[gnumeric] Improve CONVERT function.

commit f2edad5e1e23e20a50f0f9ff3c8ff01eff8c5d93
Author: Andreas J. Guelzow <aguelzow pyrshep ca>
Date:   Sat Jun 20 13:42:27 2015 -0600

    Improve CONVERT function.
    2015-06-19  Andreas J. Guelzow <aguelzow pyrshep ca>
        * functions.c (gnumeric_convert): add more distance,
        pressure, and force units; use convert_temp
        (help_convert): add more distance, pressure, force and
        temperature units
        (temp_types): new
        (convert_temp_unit): new
        (convert_temp): new

 NEWS                       |    5 +-
 plugins/fn-eng/ChangeLog   |   10 +++
 plugins/fn-eng/functions.c |  156 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 3 files changed, 143 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index da474b2..526940a 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -5,10 +5,11 @@ Andreas:
        * Improve import/export of page layout from/to ODF.
        * Improve function import to ODF. [#750627]
-       and QUARTILE.EXC.
+         and QUARTILE.EXC.
        * Fuzzed file fixes.  [#751060]
        * Fix ODF import of named expressions. [#750627]
-       * Import reference unions from ODF.[#750627]
+       * Import reference unions from ODF. [#750627]
+       * Improve CONVERT function.
        * Fix xlsx import of plot area manual layout. [#748016]
diff --git a/plugins/fn-eng/ChangeLog b/plugins/fn-eng/ChangeLog
index 09c3446..aae17f0 100644
--- a/plugins/fn-eng/ChangeLog
+++ b/plugins/fn-eng/ChangeLog
@@ -1,5 +1,15 @@
 2015-06-19  Andreas J. Guelzow <aguelzow pyrshep ca>
+       * functions.c (gnumeric_convert): add more distance,
+       pressure, and force units; use convert_temp
+       (help_convert): add more distance, pressure, force and
+       temperature units
+       (temp_types): new
+       (convert_temp_unit): new
+       (convert_temp): new
+2015-06-19  Andreas J. Guelzow <aguelzow pyrshep ca>
        * functions.c (gnumeric_convert): add more mass units
        (help_convert): add more mass units
diff --git a/plugins/fn-eng/functions.c b/plugins/fn-eng/functions.c
index bc28236..613c229 100644
--- a/plugins/fn-eng/functions.c
+++ b/plugins/fn-eng/functions.c
@@ -668,12 +668,18 @@ static GnmFuncHelp const help_convert[] = {
                                        "\t'm'   \t\tMeter\n"
                                        "\t'mi'  \t\tStatute mile\n"
+                                       "\t'survey_mi'  \t\tU.S. survey mile\n"
                                        "\t'Nmi' \t\tNautical mile\n"
                                        "\t'in'  \t\t\tInch\n"
                                        "\t'ft'  \t\t\tFoot\n"
                                        "\t'yd'  \t\tYard\n"
+                                       "\t'ell'  \t\tEnglish Ell\n"
                                        "\t'ang' \t\tAngstrom\n"
+                                       "\t'ly' \t\tLight-Year\n"
+                                       "\t'pc' \t\tParsec\n"
+                                       "\t'parsec' \t\tParsec\n"
                                        "\t'Pica'\t\tPica Points\n"
+                                       "\t'Picapt'\t\tPica Points\n"
                                        "\t'picapt'\t\tPica Points\n"
@@ -684,11 +690,15 @@ static GnmFuncHelp const help_convert[] = {
                                        "\t'sec' \t\tSecond\n\n"
                                        "\t'Pa'  \t\t\tPascal\n"
+                                       "\t'psi' \t\t\tPSI\n"
                                        "\t'atm' \t\tAtmosphere\n"
+                                       "\t'Pa'  \t\t\tPascal\n"
                                        "\t'mmHg'\t\tmm of Mercury\n\n"
+                                       "\t'Torr'\t\tTorr\n\n"
                                        "\t'N'   \t\t\tNewton\n"
                                        "\t'dyn' \t\tDyne\n"
+                                       "\t'pond' \t\t\tPond\n\n"
                                        "\t'lbf' \t\t\tPound force\n\n"
                                        "\t'J'    \t\t\tJoule\n"
@@ -710,7 +720,9 @@ static GnmFuncHelp const help_convert[] = {
                                        "\t'C'    \t\tDegree Celsius\n"
                                        "\t'F'    \t\tDegree Fahrenheit\n"
-                                       "\t'K'    \t\tDegree Kelvin\n\n"
+                                       "\t'K'    \t\tKelvin\n\n"
+                                       "\t'Rank' \t\tDegree Rankine\n\n"
+                                       "\t'Reau' \t\tDegree RĂ©aumur\n\n"                                     
                                        "Liquid measure:\n"
                                        "\t'tsp'  \t\tTeaspoon\n"
                                        "\t'tbs'  \t\tTablespoon\n"
@@ -814,28 +826,122 @@ convert (eng_convert_unit_t const units[],
        return FALSE;
+typedef enum {
+       temp_invalid = 0,
+       temp_K,
+       temp_C,
+       temp_F,
+       temp_Rank,
+       temp_Reau
+} temp_types;
+static temp_types
+convert_temp_unit (char const *unit) {
+       if (0 == strcmp (unit, "K"))
+               return temp_K;
+       else if (0 == strcmp (unit, "C"))
+               return temp_C;
+       else if (0 == strcmp (unit, "F"))
+               return temp_F;
+       else if (0 == strcmp (unit, "Reau"))
+               return temp_Reau;
+       else if (0 == strcmp (unit, "Rank"))
+               return temp_Rank;
+       return temp_invalid;
+static gboolean
+convert_temp (char const *from_unit, char const *to_unit, gnm_float n, GnmValue **v, GnmEvalPos const *ep)
+       /* Temperature constants */
+       const gnm_float C_K_offset = GNM_const (273.15);
+       temp_types from_unit_type = convert_temp_unit (from_unit);
+       temp_types to_unit_type = convert_temp_unit (to_unit);
+       gnm_float nO = n;
+       if ((from_unit_type == temp_invalid) || (to_unit_type == temp_invalid))
+               return FALSE;
+       /* Convert from from_unit to K */
+       switch (from_unit_type) {
+       case temp_C:
+               n += C_K_offset;
+               break;
+       case temp_F:
+               n = (n - 32) * 5 / 9 + C_K_offset;
+               break;
+       case temp_Rank:
+               n = n * 5/9;
+               break;
+       case temp_Reau:
+               n = n * 5/4 + C_K_offset;
+               break;
+       default:
+               break;
+       }
+       /* temperatures below 0K do not exist */
+       if (n < 0.) {
+               *v = value_new_error_NUM (ep);
+               return TRUE;
+       }
+       if (from_unit_type == to_unit_type) {
+               *v = value_new_float (nO);
+               return TRUE;
+       }
+       /* Convert from K to to_unit */
+       switch (to_unit_type) {
+       case temp_C:
+               n -= C_K_offset;
+               break;
+       case temp_F:
+               n = (n - C_K_offset) * 9/5 + 32;
+               break;
+       case temp_Rank:
+               n = n * 9/5;
+               break;
+       case temp_Reau:
+               n = (n - C_K_offset) * 4/5;
+               break;
+       default:
+               break;
+       }
+       *v = value_new_float (n);
+       return TRUE;
 static GnmValue *
 gnumeric_convert (GnmFuncEvalInfo *ei, GnmValue const * const *argv)
         /* Weight and mass constants */
-#define one_g_to_cwt    one_g_to_lbm/100  /* exact relative definition */
-#define one_g_to_grain  one_g_to_lbm*7000 /* exact relative definition */
-#define one_g_to_uk_cwt one_g_to_lbm/112  /* exact relative definition */
-#define one_g_to_uk_ton one_g_to_lbm/2240 /* exact relative definition */
-#define one_g_to_stone  one_g_to_lbm/14   /* exact relative definition */
-#define one_g_to_ton    one_g_to_lbm/2000 /* exact relative definition */
+#define one_g_to_cwt    (one_g_to_lbm/100)  /* exact relative definition */
+#define one_g_to_grain  (one_g_to_lbm*7000) /* exact relative definition */
+#define one_g_to_uk_cwt (one_g_to_lbm/112)  /* exact relative definition */
+#define one_g_to_uk_ton (one_g_to_lbm/2240) /* exact relative definition */
+#define one_g_to_stone  (one_g_to_lbm/14)   /* exact relative definition */
+#define one_g_to_ton    (one_g_to_lbm/2000) /* exact relative definition */
 #define one_g_to_sg     GNM_const (0.00006852205001)
-#define one_g_to_lbm    1/GNM_const (453.59237) /* exact definition */
+#define one_g_to_lbm    (1/GNM_const (453.59237)) /* exact definition */
 #define one_g_to_u      GNM_const (6.02217e+23)
-#define one_g_to_ozm    one_g_to_lbm*16   /* exact relative definition */
+#define one_g_to_ozm    (one_g_to_lbm*16)   /* exact relative definition */
        /* Distance constants */
 #define one_m_to_mi     (one_m_to_yd / 1760)
+#define one_m_to_survey_mi (1 / GNM_const (1609.347218694))
 #define one_m_to_Nmi    (1 / GNM_const (1852.0))
 #define one_m_to_in     (10000 / GNM_const (254.0))
 #define one_m_to_ft     (one_m_to_in / 12)
 #define one_m_to_yd     (one_m_to_ft / 3)
+#define one_m_to_ell    (one_m_to_in / 45)
 #define one_m_to_ang    GNM_const (1e10)
+#define one_m_to_ly     (1 / GNM_const (9460730472580800))
+#define one_m_to_pc     (GNM_const (1e-16)/GNM_const (3.0856776))
 #define one_m_to_pica   236.2204724409449
 #define one_m_to_Pica   one_m_to_pica * 12
@@ -848,10 +954,14 @@ gnumeric_convert (GnmFuncEvalInfo *ei, GnmValue const * const *argv)
        /* Pressure constants */
 #define one_Pa_to_atm   0.9869233e-5
 #define one_Pa_to_mmHg  0.00750061708
+#define one_Pa_to_psi   0.000145037738
+#define one_Pa_to_Torr  (GNM_const (760)/GNM_const (101325))
        /* Force constants */
 #define one_N_to_dyn    100000
 #define one_N_to_lbf    0.224808924
+#define one_N_to_pond   0.00010197
        /* Power constants */
 #define one_HP_to_W     745.701
@@ -870,9 +980,6 @@ gnumeric_convert (GnmFuncEvalInfo *ei, GnmValue const * const *argv)
        /* Magnetism constants */
 #define one_T_to_ga     10000
-       /* Temperature constants */
-       const gnm_float C_K_offset = GNM_const (273.15);
        /* Liquid measure constants */
 #define one_tsp_to_tbs  (GNM_const (1.0) / 3)
 #define one_tsp_to_oz   (GNM_const (1.0) / 6)
@@ -927,12 +1034,18 @@ gnumeric_convert (GnmFuncEvalInfo *ei, GnmValue const * const *argv)
        static const eng_convert_unit_t distance_units[] = {
                { "m",    1.0 },
                { "mi",   one_m_to_mi },
+               { "survey_mi", one_m_to_survey_mi},
                { "Nmi",  one_m_to_Nmi },
                { "in",   one_m_to_in },
                { "ft",   one_m_to_ft },
                { "yd",   one_m_to_yd },
+               { "ell",  one_m_to_ell },
                { "ang",  one_m_to_ang },
+               { "pc",   one_m_to_pc },
+               { "parsec", one_m_to_pc },
+               { "ly",   one_m_to_ly },
                { "Pica", one_m_to_Pica },
+               { "Picapt", one_m_to_Pica },
                { "picapt", one_m_to_Pica },
                { "pica", one_m_to_pica },
                { NULL,   0.0 }
@@ -949,14 +1062,17 @@ gnumeric_convert (GnmFuncEvalInfo *ei, GnmValue const * const *argv)
        static const eng_convert_unit_t pressure_units[] = {
                { "Pa",   1.0 },
+               { "psi",  one_Pa_to_psi },
                { "atm",  one_Pa_to_atm },
                { "mmHg", one_Pa_to_mmHg },
+               { "Torr", one_Pa_to_Torr },
                { NULL,   0.0 }
        static const eng_convert_unit_t force_units[] = {
                { "N",    1.0 },
                { "dyn",  one_N_to_dyn },
+               { "pond", one_N_to_pond },
                { "lbf",  one_N_to_lbf },
                { NULL,   0.0 }
@@ -1031,20 +1147,8 @@ gnumeric_convert (GnmFuncEvalInfo *ei, GnmValue const * const *argv)
        from_unit = value_peek_string (argv[1]);
        to_unit = value_peek_string (argv[2]);
-       if (strcmp (from_unit, "C") == 0 && strcmp (to_unit, "F") == 0)
-               return value_new_float (n * 9 / 5 + 32);
-       else if (strcmp (from_unit, "F") == 0 && strcmp (to_unit, "C") == 0)
-               return value_new_float ((n - 32) * 5 / 9);
-       else if (strcmp (from_unit, "F") == 0 && strcmp (to_unit, "F") == 0)
-               return value_new_float (n);
-       else if (strcmp (from_unit, "F") == 0 && strcmp (to_unit, "K") == 0)
-               return value_new_float ((n - 32) * 5 / 9 + C_K_offset);
-       else if (strcmp (from_unit, "K") == 0 && strcmp (to_unit, "F") == 0)
-               return value_new_float ((n - C_K_offset) * 9 / 5 + 32);
-       else if (strcmp (from_unit, "C") == 0 && strcmp (to_unit, "K") == 0)
-               return value_new_float (n + C_K_offset);
-       else if (strcmp (from_unit, "K") == 0 && strcmp (to_unit, "C") == 0)
-               return value_new_float (n - C_K_offset);
+       if (convert_temp (from_unit, to_unit, n, &v, ei->pos))
+               return v;
        if (convert (weight_units, prefixes, from_unit, to_unit, n, &v,

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