[gnome-photos/wip/rishi/edit-mode: 8/20] base-item: Take advantage of better caching during download

commit aa9de1dd01c3dfc427b2fbe6d63ef4101aba783d
Author: Debarshi Ray <debarshir gnome org>
Date:   Tue May 26 10:40:16 2015 +0200

    base-item: Take advantage of better caching during download
    We only hit the network if the cache is empty. If it isn't, then we
    return the local path to the cached file. Therefore, there is no need
    to guard it with a 'once' variable.

 src/photos-base-item.c |   14 ++++----------
 1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/photos-base-item.c b/src/photos-base-item.c
index 321cc2d..141c5af 100644
--- a/src/photos-base-item.c
+++ b/src/photos-base-item.c
@@ -68,7 +68,6 @@ struct _PhotosBaseItemPrivate
   gboolean collection;
   gboolean failed_thumbnailing;
   gboolean favorite;
-  gboolean loaded_once;
   const gchar *thumb_path;
   gchar *author;
   gchar *default_app_name;
@@ -733,16 +732,11 @@ photos_base_item_load (PhotosBaseItem *self, GCancellable *cancellable, GError *
   GeglNode *ret_val = NULL;
   gchar *path = NULL;
-  if (!priv->loaded_once)
-    {
-      path = photos_base_item_download (self, cancellable, error);
-      if (path == NULL)
-        goto out;
-      gegl_node_set (priv->node, "path", path, NULL);
-      priv->loaded_once = TRUE;
-    }
+  path = photos_base_item_download (self, cancellable, error);
+  if (path == NULL)
+    goto out;
+  gegl_node_set (priv->node, "path", path, NULL);
   gegl_node_process (priv->node);
   priv->bbox = gegl_node_get_bounding_box (priv->node);
   ret_val = g_object_ref (priv->node);

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