[libsoup] (7 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/nacho/soup-extern

The branch 'wip/nacho/soup-extern' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  026e87b... Mark old session-(async|sync) methods as deprecated
  8267c24... Use the proper glib version macros
  21b7971... Provide a _SOUP_EXTERN so we ensure the methods get externa
  c97e346... Declare a SOUP_VAR to externalize variables
  904eec3... Mark all remaining methods with SOUP_AVAILABLE_IN_2_4
  22e2018... Properly handle the visibility of the methods
  6a05875... Mark soup_message_io_cleanup as extern

Commits added to the branch:

  2de1625... Mark old session-(async|sync) methods as deprecated
  598d8bf... Use the proper glib version macros
  4b04ce9... Provide a _SOUP_EXTERN so we ensure the methods get externa
  9bb3fbf... Declare a SOUP_VAR to externalize variables
  b481b49... Mark all remaining methods with SOUP_AVAILABLE_IN_2_4
  25ec6a2... Properly handle the visibility of the methods
  adb1ad9... Mark soup_message_io_cleanup as extern

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