[gnome-calendar] Created tag 3.17.2

The unsigned tag '3.17.2' was created.

Tagger: Georges Basile Stavracas Neto <georges stavracas gmail com>
Date: Mon May 25 15:26:37 2015 -0300

    Bump 3.17.2 release
    The Calendar development team proudly announces the
    availability of GNOME Calendar 3.17.2 release!
    Major changes for this version:
     * Added translations
     * Added a calendar management dialog for creating, updating and deleting calendars
     * When adding a new event, use current date as event start

Changes since the last tag '3.16.1':

Cédric Valmary (1):
      Added Occitan translation

Daniel Martinez (1):
      Added Aragonese translation

Dušan Kazik (1):
      Updated Slovak translation

Erick Pérez Castellanos (26):
      app: make window NULL upon destruction
      misc: add editorconfig file
      app: add event uses current date as start
      window: fix builder's ui file
      doap: added George as new maintainer
      manager: squash compilation warning
      utils: make NULL comparison explicit
      window: I rather have these lines
      window: sources are unique
      style: ensure separation of code and declarations
      style: group variables declarations
      source-dialog: sources are unique
      style: remove whitespace
      style: remove unneeded curly brackets
      style: use the entire line
      source-dialog: join two conditionals
      style: align arguments properly
      source-dialog: avoid unneeded comparisons
      source-dialog: make NULL comparison explicit
      source-dialog: g_object_ref() returns the object
      app: add GbScrolledWindow
      calendar's popover: use GbScrolledWindow
      build: simplify UI files using gtk-builder-tool
      calendars' popover: refine UI
      source-dialog: squash compilation warning
      build: fix merge leftovers

Fabio Tomat (1):
      Added Friulian translation

Georges Basile Stavracas Neto (224):
      window: port the calendar popover to GtkListBox
      source-dialog: initial interface implementation
      source-dialog: initial stub implementation
      source-dialog: rename class to GcalSourceDialog
      source-dialog: add missing include
      source-dialog: fix wrong return type
      source-dialog: fix compiling issues
      source-dialog: bind the template class
      source-dialog: keep a ref to the private spot
      source-dialog: lazy set the GcalManager instance
      source-dialog: fix wrong type assingment
      source-dialog: prototype impl of modes
      source-dialog: fix gtk+ version requirement
      source-dialog: set ::'use_header_bar' property
      window: add a GcalSourceDialog instance
      source-dialog: setup headerbar properly
      window: show sources dialog
      window: fix signal name
      window: set source dialog to create mode
      source-dialog: fixup some properties
      window: show source dialog when a calendar is activated
      source-dialog: toggle some widgets' visibility when changing mode
      source-dialog: emit the response signal when an action button is activated
      window: hide the dialog after the response
      source-dialog: add GcalSourceDialog::set_source method
      window: set the source to be edited
      source-dialog: set the minimum width of the dialog
      source-dialog: resize dialog according to the mode
      window: set the source dialog's manager field
      window: hide calendar popover when the dialog is trigged
      source-dialog: update the default calendar check
      source-dialog: bind title when diting
      source-dialog: hide default source check when calendar is readonly
      source-dialog: handle source name changes
      source-dialog: open GNOME Control Center when the description label's link is activated
      source-dialog: implement color selection
      source-dialog: fix return type
      source-dialog: don't fire the color signal when it's setting the source
      source-dialog: expand main stack
      source-dialog: fix sizing issue
      manager: implement GcalManager::set_default_source method
      manager: fix return type
      source-dialog: implement changing the default source
      manager: initial implementation of GcalManager::save_source method
      source-dialog: properly save the source when the dialog is closed
      window: refresh calendar list when a source is edited
      window: sort calendars by name
      source-manager: don't try to save NULL sources
      local-source: copy code from Evolution regarding local sources
      source-dialog: initial implementation of local source creation
      window: remove annoying compile warning
      source-dialog: add button is insensitive by default
      source-dialog: separate local & remote source handling
      window: implement removing and undoing the removal of a calendar
      window: use markup label for in-app notification
      source-dialog: only allow removable sources to be removed
      manager: implemented GcalManager::get_source method
      source-dialog: set the parent's display name as the headerbar subtitle
      source-dialog: turn the name label into an entry
      manager: implement GcalManager::query_client_data
      source-dialog: query some calendar data when selecting a calendar
      source-dialog: clear previously unsaved calendars
      source-dialog: remove unused vars
      source-dialog: clear pages before showing the dialog in creation mode
      source-dialog: stub validation query
      source-dialog: show a spinner when it should be validating
      window: rename GcalWindow::make_row_for_source to GcalWindow::make_row_from_source
      window: remove hash table usage
      source-dialog: bind fields instead of programatically set them
      source-dialog: pass NULL instead of an empty string to headerbar's subtitle
      source-dialog: don't override unused methods
      source-dialog: remove unused field
      source-dialog: move E_TYPE_SOURCE_LOCAL to GcalSourceDialog::init
      source-dialog: fix style issues
      source-dialog: use g_clear_pointer
      source-dialog: simplify code
      source-dialog: use GtkFileChooserButton
      window: update GcalSourceDialog::manager when the window's one is updated
      source-dialog: shut up the compiler
      source-dialog: replace spinner by entry pulses
      source-dialog: don't resize to hardcoded values
      source-dialog: correctly check for any leftover resources
      source-dialog: remove needless action_area
      source-dialog: removed deprecated property
      source-dialog: shrink dialog height when mode changes
      source-dialog: remove needless placeholder
      window: release timeout source after undo
      utils: add function to parse uris
      source-dialog: remove unused details
      source-dialog: create a source from url
      source-dialog: remove entry pulse
      source-dialog: take uri validation into account
      Revert "source-dialog: remove entry pulse"
      source-dialog: try to list sources at the given server
      source-dialog: try the first request without credentials
      source-dialog: ask for user credentials
      source-dialog: display discovered sources
      source-dialog: hear 'activate' signal
      source-dialog: remove discovered sources when page is cleared
      source-dialog: remove previous results before adding new ones
      source-dialog: insensitivize the add button at errors
      source-dialog: better handle 1-source servers
      source-dialog: better handle server errors
      utils: better regext to match urls
      source-dialog: add more data to the sources
      source-dialog: use different detail frames
      source-dialog: update source names
      project: bump eds requirement
      window: update calendar popover button
      source-dialog: better name the modes
      source-dialog: partially implement the new proposed UI
      source-dialog: fix stack child name, don't resize on mode change
      source-dialog: retrieve some useful widgets from the UI
      source-dialog: add a header function
      source-dialog: add stub rows for GOA providers
      utils: add helper function to retrieve parent source data
      source-dialog: use the new functions
      source-dialog: add calendars to the list
      source-dialog: remove needless fields
      source-dialog: only add the source when it's not present
      source-dialog: show edit page when a calendar is selected
      source-dialog: give back button some action
      source-dialog: correctly check the current stack page
      source-dialog: hide remove button instead of insensitivize it
      source-dialog: take a ref for the given source
      source-dialog: update fields when a calendar is selected
      window: correctly set the source and mode
      source-dialog: set the mode instead of the raw stack page
      source-dialog: hook "Display calendar" checkbox action
      source-dialog: implement helper function
      source-dialog: be sensitive to GcalManager::'source-removed' signal
      source-dialog: add an action group
      source-dialog: implement "Add" button menu
      source-dialog: implement 'source.dialog' action
      source-dialog: add CREATE mode
      source-dialog: refactor mode handling code
      source-dialog: only add non-GOA sources to 'Calendars' list
      project: remove ESourceLocal extension
      source-dialog: save the source when 'Add' button is clicked
      source-dialog: forbid empty source names
      window: update button name
      source-dialog: remove needless data from add button
      source-dialog: spawns GCC when gear button is clicked
      source-dialog: make remove action local to the dialog
      source-dialog: sort calendars by their display name
      source-dialog: properly update edit page top widgets
      source-dialog: add GOA sources to the list
      source-dialog: implement 'source.local' action
      source-dialog: add CREATE_WEB mode
      source-dialog: respond to the 'sources.web' action
      source-dialog: refactor code
      source-dialog: move credentials prompter to builder UI file
      source-dialog: initialize values
      source-dialog: better sort calendars
      Bump version to 3.16.1 for release
      source-dialog: remove unused var
      source-dialog: make the field a boolean, not pointer
      source-dialog: use a list of remote sources instead of a single pointer
      source-dialog: give empty credentials instead of none at all
      source-dialog: remove unneeded fields
      source-dialog: fix credentials leaked data
      source-dialog: make it able to select the desired calendars
      source-dialog: always focus user entry when asking credentials
      source-dialog: first action goes top, second goes down
      source-dialog: fix insensitive button when addin file or local source
      source-dialog: Add a "Calendars" label before calendar listbox
      source-dialog: fix sorting function
      source-dialog: forbit selecing discovered calendars' row
      source-dialog: remove unneeded properties
      source-dialog: show an icon on success for web sources
      source-dialog: add a smooth transition to web sources listbox
      source-dialog: properly hide the list of discovered sources
      source-dialog: revalidates on entry activation
      project: add Goa dependency
      source-dialog: spawn online accounts creation on row activation
      application: load a GoaClient on init
      source-dialog: connect ::row-activated signal to the handler
      application: add method to retrieve the GoaClient
      application: send a signal when GoaClient init finishes
      source-dialog: add some more properties
      source-dialog: add ::application property
      window: instance source dialog on init
      application: move GoaClient to manager
      window: add source dialog to builder file again
      project: add online account row UI for source dialog
      window: don't set the manager twice
      source-dialog: load online accounts
      source-dialog: open online account when row is activated
      source-dialog: add accounts when they're added
      source-dialog: use subtitles to improve user discoveribility
      source-dialog: initialize the icon name
      source-dialog: hide empty goa rows instead of removing them
      source-dialog: remove accounts with GoaClient::account-removed
      source-dialog: sort online accounts
      source-dialog: silence gnome-control-center
      source-dialog: open online account settings when button is clicked
      source-dialog: connect the signal
      window: add a nice style to the calendar listbox
      window: better name Calendar Settings button
      source-dialog: bind source::display-name with label::label
      manager: notify when sources are enabled/disabled
      application: remove unused import
      manager: change ::get_client to ::get_goa_client
      manager: load GOA client at construction time
      source-dialog: remove unused enum
      source-dialog: remove useless checks before freeing memory
      source-dialog: use g_clear_object instead of manual free
      source-dialog: use GtkEntry::get_text_length
      source-dialog: fix style
      window: fix more styling issues
      manager: use goa_client for private field
      manager: unred GOA client on finalize
      source-dialog: use a builder .ui definition for interface
      source-dialog: remove the annoying 2px border from the dialog
      source-dialog: remove deprecated xalign for buttons
      window: comment misleading destruction of calendar row
      source-dialog: hide itself on response event
      source-dialog: fix memory leak
      source-dialog: change visible page by pointers
      manager: only load calendar sources
      po: add missing files to POTFILES.in
      project: update NEWS for 3.17.2
      build: fix uninstall-local
      Bump 3.17.2 release

Kjartan Maraas (1):
      Updated Norwegian bokmål translation.

Marek Černocký (1):
      Updated Czech translation

Milan Crha (1):
      Misleading counts of events in the Calendar view's mini-calendar

Piotr Drąg (1):
      Updated Polish translation

Victor Ibragimov (1):
      Added Tajik translation

Yosef Or Boczko (1):
      Updated Hebrew translation

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