl::instance()
      BSE: bsetool: add simple argument parser
      BSE: bsetool: add render2wav
      BSE: bsetool: keep the main loop going during render2wav
      TESTS: audio: replace bse2wav.scm with 'bsetool render2wav'
      TOOLS: bsefcompare.cc: print out the reference file being tested
      BSE: bsetool.cc: support --quiet
      TESTS: audio: make render2wav quiet unless V=1
      TESTS: audio: add audio tests to 'check' and allow parallel execution
      BSE: some commenting
      BSE: bsetool: add 'check-load' command to test BSE file validity
      TESTS: filecheck: replace checkproject.scm with 'bsetool check-load'
      TESTS: filecheck: check minisong.bse along with other BSE files
      TESTS: audio: fix freak-noise.bse property values to pass tests
      TESTS: filecheck: execute loading checks upon "make check"
      TESTS: filecheck: run multiple BSE loading tests in parallel
      Merge branch 'bsetool'
      BEAST: fix srcdir/builddir confusion for generated file dependencies
      BSE: fix srcdir/builddir confusion for generated file dependencies
      BUILD: Makefile.decl: distfile-list: generate absolute file names
      TESTS: filecheck: fix clean rule
      TESTS: audio: reduce 'make check' output for V=0
      TESTS: filecheck: use absolute pathnames from distfile-list
      TESTS: revieve perftest via legacy C interface
      BUILD: remove HACKING.html during 'make clean'
      SFI: fix compiler warning
      BSE: fix sfidl generation rule to cope with interruptions
      BSE: alter dependencies so rebuilding SFIDL doesn't rebuild IDL output
      BEAST: alter dependencies so rebuilding SFIDL doesn't rebuild IDL output
      PLUGINS: alter dependencies so rebuilding SFIDL doesn't rebuild IDL output
      TESTS: alter dependencies so rebuilding SFIDL doesn't rebuild IDL output
      TESTS: bse: fix IDL build rule not to mess with ../bse/
      Merge branch 'distcheck-fixes'
      SFI: remove useless includes
      BSE: remove useless includes
      BEAST: remove useless includes
      LAUNCHERS: comment fixup
      TOOLS: remove useless includes
      BUILD: use versioned pkgincludedir pkglibdir pkgdatadir pkgdocdir pkglibexecdir
      BUILD: define BSE_INSTALLPATH_* for installation directories, i.e. pkg*dir
      DATA: beast-images.h: remove useless dependency
      SFI: provide bse_installpath() and bse_version()
      SFI: use bse_installpath() and bse_version(), get rid of topconfig.h
      BSE: use bse_installpath() and bse_version(), get rid of topconfig.h
      SHELL: use bse_installpath(), get rid of topconfig.h
      BEAST: use bse_installpath() and bse_version(), get rid of topconfig.h
      fix configure.ac
      BSE: tests: remove useless topconfig.h includes
      TOOLS: remove useless topconfig.h includes
      LAUNCHERS: use bse_version(), get rid of topconfig.h
      TESTS: use bse_version(), get rid of topconfig.h
      TOOLS: use bse_version(), get rid of topconfig.h
      LAUNCHERS: use ../configure.h instead of topconfig.h
      PLUGINS: install plugins under $(pkglibdir)/plugins
      DRIVERS: install driver plugins under $(pkglibdir)/drivers
      BUILD: configure.ac: remove unused variables
      LIBRARY: effects: install effect files under $(pkgdatadir)/effects
      LIBRARY: instruments: install instrument files under $(pkgdatadir)/instruments
      LIBRARY: samples: install sample files under $(pkgdatadir)/samples
      LIBRARY: demo: install demo files under $(pkgdatadir)/demo
      SHELL: use and install scripts under $(pkgdatadir)/scripts
      BUILD: configure.ac: remove unused variables
      LIBRARY: skins: install skin files under $(pkgdatadir)/skins
      DATA: install image files under $(pkgdatadir)/images
      LIBRARY: keys: install key files under $(pkgdatadir)/keys
      BUILD: configure.ac: remove unused variables
      DOCS: install documentation under $(pkgdocdir)
      BSE: install headers under $(pkgincludedir)
      SFI: install headers under $(pkgincludedir)
      BUILD: remove unused topconfig.h
      DATA: remove unused config-paths.h
      Merge branch 'installpaths'
      BUILD: remove --enable-devel-mode from autogen.sh
      BUILD: configure.ac: set --enable-devel-mode depending on the version number
      BUILD: Makefile.decl: run 'make check-devel' together with 'make check' in devel mode
      TESTS: audio: execute feature test as part of check-devel
      Merge branch 'check-devel'
      BUILD: configure.ac: remove --enable-distcheck-tests option
      BUILD: Makefile.am: remove execution of distcheck only tests
      BUILD: comment update
      BSE: prevent mktypes.pl from reading unrelated and unbuilt files
      BSE: fix genidl implicit rule matching include file dependencies in parent directories
      BSE: fix missing dependencies of executables on generated sources
      PO: clarify build mesage
      BUILD: Makefile.decl: provide GITSTAMPS for dependecy checking
      BUILD: remove mkrelease.sh which is mostly unused, generate ChangeLog directly
      BSE: remove useless cxxdummy.cc
      TOOLS: remove useless cxxdummy.cc
      DATA: include major and minor version in bse-X.Y.pc
      BEAST: use "Audio Synthesizer and Tracker" in splash screen
      BUILD: use just 'BEAST & BSE' in Makefiles
      BUILD: adjust Beast & Bse descriptions in README files and docs
      BUILD: catch cases where an empty ChangeLog is generated
      BUILD: configure.ac: always depend on having python2.7 available
      PO: updates for make dist
      README: minor edit
      NEWS: updates for 0.9.2
      BUILD: configure.ac: depend on rapicorn1509
      Merge branch 'distcheck-fixes'
      Release Beast 0.9.2

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