[gnome-builder] libide: add various movements and commands in vim visual mode

commit 4ad19f20d52b8e336f31e8a158b742e128eb5359
Author: Christian Hergert <christian hergert me>
Date:   Thu Mar 5 13:03:24 2015 -0800

    libide: add various movements and commands in vim visual mode

 data/keybindings/vim.css |   18 ++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/data/keybindings/vim.css b/data/keybindings/vim.css
index bdc20bc..b5cefbb 100644
--- a/data/keybindings/vim.css
+++ b/data/keybindings/vim.css
@@ -266,11 +266,27 @@
   bind "percent" { "move-to-matching-bracket" (1) };
+  bind "x" { "delete-selection" () };
+  bind "<shift>x" { "delete-selection" () };
   bind "h" { "movement" (previous-char, 1) };
   bind "l" { "movement" (next-char, 1) };
   bind "k" { "movement" (previous-line, 1) };
   bind "j" { "movement" (next-line, 1) };
+  bind "e" { "movement" (next-word-end, 1) };
+  bind "<shift>e" { "movement" (next-full-word-end, 1) };
+  bind "w" { "movement" (next-word-start, 1) };
+  bind "<shift>w" { "movement" (next-full-word-start, 1) };
+  bind "b" { "movement" (previous-word-start, 1) };
+  bind "<shift>b" { "movement" (previous-full-word-start, 1) };
+  bind "<ctrl>b" { "movement" (page-up, 1) };
+  bind "<ctrl>f" { "movement" (page-down, 1) };
+  bind "<ctrl>u" { "movement" (half-page-up, 1) };
+  bind "<ctrl>d" { "movement" (half-page-down, 1) };
   bind "0" { "movement" (first-char, 1) };
   bind "<shift>asciicircum" { "movement" (first-nonspace-char, 1) };
   bind "dollar" { "movement" (last-char, 1) };
@@ -288,6 +304,8 @@
   bind "<ctrl>e" { "movement" (screen-up, 1) };
   bind "<ctrl>y" { "movement" (screen-down, 1) };
+  bind "g" { "set-mode" ("vim-visual-g", transient) };
   bind "z" { "set-mode" ("vim-visual-z", transient) };

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