[chronojump] Initial Implementation of Encoder 1RM Indirect on program

commit 3701249265cc3229ee7769b22b83690bc19ab4ed
Author: Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
Date:   Wed Nov 11 21:12:08 2015 +0100

    Initial Implementation of Encoder 1RM Indirect on program

 encoder/RM.R       |  107 ----------------------------------------------------
 encoder/graph.R    |   97 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 src/gui/encoder.cs |   74 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 3 files changed, 155 insertions(+), 123 deletions(-)
diff --git a/encoder/graph.R b/encoder/graph.R
index d6b4e9c..7fb9e4e 100644
--- a/encoder/graph.R
+++ b/encoder/graph.R
@@ -2067,6 +2067,91 @@ paint1RMBadillo2010 <- function (paf, title, outputData1) {
        write(paste("1RM;",round(predicted1RM,2),sep=""), SpecialData)
+#---- RM Indirect start ----
+RMIndirect <- function(Q, nrep, nRM) {
+#Q = load in Kg
+#nrep = number of maximum repetitions
+#n = the number of nRM you want to know
+        rm = matrix(rep(c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0), nRM), ncol=8)
+        colnames(rm) = c("Brzycki", "Epley", "Lander", "Lombardi", "Mayhew", "Oconner", "Wathan", "AVG")
+        rm = as.data.frame(rm)
+        rm[1,1] = Q * (36 / (37 - nrep))                                    #Brzycki
+        rm[1,2] = Q * (1 + 0.0333  *  nrep)                                 #Epley
+        rm[1,3] = (100 * Q) / (101.3 - 2.67123 * nrep)                      #Lander   
+        rm[1,4] = Q * nrep^0.1                                              #Lombardi
+        rm[1,5] = (100 * Q) / (52.2 + (41.9 * exp(-0.055 * nrep)))          #Mayhew
+        rm[1,6] = Q * (1 + 0.025 * nrep)                                    #O'Conner
+        rm[1,7] = (100 * Q) / (48.8 + (53.8 * exp(-0.075 * nrep)))          #Wathan
+       rm[1,8] = mean(as.numeric(rm[1,1:7]))
+       if(nRM < 2) return(rm)
+        for(i in 2:nRM) {
+                rm[i,1] = rm[1,1] * (37 - i) / 36                           #Brzycki
+                rm[i,2] = rm[1,2] / (1 + (i / 30))                          #Epley
+                rm[i,3] = rm[1,3] * (101.3 - 2.67123 * i) / 100             #Lander
+                rm[i,4] = rm[1,4] / (i ^ (1 / 10))                          #Lombardi
+                rm[i,5] = rm[1,5] * (52.2 + (41.9 * exp(-1 * (i * 0.055)))) / 100       #Mayhew
+                rm[i,6] = rm[1,6] / (1 + i * 0.025)                         #O'Conner
+                rm[i,7] = rm[1,7]* (48.8 + (53.8 * exp(-1 * (i * 0.075)))) / 100        #Wathan
+               rm[i,8] = mean(as.numeric(rm[i,1:7]))
+                }
+        return(rm)
+plotRMIndirect <- function (RMIMatrix, Q, nrep) 
+       nRM = length(RMIMatrix[,1])
+       ntests = length(RMIMatrix[1,]) -1 #-1 because we don't count the AVG
+       uniqueColors=rainbow(ntests)
+       par(mar=c(5,4,7,2)) #more space on the top
+       #Create an empty plot
+       plot(1, xlim=c(1,nRM),ylim=c(min(RMIMatrix),max(RMIMatrix)), type="n",
+            xlab="Repetitions", ylab="Mass (Kg)", xaxt="n")
+       axis(1,1:10) #plot xaxis ensuring 1:10 is written
+       #Draw grid
+       abline(h=seq(0,max(RMIMatrix),by=5), lty=2, col="gray")
+       abline(v=nrep, lty=2, col="gray")       
+       #Draw all points except AVG (all the tests)
+       #       Note: this is fine tuned to have points at X:
+       #       -0.12, -0.8, -0.4, 0, 0.4, 0.8, 0.12
+       #       if there are more tests than 7, this need to be adjusted
+       xmov = -0.12
+       for(i in 1:ntests) {
+               points((1:10)+xmov, RMIMatrix[,i], type="p", pch=19, col=uniqueColors[i])
+               xmov = xmov +.04
+       }
+       #Draw AVG line
+       lines(RMIMatrix$AVG, type="l", lwd=2)
+       #Title
+       mtext(paste("Indirect RM prediction with", nrep, "repetitions and", Q,  "Kg"), 
+             side=3, at=5, adj=0.5, cex=1, line=5, font=2)
+       #AVGs on top. Note ntests is the AVG column
+       font = 2 #first column will be bold
+       for(i in 1:nRM) {
+               mtext(paste(i,"RM",sep=""), side=3, at=i, adj=0.5, cex=.8, line=2.5, font=font)
+               mtext(round(RMIMatrix[i,(ntests+1)],1), side=3, at=i, adj=0.5, cex=.8, line=1.5, font=font)
+               font = 1 #rest of the columns will not be bold
+       }
+       mtext("AVG", side=3, at=0, adj=.5, cex=.8, line=1.5)
+       legend("topright", legend=names(RMIMatrix), col=c(uniqueColors,"Black"), lwd=1, 
+              lty=c(rep(0,ntests),1), pch=c(rep(19,ntests),NA), cex=.8, bg="White") #legend
+       par(mar=c(5,4,4,2))
+       write(paste("1RM;",round(RMIMatrix[1,(ntests+1)],2),sep=""), SpecialData)
+#---- RM Indirect end ----
 find.mfrow <- function(n) {
        if(n<=3) return(c(1,n))
@@ -2720,7 +2805,7 @@ doProcess <- function(options)
        #when an analysis is done, curves file has to be written
        writeCurves = TRUE
        #but don't writeCurves on exportCSV because outputfile is the same 
-       if(op$Analysis == "exportCSV")
+       if(op$Analysis == "exportCSV" || op$Analysis=="1RMIndirect")
                writeCurves = FALSE
@@ -3035,6 +3120,16 @@ doProcess <- function(options)
                        #print("curves written")
+       if(op$Analysis=="1RMIndirect") {
+               Q <- 80
+               nrep <- 3
+               plotRMIndirect( RMIndirect(Q, nrep, 10), Q, nrep )
+               #write this file to allow C# process finish
+               write("", op$OutputData1)
+       }
        if(op$Analysis=="exportCSV") {
                print("Starting export...")
                write("starting export", stderr())
diff --git a/src/gui/encoder.cs b/src/gui/encoder.cs
index eb50f50..6c8258e 100644
--- a/src/gui/encoder.cs
+++ b/src/gui/encoder.cs
@@ -2137,6 +2137,7 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
                                         crossNameTemp == Catalog.GetString("1RM Bench Press") ||
                                         crossNameTemp == "1RM Any exercise" || 
                                         crossNameTemp == Catalog.GetString("1RM Any exercise")
+                                        //no 1RM Indirect because cannot be done with saved curves
                                        )) {
                                new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING, 
                                                Catalog.GetString("Sorry, this graph is not supported yet.") +
@@ -2144,6 +2145,7 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
                                                "\n- Speed,Power / Load" +
                                                "\n- 1RM Bench Press" +
                                                "\n- 1RM Any exercise"
+                                               //no 1RM Indirect because cannot be done with saved curves
@@ -2155,6 +2157,7 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
                                                crossNameTemp == Catalog.GetString("1RM Bench Press") ||
                                                crossNameTemp == "1RM Any exercise" || 
                                                crossNameTemp == Catalog.GetString("1RM Any exercise")
+                                               //no 1RM Indirect because cannot be done with saved curves
                                bool differentExercises = false;
@@ -2686,7 +2689,11 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
                        if(crossName == "1RM Bench Press") {
                                sendAnalysis = "1RMBadillo2010";
                                analysisOptions = "p";
-                       } else {
+                       } else if(
+                                       crossName == "Speed / Load" || crossName == "Force / Load" || 
+                                       crossName == "Power / Load" || crossName == "Speed,Power / Load" || 
+                                       crossName == "Force / Speed" || crossName == "Power / Speed") 
+                       {
                                //convert: "Force / Speed" in: "cross.Force.Speed.mean"
                                string [] crossNameFull = crossName.Split(new char[] {' '});
                                analysisVariables = crossNameFull[0] + ";" + crossNameFull[2]; //[1]=="/"
@@ -2908,15 +2915,20 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
                } else {        //current signal
-                       if(encoderAnalysis == "cross" && crossName == "1RM Any exercise") {
-                               //get speed1RM (from combo)
-                               EncoderExercise ex = (EncoderExercise) SqliteEncoder.SelectEncoderExercises(
-                                               false, getExerciseIDFromCombo(), false)[0];
-                               sendAnalysis = "1RMAnyExercise";
-                               analysisVariables = Util.ConvertToPoint(ex.speed1RM) + ";" + 
-                                       SqlitePreferences.Select("encoder1RMMethod");
-                               analysisOptions = "p";
+                       if(encoderAnalysis == "cross") {
+                               if(crossName == "1RM Any exercise") {
+                                       //get speed1RM (from combo)
+                                       EncoderExercise ex = (EncoderExercise) 
+                                                       false, getExerciseIDFromCombo(), false)[0];
+                                       sendAnalysis = "1RMAnyExercise";
+                                       analysisVariables = Util.ConvertToPoint(ex.speed1RM) + ";" + 
+                                               SqlitePreferences.Select("encoder1RMMethod");
+                                       analysisOptions = "p";
+                               }
+                               else if(crossName == "1RM Indirect") {
+                                       sendAnalysis = "1RMIndirect";
+                               }
                        ep = new EncoderParams(
@@ -3392,15 +3404,16 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
                //create combo analyze cross (variables)
                string [] comboAnalyzeCrossOptions = { 
                        "Speed / Load", "Force / Load", "Power / Load", "Speed,Power / Load", "Force / 
Speed", "Power / Speed", 
-                       "1RM Bench Press", "1RM Any exercise"};
+                       "1RM Bench Press", "1RM Any exercise", "1RM Indirect"};
                string [] comboAnalyzeCrossOptionsTranslated = { 
                        Catalog.GetString("Speed / Load"), Catalog.GetString("Force / Load"), 
                        Catalog.GetString("Power / Load"), Catalog.GetString("Speed,Power / Load"), 
                        Catalog.GetString("Force / Speed"), Catalog.GetString("Power / Speed"), 
-                       Catalog.GetString("1RM Bench Press"), Catalog.GetString("1RM Any exercise")
+                       Catalog.GetString("1RM Bench Press"), Catalog.GetString("1RM Any exercise"),
+                       Catalog.GetString("1RM Indirect")
                }; //if added more, change the int in the 'for' below
                encoderAnalyzeCrossTranslation = new String [comboAnalyzeCrossOptions.Length];
-               for(int j=0; j < 8 ; j++)
+               for(int j=0; j < 9 ; j++)
                        encoderAnalyzeCrossTranslation[j] = 
                                comboAnalyzeCrossOptions[j] + ":" + comboAnalyzeCrossOptionsTranslated[j];
                combo_encoder_analyze_cross = ComboBox.NewText ();
@@ -3519,7 +3532,10 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
                                        encoderAnalyzeCrossTranslation) == "1RM Bench Press" ||
-                                       encoderAnalyzeCrossTranslation) == "1RM Any exercise" ) {
+                                       encoderAnalyzeCrossTranslation) == "1RM Any exercise" ||
+                               Util.FindOnArray(':',1,0,UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_encoder_analyze_cross),
+                                       encoderAnalyzeCrossTranslation) == "1RM Indirect" )
+               {
                        check_encoder_analyze_mean_or_max.Active = true;
                        check_encoder_analyze_mean_or_max.Sensitive = false;
                        check_encoder_analyze_eccon_together.Active = false;
@@ -3529,6 +3545,17 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
                        check_encoder_analyze_eccon_together.Sensitive = true;
+               //1RM Indirect can only be used with current signal     
+               if(Util.FindOnArray(':',1,0,UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_encoder_analyze_cross),
+                                       encoderAnalyzeCrossTranslation) == "1RM Indirect" &&
+                               ! check_encoder_analyze_signal_or_curves.Active) {      //saved curves 
+                       button_encoder_analyze.Sensitive = false;
+                       new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING, 
+                                       "1RM Indirect prediction can only be done with current set.");
+               }
+               button_encoder_analyze_sensitiveness();
        void on_button_encoder_analyze_image_save_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
@@ -4105,6 +4132,13 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
                                analyze_sensitive = curvesNumOkToSideCompare();
                                label_encoder_analyze_side_max.Visible = ! analyze_sensitive;
+                       //1RM Indirect only works on current set
+                       if(
+                                       radiobutton_encoder_analyze_cross.Active &&
+                                               encoderAnalyzeCrossTranslation) == "1RM Indirect")
+                               analyze_sensitive = false;
                button_encoder_analyze.Sensitive = analyze_sensitive;
@@ -5497,7 +5531,17 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
                        button_encoder_analyze_1RM_save.Sensitive = 
                                (radiobutton_encoder_analyze_cross.Active &&
-                               (crossName == "1RM Bench Press" || crossName == "1RM Any exercise") );
+                               (crossName == "1RM Bench Press" || crossName == "1RM Any exercise") ); 
+                       // || crossName == "1RM Indirect") ); 
+                       /*
+                        * TODO: currently disabled because 
+                        * on_button_encoder_analyze_1RM_save_clicked () reads getExerciseNameFromTable()
+                        * and encoderAnalyzeListStore is not created because "1RM Indirect" 
+                        * currently prints no data on OutputData1
+                        *
+                        * Solution will be to print data there with a new format 
+                        * (new columns) like neuromuscular has done
+                        */
                treeview_encoder_capture_curves.Sensitive = true;

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