[chronojump] Created tag 1.5.1

The unsigned tag '1.5.1' was created.

Tagger: Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
Date: Thu May 28 23:59:49 2015 +0200


Changes since the last tag '1.5.0':

Daniel Șerbănescu (1):
      Updated Romanian Translation

Jordi Mas (1):
      Fixes to Catalan translation

Marek Černocký (4):
      Updated Czech translation
      Updated Czech translation
      Updated Czech translation
      Updated Czech translation

Milo Casagrande (1):
      Added Italian translation

Xavier Padullés (21):
      Added getInstantDiameters for conic machines
      Spanish tranlation. Tiempo de tramo/Tiempo acumulado
      Added and modified comments for getDisplacement
      minor fix
      Minor fix
      Smoothing tests. WIP
      fixing force calculus for force. WIP
      Fixed mass on LINEARONPLANEWEIGHTDIFFANGLE. canJump only in linear and inverted
      Testing variable diameters in conical machines
      Fixed force and power in inclinated planes
      improved smoothing of the variable diameter
      Added ROTARIAXISINERTIALMOVPULLEY in isInertial() and getDynamicsInertial()
      Testing smoothing WIP
      Added smoothing in getDiametersPerTick()
      Cleaning code in getDiametersPer[Tick,Ms]
      Functions moved to util.R
      Deleted the function getOptionsFromFile()
      Preparing graph.R and capture.R to read multiple diameters
      Fixed getInertialDiameterPerMs to handle unique diameter
      Minor change

Xavier de Blas (129):
      Minor changes
      multitest firmware c fixed
      Activating json on MacOSX again
      Encoder code clean
      Fixed catalan typo
      inertial diameters will be processed as a list. TODO: GUI changes
      Minor fix
      On Ping, Mac and Unix are differentiated
      Minor change
      Minor fix
      Fixed 1.5.0 bug: cancel or delete signal makes bars disappear until cj is closed
      Autodetect Encoder and normal Chronopic on menu change. WIP
      Autodetect Encoder and normal Chronopic on menu change 70%
      Autodetect encoder done! normal Chronopic pending
      analyze current set concentric, separate phases button unsensitive
      Nicer Autodetect
      AutoDetect encoder on progressbar
      chronopic detect and connect (on contacts) done. Tests pending.
      Better chronopic detection/connection
      Catalan translation. Minor fixes
      Encoder video filename is shown and folder can be opened
      Experimental code for util.R
      Trying to fix splashWin permanent on mac sometimes
      Fixed crash in load session when checkboxes are clicked
      Minor fix on catalan translation
      Encoder capture tab show force on realtime plot and works with bells
      Removed 'Formulas' option from menu
      Encoder moving smooth-2015.R to tests
      Added testing file for compressing curves
      Added readme.txt about encoder R files
      Bye bye RDotNet. Definetively.
      Leave opened encoder R Processes WIP
      More rdotnet removal
      Improved compile instructions
      Leave opened encoder R Processes (capture done)
      Leave opened encoder R Processes (capture better)
      Added lapse in animation reaction time lights. Cleaned code
      Leave opened encoder R Processes (analyze done). Need to check the TODOs and clean
      Safer opening image after a R process
      Encoder Roptions with comments for each line
      Minor fix
      Improved encoder inertial images
      Added inertial lateral and inertial mov pulley. TODO: images
      Added missing image
      Added new inertial modes to isInertial
      Encoder load set, current set row is selected
      Removed unused code
      Safer calcule curves on capture (shorter are discarded)
      Autodetection of encoder... try 100 times
      Now Chronojump closes ok if Chronopic has been cancelled before
      Added encoder inertial lateral images
      Encoder configuration image at the top
      Implemented flicker, discriminative (pending start/end signal)
      Initial code for findCurves on graph.R same than on capture
      Minor fix to previous commit
      Using new findCurves. Also important fixes on ec when ends on e
      Fixes last commit
      Fixing Auto detect on Windows
      Fixed problem on automatic row selection on load signal
      Better GUI on new reaction time tests
      Added inertial mov-pulley images
      Minor gui changes on reaction time discriminative
      Fixing Auto detect on Windows
      Disables autodetect normal chronopic on Windows
      Better ending of curves on findCurvesNew
      Fixed capture without curves
      Fixed delete session now deletes all encoder and videos stuff
      Fixing probem on continue an RProc process with no data
      Fixing ending of RProc when STDIN write is broken
      Fix call_graph.R to not open STDIN all the time
      Better management of contineu process on capture
      Improved inertial-mov-pulley images
      Inertia graphs - initial code
      Minor changes
      CrossVariables use inertia instead of mass if some curves are inertial
      GUI a bit narrower. Encoder capture button changed disposition
      powerBars use inertia instead of mass if some curves are inertial
      Show "Inertia M." on encoder inertia graphs
      On side compare speed, power, ... 0 abline is shown
      encoder ec speed is shown in abs
      Fixed bad smoothing was assigned to some paint curves
      On inertial ecc-con not used first negative accel phase on ecc
      Barplot ec shows diagonal -45 lines for e
      Improvements on findCurvesNew (R) to fix 'ec' with small curves in the middle
      Improvements on capture curves (C#) to fix 'ec' with small curves in the middle
      Fixed special data 1RM stored correctly (failed since R procs)
      Better adjustement of dynamic parameters on graph
      On paint ec show also min speed, min power
      Minor fix
      Fixed problem with extrema cross that sometimes did not find 0 cross
      Safest from position to displacement (without a 0 at start of displacement)
      On inertial ec fixed finding first num in previous curve and then spline start was buggy
      Added a test of ec-ecS smooth showing that findSmoothings need to usepower
      findSmoothingsEC using power instead of speed
      Minor changes
      Minor fix on a encoder test
      Fixet sensitivity of check_encoder_analyze_eccon_together
      On raspberry run maximized
      Inertial position diffs fixed now
      After capture, treeview and bars are not erased. Don't need to wait (nice for raspberry)
      On raspberry not camera (personal photos) cannot be done
      Show height on capture 3m -> 10m (better for inertials)
      Encoder big change, now height approval is done in R
      Fixed problem with (double) weight on analyze
      New layout of encoder capture (video and serie on the right)
      Inertia extra weights selectable from main gui
      Inertia extra weights from main GUI. More inertia stuff on encoderConfiguration
      Nicer encoderConfigurationWin
      Don't allow to cancel or finish while 'curves after capture'
      Adaptative displayed height on capture
      On inertia moment calculation, vertical display is smaller
      Do not allow to cancel while process curves
      Fixed bug from last commit and nicer code
      Nicer EncoderConfigurationWindow
      Fixed do not use extra weight (Kg) in inertia calculations
      SQL Select1RM is not called now at each spinbutton extra weight change
      extra mass controls for raspberry
      While capture show 'kg' or 'inertia' or 'calculing inertia' on title
      Curves graph shows Kg or IM
      encoderConfiguration gets stored on database
      Fixed one comment
      encoder inertia  extra weights n can be pressed enter
      Curves graph has 1/2 Chronojump windo width
      Fixes on encoder recalculate and previously saved curves (no more meanPower 0)
      GetOS is printed on log just one time
      Nicer logs
      Bump version 1.5.1

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