[geary] Remove subject and participants from headerbar

commit c5b2b5a2ecc44bf2304e37b4a4c6f097eb4f0e1e
Author: Robert Schroll <rschroll gmail com>
Date:   Tue Mar 17 16:16:50 2015 -0400

    Remove subject and participants from headerbar
    This reverts commit 1d0e58bf2c339cd99a899298e71e6881c521f5b3.
    This reverts commit ef87b0dbc3d09855ea54f1923d3d95014ebc1aaa.
    This reverts commit fca3225d2293b5e9da147bd647f4b5ad82783d35.

 src/client/components/main-toolbar.vala            |   50 ---------
 .../formatted-conversation-data.vala               |  102 ++++++++++++++++++-
 src/client/util/util-email.vala                    |  109 --------------------
 3 files changed, 100 insertions(+), 161 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/client/components/main-toolbar.vala b/src/client/components/main-toolbar.vala
index 80de811..3cfc30d 100644
--- a/src/client/components/main-toolbar.vala
+++ b/src/client/components/main-toolbar.vala
@@ -10,8 +10,6 @@ public class MainToolbar : Gtk.Box {
     public FolderMenu move_folder_menu { get; private set; default = new FolderMenu(); }
     public string account { get; set; }
     public string folder { get; set; }
-    public string conversation_title { get; private set; }
-    public string conversation_participants { get; private set; }
     public bool show_close_button { get; set; default = false; }
     public bool show_close_button_left { get; private set; }
     public bool show_close_button_right { get; private set; }
@@ -51,10 +49,6 @@ public class MainToolbar : Gtk.Box {
         this.bind_property("folder", folder_header, "subtitle", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE);
         this.bind_property("show-close-button-left", folder_header, "show-close-button",
-        this.bind_property("conversation-title", conversation_header, "title",
-            BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE);
-        this.bind_property("conversation-participants", conversation_header, "subtitle",
-            BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE);
         this.bind_property("show-close-button-right", conversation_header, "show-close-button",
@@ -153,34 +147,11 @@ public class MainToolbar : Gtk.Box {
-        Gtk.Label title_label = new Gtk.Label(null);
-        conversation_header.bind_property("title", title_label, "label", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE);
-        conversation_header.bind_property("title", title_label, "tooltip-text",
-            BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE);
-        title_label.get_style_context().add_class("title");
-        title_label.ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.END;
-        Gtk.Label subtitle_label = new Gtk.Label(null);
-        conversation_header.bind_property("subtitle", subtitle_label, "label",
-            BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE);
-        conversation_header.bind_property("subtitle", subtitle_label, "tooltip-text",
-            BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE);
-        subtitle_label.get_style_context().add_class("subtitle");
-        subtitle_label.get_style_context().add_class("dim-label");
-        subtitle_label.ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.END;
-        Gtk.Box title_box = new Gtk.Box(Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0);
-        title_box.pack_start(title_label);
-        title_box.pack_start(subtitle_label);
-        title_box.set_margin_left(6);
-        title_box.set_margin_right(6);
-        conversation_header.set_custom_title(title_box);
         pack_start(folder_header, false, false);
         pack_start(conversation_header, true, true);
-        GearyApplication.instance.controller.conversations_selected.connect(on_conversations_selected);
     /// Updates the trash button as trash or delete, and shows or hides the archive button.
@@ -223,26 +194,5 @@ public class MainToolbar : Gtk.Box {
         show_close_button_left = show_close_button && !at_end;
         show_close_button_right = show_close_button && at_end;
-    private void on_conversations_selected(Gee.Set<Geary.App.Conversation>? conversations,
-        Geary.Folder? current_folder) {
-        int selected_count = conversations.size;
-        if (selected_count == 1) {
-            Geary.App.Conversation conversation = conversations.to_array()[0];
-            Geary.Email? last_email = conversation.get_latest_recv_email(
-                Geary.App.Conversation.Location.ANYWHERE);
-            if (last_email != null)
-                conversation_title = EmailUtil.strip_subject_prefixes(last_email);
-            else
-                conversation_title = "";
-            conversation_participants = EmailUtil.get_participants(conversation,
-                current_folder.account.information.get_all_mailboxes(),
-                current_folder.special_folder_type.is_outgoing(), false);
-        } else {
-            conversation_title = "";
-            conversation_participants = "";
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/src/client/conversation-list/formatted-conversation-data.vala 
index 84ca6a4..4cd56d2 100644
--- a/src/client/conversation-list/formatted-conversation-data.vala
+++ b/src/client/conversation-list/formatted-conversation-data.vala
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 public class FormattedConversationData : Geary.BaseObject {
     public const int LINE_SPACING = 6;
+    private const string ME = _("Me");
     private const string STYLE_EXAMPLE = "Gg"; // Use both upper and lower case to get max height.
     private const int TEXT_LEFT = LINE_SPACING * 2 + IconFactory.UNREAD_ICON_SIZE;
     private const double DIM_TEXT_AMOUNT = 0.05;
@@ -18,6 +19,59 @@ public class FormattedConversationData : Geary.BaseObject {
     private const int FONT_SIZE_FROM = 11;
     private const int FONT_SIZE_PREVIEW = 8;
+    private class ParticipantDisplay : Geary.BaseObject, Gee.Hashable<ParticipantDisplay> {
+        public Geary.RFC822.MailboxAddress address;
+        public bool is_unread;
+        public ParticipantDisplay(Geary.RFC822.MailboxAddress address, bool is_unread) {
+            this.address = address;
+            this.is_unread = is_unread;
+        }
+        public string get_full_markup(Gee.List<Geary.RFC822.MailboxAddress> account_mailboxes) {
+            return get_as_markup((address in account_mailboxes) ? ME : address.get_short_address());
+        }
+        public string get_short_markup(Gee.List<Geary.RFC822.MailboxAddress> account_mailboxes) {
+            if (address in account_mailboxes)
+                return get_as_markup(ME);
+            string short_address = address.get_short_address().strip();
+            if (", " in short_address) {
+                // assume address is in Last, First format
+                string[] tokens = short_address.split(", ", 2);
+                short_address = tokens[1].strip();
+                if (Geary.String.is_empty(short_address))
+                    return get_full_markup(account_mailboxes);
+            }
+            // use first name as delimited by a space
+            string[] tokens = short_address.split(" ", 2);
+            if (tokens.length < 1)
+                return get_full_markup(account_mailboxes);
+            string first_name = tokens[0].strip();
+            if (Geary.String.is_empty_or_whitespace(first_name))
+                return get_full_markup(account_mailboxes);
+            return get_as_markup(first_name);
+        }
+        private string get_as_markup(string participant) {
+            return "%s%s%s".printf(
+                is_unread ? "<b>" : "", Geary.HTML.escape_markup(participant), is_unread ? "</b>" : "");
+        }
+        public bool equal_to(ParticipantDisplay other) {
+            return address.equal_to(other.address);
+        }
+        public uint hash() {
+            return address.hash();
+        }
+    }
     private static int cell_height = -1;
     private static int preview_height = -1;
@@ -117,8 +171,52 @@ public class FormattedConversationData : Geary.BaseObject {
         if (conversation == null || account_owner_emails == null || account_owner_emails.size == 0)
             return "";
-        return EmailUtil.get_participants(conversation, account_owner_emails, use_to, true,
-            rgba_to_markup(get_foreground_rgba(widget, selected)));
+        // Build chronological list of AuthorDisplay records, setting to unread if any message by
+        // that author is unread
+        Gee.ArrayList<ParticipantDisplay> list = new Gee.ArrayList<ParticipantDisplay>();
+        foreach (Geary.Email message in 
conversation.get_emails(Geary.App.Conversation.Ordering.RECV_DATE_ASCENDING)) {
+            // only display if something to display
+            Geary.RFC822.MailboxAddresses? addresses = use_to ? message.to : message.from;
+            if (addresses == null || addresses.size < 1)
+                continue;
+            foreach (Geary.RFC822.MailboxAddress address in addresses) {
+                ParticipantDisplay participant_display = new ParticipantDisplay(address,
+                    message.email_flags.is_unread());
+                // if not present, add in chronological order
+                int existing_index = list.index_of(participant_display);
+                if (existing_index < 0) {
+                    list.add(participant_display);
+                    continue;
+                }
+                // if present and this message is unread but the prior were read,
+                // this author is now unread
+                if (message.email_flags.is_unread() && !list[existing_index].is_unread)
+                    list[existing_index].is_unread = true;
+            }
+        }
+        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("<span foreground='%s'>".printf(
+            rgba_to_markup(get_foreground_rgba(widget, selected))));
+        if (list.size == 1) {
+            // if only one participant, use full name
+            builder.append(list[0].get_full_markup(account_owner_emails));
+        } else {
+            bool first = true;
+            foreach (ParticipantDisplay participant in list) {
+                if (!first)
+                    builder.append(", ");
+                builder.append(participant.get_short_markup(account_owner_emails));
+                first = false;
+            }
+        }
+        builder.append("</span>");
+        return builder.str;
     public void render(Cairo.Context ctx, Gtk.Widget widget, Gdk.Rectangle background_area, 
diff --git a/src/client/util/util-email.vala b/src/client/util/util-email.vala
index a06e8a4..3f23759 100644
--- a/src/client/util/util-email.vala
+++ b/src/client/util/util-email.vala
@@ -30,114 +30,5 @@ public string strip_subject_prefixes(Geary.Email email) {
     return !Geary.String.is_empty(cleaned) ? cleaned : _("(no subject)");
-public string get_participants(Geary.App.Conversation conversation,
-    Gee.List<Geary.RFC822.MailboxAddress> account_owner_emails, bool use_to, bool markup,
-    string? foreground = null) {
-    // Build chronological list of AuthorDisplay records, setting to unread if any message by
-    // that author is unread
-    Gee.ArrayList<ParticipantDisplay> list = new Gee.ArrayList<ParticipantDisplay>();
-    foreach (Geary.Email message in conversation.get_emails(
-        Geary.App.Conversation.Ordering.RECV_DATE_ASCENDING)) {
-        // only display if something to display
-        Geary.RFC822.MailboxAddresses? addresses = use_to ? message.to : message.from;
-        if (addresses == null || addresses.size < 1)
-            continue;
-        foreach (Geary.RFC822.MailboxAddress address in addresses) {
-            ParticipantDisplay participant_display = new ParticipantDisplay(address,
-                markup && message.email_flags.is_unread());
-            // if not present, add in chronological order
-            int existing_index = list.index_of(participant_display);
-            if (existing_index < 0) {
-                list.add(participant_display);
-                continue;
-            }
-            // if present and this message is unread but the prior were read,
-            // this author is now unread
-            if (message.email_flags.is_unread() && !list[existing_index].is_unread)
-                list[existing_index].is_unread = true;
-        }
-    }
-    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(markup ? @"<span foreground='$foreground'>" : "");
-    if (list.size == 1) {
-        // if only one participant, use full name
-        builder.append(list[0].get_full(account_owner_emails, markup));
-    } else {
-        bool first = true;
-        foreach (ParticipantDisplay participant in list) {
-            if (!first)
-                builder.append(", ");
-            builder.append(participant.get_short(account_owner_emails, markup));
-            first = false;
-        }
-    }
-    if (markup)
-        builder.append("</span>");
-    return builder.str;
-private class ParticipantDisplay : Geary.BaseObject, Gee.Hashable<ParticipantDisplay> {
-    private const string ME = _("Me");
-    public Geary.RFC822.MailboxAddress address;
-    public bool is_unread;
-    public ParticipantDisplay(Geary.RFC822.MailboxAddress address, bool is_unread) {
-        this.address = address;
-        this.is_unread = is_unread;
-    }
-    public string get_full(Gee.List<Geary.RFC822.MailboxAddress> account_mailboxes, bool markup) {
-        string name = (address in account_mailboxes) ? ME : address.get_short_address();
-        return markup ? get_as_markup(name) : name;
-    }
-    public string get_short(Gee.List<Geary.RFC822.MailboxAddress> account_mailboxes, bool markup) {
-        if (address in account_mailboxes)
-            return markup ? get_as_markup(ME) : ME;
-        string short_address = address.get_short_address().strip();
-        if (", " in short_address) {
-            // assume address is in Last, First format
-            string[] tokens = short_address.split(", ", 2);
-            short_address = tokens[1].strip();
-            if (Geary.String.is_empty(short_address))
-                return get_full(account_mailboxes, markup);
-        }
-        // use first name as delimited by a space
-        string[] tokens = short_address.split(" ", 2);
-        if (tokens.length < 1)
-            return get_full(account_mailboxes, markup);
-        string first_name = tokens[0].strip();
-        if (Geary.String.is_empty_or_whitespace(first_name))
-            return get_full(account_mailboxes, markup);
-        return markup ? get_as_markup(first_name) : first_name;
-    }
-    private string get_as_markup(string participant) {
-        return "%s%s%s".printf(
-            is_unread ? "<b>" : "", Geary.HTML.escape_markup(participant), is_unread ? "</b>" : "");
-    }
-    public bool equal_to(ParticipantDisplay other) {
-        return address.equal_to(other.address);
-    }
-    public uint hash() {
-        return address.hash();
-    }

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