[chronojump] CrossVariables use inertia instead of mass if some curves are inertial

commit b59eedaa0cba2b92f0ccf4d95f4c8aafeddd7f52
Author: Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
Date:   Wed May 13 13:22:53 2015 +0200

    CrossVariables use inertia instead of mass if some curves are inertial

 encoder/graph.R |   39 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 1 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/encoder/graph.R b/encoder/graph.R
index 911a728..ec29e3a 100644
--- a/encoder/graph.R
+++ b/encoder/graph.R
@@ -1355,6 +1355,31 @@ findPosInPaf <- function(var, option) {
+#see if there's any inertial curve
+#can be done by encoderConfigurationName
+#but is faster just see if inertiaMoment is != than -1.
+#But inertiaMoment is divided by 10000. So use the '> 0' to know when there's inertiaMoment
+#returns TRUE if there is one or more inertial curve
+findInertialCurves <- function(paf) {
+       write("findInertialCurves",stderr())
+       im = paf[,findPosInPaf("Inertia", "")]
+       write(im,stderr())
+       if(length(im) < 1)
+               return (FALSE)
+       for(i in 1:length(im)) {
+               write(c("im: ", im[i]),stderr())
+               if(im[i] > 0) {
+                       return (TRUE)
+               }
+       }
+       return (FALSE)
 addUnitsAndTranslate <- function (var) {
        if(var == "Speed")
                return (paste(translate("Speed"),"(m/s)"))
@@ -1485,10 +1510,18 @@ stroverlapArray <- function(newPoint, points) {
 #option: mean or max
-paintCrossVariables <- function (paf, varX, varY, option, isAlone, title, singleFile, Eccon, ecconVector, 
seriesName, do1RM, do1RMMethod, outputData1) {
+paintCrossVariables <- function (paf, varX, varY, option, isAlone, title, singleFile, Eccon, ecconVector, 
seriesName, do1RM, do1RMMethod, outputData1) 
+       #if there's one or more inertial curves: show inertia instead of mass
+       if(varX == "Load" && findInertialCurves(paf))
+               varX = "Inertia"
        x = (paf[,findPosInPaf(varX, option)])
        y = (paf[,findPosInPaf(varY, option)])
+       if(varX == "Inertia")
+               x = x * 10000
@@ -1496,7 +1529,7 @@ paintCrossVariables <- function (paf, varX, varY, option, isAlone, title, single
        bgBalls = NULL
        isPowerLoad = FALSE
-       if(varX == "Load" && varY == "Power")
+       if( (varX == "Load" || varX == "Inertia") && varY == "Power" )
                isPowerLoad = TRUE
        varXut = addUnitsAndTranslate(varX)
@@ -2729,7 +2762,7 @@ doProcess <- function(options)
                                        "meanForce", "maxForce", "maxForceT",
                                        "mass", "massBody", "massExtra", #unneded
-                                       "laterality")
+                                       "laterality","Inertia")
                        write.csv(paf, op$OutputData1, quote=FALSE)
                        #print("curves written")

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