[gnome-flashback] display-config: use xcb to set properties on outputs

commit b80cdbe96d13a08762a6b29a04b1cf92e45d6429
Author: Jasper St. Pierre <jstpierre mecheye net>
Date:   Sun Jun 28 13:25:49 2015 -0700

    display-config: use xcb to set properties on outputs
    It seems that fglrx sometimes gives us absolute junk when requesting the
    outputs, and if we don't trap errors, we'll just crash when trying to
    configure a junk output. Use xcb so errors simply get ignored.

 .../libdisplay-config/flashback-monitor-manager.c  |   53 ++++++++++---------
 1 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gnome-flashback/libdisplay-config/flashback-monitor-manager.c 
index cea1d05..f72044a 100644
--- a/gnome-flashback/libdisplay-config/flashback-monitor-manager.c
+++ b/gnome-flashback/libdisplay-config/flashback-monitor-manager.c
@@ -406,11 +406,11 @@ output_set_presentation_xrandr (FlashbackMonitorManagerPrivate *priv,
   value = presentation;
   atom = XInternAtom (priv->xdisplay, "_GNOME_FLASHBACK_PRESENTATION_OUTPUT", False);
-  XRRChangeOutputProperty (priv->xdisplay,
-                           (XID) output->winsys_id,
-                           atom,
-                           XA_CARDINAL, 32, PropModeReplace,
-                           (unsigned char*) &value, 1);
+  xcb_randr_change_output_property (XGetXCBConnection (priv->xdisplay),
+                                    (XID) output->winsys_id,
+                                    atom, XCB_ATOM_CARDINAL, 32,
+                                    XCB_PROP_MODE_REPLACE,
+                                    1, &value);
 static gboolean
@@ -1553,11 +1553,11 @@ output_set_underscanning_xrandr (FlashbackMonitorManagerPrivate *priv,
   value = underscanning ? "on" : "off";
   valueatom = XInternAtom (priv->xdisplay, value, False);
-  XRRChangeOutputProperty (priv->xdisplay,
-                           (XID)output->winsys_id,
-                           prop,
-                           XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace,
-                           (unsigned char*) &valueatom, 1);
+  xcb_randr_change_output_property (XGetXCBConnection (priv->xdisplay),
+                                    (XID) output->winsys_id,
+                                    prop, XCB_ATOM_ATOM, 32,
+                                    XCB_PROP_MODE_REPLACE,
+                                    1, &valueatom);
   /* Configure the border at the same time. Currently, we use a
    * 5% of the width/height of the mode. In the future, we should
@@ -1568,19 +1568,21 @@ output_set_underscanning_xrandr (FlashbackMonitorManagerPrivate *priv,
       prop = XInternAtom (priv->xdisplay, "underscan hborder", False);
       border_value = output->crtc->current_mode->width * 0.05;
-      XRRChangeOutputProperty (priv->xdisplay,
-                               (XID)output->winsys_id,
-                               prop,
-                               XA_INTEGER, 32, PropModeReplace,
-                               (unsigned char *) &border_value, 1);
+      xcb_randr_change_output_property (XGetXCBConnection (priv->xdisplay),
+                                        (XID) output->winsys_id,
+                                        prop, XCB_ATOM_INTEGER, 32,
+                                        XCB_PROP_MODE_REPLACE,
+                                        1, &border_value);
       prop = XInternAtom (priv->xdisplay, "underscan vborder", False);
       border_value = output->crtc->current_mode->height * 0.05;
-      XRRChangeOutputProperty (priv->xdisplay,
-                               (XID)output->winsys_id,
-                               prop,
-                               XA_INTEGER, 32, PropModeReplace,
-                               (unsigned char *) &border_value, 1);
+      xcb_randr_change_output_property (XGetXCBConnection (priv->xdisplay),
+                                        (XID) output->winsys_id,
+                                        prop, XCB_ATOM_INTEGER, 32,
+                                        XCB_PROP_MODE_REPLACE,
+                                        1, &border_value);
@@ -1844,11 +1846,12 @@ flashback_monitor_manager_change_backlight (FlashbackMonitorManager *manager,
   hw_value = round ((double)value / 100.0 * output->backlight_max + output->backlight_min);
   atom = XInternAtom (priv->xdisplay, "Backlight", False);
-  XRRChangeOutputProperty (priv->xdisplay,
-                           (XID) output->winsys_id,
-                           atom,
-                           XA_INTEGER, 32, PropModeReplace,
-                           (unsigned char *) &hw_value, 1);
+  xcb_randr_change_output_property (XGetXCBConnection (priv->xdisplay),
+                                    (XID) output->winsys_id,
+                                    atom, XCB_ATOM_INTEGER, 32,
+                                    XCB_PROP_MODE_REPLACE,
+                                    1, &hw_value);
   /* We're not selecting for property notifies, so update the value immediately */
   output->backlight = normalize_backlight (output, hw_value);

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