[gxml] Created tag GXML_0_6_0

The unsigned tag 'GXML_0_6_0' was created.

Tagger: Daniel Espinosa <esodan gmail com>
Date: Wed Jul 8 14:26:03 2015 -0500

    Release 0.6.0

Changes since the last tag 'GXML_0_4_1':

Daniel Espinosa (160):
      Set as no released
      Updated NEWS from 0.4.1
      Fixed valadoc build
      Fixed valadoc build
      Fixes on Valadoc documentation annotations
      More fixes on valadoc. Added valac.m4
      Fixed GXml Vala documentation installation for DevHelp
      Improve GXml Vala bindings documentation
      Added initial on GIR documentation
      Merge branch 'gxml-0-4'
      Added new set_namespace() method to Node
      Added set_namespace() to Node
      Fixed bugs on new Node.set_namespace ()
      BackedNode.set_namespace bug fix. Serializable from string fixes.
      Added unit tests for Serializable.string_to_gvalue()
      Added unit test for Serializable.string_to_gvalue for double
      Fixed Serializable.serialize_set_namespace as ignored property
      Implemented set_namespace to SerializableObjectModel
      Set version to 0.6
      Make distclean to delete typelib generated file
      Moved old GXml classes to its own files with prefix libxml
      Added interfaces to provide different backends
      Renamed old GXml.Node to new GXml.xNode
      Renamed old GXml.Document to new GXml.xDocument
      Renamed old GXml.Element to new GXml.xElement
      Interfaces added to GXml API
      Renamed and rebased GXml.ArrayList to Gee.LinkedList
      Renamed xNode.prefix to xNode.namespace_prefix
      Removed warnings on performance tests
      Removed unused functions on GXml.LinkedList
      Removed unused functions
      Namespace interface implemented by old GXml.NamespaceAttr
      Declare GXml.Namespace implemention for old GXml.NamespaceAttr
      Moved NodeList's implementation to its own file
      NodeChildNodeList implements Gee.List interface
      Added missing files to repository
      libxml-ChildNodeList class ported to Gee.Collection
      libxml-ChildNodeList implement Gee.AbstractList
      libxml-ChildNodeList implements Gee.AbstractBidirList
      Sync Node interface with xNode and BackedNode
      libxml-NamedNodeMap implemented Gee.AbstractMap
      Fixed _namespace_definitions access
      Renamed to_string to stringify on xNode
      Implemented GXml.Node.to_string () in xNode
      libxml-Element implements GXml.Element
      Node, Document and Element interfaces have implementations
      Implemented Document.create_element()
      Initial test of GXml.Node.childs.add()
      Replaced xNode.append_child() with Node.childs.add() on tests
      Tested Node.childs.size and its iteration
      Fixed Node.attrs.get()
      Fixed Node.attrs.get()
      Ported SerializableDualKeyMap tests to GXml.Element API
      Merged local branch with remote, due to commit amend
      SerializabelHashMap test ported to GXml.Element
      SerializableTreeMap tests ported to GXml.Element
      Changed Serializable.serialize() to GXml.Node
      Ported Serializable.serialize_property to GXml.Node
      Ported Serializable.deserialize to GXml.Node
      Ported Serializable.deserialize_property to GXml.Node
      Ported Serializable.serialize_unknown_property to GXml.Node
      Ported Serializable.serialize_unknown_property_type signal to GXml.Node
      Ported Serializable.deserialize_unknown_property signal to GXml.Node
      Ported Serializable.deserialize_unknown_property_type signal to GXml.Node
      Fixed bug on NamespaceAttrNodeList initialization
      Fixed bug in GXml.Namespace implementation of old libxml
      SerializableObjectModel porting to GXml.Document
      Implemented GXml.Text
      * Removed custom libxml-2.0.vapi file     * Added gxml/xlibxml.c/.h and xlibxml.vapi files to implement 
missing API from       Vala's libxml-2.0.vapi file (updates to new GXml.Xmlx API)     * Old 
libxml-DocumentType uses a Xml.Doc to access its internals     * Fixed get_last_error to_string 
implementation to use string.replace()     * GXml.Node.namespaces changed to Gee.List<Namespace> (updated 
implementations)     * Added GXml.Node.set_namespace (currently is buggy)     * Added 
GXml.Serializable.set_namespace and removed serializable_set_namespace       property (updated 
implementations)     * Old libxml-Node and BackedNode changed type from NodeList to List<Namespace>       
this change doesn't broke DOM API     * Reimplemented libxml-NamespaceAttrNodeList to access directly to 
Xml.Node.Ns       lists of namespaces and implement Gee.List<Namespace> interfaces
      Fixed bug on GXml.Namespaces implementation in old libxml
      SerializableObjectModel port to GXml.Element
      SerializableObjectModel removing more references to xElement
      Serializable.unknown_serializable_property ported to GXml.Node
      SerializableObjectModel removing more references to xNode
      SerializableObjectModel removed more references to xElement
      Fixed implementation of libxml-NamedAttrMap
      Fixed installation suffix
      Ported libxml-Text to GXml.Text
      Fixed documentation generation valadoc - gtk-doc build
      Fixed --enable-gtk-docs alone. It requires --enable-valadoc
      Fixed --enable-devhelp-doc enabled alone
      Fixed --enable-gir-docs enabled alone
      Fixed --enable-devhelp-docs without --enable-gtk-docs
      Documentation improvements for GXml.Node and derived interfaces
      Fixed documentation installation
      Added GXml.Comment interface
      Added GXml.Document.create_comment()
      Implemented GXml.Document.create_comment
      Improved documentation
      Added API for TextWriter interface implementations
      Implementing TextWriter classes - base clases
      Start implementation of TextWriter to write out GXml.Document
      Adding TwDocument tests: creation and root
      Removed unnecesary implementations on TwAttribute
      Fixes on TwDocument.save()
      Fixed TwDocument.save() for one root node
      Added TwDocument.root set content and properties
      Added tests for TwDocument root childs with attributes
      TwDocument.save() bytes writting monitoring. Unit test for sub-nodes.
      Added Unit Test for TwDocument.save() for 30,000 sub-nodes
      Added DEBUG definition on Unit Test
      Added performance/tw-serialize
      Updating test large xml
      Fixes on SerializableArrayList and Unit tests
      Fixed SerializableObjectModel serialize Element content to TwDocument
      Ported SerializableObjectModel to GXml.Attribute
      Fixes on SerializableDualKeyMap
      Fixed SerializableHashMap lowercase node's name
      Fixed SerializableTreeMap lowercase node's name
      Fixed Unit Tests /gxml/serializable/object_model/unknown_property
      GXml.Serializable API changes. GXml.Node.copy fixes.
      Fixed Unit Test to add content aside of child nodes
      Fixed Serializable ignore default properties
      Fixed more Unit Test
      Fixed TwDocument(). No create more tmp files, just on save_to()
      Added templates for TwDocument/SerializableObjectModel Unit Test
      Added Unit Test missing file
      Fixed TwDocument: /gxml/tw/serializable/object_model/serialize/simple_object
      TwDocument/SerializableObjectModel Unit Tests fixes
      Added Unit test for TwDocument/SerializableObjectModel - serialize_property_nick
      Added Test TwDocument/SerializableObjectModel - override_transform_to_string
      Added Test TwDocument/SerializableObjectModel - override_serialize
      Implemented TwDocument.to_string(). Added Unit Test
      Added TwDocument/SerializableObjectModel test set_namespace
      Added TwDocument/SerializableObjectModel find-unknown_node test
      TwDocument, TwElement fixes and Unit Tests
      Added tests TwDocument/SerializableGeeCollections
      Ported SerializableGeeDualKeyMap serialize to TwDocument
      Ported tests SerializableHashMap to TwDocument
      Ported tests SerializableTreeMap to TwDocument
      Added missed files for Comment and Text interfaces
      Added missed file in test directory
      Added CDATA interface
      Renamed CDATASection class to xCDATASection
      Renamed Attr to xAttr
      Renamed DocumentType to xDocumentType
      Renamed Notation to xNotation
      Renamed ProcessingInstruction to xProcessingInstruction
      Renamed CharacterData to xCharacterData
      Added GXml.DocumentType interface
      Added GXml.Notation interface
      Added ProcessingInstruction interface
      Implemented create/write CDATA for TwDocument
      Added TwComment Unit tests
      Fixes on TwComment implementation
      Added TwProcessingInstruction and Unit Tests
      Improved TwDocument Namespace handling
      Fixed GXml.TwDocument writer to use default NS prefix when enable
      Fixed unfinished #if
      Improved TwDocument writer default namespaces handling
      Fixed TwDocument write attribute with namespace already declared
      Documented TwDocument namespaces handling
      Fixed make distcheck
      Adding documentation for different classes
      Better documentation for serializable collections
      Better documentation for SerializableHashMap class
      Fixed error message to enable DevHelp and GIR docs
      Now unknown elements/attributes initialization done only if required
      Fixed enable performance tests
      Release 0.6.0

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