[vala] webkit2gtk-4.0: Update to 2.7.92
- From: Rico Tzschichholz <ricotz src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [vala] webkit2gtk-4.0: Update to 2.7.92
- Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2015 19:14:23 +0000 (UTC)
commit e6bbcc40d41b1268c04a4351673c250654e1a37e
Author: Rico Tzschichholz <ricotz ubuntu com>
Date: Fri Mar 20 16:51:57 2015 +0100
webkit2gtk-4.0: Update to 2.7.92
vapi/webkit2gtk-web-extension-4.0.vapi | 224 ++++++++++++++++----------------
1 files changed, 112 insertions(+), 112 deletions(-)
diff --git a/vapi/webkit2gtk-web-extension-4.0.vapi b/vapi/webkit2gtk-web-extension-4.0.vapi
index c871494..0496083 100644
--- a/vapi/webkit2gtk-web-extension-4.0.vapi
+++ b/vapi/webkit2gtk-web-extension-4.0.vapi
@@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ namespace WebKit {
[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
protected CSSRule ();
public string get_css_text ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.CSSRule get_parent_rule ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.CSSStyleSheet get_parent_style_sheet ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.CSSRule get_parent_rule ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.CSSStyleSheet get_parent_style_sheet ();
public ushort get_rule_type ();
public void set_css_text (string value) throws GLib.Error;
public string css_text { owned get; set; }
- public WebKit.DOM.CSSRule parent_rule { get; }
- public WebKit.DOM.CSSStyleSheet parent_style_sheet { get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.CSSRule parent_rule { owned get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.CSSStyleSheet parent_style_sheet { owned get; }
public uint type { get; }
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
protected CSSRuleList ();
public ulong get_length ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.CSSRule item (ulong index);
+ public WebKit.DOM.CSSRule item (ulong index);
public ulong length { get; }
[CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit-web-extension.h", type_id =
"webkit_dom_css_style_declaration_get_type ()")]
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
protected CSSStyleDeclaration ();
public string get_css_text ();
public ulong get_length ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.CSSRule get_parent_rule ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.CSSRule get_parent_rule ();
public string get_property_priority (string propertyName);
public string get_property_shorthand (string propertyName);
public string get_property_value (string propertyName);
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
public void set_property (string propertyName, string value, string priority) throws
public string css_text { owned get; set; }
public ulong length { get; }
- public WebKit.DOM.CSSRule parent_rule { get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.CSSRule parent_rule { owned get; }
[CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit-web-extension.h", type_id =
"webkit_dom_css_style_sheet_get_type ()")]
[GIR (name = "DOMCSSStyleSheet")]
@@ -88,14 +88,14 @@ namespace WebKit {
protected CSSStyleSheet ();
public long add_rule (string selector, string style, ulong index) throws GLib.Error;
public void delete_rule (ulong index) throws GLib.Error;
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.CSSRuleList get_css_rules ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.CSSRule get_owner_rule ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.CSSRuleList get_rules ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.CSSRuleList get_css_rules ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.CSSRule get_owner_rule ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.CSSRuleList get_rules ();
public ulong insert_rule (string rule, ulong index) throws GLib.Error;
public void remove_rule (ulong index) throws GLib.Error;
- public WebKit.DOM.CSSRuleList css_rules { get; }
- public WebKit.DOM.CSSRule owner_rule { get; }
- public WebKit.DOM.CSSRuleList rules { get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.CSSRuleList css_rules { owned get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.CSSRule owner_rule { owned get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.CSSRuleList rules { owned get; }
[CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit-web-extension.h", type_id =
"webkit_dom_css_value_get_type ()")]
[GIR (name = "DOMCSSValue")]
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
public class DOMImplementation : WebKit.DOM.Object {
[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
protected DOMImplementation ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.CSSStyleSheet create_css_style_sheet (string title, string
media) throws GLib.Error;
+ public WebKit.DOM.CSSStyleSheet create_css_style_sheet (string title, string media)
throws GLib.Error;
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Document create_document (string? namespaceURI, string
qualifiedName, WebKit.DOM.DocumentType? doctype) throws GLib.Error;
public unowned WebKit.DOM.DocumentType create_document_type (string qualifiedName,
string publicId, string systemId) throws GLib.Error;
public unowned WebKit.DOM.HTMLDocument create_html_document (string title);
@@ -212,48 +212,48 @@ namespace WebKit {
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Attr create_attribute_ns (string? namespaceURI, string
qualifiedName) throws GLib.Error;
public unowned WebKit.DOM.CDATASection create_cdata_section (string data) throws
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Comment create_comment (string data);
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.CSSStyleDeclaration create_css_style_declaration ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.CSSStyleDeclaration create_css_style_declaration ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.DocumentFragment create_document_fragment ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Element create_element (string tagName) throws GLib.Error;
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Element create_element_ns (string? namespaceURI, string
qualifiedName) throws GLib.Error;
public unowned WebKit.DOM.EntityReference create_entity_reference (string? name)
throws GLib.Error;
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.Event create_event (string eventType) throws GLib.Error;
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.XPathExpression create_expression (string expression,
WebKit.DOM.XPathNSResolver resolver) throws GLib.Error;
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.NodeIterator create_node_iterator (WebKit.DOM.Node root,
ulong whatToShow, WebKit.DOM.NodeFilter? filter, bool expandEntityReferences) throws GLib.Error;
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.XPathNSResolver create_ns_resolver (WebKit.DOM.Node
+ public WebKit.DOM.Event create_event (string eventType) throws GLib.Error;
+ public WebKit.DOM.XPathExpression create_expression (string expression,
WebKit.DOM.XPathNSResolver resolver) throws GLib.Error;
+ public WebKit.DOM.NodeIterator create_node_iterator (WebKit.DOM.Node root, ulong
whatToShow, WebKit.DOM.NodeFilter? filter, bool expandEntityReferences) throws GLib.Error;
+ public WebKit.DOM.XPathNSResolver create_ns_resolver (WebKit.DOM.Node nodeResolver);
public unowned WebKit.DOM.ProcessingInstruction create_processing_instruction (string
target, string data) throws GLib.Error;
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.Range create_range ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.Range create_range ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Text create_text_node (string data);
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.TreeWalker create_tree_walker (WebKit.DOM.Node root, ulong
whatToShow, WebKit.DOM.NodeFilter? filter, bool expandEntityReferences) throws GLib.Error;
+ public WebKit.DOM.TreeWalker create_tree_walker (WebKit.DOM.Node root, ulong
whatToShow, WebKit.DOM.NodeFilter? filter, bool expandEntityReferences) throws GLib.Error;
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Element element_from_point (long x, long y);
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.XPathResult evaluate (string expression, WebKit.DOM.Node
contextNode, WebKit.DOM.XPathNSResolver? resolver, ushort type, WebKit.DOM.XPathResult? inResult) throws
+ public WebKit.DOM.XPathResult evaluate (string expression, WebKit.DOM.Node
contextNode, WebKit.DOM.XPathNSResolver? resolver, ushort type, WebKit.DOM.XPathResult? inResult) throws
public bool exec_command (string command, bool userInterface, string value);
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Element get_active_element ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_anchors ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_applets ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_anchors ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_applets ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.HTMLElement get_body ();
public string get_character_set ();
public string get_charset ();
public string get_cookie () throws GLib.Error;
public string get_default_charset ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.DOMWindow get_default_view ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.DOMWindow get_default_view ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.DocumentType get_doctype ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Element get_document_element ();
public string get_document_uri ();
public string get_domain ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Element get_element_by_id (string elementId);
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.NodeList get_elements_by_class_name (string tagname);
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.NodeList get_elements_by_name (string elementName);
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.NodeList get_elements_by_tag_name (string tagname);
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.NodeList get_elements_by_tag_name_ns (string namespaceURI,
string localName);
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_forms ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.NodeList get_elements_by_class_name (string tagname);
+ public WebKit.DOM.NodeList get_elements_by_name (string elementName);
+ public WebKit.DOM.NodeList get_elements_by_tag_name (string tagname);
+ public WebKit.DOM.NodeList get_elements_by_tag_name_ns (string namespaceURI, string
+ public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_forms ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.HTMLHeadElement get_head ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_images ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.DOMImplementation get_implementation ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_images ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.DOMImplementation get_implementation ();
public string get_input_encoding ();
public string get_last_modified ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_links ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.CSSStyleDeclaration get_override_style (WebKit.DOM.Element
element, string? pseudoElement);
+ public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_links ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.CSSStyleDeclaration get_override_style (WebKit.DOM.Element element,
string? pseudoElement);
public string get_preferred_stylesheet_set ();
public string get_ready_state ();
public string get_referrer ();
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
public bool query_command_supported (string command);
public string query_command_value (string command);
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Element query_selector (string selectors) throws GLib.Error;
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.NodeList query_selector_all (string selectors) throws
+ public WebKit.DOM.NodeList query_selector_all (string selectors) throws GLib.Error;
public void set_body (WebKit.DOM.HTMLElement value) throws GLib.Error;
public void set_charset (string value);
public void set_cookie (string value) throws GLib.Error;
@@ -282,8 +282,8 @@ namespace WebKit {
public void set_xml_standalone (bool value) throws GLib.Error;
public void set_xml_version (string value) throws GLib.Error;
public WebKit.DOM.Element active_element { get; }
- public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection anchors { get; }
- public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection applets { get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection anchors { owned get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection applets { owned get; }
public WebKit.DOM.HTMLElement body { get; }
public string character_set { owned get; }
public string charset { owned get; set; }
@@ -295,20 +295,20 @@ namespace WebKit {
public WebKit.DOM.HTMLScriptElement current_script { owned get; }
public string default_charset { owned get; }
- public WebKit.DOM.DOMWindow default_view { get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.DOMWindow default_view { owned get; }
public WebKit.DOM.DocumentType doctype { get; }
public WebKit.DOM.Element document_element { get; }
public string document_uri { owned get; set; }
public string domain { owned get; }
- public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection forms { get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection forms { owned get; }
public WebKit.DOM.HTMLHeadElement head { get; }
public bool hidden { get; }
- public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection images { get; }
- public WebKit.DOM.DOMImplementation implementation { get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection images { owned get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.DOMImplementation implementation { owned get; }
public string input_encoding { owned get; }
public string last_modified { owned get; }
- public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection links { get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection links { owned get; }
public string origin { owned get; }
@@ -347,16 +347,16 @@ namespace WebKit {
public class DocumentType : WebKit.DOM.Node, WebKit.DOM.EventTarget {
[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
protected DocumentType ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.NamedNodeMap get_entities ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.NamedNodeMap get_entities ();
public string get_internal_subset ();
public string get_name ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.NamedNodeMap get_notations ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.NamedNodeMap get_notations ();
public string get_public_id ();
public string get_system_id ();
- public WebKit.DOM.NamedNodeMap entities { get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.NamedNodeMap entities { owned get; }
public string internal_subset { owned get; }
public string name { owned get; }
- public WebKit.DOM.NamedNodeMap notations { get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.NamedNodeMap notations { owned get; }
public string public_id { owned get; }
public string system_id { owned get; }
@@ -371,16 +371,16 @@ namespace WebKit {
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Attr get_attribute_node (string name);
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Attr get_attribute_node_ns (string namespaceURI, string
public string get_attribute_ns (string namespaceURI, string localName);
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.NamedNodeMap get_attributes ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.NamedNodeMap get_attributes ();
public ulong get_child_element_count ();
public string get_class_name ();
public double get_client_height ();
public double get_client_left ();
public double get_client_top ();
public double get_client_width ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.NodeList get_elements_by_class_name (string name);
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.NodeList get_elements_by_tag_name (string name);
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.NodeList get_elements_by_tag_name_ns (string namespaceURI,
string localName);
+ public WebKit.DOM.NodeList get_elements_by_class_name (string name);
+ public WebKit.DOM.NodeList get_elements_by_tag_name (string name);
+ public WebKit.DOM.NodeList get_elements_by_tag_name_ns (string namespaceURI, string
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Element get_first_element_child ();
public string get_id ();
public string get_inner_html ();
@@ -397,13 +397,13 @@ namespace WebKit {
public long get_scroll_left ();
public long get_scroll_top ();
public long get_scroll_width ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.CSSStyleDeclaration get_style ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.CSSStyleDeclaration get_style ();
public string get_tag_name ();
public bool has_attribute (string name);
public bool has_attribute_ns (string namespaceURI, string localName);
public bool has_attributes ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Element query_selector (string selectors) throws GLib.Error;
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.NodeList query_selector_all (string selectors) throws
+ public WebKit.DOM.NodeList query_selector_all (string selectors) throws GLib.Error;
public void remove_attribute (string name);
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Attr remove_attribute_node (WebKit.DOM.Attr oldAttr) throws
public void remove_attribute_ns (string namespaceURI, string localName);
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
public void set_outer_html (string value) throws GLib.Error;
public void set_scroll_left (long value);
public void set_scroll_top (long value);
- public WebKit.DOM.NamedNodeMap attributes { get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.NamedNodeMap attributes { owned get; }
public ulong child_element_count { get; }
public string class_name { owned get; set; }
public double client_height { get; }
@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
public long scroll_left { get; set; }
public long scroll_top { get; set; }
public long scroll_width { get; }
- public WebKit.DOM.CSSStyleDeclaration style { get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.CSSStyleDeclaration style { owned get; }
public string tag_name { owned get; }
public string webkit_region_overset { owned get; }
@@ -463,12 +463,12 @@ namespace WebKit {
public bool get_bubbles ();
public bool get_cancel_bubble ();
public bool get_cancelable ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.EventTarget get_current_target ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.EventTarget get_current_target ();
public ushort get_event_phase ();
public string get_event_type ();
public bool get_return_value ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.EventTarget get_src_element ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.EventTarget get_target ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.EventTarget get_src_element ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.EventTarget get_target ();
public uint32 get_time_stamp ();
public void init_event (string eventTypeArg, bool canBubbleArg, bool cancelableArg);
public void prevent_default ();
@@ -478,13 +478,13 @@ namespace WebKit {
public bool bubbles { get; }
public bool cancel_bubble { get; set; }
public bool cancelable { get; }
- public WebKit.DOM.EventTarget current_target { get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.EventTarget current_target { owned get; }
public bool default_prevented { get; }
public uint event_phase { get; }
public bool return_value { get; set; }
- public WebKit.DOM.EventTarget src_element { get; }
- public WebKit.DOM.EventTarget target { get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.EventTarget src_element { owned get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.EventTarget target { owned get; }
public uint time_stamp { get; }
public string type { owned get; }
@@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
protected FileList ();
public ulong get_length ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.File item (ulong index);
+ public WebKit.DOM.File item (ulong index);
public ulong length { get; }
[CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit-web-extension.h", type_id =
"webkit_dom_html_anchor_element_get_type ()")]
@@ -816,12 +816,12 @@ namespace WebKit {
public string get_compat_mode ();
public string get_design_mode ();
public string get_dir ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_embeds ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_embeds ();
public string get_fg_color ();
public long get_height ();
public string get_link_color ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_plugins ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_scripts ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_plugins ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_scripts ();
public string get_vlink_color ();
public long get_width ();
public void release_events ();
@@ -837,12 +837,12 @@ namespace WebKit {
public string compat_mode { owned get; }
public string design_mode { owned get; set; }
public string dir { owned get; set; }
- public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection embeds { get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection embeds { owned get; }
public string fg_color { owned get; set; }
public long height { get; }
public string link_color { owned get; set; }
- public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection plugins { get; }
- public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection scripts { get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection plugins { owned get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection scripts { owned get; }
public string vlink_color { owned get; set; }
public long width { get; }
@@ -853,7 +853,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
protected HTMLElement ();
public void click ();
public string get_access_key ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_children ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_children ();
public string get_content_editable ();
public string get_dir ();
[Deprecated (since = "2.8")]
@@ -879,7 +879,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
public void set_tab_index (long value);
public void set_title (string value);
public string access_key { owned get; set; }
- public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection children { get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection children { owned get; }
public string content_editable { owned get; set; }
public string dir { owned get; set; }
@@ -966,7 +966,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
protected HTMLFormElement ();
public string get_accept_charset ();
public string get_action ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_elements ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_elements ();
public string get_encoding ();
public string get_enctype ();
public long get_length ();
@@ -990,7 +990,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
public string autocomplete { owned get; set; }
public bool autocorrect { get; set; }
- public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection elements { get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection elements { owned get; }
public string encoding { owned get; set; }
public string enctype { owned get; set; }
public long length { get; }
@@ -1006,7 +1006,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
protected HTMLFrameElement ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Document get_content_document ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.DOMWindow get_content_window ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.DOMWindow get_content_window ();
public string get_frame_border ();
public long get_height ();
public string get_long_desc ();
@@ -1026,7 +1026,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
public void set_scrolling (string value);
public void set_src (string value);
public WebKit.DOM.Document content_document { get; }
- public WebKit.DOM.DOMWindow content_window { get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.DOMWindow content_window { owned get; }
public string frame_border { owned get; set; }
public long height { get; }
public string long_desc { owned get; set; }
@@ -1104,7 +1104,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
protected HTMLIFrameElement ();
public string get_align ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Document get_content_document ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.DOMWindow get_content_window ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.DOMWindow get_content_window ();
public string get_frame_border ();
public string get_height ();
public string get_long_desc ();
@@ -1126,7 +1126,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
public void set_width (string value);
public string align { owned get; set; }
public WebKit.DOM.Document content_document { get; }
- public WebKit.DOM.DOMWindow content_window { get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.DOMWindow content_window { owned get; }
public string frame_border { owned get; set; }
public string height { owned get; set; }
public string long_desc { owned get; set; }
@@ -1218,7 +1218,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
public bool get_default_checked ();
public string get_default_value ();
public bool get_disabled ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.FileList get_files ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.FileList get_files ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.HTMLFormElement get_form ();
public ulong get_height ();
public bool get_indeterminate ();
@@ -1273,7 +1273,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
public string dir_name { owned get; set; }
public bool disabled { get; set; }
- public WebKit.DOM.FileList files { get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.FileList files { owned get; }
public WebKit.DOM.HTMLFormElement form { get; }
public string form_action { owned get; set; }
@@ -1372,7 +1372,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
public string get_media ();
public string get_rel ();
public string get_rev ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.StyleSheet get_sheet ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.StyleSheet get_sheet ();
public string get_target ();
public string get_type_attr ();
public void set_charset (string value);
@@ -1391,7 +1391,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
public string media { owned get; set; }
public string rel { owned get; set; }
public string rev { owned get; set; }
- public WebKit.DOM.StyleSheet sheet { get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.StyleSheet sheet { owned get; }
public string target { owned get; set; }
public string type { owned get; set; }
@@ -1401,10 +1401,10 @@ namespace WebKit {
public class HTMLMapElement : WebKit.DOM.HTMLElement, WebKit.DOM.EventTarget {
[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
protected HTMLMapElement ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_areas ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_areas ();
public string get_name ();
public void set_name (string value);
- public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection areas { get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection areas { owned get; }
public string name { owned get; set; }
[CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit-web-extension.h", type_id =
"webkit_dom_html_marquee_element_get_type ()")]
@@ -1703,7 +1703,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
public ulong get_length ();
public bool get_multiple ();
public string get_name ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.HTMLOptionsCollection get_options ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.HTMLOptionsCollection get_options ();
public string get_select_type ();
public long get_selected_index ();
public long get_size ();
@@ -1728,7 +1728,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
public ulong length { get; set; }
public bool multiple { get; set; }
public string name { owned get; set; }
- public WebKit.DOM.HTMLOptionsCollection options { get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.HTMLOptionsCollection options { owned get; }
public bool required { get; set; }
public long selected_index { get; set; }
@@ -1749,14 +1749,14 @@ namespace WebKit {
protected HTMLStyleElement ();
public bool get_disabled ();
public string get_media ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.StyleSheet get_sheet ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.StyleSheet get_sheet ();
public string get_type_attr ();
public void set_disabled (bool value);
public void set_media (string value);
public void set_type_attr (string value);
public bool disabled { get; set; }
public string media { owned get; set; }
- public WebKit.DOM.StyleSheet sheet { get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.StyleSheet sheet { owned get; }
public string type { owned get; set; }
@@ -1861,10 +1861,10 @@ namespace WebKit {
public unowned WebKit.DOM.HTMLTableCaptionElement get_caption ();
public string get_cell_padding ();
public string get_cell_spacing ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_rows ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_rows ();
public string get_rules ();
public string get_summary ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_t_bodies ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_t_bodies ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.HTMLTableSectionElement get_t_foot ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.HTMLTableSectionElement get_t_head ();
public string get_width ();
@@ -1888,10 +1888,10 @@ namespace WebKit {
public string cell_spacing { owned get; set; }
public string frame { owned get; set; }
- public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection rows { get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection rows { owned get; }
public string rules { owned get; set; }
public string summary { owned get; set; }
- public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection t_bodies { get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection t_bodies { owned get; }
public WebKit.DOM.HTMLTableSectionElement t_foot { get; }
public WebKit.DOM.HTMLTableSectionElement t_head { get; }
public string width { owned get; set; }
@@ -1904,7 +1904,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
public void delete_cell (long index) throws GLib.Error;
public string get_align ();
public string get_bg_color ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_cells ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_cells ();
public string get_ch ();
public string get_ch_off ();
public long get_row_index ();
@@ -1918,7 +1918,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
public void set_v_align (string value);
public string align { owned get; set; }
public string bg_color { owned get; set; }
- public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection cells { get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection cells { owned get; }
public string ch { owned get; set; }
public string ch_off { owned get; set; }
public long row_index { get; }
@@ -1934,7 +1934,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
public string get_align ();
public string get_ch ();
public string get_ch_off ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_rows ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_rows ();
public string get_v_align ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.HTMLElement insert_row (long index) throws GLib.Error;
public void set_align (string value);
@@ -1944,7 +1944,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
public string align { owned get; set; }
public string ch { owned get; set; }
public string ch_off { owned get; set; }
- public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection rows { get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection rows { owned get; }
public string v_align { owned get; set; }
[CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit-web-extension.h", type_id =
"webkit_dom_html_text_area_element_get_type ()")]
@@ -2087,7 +2087,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
public bool get_meta_key ();
public long get_offset_x ();
public long get_offset_y ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.EventTarget get_related_target ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.EventTarget get_related_target ();
public long get_screen_x ();
public long get_screen_y ();
public bool get_shift_key ();
@@ -2108,7 +2108,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
public long movement_y { get; }
public long offset_x { get; }
public long offset_y { get; }
- public WebKit.DOM.EventTarget related_target { get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.EventTarget related_target { owned get; }
public long screen_x { get; }
public long screen_y { get; }
public bool shift_key { get; }
@@ -2141,7 +2141,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
public ushort compare_document_position (WebKit.DOM.Node other);
public bool contains (WebKit.DOM.Node other);
public string get_base_uri ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.NodeList get_child_nodes ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.NodeList get_child_nodes ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Node get_first_child ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Node get_last_child ();
public string get_local_name ();
@@ -2171,7 +2171,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
public void set_prefix (string value) throws GLib.Error;
public void set_text_content (string value) throws GLib.Error;
public string base_uri { owned get; }
- public WebKit.DOM.NodeList child_nodes { get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.NodeList child_nodes { owned get; }
public WebKit.DOM.Node first_child { get; }
public WebKit.DOM.Node last_child { get; }
public string local_name { owned get; }
@@ -2194,7 +2194,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
protected NodeIterator ();
public void detach ();
public bool get_expand_entity_references ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.NodeFilter get_filter ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.NodeFilter get_filter ();
public bool get_pointer_before_reference_node ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Node get_reference_node ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Node get_root ();
@@ -2202,7 +2202,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Node next_node () throws GLib.Error;
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Node previous_node () throws GLib.Error;
public bool expand_entity_references { get; }
- public WebKit.DOM.NodeFilter filter { get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.NodeFilter filter { owned get; }
public bool pointer_before_reference_node { get; }
public WebKit.DOM.Node reference_node { get; }
public WebKit.DOM.Node root { get; }
@@ -2230,9 +2230,9 @@ namespace WebKit {
public class ProcessingInstruction : WebKit.DOM.CharacterData, WebKit.DOM.EventTarget {
[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
protected ProcessingInstruction ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.StyleSheet get_sheet ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.StyleSheet get_sheet ();
public string get_target ();
- public WebKit.DOM.StyleSheet sheet { get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.StyleSheet sheet { owned get; }
public string target { owned get; }
[CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit-web-extension.h", type_id =
"webkit_dom_range_get_type ()")]
@@ -2241,7 +2241,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
protected Range ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.DocumentFragment clone_contents () throws GLib.Error;
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.Range clone_range () throws GLib.Error;
+ public WebKit.DOM.Range clone_range () throws GLib.Error;
public void collapse (bool toStart) throws GLib.Error;
public short compare_boundary_points (ushort how, WebKit.DOM.Range sourceRange)
throws GLib.Error;
public short compare_node (WebKit.DOM.Node refNode) throws GLib.Error;
@@ -2286,16 +2286,16 @@ namespace WebKit {
public string get_content_type ();
public bool get_disabled ();
public string get_href ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.MediaList get_media ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.MediaList get_media ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Node get_owner_node ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.StyleSheet get_parent_style_sheet ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.StyleSheet get_parent_style_sheet ();
public string get_title ();
public void set_disabled (bool value);
public bool disabled { get; set; }
public string href { owned get; }
- public WebKit.DOM.MediaList media { get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.MediaList media { owned get; }
public WebKit.DOM.Node owner_node { get; }
- public WebKit.DOM.StyleSheet parent_style_sheet { get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.StyleSheet parent_style_sheet { owned get; }
public string title { owned get; }
public string type { owned get; }
@@ -2306,7 +2306,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
protected StyleSheetList ();
public ulong get_length ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.StyleSheet item (ulong index);
+ public WebKit.DOM.StyleSheet item (ulong index);
public ulong length { get; }
[CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit-web-extension.h", type_id =
"webkit_dom_text_get_type ()")]
@@ -2327,7 +2327,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Node first_child ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Node get_current_node ();
public bool get_expand_entity_references ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.NodeFilter get_filter ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.NodeFilter get_filter ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Node get_root ();
public ulong get_what_to_show ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Node last_child ();
@@ -2339,7 +2339,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
public void set_current_node (WebKit.DOM.Node value) throws GLib.Error;
public WebKit.DOM.Node current_node { get; }
public bool expand_entity_references { get; }
- public WebKit.DOM.NodeFilter filter { get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.NodeFilter filter { owned get; }
public WebKit.DOM.Node root { get; }
public ulong what_to_show { get; }
@@ -2355,7 +2355,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
public long get_layer_y ();
public long get_page_x ();
public long get_page_y ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.DOMWindow get_view ();
+ public WebKit.DOM.DOMWindow get_view ();
public void init_ui_event (string type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable,
WebKit.DOM.DOMWindow view, long detail);
public long char_code { get; }
public long detail { get; }
@@ -2364,7 +2364,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
public long layer_y { get; }
public long page_x { get; }
public long page_y { get; }
- public WebKit.DOM.DOMWindow view { get; }
+ public WebKit.DOM.DOMWindow view { owned get; }
public long which { get; }
@@ -2396,7 +2396,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
public class XPathExpression : WebKit.DOM.Object {
[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
protected XPathExpression ();
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.XPathResult evaluate (WebKit.DOM.Node contextNode, ushort
type, WebKit.DOM.XPathResult inResult) throws GLib.Error;
+ public WebKit.DOM.XPathResult evaluate (WebKit.DOM.Node contextNode, ushort type,
WebKit.DOM.XPathResult inResult) throws GLib.Error;
[CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit-web-extension.h", type_id =
"webkit_dom_xpath_result_get_type ()")]
[GIR (name = "DOMXPathResult")]
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