[gnome-builder] Created tag GNOME_BUILDER_3_16_0

The signed tag 'GNOME_BUILDER_3_16_0' was created.

Tagger: Christian Hergert <christian hergert me>
Date: Tue Mar 24 01:39:44 2015 -0700


Changes since the last tag 'GNOME_BUILDER_3_15_4':

Alexandre Franke (3):
      Fix spelling
      Remove markup
      Add French translation

Andika Triwidada (1):
      Added Indonesian translation

Bernd Homuth (1):
      Added German translation

Carlos Soriano (3):
      preferences: remove active property
      source-vim: Only snure scroll for key events
      search: Scroll to lefmost keeping word visible

Changwoo Ryu (1):
      Add Korean translation

Cheng-Chia Tseng (2):
      Added Chinese (Taiwan) translation
      Updated Chinese (Taiwan) translation

Christian Hergert (998):
      vim: add basic support for vim splits via ctrl+w operations
      editor: wire vim split operations to editor splits
      vim: remove unnecessary call to gb_source_vim_ensure_scroll()
      vim: add simple support for cycling through visible buffers
      util: check for null before sink ref'ing variant
      editor: move code for reuse
      editor-view: focus next split if available upon vim cycle-next
      editor-view: focus previous split if available upon vim cycle-previous
      style: change python module import color
      ignore: add gz/xz and sort
      editor: close first untitled document when opening another file
      i18n: add basic i18n/l10n plumbing for translators
      build: fix distcheck for i18n
      vim: keep focus on original widget when adding splits from vim
      vim: clear in_ctrl_w on focus out
      vim: q should just close the current frame
      po: update gitignore
      editor: restore cursor position when refocusing
      po: update .gitignore
      search: handle clearing of selected row
      editor: allow clearing saved cursor position
      editor: reset saved cursor position when navigating search results
      git: ignore non-ascii characters when searching fulltext index
      snippets: use new G_DECLARE_DERIVABLE_TYPE()
      prefs: return to original page after clearning search query
      grid: try a little harder to track the last focus stack.
      libide: manually hide popover, as gtk+ does not anymore
      update README.
      libide: add libide design and prototype
      POTFILES.in: update for libide, sort files.
      tests: add simple test case for IdeContext
      build: fix a few warnings
      git: track if a IdeProjectFile is a directory in GFileInfo
      ide-list-files: add test utility to list project files
      libide: add ide-build command to build an autotools project for a device
      libide: use ide_get_program_name() for build directory path.
      build: fix warning
      autotools: config property is a GKeyFile, so use g_clear_pointer().
      libide: use proper gfail macro
      log: make sure CLOCK_REALTIME is available.
      build: add missing potfiles
      ui: remove unused workspace selector
      editor: add GtkSizeGroup to keep document stack titles the same height
      tree: add root getter and setters
      tree: add gb_tree_node_new() helper
      tree: put quark after pointers to save a couple bytes on 64-bit.
      tree: cleanup whitespace
      tree: add project tree builder
      workbench: add context property to workbench
      editor: track GbWorkbench:context changes and update UI
      editor: show the project tree by default
      vcs: add some safeguards to DirectoryVcs
      libide: add IdeProjectFile:file property
      libide: load GFile in IdeDirectoryVcs and assign to IdeProjectFile.
      libide: load GFile and assign to IdeProjectFile in IdeGitVcs
      editor: load file from project tree upon node activation
      main: initialize libide
      tree: disable icons for now
      workbench: add very simply "build" action
      sidebar: toggle sidebar with F9
      editor: hide sidebar by default
      autotools: add make target and force autogen/configure options
      libide: add ide-list-devices test program
      libide: add "rebuild" option when building a project
      libide: mention templates
      tree: fix warning when rebuilding tree
      tree: remove some unnecessary tracing
      libide: work in progress on back/foward navigation list
      libide: implement vim style jumplist for back-forward list
      libide: implement history branching in back-forward-list
      libide: implement back-forward-list merging
      libide: add GType for IdeSourceLocation
      libide: context cleanup
      libide: add back-forward-list to IdeContext
      libide: fix default value for can-go-backward and can-go-forward
      po: add missing files to POTFILES.in
      libide: set ref_count to 1 in new func
      libide: whitespace alignment
      libide: add missing headers to ide.h
      libide: add IdeBackForwardList:current-item property
      libide: various logic fixes to IdeBackForwardList
      libide: add tests for IdeBackForwardList
      gtk: add helper to get IdeContext from widget hierarchy
      widget: add gb_widget_bind_context() helper
      document-stack: add back/forward buttons and wire to context
      documents: add back-forward list to document views.
      editor: DRY editor frame creation
      sourceview: add jump-notify signal
      editorframe: emit jump-notify upon search.
      editorframe: document can be NULL
      editorview: remove frame from bound children
      documents: set back/forward list on newly created views
      documents: make back-forward-list a gproperty of GbDocumentView
      libide: start plumbing IdeFile and IdeLanguage
      libide: add plumbing for c language support
      libide: add clang service to extension points
      build: check for clang during configure
      libide: add IdeUnsavedFile abstraction
      libide: add ide_file_hash() and ide_file_equal()
      libide: use GSignal for start and stop methods
      build: sort items
      libide: start on clang service
      po: update POTFILES.in
      libide: make add/remove provider private API
      libide: add getters for IdeLanguage
      libide: define API for diagnostician
      libide: remove unused type
      libide: stub out various type implementations
      libide: add IdeDiagnostic boxed type
      libide: add ide_diagnostics_merge() to merge to result sets
      libide: add _ide_diagnostics_new() and used G_DEFINE_BOXED_TYPE()
      libide: used G_DEFINE_BOXED_TYPE()
      libide: use G_DEFINE_BOXED_TYPE()
      libide: stub API for diagnostic provider
      libide: implement basics of diagnostician
      libide: stub out helper functions
      libide: start on tool to list diagnostics for a project file
      libide: add ide_project_file_get_name() convenience property
      libide: add ide_project_files_find_child() helper
      libide: extend get_file helper to IdeProject
      libide: create IdeFile if it doesn't already exist.
      build: cleanup dependency defines
      libide: start creating IdeLanguage for file
      libide: add stub implementations
      libide: set name in language and fix parent class
      libide: use GInitable to create IdeLanguage
      libide: indenter is an IdeObject
      libide: add missing \n
      libide: stub basics for clang diagnostic provider
      libide: deal with null command line args
      libide: try to be clever about returning errors.
      libide: provide more detailed error upon failure to create TU
      libide: ensure start/stop funcs are called for clang service
      libide: return translation unit via task
      libide: iterate diagnostic set
      libide: add severity to IdeDiagnostic
      libide: stub out helper to create diagnostic
      libide: add function to create diagnostic
      build: improve clang/llvm check
      libide: add autoptr cleanup funcs
      libide: add text property to IdeDiagnostic
      libide: deal with null arrays in IdeDiagnostics
      libide: track function signature changes
      libide: add ide-diagnostics.h to ide.h
      libide: add text to diagnostic
      libide: print some basic diagnostic info
      libide: remove buffer stubs, we'll just use GtkTextBuffer
      libide: use IdeCLanguage for C headers and C++ (for now)
      libide: stub out IdeSourceRange
      libide: define cleanup func for IdeSourceLocation
      libide: add GType for IdeDiagnosticSeverity
      libide: cleanup diagnostic header, add getters for ranges
      libide: add IdeSourceRange implementation
      libide: rename ide-private.h to ide-internal.h
      libide: progress towards making libide introspectable
      libide: add missing annotations to calm introspection
      libide: don't include internal header in gir build
      libide: make writability of project.name internal
      libide: add rw lock functions to IdeProject
      libide: make diagnostic ctors more obvious
      libide: add getters for source ranges
      libide: create source ranges
      libide: add ide_vcs_get_working_directory()
      libide: add ide_diagnostic_get_location()
      libide: add path and language properties to IdeFile
      libide: take ggit working directory into account
      libide: add IdeProjectFile:path property
      libide: set source location when creating diagnostic
      libide: print file information from diagnostic
      libide: resolve relative paths before loading diagnostics
      libide: diagnostics indexes are 0 based
      libide: use escape sequence to bolden diagnostic output
      libide: make output clangish
      libide: remove duplicate item
      libide: add IdeFileSettings
      libide: IdeIndentStyle only needs tabs and spaces
      libide: give IdeFileSettings a weak pointer to the file
      libide: add basic IdeFileSettings abstraction
      libide: add basic editorconfig file settings backend
      libide: add missing file property
      libide: set context when loading filesettings
      libide: add fallback to get an IdeFile for new path in tree
      libide: add missing header to ide.h
      libide: add new tool to print file settings for a given path
      editor: remove some warnings for file changes
      libide: return successfully if we came across a .editorconfig file
      search: stop using xpad/ypad
      editortweak: xalign is no longer needed
      editortweak: remove more unneeded xalign
      pango: work around some css warnings in gtk
      libide: add IdeFileSettings:right-margin-position gproperty
      libide: make indent-width -1 to 32. -1 defaults to tab width
      libide: move variables to proper scope
      libide: hold on to context during async operation
      libide: add gsettings based IdeFileSettings implementation
      libide: used editorconfig-core-c implementation
      libide: remove debug line
      libide: print file settings backend
      libide: fail if no .editorconfig setting was found
      libide: start on IdeGcaService
      libide: add helper to get specific unsaved file
      libide: add helpers to persist unsaved files to temporary files
      libide: fix service discovery logic bomb
      libide: use first source range if no source location was set
      libide: add gca diagnostic provider
      libide: alter priorities
      libide: register default diagnostician
      po: update POTFILES.in
      libide: add missing include
      libide: don't include escape sequences unless isatty(STDOUT_FILENO)
      libide: make libide-1.0 an installable library.
      libide: remove debug code
      libide: add IdeScriptManager to manage startup scripts
      libide: add IdeGjsContext to load javascript scripts
      libide: add libide-1.0.pc
      libide: fix build dep
      libide: add missing include
      libide: port core search engine to libide
      libide: remove use of PIMPL in IdeContext since it is a final class
      libide: add IdeSearchEngine getter to IdeContext
      libide: add script-manager and search-engine properties to IdeContext
      libide: bail if not a javascript file
      libide: conform search to IdeObject and report search completion
      libide: add simple command line search tool
      libide: specify errored script name
      libide: use ide_set_weak_pointer()
      libide: filter unknown script formats
      libide: fix invalid precondition check
      libide: whitespace
      libide: finish implementing basic searchresult base class
      libide: alter format of search result printing
      libide: add basic scriping example.
      libide: check for clang includes using llvm-config --includedir
      libide: require clang-3.5 and check for llvm-config-3.5
      libide: add gio-2.0 to Builder explicit libs
      libide: add fuzzy index to libide
      libide: add search reducer to libide
      libide: add new files to build
      libide: add search provider for git filenames
      libide: hold on to context reference until search completes
      libide: add extra assertions to verify state
      po: update POTFILES.in
      libide: plumb max results into search reducer
      libide: add indenter API to libide
      libide: move c indenter into libide
      libide: move xml indenter into libide
      libide: move python indenter into libide
      libide: whitespace
      libide: add IdePythonLanguage
      libide: add IdeXmlLanguage
      libide: fix a few warnings
      libide: squash warning
      libide: fix various compiler warnings
      libide: sort files in Makefile.am
      libide: add IdeProgress progress abstraction
      libide: hide IdeFileClass from header since it is declared final.
      libide: encapsulate GtkSourceFile inside of IdeFile
      libide: add missing POTFILES
      libide: add IdeBuffer and IdeBufferManager
      libide: add IdeContext:buffer-manager property
      libide: add basic buffer manager test
      libide: use ide_buffer_manager_save_file_async()
      libide: track the buffer if it has not yet been registered
      libide: use weak pointer for context property
      libide: track removal of g_autoptr(gchar)
      libide: release weak pointer, not full unref
      libide: be assertive
      libide: allow opening non-existant files
      libide: start on IdeSourceView
      update .gitignore
      wip on sourceview
      libide: sort items in makefile
      libide: add internal class IdeLineChangeGutterRenderer
      libide: add stub implementation for ide_buffer_get_line_flags()
      libide: add IdeSourceView:show-line-chnages gproperty
      libide: enable show-line-changes in test program
      style: use desired colors for diffs in style scheme
      libide: use style-scheme for diff added/changed colors
      libide: use builder style in test program
      libide: add IdeSourceView:show-grid-lines gproperty
      libide: signal handlers are gulong, not guint.
      libide: add ide_language_get_source_language()
      libide: add helper to clear a signal handler by id
      libide: keep signal handler ids around for disconnection
      libide: reload gtksourcelanguage when file changes
      libide: extract language application into method
      libide: allow IdeSourceView to be used with g_autoptr()
      libide: hookup indent style, indent width, and tab width
      libide: use IdeFileSettings to detect implicit-trailing-newline
      libide: apply right-margin-position from IdeFileSettings
      libide: cleanup leftover fields from IdeSourceView in dispose
      libide: load IdeLanguage's IdeIndenter when IdeFile changes.
      libide: implement brace helpers for IdeSourceView
      libide: reduce number of macro expansions
      libide: ignore backspace helper if there is a selection
      libide: add trie to libide build
      libide: add cairo helpers
      libide: cleanup
      libide: add theatrics helpers
      libide: add trie to include path
      libide: sort files in makefile
      libide: add snippets engine to LibIDE
      libide: whitespace cleanup
      libide: whitespace and fix some warnings
      libide: add IdeSourceSnippetsManager as IdeContext:snippets-manager
      po: add missing files to POTFILES.in
      libide: add support for snippets to IdeSourceView
      libide: enable snippets in test-ide-source-view
      libide: remove debug code
      libide: sort lines
      libide: add IdeBuffer:highlight-diagnostics gproperty
      libide: set highlight-diagnostics when buffer is loaded
      libide: run diagnostician when changes are made
      libide: whitespace
      libide: add ide_buffer_get_diagnostic_at_iter()
      libide: add ide_diagnostic_severity_to_string()
      libide: whitespace
      libide: add ide_diagnostic_get_text_for_display()
      libide: add set tooltip when over a diagnostic
      libide: initialize gtk for buffer tests
      libide: cache diagnostic information about each line
      libide: add mask to check for diagnostics
      libide: check line flags before traversing diagnostics
      libide: add IdeLineDiagnosticsGutterRenderer
      libide: add diagnostics gutter to source view
      libide: show error mark for fatal errors
      libide: update diagnostics when highlight-diagnostics changes
      libide: sync Buffer:highlight-diagnostics to gutter visibility
      libide: general cleanup
      libide: allow specifying a file in source test tool
      libide: add IdeBufferChangeMonitor
      libide: add ide_buffer_get_content()
      libide: add ide_vcs_get_change_monitor()
      libide: add IdeGitBufferChangeMonitor
      libide: use change monitor to calculate line flags
      libide: IdeDevice is an IdeObject, not GObject
      libide: emit IdeBuffer:line-flags-changed when appropriate
      libide: redraw gutters when line flags change
      libide: be smarter about avoiding diff calculation
      libide: dont print error message if it matches GGIT_ERROR_NOTFOUND.
      libide: synthesize line additions for new files in the workdir
      libide: make IdeGitVcs a final type
      libide: setup git vcs to be reloadable
      libide: only load the project files into the tree once
      libide: remove some debugging code
      libide: finish function is static
      libide: add IdeGitVcs::reloaded gsignal
      libide: force reload of git object when git vcs is reloaded
      libide: sort files
      libide: trim trailing whitespace from modified lines when saving
      libide: add simple test case for triming tailing whitespace
      po: add missing POTFILES
      libide: fix ctrl+backspace at end of file
      libide: remove duplicate code
      libide: move snippet definitions into libide
      gobject: add basic async/finish snippets
      snippets: remove cancellable from finish preconditions
      libide: add ide_device_manager_get_device()
      libide: build in tree for local device if already configured
      libide: cleanup
      libide: add ide_build_system_get_build_flags_async()
      libide: cleanup
      libide: add ide-list-build-flags tool
      libide: add IdeMakecache
      libide: cleanup output to ide-list-build-flags
      libide: check for in-tree builds using Makefile.
      libide: add autotools helper to bootstrap a project
      libide: add ide_autotools_builder_bootstrap_async()
      libide: fetch build flags for file when executing clang
      libide: use makecache to extract build flags from autotools
      libide: add IdeClangTranslationUnit:file gproperty
      libide: specify file when building translation unit
      libide: perform cache regex lookup in worker thread
      libide: save makecache upon successful creation
      libide: ignore not found error
      libide: use clang options optimized for editing files
      libide: whitespace
      libide: add more stringent check when creating location
      libide: protect flags cache with mutex
      libide: include global llvm flags for system include path
      libide: add logging and debug helpers to libide
      libide: make tracing and debug options available via configure
      libide: add debug and tracing macros to makecache
      libide: enable log verbosity setting in test-ide-source-view
      libide: always enable assertions in tests
      libide: cleanup warnings in production builds
      libide: initialize match at declaration
      libide: adjust cflags ordering
      libide: just use helper include for debug enabling
      libide: remove unused property code
      libide: try harder to flush build logs in ide-build tool
      libide: run autogen/configure on full rebuilds
      libide: add IdeSourceView::jump virtual function
      libide: handle NULL source language a bit more gracefully
      libide: ensure valid language for gnome-code-assistance
      libide: fix double free of error structure
      libide: adjust trace messaging
      libide: only setup temp file once
      libide: cleanup and add some tracing
      libide: add some tracing
      libide: sort functions by name
      libide: move declaration before definition
      libide: add IdeBuffer:title gproperty
      libide: bind title to test window title
      libide: allow specifying verbosity with -v to gnome-builder
      libide: add highlight-current-line
      libide: add IdeBuffer:style-scheme-name property
      libide: only add the buffer once
      libide: add ide_context_unload_async()
      libide: add ide_buffer_manager_get_buffers()
      libide: make our test program a little more interesting
      libide: port GbSourceViewMode to IdeSourceViewMode
      libide: add IdeSourceView:mode property
      libide: add IdeSourceView:action signal
      libide: use margin-start and margin-end
      libide: add emacs keybindings css
      libide: allow specifying -e or --emacs in test editor
      libide: hold on to reference during binding activation
      libide: add IdeSourceView::movement action
      libide: start on basic vim binding with css binding-sets
      libide: add --vim, -m option to test-ide-source-view
      libide: cache some nasty bugs
      libide: expose name as property for debugging
      libide: hold a reference to the mode while dispatching
      libide: add some tracing helpers
      libide: start enum from 1 to ease in debugging
      libide: start (re)implementing some basic movements
      libide: more wip on vim mode via css
      libide: implement some more IdeSourceViewMovements
      libide: check for printable char in tracing macro
      libide: add matching bracket jumps
      libide: add basic scroll movements
      libide: improve page movements
      libide: <ctrl>bracketleft also works as escape alias
      libide: try to stay as close to line start as we can
      libide: vim `o` should place line after current
      libide: only progress forward if not at end of line
      libide: whitespace cleanup
      libide: extract indent request into helper function
      libide: whitespace cleanup
      libide: add IdeSourceView::insert-at-cursor-and-indent gsignalaction
      libide: make vim `o` and `O` trigger an indent request
      libide: add "default" mode for IdeSourceViewMode
      libide: try to make this a bit easier to grok
      libide: sort signals
      libide: add IdeSourceView::set_overwrite signal
      libide: disable overwrite during escape hatch
      libide: add "<shift>r" support in vim mode
      libide: use lowercase r to not confuse about implicit shift
      libide: add d submode for `dd`
      libide: implement <shift>d in vim to delete to end of line
      libide: add IdeSourceView::clear-selection gsignalaction
      libide: clear selection in vim after undo and escape hatch
      libide: persist line selections during next/previous line movements
      libide: whitespace
      libide: add basic visual line mode
      libide: remove temporary trace code
      libide: add x, X, y, and Y during visual line mode
      libide: add GtkSourceIter helpers
      libide: implement next and previous word ends
      libide: g mode is transient
      libide: add vim `ge` for previous word end
      libide: add vim style movements by word start
      libide: attach `w` and `b` in vim mode
      libide: implement <ctrl>w in vim mode
      libide: add IdeSourceView::cycle-completion to move through results
      libide: cycle through completions using <ctrl>n/<ctrl>p in vim
      libide: allow <ctrl>n/<ctrl>p for moving through treeviews
      libide: support `gI` to insert at first column
      libide: add inc/dec for vim using <ctrl>a and <ctrl>x
      libide: prefer gtksourceview's move-to-matching-bracket
      libide: add IdeSourceView::join-lines gsignalaction
      libide: implement <shift>j for vim normal and visual-line modes
      libide: whitespace cleanup
      libide: add IdeSourceView::change-case gsignalaction
      libide: implement change-case for ~ in normal and uU in visual-line
      libide: whitespace cleanup
      libide: add paragraph movements
      libide: use proper enum value nick for sentance movements
      libide: add GtkTextIter helpers that conform to vim conventions
      libide: implement paragraph/sentence using vim semantics
      libide: add <ctrl>u in vim mode
      libide: jump to offset of 0 if there was only whitespace
      libide: add full word movements forwards and backwards
      libide: add vim style W, B, E, and gE keybindings
      libide: for posterity
      libide: fix next word start at end of file
      libide: fix next word start when at start of visible word
      libide: add parallel.workers config for builders
      libide: remove unuseful comment
      libide: make IdeAnimation public API
      libide: add <ctrl>s save helper
      libide: improve word boundaries with empty lines
      libide: implement forward to sentence end
      libide: add IdeSourceView::save-insert-mark and ::restore-insert-mark
      libide: save insertion mark when performing `yy` in vim mode
      libide: nothing to see here
      libide: spellcheck anyone?
      libide: connect filename into snippet context
      libide: add dw dW de and dE support
      libide: backspace moves back a character
      libide: add d0 d^ and d$ support
      libide: add IdeSourceView::delete-selection gactionsignal
      libide: use "delete-selection" with vim x and X to stay captive to line
      libide: add alternate theatric options
      libide: prefer "delete-selection" to "delete-from-cursor"
      libide: fix visual mode switch signature
      libide: add some theatrics
      libide: add some movements while in visual
      libide: allow ctrl+e/ctrl+y in insert/visual/visual-line modes
      libide: add sentence and paragraph movement in visual-line mode
      libide: add sub-state for `g` when in visual and visual-line mode
      libide: add various movements and commands in vim visual mode
      libide: allow z[ztb] in vim visual and visual-line modes
      libide: add <shift>j to join lines in visual mode
      libide: improve enter/backspace semantics in normal mode
      libide: add various movements to d and dg in normal mode
      libide: override GtkTextView::paste_clipboard() to add line paste mode
      libide: fix signal names
      libide: implement paste with p
      libide: add IdeSourceView::paste-clipboard-extended
      libide: add p and P paste for vim using paste-selection-extended
      libide: move into visual-line-z mode
      libide: fix vim `w` inside of word boundaries
      libide: add IdeSourceView::indent-selection gsignalaction
      libide: use < and > to unindent/indent text in vim mode
      libide: add IdeSourceView::swap-selection-bounds
      libide: add rudimentary ce cw and cip support
      libide: use proper gsignal name
      libide: add movement for smart selection of line characters
      libide: fix ctrl+u in insert mode
      libide: add guu and gUU in vim mode
      libide: add some vim comments
      libide: add various up/down/left/right bindings for vim
      libide: add vim style word movements
      libide: implement vim style word ends
      libide: add IdeSourceView::scroll-offset
      libide: add yj and yk support in vim normal mode
      libide: fix Y in vim normal mode
      libide: add plumbing for exclusive and count params to movement
      libide: add IdeSourceView::append-to-count gsignalaction
      libide: these basic normal movements are exclusive
      libide: add plumbing for more complex movements
      libide: implement line_end movement
      libide: fix some inclusive/exclusive bugs
      libide: add IdeSourceView::auto-indent gsignalaction
      libide: fix vim <shift>o when used with custom auto indenter
      libide: add IdeSourceView::push-selection and IdeSourceView::pop-selection
      libide: deal with exclusive/inclusive in first-nonspace-char movement
      libide: add vim >> and << movements
      libide: fix dj and dk in vim mode
      libide: whitespace
      libide: add exclusive support to backward word end movements
      libide: add exclusivity to paragraph start/end
      libide: improve shrink theatric animation
      libide: improve dip and cip vim movements
      libide: shrink should animate to cursor when multiline
      libide: make > and < in visual and visual-line act more like vim
      libide: use count in indent operation
      libide: add IdeSourceView::clear-count gsignalaction
      libide: play around with non-zero numbers
      libide: fix yy highlight and paste.
      libide: clear count when permanent mode changes
      po: update POTFILES.in
      libide: respect exclusivity in next-char movement
      libide: plumb clear-count into vim primary modes
      libide: fix yk when used with and without number prefix
      libide: fix counts with zeroes in vim normal mode
      libide: improve line movement with counts
      libide: fix dd in vim mode
      libide: improve fetching rectangles around regions
      libide: fix signal names
      libide: try to avoid movements here
      libide: leave cursor on proper line when joining lines
      libide: add movement by offset in buffer
      libide: port gbsourcevim line selection into movements
      libide: set exclusive bit
      libide: too much good stuff
      libide: be friendly when in line selection mode with h/l
      libide: add selection helpers in vim mode
      libide: jump to file percentage with %
      libide: add support for counted jumps
      libide: only run exclusive on last run for paragraph
      libide: fix ctrl+u at first nonspace char
      libide: fix emacs mode for new mode switches
      libide: coalesce undo actions in various vim modes
      libide: use CSS gtkwidget property for controlling sourceviewmode
      libide: allow faking block cursor
      libide: add db and dB in vim mode
      libide: fix match signature
      libide: implement jump to unmatched brace or paren
      libide: implement [{ [( [) and [} vim movements
      libide: add some exclusivity checks
      libide: add ciw and ciW from vim mode
      libide: handle rectangle bounds for partial line specially
      libide: fix yy yk and yj to with linewise mode
      libide: improve backward word end movements
      libide: allow disabling animations with gtk-enable-animations gtksettings
      libide: add vim cis command
      libide: stay pinned to bottom of buffer during inserts
      libide: don't supress possible accelerators
      libide: add simple dark mode switch for testing
      libide: add helper to get visible rect w/ scroll offset
      libide: add debug tool for checking scroll offset
      libide: update filename and copyright
      libide: vim a command is exclusive
      libide: remove stale todo
      libide: add gsignalaction to sort the current selection
      libide: wrap sort in user action
      libide: add scroll helpers that take scroll offset into account
      libide: use IdeSourceView scroll helpers
      libide: keep the insert mark on screen during various changes
      libide: make restore-insert-mark respect scroll offset
      libide: add trace helpers for rectangles
      libide: take line height into account when translating yalign
      libide: fix page up/down when there is a scroll offset
      libide: use MAX() only in initial value when looping
      libide: ensure selection iter is up to date
      libide: fix paste position when at line end
      libide: implement y in visual mode
      libide: add vim G during line selection
      libide: fix warning
      libide: take into account scroll offset
      libide: allow keeping insert mark over character
      libide: use mark for page scrolling
      libide: rewrite directory loading task to be synchronous but threaded
      libide: whitespace
      libide: create shared GtkSourceCompletionWords for all buffers
      libide: add IdeSourceView:enable-word-completion gproperty
      libide: test word completion with -w command line option
      libide: add z. z- and z<CR> in vim mode
      libide: add battery monitor so we can be friendly when unplugged
      libide: reduce diagnostician calls under certain battery scenarios
      libide: use UPower Percentage property for energy detection
      libide: fix dk and 2dk in vim mode
      libide: fix <Cr> variants without a selection
      libide: fix BackSpace with a count
      libide: add IdeSourceView::clear-snippets action
      libide: move docs to proper signal
      libide: port drawing of snippet backgrounds from GbSourceView
      libide: clear snippets during vim escape hatch
      libide: add IdeSourceView::capture-modifier and ::clear-modifier
      libide: add movement to find matching char on current line
      libide: add f, t, F, T, df, dF, dt, dT, cf, cF, ct and cT vim commands
      libide: support f F t and T in vim visual mode
      libide: allow a mode to suggest the next default mode
      libide: add :count prefixes to movements in vim-visual mode
      libide: don't move unless we find a match
      libide: don't double count for forward/backward char
      libide: add IdeSourceView::insert-modifier to insert current modifier char
      libide: add vim style "<count>r<modifier>" overwrite command
      libide: track recent upstream changes in gtksourceview
      libide: fix u, U and ~ in visual mode
      libide: fix rectangle bounds for single char
      libide: add tracing to context init/dispose/finalize
      libide: make sure that autoptr doesn't cleanup if we stole array
      libide: use mkenums for IdeBufferLineFlags
      libide: use alternative join-lines implementation
      libide: remove empty lines from join
      libide: add note about <shift>j difference
      libide: add tracing to buffer init/dispose/finalize
      libide: fix space/backspace in normal/visual vim modes
      libide: special case deletion at end of buffer
      libide: add ide-buffer.h to enums template
      libide: simplify level indent
      libide: add number prefixes in visual-line mode
      libide: be more careful about cursor position after indent/unindent
      libide: use self instead of name based on filename
      libide: add helpers to set count and modifier fields
      libide: track cursor offset when mode changes
      libide: add helper to get mode type
      libide: add IdeSourceViewCapture
      libide: add begin-macro, end-macro, and reply-macro signals
      libide: add macro recordings for common vim mutations
      libide: allow replaying a macro multiple times
      libide: add some tracing macros
      libide: add replay support to ce,cw,cf,ct,cF,cT,cip,cis,ciw,ciW
      libide: add replay support to >> and <<
      libide: guu/gUU: add replay support and make line movement inclusive
      libide: add macro recording to dge,dgE,dgg,dgk,dgj,dgm
      libide: add macro recording to dip
      libide: add basic on-demand macro recording with qq
      libide: allow specifying replayed insert with count
      libide: support <alt>7<alt>2- to insert 72 -
      libide: add replay support to visual-line ~uUxXJ><
      libide: add macro recording to visual mode
      libide: cancel macro if suppressing unbound input
      libide: grab : for showing the command bar
      libide: use gtk_source_buffer_join_lines()
      libide: sort vfuncs
      libide: make test window bigger
      libide: save/restore both insert and selection bound
      libide: add IdeSourceView:search-context gproperty
      libide: add IdeSourceView::set-search-text gsignalaction
      libide: add IdeSourceView::move-search gsignalaction
      libide: add vim style #*nN commands
      libide: add rgba utils
      libide: sort funcs
      libide: add IdeSourceView:show-search-bubbles gproperty
      libide: normalize boolean input
      libide: add search shadow code
      libide: add shadow/bubble test code to test-ide-source-view
      libide: add transfer annotation
      libide: add gsignalaction to move to next/previous error
      libide: use "move-error" gsignalaction to navigate errors in emacs mode
      libide: add + and - in vim normal mode
      libide: make structure definition private
      libide: cleanup header
      libide: scroll to insert mark when connecting buffer
      libide: add internal helper to discover most recent file position
      libide: restore insert mark when loading a buffer
      libide: more spacing for domain
      libide: add helper to get IdeFile for GFile
      libide: add primative load and save support for back-forward-list
      libide: load back-forward-list when loading project
      libide: consult back-fordward-list when loading buffers
      libide: don't change the insert mark, now that it is correct
      libide: release focus-buffer weak pointer during dispose
      libide: log load and save file for back-forward-list
      libide: save back-forward-list during context unload
      libide: implement item chaining
      libide: update potfiles
      libide: try to chain items before appending
      libide: emit jump during insert/delete
      libide: don't use private indirection in IdeBackForwardItem
      libide: hook up missing property helpers for back-forward-list
      libide: use global back-forward-list in test app
      libide: limit history to 10 items per file
      libide: always set the insert mark when loading buffer
      libide: track loading state of buffer
      libide: scroll to insert mark after buffer load is complete
      libide: add comment about broken gtk stuff
      libide: bind sensitive of back/forward with list in test app
      libide: add some buffer helpers
      libide: add simple navigation to test app
      libide: wire up ^o and ^i in vim mode
      libide: update filename in test app
      libide: use gtk_source_file_new_from_stream()
      libide: enforce file-size max when opening buffers
      libide: allow setting content type from buffer contents
      libide: (re)guess content type after loading buffer contents
      libide: after buffer is loaded, handle modified GtkSourceLanguage
      libide: add IdeRefPtr to help with encapsulated pointers
      libide: add vfunc to get completion providers from language
      libide: notify views to reload file when language changes
      libide: reload completion providers when language changes
      libide: add basic completion provider for C
      libide: stub completion provider for clang
      libide: add IdeSourceView:smart-backspace gproperty
      libide: test smart-backspace with -b in test app
      libide: be defensive about file location
      libide: fix vim x during line selection
      libide: adjust cursor position after button press if necessary
      libide: add prototype for format string completion
      libide: enable format string provider by default
      libide: add clang sort method
      libide: various cleanups
      libide: fix postcondition check
      libide: add match helper to check item against string
      libide: use GPtrArray instead of GList for results
      libide: hide headers in completion
      libide: check pointer before setting property
      libide: set text_set property when setting text
      libide: handle non-existant files during loading
      libide: add IdeSourceView::hide-completion gsignalaction
      libide: various completion work
      libide: start from tab_stop of 1
      libide: insert space before paren
      libide: remove text before inserting snippet
      libide: add unlikely
      libide: avoid querying for results when no words are available
      libide: add simple devhelp integration
      libide: add icons to libide resources
      libide: add iconography to completion results
      libide: update POTFILES
      libide: fix snippet expansion
      libide: move language defaults into libide and allow migrations
      libide: update POTFILES.in
      libide: ensure we transfer ownership to caller
      libide: bind file settings to source view
      libide: indent-width is an int, not uint
      libide: import modelines from gedit plugins
      libide: parse modelines after applying file-settings
      libide: fix array size
      libide: use private indirection pointer
      libide: add IdeBuffer::cursor-moved
      libide: add IdeBuffer:busy gproperty
      libide: track initial cursor position
      libide: add IdeSourceView::begin-user-action and ::end-user-action
      vim: fix undo/redo replay a bit
      vim: fix typo
      libide: transition back to normal mode after x or X in visual
      scroll offset
      vertical splits
      stack splits
      shrink width
      moves, prefs, etc
      reposition after maximize
      close views
      split and vim
      hook up save/close to view stack
      focus highlight color
      ctrl w split keybindings and such
      focus movements
      more focus movements
      hide line unles focused
      save insert mark
      only undo if we already coalesced
      source completion blocking
      remove undo hack for now, its too brittle
      dnd for source view
      move files
      bring back gaction commands
      fix names of actions
      use overriden gproperty from idesourceview
      add helper to take saved cursor position into account
      use potentially stashed cursor position
      hook up icons for view stack
      simplify repositioning code
      do split in idle callback
      so i remember to not make these alt+arrows this time
      dont scroll to mark when reentering focus
      fix key names
      add arrow aliases for window movements
      bring dnd back on editor
      cycle through "tabs" with ctrl+pgup/down
      vim: move tabs with gt and gT
      allow dropping anywhere on workbench (that doesnt supress dnd)
      make dnd open in the correct pane
      add vfunc to check if we can make a preview
      bring back html completion
      trim some completed files
      libide: update buffer focus when loading a file
      update focus upon IdeBufferManager::notify::focus-buffer
      use F4 for emacs-style "find-other-file"
      adjust focus when removing
      desensitize widgets when empty
      use meta o to switch, like emacs example docs
      bring back html/markdown preview
      track preview state
      move resources
      move gtk menus
      stub out warning colors (requires gtk+ master)
      connect search settings
      hook up next/previous search result
      remove shadow
      allow stashing the search query
      update saved position when navigating search results (and not focused)
      save target position when saving line position
      only draw bubbles if search highlights are enabled
      ensure we highlight during search movement
      no word boundary restrictions from the search box
      handle enter, shift+enter, and escape from the search box
      allow selecting a search match
      track search result position in search entry
      try to be more flexible in search entry than in vim mode
      restore vim style command bar
      support "set noai"
      support :w and :wq
      add back :nohl
      add :sort back
      search in parent dirs for configure.ac
      work with directories
      start on build command
      allow build system to alter project file path
      add env var for experimental feature
      add basic open action
      libide: add discovery of language time from first line of file
      emacs: c-x h to select all
      add basic save as
      keybindings for save as
      branch navigation list when stack is created and attached to workbench
      add vfunc to set backforward list
      add back/forward plumbing to navigation list
      move navigation plumbing
      vim: fix action names for ctrl o/i
      wire up forward/backward navigation
      tune back-forward list history saving depth
      prune large back/forward lists
      align back/forward list to views attached to stack
      add tracing to jumps
      merge history on workbench unload
      add debug and valgrind helpers
      be nice during ::empty if we are being destroyed
      add log domain
      reintroduce animations, but be less annoying than GtkTextView defaults
      add • to signify modify
      add GbView:modified property
      implement GbView:modified for editor view
      vim: <ctrl><shift>o for open
      ctrl+o for open in default keybindings
      vim: :e, :edit with no filename should show open dialog
      allow :e <filename> (or :edit <filename>)
      give completion access to the sourceview
      add filename completion to ":e" and ":edit"
      add colorscheme autocompletion
      add IdeSourceView:count gproperty
      fix return type
      add :cnext and :cprevious for vim error movements
      line jump to first nonspace char
      add :split and :vsplit
      take full ref on enum class
      add :1234 line jump command
      open non-text files with their default application handler
      bring back opening files from git index
      vim: add <shift>c to delete to end of line and go to insert
      make devhelp search work again
      show docs with "help keyword" in the command bar
      add keybindings to search for word under cursor
      remove debug code
      remove old files
      use F6 instead of F9
      add more content types we know about
      add treebuilder to sidepane
      update file types
      add header to project pad
      add toggle sidebar action
      hide sidebar by default
      stash cursor position before selecting current word for search
      implement save-all
      sythesize load-buffer signal
      disconnect signal on shutdown
      add basic build items to project menu in sidebar
      add spinner when building project
      grab source view focus when enter is pressed in search box
      set active worksace on start
      make <ctrl>period always work for global search
      same for preferences
      add "keybindings" preferences page
      remove invalid packing info
      fix typeahead search for keybindings
      add move prev/next error to default mode
      add command bar keybinding to default mode
      f9 to toggle sidebar
      fix ctrl n/p in treeview
      hide headers in completion window
      save modified buffers upon context unloading
      rely in IdeFile for location of file to load
      vim: add `make` as alias to build action
      bring back the reload buffer bar
      libide: add IdeBuffer:read-only and IdeBuffer:changed-on-volume
      libide: allow setting the mtime externally
      set read-only and mtime properties when loading a buffer
      allow reloading the buffer when it changes on disk
      bump deps
      check for file_info first
      load workspace even if no files are loaded
      add note about back/forward list implementation
      drop use of private structure
      remove unneeded png icons
      move css and js to data/ directory
      fix warnings during optimized builds
      update POTFILES.in
      clang: be defensive when creating diagnostics
      libide: import document id sequence helper
      libide: add temporary file information to IdeFile
      libide: add simple helper to create a new temporary buffer
      workbench: implement new-document action
      workbench: add gb_workbench_add_temporary_file()
      workbench: don't include temporary files in "save all"
      app: add new temporary file when no files were specified
      editor: add special case for saving temporary files
      editor: proxy title changes from the buffer
      libide: ignore non-modified buffers during unload
      bindings: add helpers to create new document
      vim: add vim style search and replace
      vim: remove old assert
      view: hide modified label when last view is released
      code-assist: enable warning underlines in 3.16.1
      prefs: add experimental features preferences page
      editor: GtkEntry:text doesn't like to be NULL
      source-view: use EASE_OUT_CUBIC like gtkadjustment
      source-view: be nice and set search text to "" instead of NULL
      editor: make up/down work again in the search entry
      editor: bring back rubberbanding search
      editor: be extra careful about NULL in GtkEntry property bindings
      libide: only connect to change monitor if vcs gave us one
      libide: short-circuit in no-match sitation with no rubberbanding
      libide: ensure we have items to merge before dereferencing
      build: fix pathing issues
      build: add credits header
      build: fix make distcheck
      build: bump dependencies
      GNOME Builder - 3.16.0

Daniel Korostil (3):
      Added uk translation
      Updated Ukrainian translation
      Updated Ukrainian translation

Daniel Mustieles (2):
      Updated Spanish Translation
      Updated Spanish Translation

David King (1):
      search: Fix build on 32-bit systems

Ekaterina Gerasimova (2):
      tests: make c-parse-helper test pretty
      tests: test c-parse-helper for ellipses

Erick Pérez Castellanos (2):
      search: add devhelp provider
      libide: use devhelp search provider

Florian Bäuerle (1):
      prefs: remove 1px border from sidebar

Florian Müllner (2):
      vim: Fix off-by-one error in '%' selection
      vim: Add support for find-character-forward/backward

Fran Dieguez (2):
      Added Galician translations
      Add gl to LINGUAS file

Garrett Regier (2):
      Add Python scripting support
      Fix ISO C90 forbids mixed declarations error

Ignacio Casal Quinteiro (3):
      editor: do not draw anymore the grid lines
      styles: set background-pattern
      Add preference for the grid lines

Jakub Steiner (1):
      icons: add new actions

Lars Uebernickel (1):
      prefs: GtkSidebar was renamed to GtkStackSidebar

Marek Černocký (5):
      Added Czech language
      Czech translation
      Czech translation
      Updated Czech translation
      Updated Czech translation

Matej Urbančič (2):
      Added Slovenian translation
      Added sl for Slovenian translation

Muhammet Kara (3):
      Added Turkish translation
      Updated Turkish translation
      Updated Turkish translation

Paolo Borelli (2):
      style-scheme: use "current-line-number"
      dialogs: remove border

Piotr Drąg (7):
      Updated POTFILES.in
      Updated POTFILES.in
      Reorder translator comments so they get picked up by intltool
      Added Polish translation
      Updated POTFILES.in and POTFILES.skip
      Move translator comments down so they appear in the po files
      Updated POTFILES.in

Ray Strode (11):
      vim: support "^w w" to move between splits
      editor: add search-direction property
      editor: don't wrap manually when searching
      editor: add rubberbanding argument to move_previous_match
      editor: consistently match in current direction of search
      vim: add search direction to begin-search signal
      vim: implement '?' command
      vim: expose search text as a property
      vim: save search direction
      vim: sync search text and direction from outside searches
      vim: implement 'n' and 'N' commands

Roberto Majadas (16):
      Add emacs base support
      emacs: Undo/redo support
      emacs: add delete forward char command
      emacs: Add move_(forward | backward)_word commands
      emacs: Open file command
      emacs: save file command
      emacs: "save as" command
      emacs: "save all" command
      emacs: fix open command
      emacs: exit command
      emacs: close document command
      emacs: find command
      emacs: some cleanups
      emacs: add debug functions
      emacs: add ESC x 3 as exit command
      emacs: Add select-region/cut/copy/paste commands

Samir Ribic (1):
      Added Bosnian translation

Yosef Or Boczko (8):
      Added Hebrew translation
      Updated Hebrew translation
      Mark some strings as translatable
      Updated Hebrew translation
      Updated Hebrew translation
      Updated Hebrew translation
      Updated Hebrew translation
      Updated Hebrew translation

burningTyger (1):
      tiny typo in UI

yannick inizan (1):
      build: fix linking on Ubuntu

zilla hmt im (1):
      prefs: add comments for translators

Мирослав Николић (1):
      Added Serbian translation

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