[beast: 6/10] BSE: build aida code with the same guarding macro

commit 56cfde8ae76abdf8d132f4d0f33cb84d28c13393
Author: Tim Janik <timj gnu org>
Date:   Thu Jun 11 02:10:19 2015 +0200

    BSE: build aida code with the same guarding macro

 bse/Makefile.am |    8 ++++----
 1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/bse/Makefile.am b/bse/Makefile.am
index 6c6a456..146856b 100644
--- a/bse/Makefile.am
+++ b/bse/Makefile.am
@@ -289,22 +289,22 @@ AUXTYPES_PY = $(srcdir)/AuxTypes.py
 EXTRA_DIST += AuxTypes.py
 bseclientapi.hh: $(srcdir)/../bse/bseapi.idl $(AUXTYPES_PY)
-       $(Q) ${AIDACC} -x CxxStub -x $(AUXTYPES_PY) -G clienthh -G cppguard=__BST_BSECLIENTAPI_HH_ $< -o 
+       $(Q) ${AIDACC} -x CxxStub -G macro=BSE_IDL -G clienthh -x $(AUXTYPES_PY) $< -o xgen-$(@F)
        $(Q) mv xgen-$(@F) $@
 GENERATED += bseclientapi.hh
 bseclientapi.cc: $(srcdir)/../bse/bseapi.idl $(AUXTYPES_PY)
-       $(Q) ${AIDACC} -x CxxStub -x $(AUXTYPES_PY) -G clientcc -G cppguard=__BST_BSECLIENTAPI_CC_ $< -o 
+       $(Q) ${AIDACC} -x CxxStub -G macro=BSE_IDL -G clientcc -x $(AUXTYPES_PY) $< -o xgen-$(@F)
        $(Q) mv xgen-$(@F) $@
 GENERATED += bseclientapi.cc
 bseserverapi.hh: $(srcdir)/bseapi.idl $(AUXTYPES_PY)
-       $(Q) ${AIDACC} -x CxxStub -x $(AUXTYPES_PY) -G serverhh -G cppguard=__BST_BSESERVERAPI_HH_ $< -o 
+       $(Q) ${AIDACC} -x CxxStub -G macro=BSE_IDL -G serverhh -x $(AUXTYPES_PY) $< -o xgen-$(@F)
        $(Q) mv xgen-$(@F) $@
 GENERATED += bseserverapi.hh
 bseserverapi.cc: $(srcdir)/bseapi.idl $(AUXTYPES_PY)
-       $(Q) ${AIDACC} -x CxxStub -x $(AUXTYPES_PY) -G servercc -G cppguard=__BST_BSESERVERAPI_CC_ $< -o 
+       $(Q) ${AIDACC} -x CxxStub -G macro=BSE_IDL -G servercc -x $(AUXTYPES_PY) $< -o xgen-$(@F)
        $(Q) patch -f < $(srcdir)/patch-bseserverapi.cc.diff || true
        $(Q) mv xgen-$(@F) $@
 GENERATED  += bseserverapi.cc

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