[adwaita-icon-theme] Major renderpngs modifications

commit 778e229776e3edc26f5db9743ca1b2da7cc4448b
Author: Руслан Ижбулатов <lrn1986 gmail com>
Date:   Fri May 8 03:56:24 2015 +0000

    Major renderpngs modifications
    * Depends on Python Pillow library now
    * Add the --remove-shadows option. Renders cursors without shadows.
      This depends on the shadows being in a separate layer in adwaita.svg
    * Add the --hotspots option. Renders hotspots into separate pngs,
      then finds its coordinates and writes out the xcursorgen input file
      This depends on hotspots layer being present in the adwaita.svg.
    * Add the --scales option. Makes all cursor canvases one size higher than they
      normally are (24->32, 32->48 etc). Renders extra cursor variants that
      are 125% and 150% larger than the nominal size (hence the canvas size increase
      - otherwise scaled up versions won't fit at all). These scaled versions will
      look 25% and 50% smaller than normal, respectively.
    * Add the --min-canvas-size option. Makes all cursor canvases at least this
      big (padding smaller cursors when necessary).
    * Add the --fps option. Used to adjust the frame duration written into xcursorgen
      input files.
    * Add the --anicursorgen option. Changes the format of the files into something
      that anicursorgen understands better (changes frame duration from milliseconds
      to jiffies).
    * Add the --corner-align option. Aligns cursors to the top-left corner instead
      of centering them on the canvas.
    * Add the --invert option. Inverts the color (turning black-fill-white-outlines
      cursors into white-fill-black-outlines ones)
    * Inkscape is now being run in shell mode (one instance, fed with commands via
    * Add the --number-of-renderers option. Allows multiple Inkscape instances to
      be run in parallel for rendering speed increase on multicore systems.
    * Filter SVG files from memory to avoid leaking a file descriptor
    * Make slices and hotspots normally invisible

 src/cursors/renderpngs.py |  489 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 files changed, 471 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/cursors/renderpngs.py b/src/cursors/renderpngs.py
index c0a124e..6c4ba8b 100755
--- a/src/cursors/renderpngs.py
+++ b/src/cursors/renderpngs.py
@@ -33,27 +33,145 @@ optParser = OptionParser()
 optParser.add_option('-d','--debug',action='store_true',dest='debug',help='Enable extra debugging info.')
 optParser.add_option('-t','--test',action='store_true',dest='testing',help='Test mode: leave temporary files 
for examination.')
 optParser.add_option('-p','--sliceprefix',action='store',dest='sliceprefix',help='Specifies the prefix to 
use for individual slice filenames.')
+optParser.add_option('-r','--remove-shadows',action='store_true',dest='remove_shadows',help='Remove shadows 
the cursors have.')
+optParser.add_option('-o','--hotspots',action='store_true',dest='hotspots',help='Produce hotspot images and 
hotspot datafiles.')
+optParser.add_option('-s','--scales',action='store_true',dest='scales',help='Produce 125% (Large) and 150% 
(Extra Large) scaled versions of each image as well.')
help='Cursor canvas must be at least this big (defaults to -1).')
+optParser.add_option('-f','--fps',action='store',type='int',dest='fps',default=60,help='Assume that all 
animated cursors have this FPS (defaults to 60).')
+optParser.add_option('-a','--anicursorgen',action='store_true',dest='anicur',default=False,help='Assume that 
anicursorgen will be used to assemble cursors (xcursorgen is assumed by default).')
cursors to the top-left corner (by default they are centered).')
+optParser.add_option('-i','--invert',action='store_true',dest='invert',default=False,help='Invert colors 
(disabled by default).')
 help='Number of renderer instances run in parallel. Defaults to 1. Set to 0 for autodetection.')
-from xml.sax import saxutils, make_parser, SAXParseException, handler
+from xml.sax import saxutils, make_parser, SAXParseException, handler, xmlreader
 from xml.sax.handler import feature_namespaces
-import os, sys, tempfile, shutil
+import os, sys, tempfile, shutil, subprocess
+import re
+from threading import Thread
+from PIL import Image
+import multiprocessing
+import io
 svgFilename = None
+hotsvgFilename = None
+sizes = [24,32,48,64,96]
+scale_pairs = [(1.25, 's1'), (1.50, 's2')]
+mode_shadows = ['shadows']
+mode_hotspots = ['hotspots']
+mode_slices = ['slices']
+mode_invert = ['invert']
+def natural_sort(l):
+       convert = lambda text: int(text) if text.isdigit() else text.lower()
+       alphanum_key = lambda key: [ convert(c) for c in re.split('([0-9]+)', key) ]
+       return sorted(l, key = alphanum_key)
 def dbg(msg):
        if options.debug:
 def cleanup():
+       global inkscape_instances
+       for inkscape, inkscape_stderr, inkscape_stderr_thread in inkscape_instances:
+               inkscape.communicate ('quit\n')
+               del inkscape
+               del inkscape_stderr_thread
+               del inkscape_stderr
+       del inkscape_instances
        if svgFilename != None and os.path.exists(svgFilename):
+       if hotsvgFilename != None and os.path.exists(hotsvgFilename):
+               os.unlink(hotsvgFilename)
 def fatalError(msg):
+def stderr_reader(inkscape, inkscape_stderr):
+       while True:
+               line = inkscape_stderr.readline()
+               if line and len (line.rstrip ('\n').rstrip ('\r')) > 0:
+                       fatalError('ABORTING: Inkscape failed to render a slice: {}'.format (line))
+               elif line:
+                       print "STDERR> {}".format (line)
+               else:
+                       raise UnexpectedEndOfStream
+def find_hotspot (hotfile):
+       img = Image.open(hotfile)
+       pixels = img.load()
+       reddest = [-1, -1, -999999]
+       for y in range(img.size[1]):
+               for x in range(img.size[0]):
+                       redness = pixels[x,y][0] - pixels[x,y][1] - pixels[x,y][2]
+                       if redness > reddest[2]:
+                               reddest = [x, y, redness]
+       return (reddest[0] + 1, reddest[1] + 1)
+def cropalign (size, filename):
+       img = Image.open (filename)
+       content_dimensions = img.getbbox ()
+       if content_dimensions is None:
+               content_dimensions = (0, 0, img.size[0], img.size[1])
+       hcropped = content_dimensions[2] - content_dimensions[0]
+       vcropped = content_dimensions[3] - content_dimensions[1]
+       if hcropped > size or vcropped > size:
+               if hcropped > size:
+                       left = (hcropped - size) / 2
+                       right = (hcropped - size) - left
+               else:
+                       left = 0
+                       right = 0
+               if vcropped > size:
+                       top = (vcropped - size) / 2
+                       bottom = (vcropped - size) - top
+               else:
+                       top = 0
+                       bottom = 0
+               content_dimensions = (content_dimensions[0] + left, content_dimensions[1] + top, 
content_dimensions[2] - right, content_dimensions[3] - bottom)
+               sys.stderr.write ("WARNING: {} is too big to be cleanly cropped to {} ({}x{} at best), 
cropping to {}x{}!\n".format (filename, size, hcropped, vcropped, content_dimensions[2] - 
content_dimensions[0], content_dimensions[3] - content_dimensions[1]))
+               sys.stderr.flush ()
+       if options.testing:
+               img.save (filename + ".orig.png", "png")
+       dbg("{} content is {} {} {} {}".format (filename, content_dimensions[0], content_dimensions[1], 
content_dimensions[2], content_dimensions[3]))
+       cropimg = img.crop ((content_dimensions[0], content_dimensions[1], content_dimensions[2], 
+       pixels = cropimg.load ()
+       if options.testing:
+               cropimg.save (filename + ".crop.png", "png")
+       if options.align_corner:
+               expimg = cropimg.crop ((0, 0, size, size))
+               result = (content_dimensions[0], content_dimensions[1])
+       else:
+               hslack = size - cropimg.size[0]
+               vslack = size - cropimg.size[1]
+               left = hslack / 2
+               top = vslack / 2
+               expimg = cropimg.crop ((-left, -top, size - left, size - top))
+               result = (content_dimensions[0] - left, content_dimensions[1] - top)
+       pixels = expimg.load ()
+       if options.invert:
+               negative (expimg)
+       expimg.save (filename, "png")
+       del cropimg
+       del img
+       return result
+def cropalign_hotspot (new_base, size, filename):
+       if new_base is None:
+               return
+       img = Image.open (filename)
+       expimg = img.crop ((new_base[0], new_base[1], new_base[0] + size, new_base[1] + size))
+       pixels = expimg.load ()
+       expimg.save (filename, "png")
+       del img
+def negative (img):
+       pixels = img.load ()
+       for y in range (0, img.size[1]):
+               for x in range (0, img.size[0]):
+                       r, g, b, a = pixels[x,y]
+                       pixels[x,y] = (255 - r, 255 - g, 255 - b, a)
 class SVGRect:
        """Manages a simple rectangular area, along with certain attributes such as a name"""
@@ -65,12 +183,173 @@ class SVGRect:
                self.name = name
                dbg("New SVGRect: (%s)" % name)
-       def renderFromSVG(self, svgFName, sliceFName):
-               for size in [24,32,48,64,96]:
-                       rc = os.system('inkscape --without-gui -w %s -h %s --export-id="%s" 
--export-png="pngs/%s/%s" "%s"' % (size, size, self.name, str(size)+"x"+str(size), sliceFName, svgFName))
-                       if rc > 0:
-                               fatalError('ABORTING: Inkscape failed to render the slice.')
+       def renderFromSVG(self, svgFName, slicename, skipped, roundrobin, hotsvgFName):
+               def do_res (size, output, svgFName, skipped, roundrobin):
+                       global inkscape_instances
+                       if os.path.exists (output):
+                               skipped[output] = True
+                               return
+                       command = '-w {size} -h {size} --export-id="{export_id}" --export-png="{export_png}" 
{svg}\n'.format (size=size, export_id=self.name, export_png=output, svg=svgFName)
+                       dbg("Command: {}".format (command))
+                       inkscape_instances[roundrobin[0]][0].stdin.write (command)
+               pngsliceFName = slicename + '.png'
+               hotsliceFName = slicename + '.hotspot.png'
+               dbg('Saving slice as: "%s"' % pngsliceFName)
+               for i, size in enumerate (sizes):
+                       subdir = 'pngs/{}x{}'.format (size, size)
+                       if not os.path.exists (subdir):
+                               os.makedirs (subdir)
+                       relslice = '{}/{}'.format (subdir, pngsliceFName)
+                       do_res (size, relslice, svgFName, skipped, roundrobin)
+                       if options.hotspots:
+                               hotrelslice = '{}/{}'.format (subdir, hotsliceFName)
+                               do_res (size, hotrelslice, hotsvgFName, skipped, roundrobin)
+                       for scale in scale_pairs:
+                               subdir = 'pngs/{}x{}_{}'.format (size, size, scale[1])
+                               relslice = '{}/{}'.format (subdir, pngsliceFName)
+                               if not os.path.exists (subdir):
+                                       os.makedirs (subdir)
+                               scaled_size = int (size * scale[0])
+                               do_res (scaled_size, relslice, svgFName, skipped, roundrobin)
+                               if options.hotspots:
+                                       hotrelslice = '{}/{}'.format (subdir, hotsliceFName)
+                                       do_res (scaled_size, hotrelslice, hotsvgFName, skipped, roundrobin)
+                       # This is not inside do_res() because we want each instance to work all scales in 
case scales are enabled,
+                       # otherwise instances that get mostly smallscale renders will finish up way before 
the others
+                       roundrobin[0] += 1
+                       if roundrobin[0] >= options.number_of_renderers:
+                               roundrobin[0] = 0
+def get_next_size (index, current_size):
+       if index % 2 == 0:
+               # 24->32, 48->64, 96->128, 192->256
+               return (current_size * 4) / 3
+       else:
+               # 32->48, 64->96, 128->192, 256->384
+               return (current_size * 3) / 2
+def get_csize (index, current_size):
+       size = current_size
+       if len (scale_pairs) > 0:
+               size = get_next_size (index, size)
+       return max (options.min_canvas_size, size)
+def postprocess_slice (slicename, skipped):
+       pngsliceFName = slicename + '.png'
+       hotsliceFName = slicename + '.hotspot.png'
+       for i, size in enumerate (sizes):
+               subdir = 'pngs/{}x{}'.format (size, size)
+               relslice = '{}/{}'.format (subdir, pngsliceFName)
+               csize = get_csize (i, size)
+               if relslice not in skipped:
+                       new_base = cropalign (csize, relslice)
+                       if options.hotspots:
+                               hotrelslice = '{}/{}'.format (subdir, hotsliceFName)
+                               cropalign_hotspot (new_base, csize, hotrelslice)
+               for scale in scale_pairs:
+                       subdir = 'pngs/{}x{}_{}'.format (size, size, scale[1])
+                       relslice = '{}/{}'.format (subdir, pngsliceFName)
+                       if relslice not in skipped:
+                               new_base = cropalign (csize, relslice)
+                               if options.hotspots:
+                                       hotrelslice = '{}/{}'.format (subdir, hotsliceFName)
+                                       cropalign_hotspot (new_base, csize, hotrelslice)
+def write_xcur(slicename):
+       pngsliceFName = slicename + '.png'
+       hotsliceFName = slicename + '.hotspot.png'
+       framenum = -1
+       if slicename[-5:].startswith ('_'):
+               try:
+                       framenum = int (slicename[-4:])
+                       slicename = slicename[:-5]
+               except:
+                       pass
+       # This relies on the fact that frame 1 is the first frame of an animation in the rect list
+       # If that is not so, the *icongen input file will end up missing some of the lines
+       if framenum == -1 or framenum == 1:
+               mode = 'wb'
+       else:
+               mode = 'ab'
+       if framenum == -1:
+               fps_field = ''
+       else:
+               if options.anicur:
+                       # For anicursorgen use jiffies
+                       fps_field = ' {}'.format (int (60.0 / options.fps))
+               else:
+                       # For xcursorgen use milliseconds
+                       fps_field = ' {}'.format (int (1000.0 / options.fps))
+       xcur = {}
+       xcur['s0'] = open ('pngs/{}.in'.format (slicename), mode)
+       if len (scale_pairs) > 0:
+               xcur['s1'] = open ('pngs/{}.s1.in'.format (slicename), mode)
+               xcur['s2'] = open ('pngs/{}.s2.in'.format (slicename), mode)
+       for i, size in enumerate (sizes):
+               subdir = 'pngs/{}x{}'.format (size, size)
+               relslice = '{}/{}'.format (subdir, pngsliceFName)
+               hotrelslice = '{}/{}'.format (subdir, hotsliceFName)
+               hot = find_hotspot (hotrelslice)
+               csize = get_csize (i, size)
+               xcur['s0'].write ("{csize} {hotx} {hoty} {filename}{fps_field}\n".format (csize=csize, 
hotx=hot[0], hoty=hot[1], filename='{}x{}/{}'.format (size, size, pngsliceFName), fps_field=fps_field))
+               for scale in scale_pairs:
+                       subdir = 'pngs/{}x{}_{}'.format (size, size, scale[1])
+                       relslice = '{}/{}'.format (subdir, pngsliceFName)
+                       scaled_size = int (size * scale[0])
+                       hotrelslice = '{}/{}'.format (subdir, hotsliceFName)
+                       hot = find_hotspot (hotrelslice)
+                       xcur[scale[1]].write ("{csize} {hotx} {hoty} {filename}{fps_field}\n".format 
(csize=csize, hotx=hot[0], hoty=hot[1], filename='{}x{}_{}/{}'.format (size, size, scale[1], pngsliceFName), 
+       xcur['s0'].close ()
+       if len (scale_pairs) > 0:
+               xcur['s1'].close ()
+               xcur['s2'].close ()
+def sort_file(filename):
+       with open (filename, 'rb') as src:
+               contents = src.readlines ()
+       with open (filename, 'wb') as dst:
+               for line in natural_sort (contents):
+                       dst.write (line)
+def sort_xcur(slicename, passed):
+       pngsliceFName = slicename + '.png'
+       framenum = -1
+       if slicename[-5:].startswith ('_'):
+               try:
+                       framenum = int (slicename[-4:])
+                       slicename = slicename[:-5]
+               except:
+                       pass
+       if slicename in passed:
+               return
+       passed[slicename] = True
+       sort_file ('pngs/{}.in'.format (slicename))
+       if len (scale_pairs) > 0:
+               sort_file ('pngs/{}.s1.in'.format (slicename))
+               sort_file ('pngs/{}.s2.in'.format (slicename))
+def delete_hotspot(slicename):
+       hotsliceFName = slicename + '.hotspot.png'
+       for i, size in enumerate (sizes):
+               subdir = 'pngs/{}x{}'.format (size, size)
+               hotrelslice = '{}/{}'.format (subdir, hotsliceFName)
+               if os.path.exists (hotrelslice):
+                       os.unlink (hotrelslice)
+               for scale in scale_pairs:
+                       subdir = 'pngs/{}x{}_{}'.format (size, size, scale[1])
+                       hotrelslice = '{}/{}'.format (subdir, hotsliceFName)
+                       if os.path.exists (hotrelslice):
+                               os.unlink (hotrelslice)
 class SVGHandler(handler.ContentHandler):
        """Base class for SVG parsers"""
        def __init__(self):
@@ -162,8 +441,7 @@ class SVGLayerHandler(SVGHandler):
        def startElement(self, name, attrs):
                """Generic hook for examining and/or parsing all SVG tags"""
-               if options.debug:
-                       dbg('Beginning element "%s"' % name)
+               dbg('Beginning element "%s"' % name)
                if name == 'svg':
                        self.startElement_svg(name, attrs)
                elif name == 'g':
@@ -200,6 +478,137 @@ class SVGLayerHandler(SVGHandler):
                write('    </body>\n')
+class SVGFilter (saxutils.XMLFilterBase):
+       def __init__ (self, upstream, downstream, mode, **kwargs):
+               saxutils.XMLFilterBase.__init__(self, upstream)
+               self._downstream = downstream
+               self.mode = mode
+       def startDocument (self):
+               self.in_throwaway_layer_stack = [False]
+       def startElement (self, localname, attrs):
+               def modify_style (style, old_style, new_style=None):
+                       styles = style.split (';')
+                       new_styles = []
+                       if old_style is not None:
+                               match_to = old_style + ':'
+                       for s in styles:
+                               if len (s) > 0 and (old_style is None or not s.startswith (match_to)):
+                                       new_styles.append (s)
+                       if new_style is not None:
+                               new_styles.append (new_style)
+                       return ';'.join (new_styles)
+               dict = {}
+               is_throwaway_layer = False
+               is_slices = False
+               is_hotspots = False
+               is_shadows = False
+               is_layer = False
+               if localname == 'g':
+                       for key, value in attrs.items ():
+                               if key == 'inkscape:label':
+                                       if value == 'slices':
+                                               is_slices = True
+                                       elif value == 'hotspots':
+                                               is_hotspots = True
+                                       elif value == 'shadows':
+                                               is_shadows = True
+                               elif key == 'inkscape:groupmode':
+                                       if value == 'layer':
+                                               is_layer = True
+               if mode_shadows in self.mode and is_shadows:
+                       # Only remove the shadows
+                       is_throwaway_layer = True
+               elif mode_hotspots in self.mode and not (is_hotspots or is_slices):
+                       # Remove all layers but hotspots and slices
+                       if localname == 'g':
+                               is_throwaway_layer = True
+               idict = {}
+               idict.update (attrs)
+               if 'style' not in attrs.keys ():
+                       idict['style'] = ''
+               for key, value in idict.items():
+                       alocalname = key
+                       if alocalname == 'style':
+                               had_style = True
+                       if alocalname == 'style' and is_slices:
+                               # Make slices invisible. Do not check the mode, because there is
+                               # no circumstances where we *want* to render slices
+                               value = modify_style (value, 'display', 'display:none')
+                       if alocalname == 'style' and is_hotspots:
+                               if mode_hotspots in self.mode:
+                                       # Make hotspots visible in hotspots mode
+                                       value = modify_style (value, 'display', 'display:inline')
+                               else:
+                                       # Make hotspots invisible otherwise
+                                       value = modify_style (value, 'display', 'display:none')
+                       if alocalname == 'style' and mode_invert in self.mode and is_layer and is_shadows:
+                               value = modify_style (value, None, 'filter:url(#InvertFilter)')
+                       dict[key] = value
+               if self.in_throwaway_layer_stack[0] or is_throwaway_layer:
+                       self.in_throwaway_layer_stack.insert(0, True)
+               else:
+                       self.in_throwaway_layer_stack.insert(0, False)
+                       attrs = xmlreader.AttributesImpl(dict)
+                       self._downstream.startElement(localname, attrs)
+       def characters(self, content):
+               if self.in_throwaway_layer_stack[0]:
+                       return
+               self._downstream.characters(content)
+       def endElement(self, localname):
+               if self.in_throwaway_layer_stack.pop(0):
+                       return
+               self._downstream.endElement(localname)
+def filter_svg (input, output, mode):
+       """filter_svg(input:file, output:file, mode)
+       Parses the SVG input from the input stream.
+       For mode == 'hotspots' it filters out all
+       layers except for hotspots and slices. Also makes hotspots
+       visible.
+       For mode == 'shadows' it filters out the shadows layer.
+       """
+       mode_objs = []
+       if 'hotspots' in mode:
+               mode_objs.append (mode_hotspots)
+       if 'shadows' in mode:
+               mode_objs.append (mode_shadows)
+       if 'slices' in mode:
+               mode_objs.append (mode_slices)
+       if 'invert' in mode:
+               mode_objs.append (mode_invert)
+       if len (mode_objs) == 0:
+               raise ValueError()
+       output_gen = saxutils.XMLGenerator(output)
+       parser = make_parser()
+       filter = SVGFilter(parser, output_gen, mode_objs)
+       filter.setFeature(handler.feature_namespaces, False)
+       filter.setErrorHandler(handler.ErrorHandler())
+       # This little I/O dance is here to ensure that SAX parser does not stash away
+       # an open file descriptor for the input file, which would prevent us from unlinking it later
+       with open (input, 'rb') as inp:
+               contents = inp.read ()
+       contents_io = io.BytesIO (contents)
+       source_object = saxutils.prepare_input_source (contents_io)
+       filter.parse(source_object)
+       del filter
+       del parser
+       del output_gen
+def autodetect_threadcount ():
+       try:
+               count = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
+       except NotImplementedError:
+               count = 1
+       return count
 if __name__ == '__main__':
        # parse command line into arguments and options
@@ -210,8 +619,19 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
        originalFilename = args[0]
        svgFilename = originalFilename + '.svg'
-       shutil.copyfile(originalFilename, svgFilename)
+       hotsvgFilename = originalFilename + '.hotspots.svg'
+       modes = ['slices']
+       if options.remove_shadows:
+               modes.append ('shadows')
+       if options.invert:
+               modes.append ('invert')
+       with open (svgFilename, 'wb') as output:
+               filter_svg(originalFilename, output, modes)
+       if options.hotspots:
+               with open (hotsvgFilename, 'wb') as output:
+                       filter_svg(originalFilename, output, ['hotspots'])
        # setup program variables from command line (in other words, handle non-option args)
        basename = os.path.splitext(svgFilename)[0]
@@ -219,7 +639,23 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
                sliceprefix = options.sliceprefix
                sliceprefix = ''
+       if not options.scales:
+               del scale_pairs[:]
+       if options.number_of_renderers <= 0:
+               options.number_of_renderers = autodetect_threadcount ()
+       inkscape_instances = []
+       for i in range (0, options.number_of_renderers):
+               inkscape = subprocess.Popen (['inkscape', '--without-gui', '--shell'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, 
+               if inkscape is None:
+                       fatalError("Failed to start Inkscape shell process")
+               inkscape_stderr = inkscape.stderr
+               inkscape_stderr_thread = Thread (target = stderr_reader, args=(inkscape, inkscape_stderr))
+               inkscape_instances.append ([inkscape, inkscape_stderr, inkscape_stderr_thread])
        # initialise results before actually attempting to parse the SVG file
        svgBounds = SVGRect(0,0,0,0)
        rectList = []
@@ -234,7 +670,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
        except SAXParseException, e:
-               fatalError("Error parsing SVG file '%s': line %d,col %d: %s.  If you're seeing this within 
inkscape, it probably indicates a bug that should be reported." % (svgfile, e.getLineNumber(), 
e.getColumnNumber(), e.getMessage()))
+               fatalError("Error parsing SVG file '%s': line %d,col %d: %s.  If you're seeing this within 
inkscape, it probably indicates a bug that should be reported." % (svgFilename, e.getLineNumber(), 
e.getColumnNumber(), e.getMessage()))
        # verify that the svg file actually contained some rectangles.
        if len(svgLayerHandler.svg_rects) == 0:
@@ -245,14 +681,31 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
                dbg("Parsing successful.")
+       del xmlParser
+       skipped = {}
+       roundrobin = [0]
        # loop through each slice rectangle, and render a PNG image for it
+       svgLayerHandler.svg_rects
        for rect in svgLayerHandler.svg_rects:
-               sliceFName = sliceprefix + rect.name + '.png'
-               dbg('Saving slice as: "%s"' % sliceFName)
-               rect.renderFromSVG(svgFilename, sliceFName)
+               slicename = sliceprefix + rect.name
+               rect.renderFromSVG(svgFilename, slicename, skipped, roundrobin, hotsvgFilename)
+       for rect in svgLayerHandler.svg_rects:
+               slicename = sliceprefix + rect.name
+               postprocess_slice(slicename, skipped)
+               if options.hotspots:
+                       write_xcur(slicename)
+       if options.hotspots:
+               passed = {}
+               for rect in svgLayerHandler.svg_rects:
+                       slicename = sliceprefix + rect.name
+                       sort_xcur(slicename, passed)
+                       #if not option.testing:
+                       #       delete_hotspot(slicename)
        dbg('Slicing complete.')

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