[devhelp/wip/swilmet/misc-improvements] keyword-model: extract function from keyword_model_search_books()

commit a7b994fe5221747c25a932f148effb82ca058c4e
Author: Sébastien Wilmet <swilmet gnome org>
Date:   Sun May 31 12:23:38 2015 +0200

    keyword-model: extract function from keyword_model_search_books()
    3 nested for loops and 8 indentation levels is *maybe* a bit
    too much :-)
    Move the second for loop into another function. Do the minimum amount of
    work wrt variable names, this can be improved in another commit (to not
    do everything at once).

 src/dh-keyword-model.c |  231 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 files changed, 126 insertions(+), 105 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/dh-keyword-model.c b/src/dh-keyword-model.c
index bdec237..12cfc4f 100644
--- a/src/dh-keyword-model.c
+++ b/src/dh-keyword-model.c
@@ -442,6 +442,124 @@ dh_globbed_keywords_free (GList *keyword_globs)
         g_list_free (keyword_globs);
+static GList *
+keyword_model_search_book (DhBook          *book,
+                           SearchSettings  *settings,
+                           gint             max_hits,
+                           gchar           *page_filename_prefix,
+                           GList           *new_list,
+                           gint            *hits,
+                           DhLink         **exact_link)
+        GList *l;
+        for (l = dh_book_get_keywords (book);
+             l != NULL && *hits < max_hits;
+             l = g_list_next (l)) {
+                DhLink   *link;
+                gboolean  found;
+                link = l->data;
+                found = FALSE;
+                /* Filter by page? */
+                if (settings->page_id != NULL) {
+                        gchar *file_name;
+                        file_name = (settings->case_sensitive ?
+                                     g_strdup (dh_link_get_file_name (link)) :
+                                     g_ascii_strdown (dh_link_get_file_name (link), -1));
+                        /* First, filter out all keywords not belonging
+                         * to this given page. */
+                        if (!g_str_has_prefix (file_name, page_filename_prefix)) {
+                                /* No need of this keyword. */
+                                g_free (file_name);
+                                continue;
+                        }
+                        g_free (file_name);
+                        /* This means we got no keywords to look for. */
+                        if (settings->keywords == NULL) {
+                                /* Show all in the page */
+                                found = TRUE;
+                        }
+                }
+                if (!found && settings->keywords != NULL) {
+                        gboolean  all_found;
+                        gboolean  prefix_found;
+                        gchar    *name;
+                        GList    *list;
+                        name = (settings->case_sensitive ?
+                                g_strdup (dh_link_get_name (link)) :
+                                g_ascii_strdown (dh_link_get_name (link), -1));
+                        all_found = TRUE;
+                        prefix_found = FALSE;
+                        for (list = settings->keyword_globs; list != NULL; list = g_list_next (list)) {
+                                DhKeywordGlobPattern *data = list->data;
+                                /* If our keyword is a glob pattern, use
+                                 * it.  Otherwise, do more efficient string searching */
+                                if (data->has_glob) {
+                                        if (g_pattern_match_string (data->glob_pattern_start, name)) {
+                                                prefix_found = TRUE;
+                                                /* If we get a prefix match and we're not
+                                                 * looking for prefix, stop. */
+                                                if (!settings->prefix)
+                                                        break;
+                                        } else if (!g_pattern_match_string (data->glob_pattern_any, name)) {
+                                                all_found = FALSE;
+                                                break;
+                                        }
+                                } else {
+                                        if (g_str_has_prefix (name, data->keyword)) {
+                                                prefix_found = TRUE;
+                                                if (!settings->prefix)
+                                                        break;
+                                        } else if (g_strrstr (name, data->keyword) == NULL) {
+                                                all_found = FALSE;
+                                                break;
+                                        }
+                                }
+                        }
+                        g_free (name);
+                        found = all_found &&
+                                ((settings->prefix && prefix_found) ||
+                                 (!settings->prefix && !prefix_found));
+                }
+                if (found) {
+                        /* Include in the new list. */
+                        new_list = g_list_prepend (new_list, link);
+                        (*hits)++;
+                        if (exact_link == NULL || dh_link_get_name (link) == NULL)
+                                continue;
+                        /* Look for an exact link match. If the link is a PAGE,
+                         * we can overwrite any previous exact link set. For
+                         * example, when looking for GFile, we want the page,
+                         * not the struct. */
+                        if (dh_link_get_link_type (link) == DH_LINK_TYPE_PAGE &&
+                            ((settings->page_id != NULL &&
+                              strcmp (dh_link_get_name (link), settings->page_id) == 0) ||
+                             (strcmp (dh_link_get_name (link), settings->search_string) == 0))) {
+                                *exact_link = link;
+                        } else if (*exact_link == NULL &&
+                                   strcmp (dh_link_get_name (link), settings->search_string) == 0) {
+                                *exact_link = link;
+                        }
+                }
+        }
+        return new_list;
 /* The Search rationale is as follows:
  * - If 'book_id' is given, but no 'page_id' or 'keywords', the main page of
@@ -478,7 +596,7 @@ keyword_model_search_books (DhKeywordModel  *model,
         priv = dh_keyword_model_get_instance_private (model);
         if (settings->page_id != NULL) {
-                page_filename_prefix = g_strdup_printf("%s.", settings->page_id);
+                page_filename_prefix = g_strdup_printf ("%s.", settings->page_id);
                 /* If filtering per page, increase the maximum number of
                  * hits. This is due to the fact that a page may have
                  * more than MAX_HITS keywords, and the page link may be
@@ -491,7 +609,6 @@ keyword_model_search_books (DhKeywordModel  *model,
              b != NULL && hits < max_hits;
              b = g_list_next (b)) {
                 DhBook *book;
-                GList *l;
                 book = DH_BOOK (b->data);
@@ -528,109 +645,13 @@ keyword_model_search_books (DhKeywordModel  *model,
-                for (l = dh_book_get_keywords (book);
-                     l != NULL && hits < max_hits;
-                     l = g_list_next (l)) {
-                        DhLink   *link;
-                        gboolean  found;
-                        link = l->data;
-                        found = FALSE;
-                        /* Filter by page? */
-                        if (settings->page_id != NULL) {
-                                gchar *file_name;
-                                file_name = (settings->case_sensitive ?
-                                             g_strdup (dh_link_get_file_name (link)) :
-                                             g_ascii_strdown (dh_link_get_file_name (link), -1));
-                                /* First, filter out all keywords not belonging
-                                 * to this given page. */
-                                if (!g_str_has_prefix (file_name, page_filename_prefix)) {
-                                        /* No need of this keyword. */
-                                        g_free (file_name);
-                                        continue;
-                                }
-                                g_free (file_name);
-                                /* This means we got no keywords to look for. */
-                                if (settings->keywords == NULL) {
-                                        /* Show all in the page */
-                                        found = TRUE;
-                                }
-                        }
-                        if (!found && settings->keywords != NULL) {
-                                gboolean  all_found;
-                                gboolean  prefix_found;
-                                gchar    *name;
-                                GList    *list;
-                                name = (settings->case_sensitive ?
-                                        g_strdup (dh_link_get_name (link)) :
-                                        g_ascii_strdown (dh_link_get_name (link), -1));
-                                all_found = TRUE;
-                                prefix_found = FALSE;
-                                for (list = settings->keyword_globs; list != NULL; list = g_list_next 
(list)) {
-                                        DhKeywordGlobPattern *data = list->data;
-                                        /* If our keyword is a glob pattern, use
-                                         * it.  Otherwise, do more efficient string searching */
-                                        if (data->has_glob) {
-                                                if (g_pattern_match_string (data->glob_pattern_start, name)) 
-                                                        prefix_found = TRUE;
-                                                        /* If we get a prefix match and we're not
-                                                         * looking for prefix, stop. */
-                                                        if (!settings->prefix)
-                                                                break;
-                                                } else if (!g_pattern_match_string (data->glob_pattern_any, 
name)) {
-                                                        all_found = FALSE;
-                                                        break;
-                                                }
-                                        } else {
-                                                if (g_str_has_prefix (name, data->keyword)) {
-                                                        prefix_found = TRUE;
-                                                        if (!settings->prefix)
-                                                                break;
-                                                } else if (g_strrstr (name, data->keyword) == NULL) {
-                                                        all_found = FALSE;
-                                                        break;
-                                                }
-                                        }
-                                }
-                                g_free (name);
-                                found = all_found &&
-                                        ((settings->prefix && prefix_found) ||
-                                         (!settings->prefix && !prefix_found));
-                        }
-                        if (found) {
-                                /* Include in the new list. */
-                                new_list = g_list_prepend (new_list, link);
-                                hits++;
-                                if (exact_link == NULL || dh_link_get_name (link) == NULL)
-                                        continue;
-                                /* Look for an exact link match. If the link is a PAGE,
-                                 * we can overwrite any previous exact link set. For
-                                 * example, when looking for GFile, we want the page,
-                                 * not the struct. */
-                                if (dh_link_get_link_type (link) == DH_LINK_TYPE_PAGE &&
-                                    ((settings->page_id != NULL &&
-                                      strcmp (dh_link_get_name (link), settings->page_id) == 0) ||
-                                     (strcmp (dh_link_get_name (link), settings->search_string) == 0))) {
-                                        *exact_link = link;
-                                } else if (*exact_link == NULL &&
-                                           strcmp (dh_link_get_name (link), settings->search_string) == 0) {
-                                        *exact_link = link;
-                                }
-                        }
-                }
+                new_list = keyword_model_search_book (book,
+                                                      settings,
+                                                      max_hits,
+                                                      page_filename_prefix,
+                                                      new_list,
+                                                      &hits,
+                                                      exact_link);
         g_free (page_filename_prefix);

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