[gimp-web/testing] Add summary to the oldest new post so far

commit bf437a8fa6a8026e31469cc8bfb77e5eb59afd70
Author: Alexandre Prokoudine <alexandre prokoudine gmail com>
Date:   Tue Dec 1 00:56:22 2015 +0300

    Add summary to the oldest new post so far

 content/news/2006-08-11 Open Usability.md |    9 +++++----
 1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/content/news/2006-08-11 Open Usability.md b/content/news/2006-08-11 Open Usability.md
index b5ae7eb..3a9eb35 100644
--- a/content/news/2006-08-11 Open Usability.md 
+++ b/content/news/2006-08-11 Open Usability.md 
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@ Title: Open Usability and GIMP
 Date: 2006-08-11
 Category: News
 Authors: Wilber
+Summary: The GIMP team is proud to announce that the GNU Image Manipulation Program has been chosen as the 
first Open Source Software project for a sponsored student project on usability.
 The GIMP team is proud to announce that the GNU Image Manipulation Program has been chosen as the first Open 
Source Software project for a sponsored student project on usability.
@@ -11,7 +10,9 @@ The GIMP team is proud to announce that the GNU Image Manipulation Program has b
 OpenUsability ([www.openusability.org](http://www.openusability.org/)) is an initiative that brings Open 
Source Software (OSS) development and usability together. This symbiosis is beneficial for both sides: 
Developers can make difficult user interface (UI) decisions together with usability specialists, while 
usability specialists can explore and further develop their skills in real-world projects without the 
pressure of a commercial market.
-Likewise, OpenUsability's mentored student projects are an excellent way for usability, user-interface 
design, and interaction design students to gain experience in the interdisciplinary and collaborative 
development of user interface solutions in international software projects. During a three-month cooperation, 
you will closely work together with experienced professionals and get insights in to their way of work. An 
involvement of 20 hours per week is expected.
+Likewise, OpenUsability's mentored student projects are an excellent way for usability, user-interface 
design, and interaction design students to gain experience in the interdisciplinary and collaborative 
development of user interface solutions in international software projects.
+During a three-month cooperation, you will closely work together with experienced professionals and get 
insights in to their way of work. An involvement of 20 hours per week is expected.
 Depending on your location, you will be invited to a kickoff-meeting with the development team, the 
interaction architect, usability specialist and user support. Otherwise the collaboration will take place via 
the established channels of OSS development - email, IRC, VoIP, and etc.
@@ -37,4 +38,4 @@ GIMP or Photoshop experience is not required, in fact if you have extensive GIMP
 To participate in this project, send your application to students openusability org  The application period 
ends at the 10th of September.
-Please send us a short CV or (in PDF), a couple of paragraphs about why you want to be an interaction 
architect, some of your past experiences which have shaped your current skills, and what you expect from this 
profession in the future.
+Please send us a short CV or (in PDF), a couple of paragraphs about why you want to be an interaction 
architect, some of your past experiences which have shaped your current skills, and what you expect from this 
profession in the future.
\ No newline at end of file

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