[libsoup] Fixed VAPI generation according with upstream Vala's one

commit 0b8a354bbcaf734c6b27dbb9fd53ebf7ea4438a6
Author: Daniel Espinosa <esodan gmail com>
Date:   Tue Jul 7 14:54:08 2015 -0500

    Fixed VAPI generation according with upstream Vala's one

 libsoup/Makefile.am          |    9 ++
 libsoup/Soup-2.4-custom.vala |  168 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 libsoup/Soup-2.4.metadata    |   99 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 276 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/libsoup/Makefile.am b/libsoup/Makefile.am
index 998bd41..c563e63 100644
--- a/libsoup/Makefile.am
+++ b/libsoup/Makefile.am
@@ -273,6 +273,15 @@ Soup_2_4_gir_FILES = \
+libsoup-2.4.vapi: Soup-2.4.gir Soup-2.4.metadata
+       $(VAPIGEN) --metadatadir=$(top_srcdir)/libsoup --pkg gio-2.0 --library=libsoup-2.4 $^
 # GNOME extensions
diff --git a/libsoup/Soup-2.4-custom.vala b/libsoup/Soup-2.4-custom.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35449e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libsoup/Soup-2.4-custom.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+namespace Soup {
+       [CCode (type_id = "soup_auth_domain_basic_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+       public class AuthDomainBasic : Soup.AuthDomain {
+               public static void set_auth_callback (Soup.AuthDomain domain, owned 
Soup.AuthDomainBasicAuthCallback callback);
+       }
+       [CCode (type_id = "soup_auth_domain_digest_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+       public class AuthDomainDigest : Soup.AuthDomain {
+               public static void set_auth_callback (Soup.AuthDomain domain, owned 
Soup.AuthDomainDigestAuthCallback callback);
+       }
+       [Compact]
+       [CCode (copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = 
"soup_buffer_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+       public class Buffer {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Buffer.subbuffer (Soup.Buffer parent, size_t offset, size_t length);
+       }
+       [Deprecated (replacement = "Soup.ProxyURIResolver")]
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", type_cname = "SoupProxyResolverInterface", type_id = 
"soup_proxy_resolver_get_type ()")]
+       public interface ProxyResolver : Soup.SessionFeature, GLib.Object {
+               public abstract void get_proxy_async (Soup.Message msg, GLib.MainContext async_context, 
GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, Soup.ProxyResolverCallback callback);
+               public abstract uint get_proxy_sync (Soup.Message msg, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, out 
unowned Soup.Address addr);
+       }
+       public errordomain SSLError {
+               HANDSHAKE_NEEDS_READ,
+               HANDSHAKE_NEEDS_WRITE,
+               CERTIFICATE,
+               HANDSHAKE_FAILED;
+               public static GLib.Quark quark ();
+       }
+       [Compact]
+       [CCode (copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "soup_uri_get_type 
()", cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h")]
+       public class URI {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public URI.with_base (Soup.URI @base, string uri_string);
+       }
+       [Deprecated (since = "vala-0.12", replacement = "XMLRPC.build_fault")]
+       [PrintfFormat]
+       public static unowned string xmlrpc_build_fault (int fault_code, string fault_format, ...);
+       [Deprecated (since = "vala-0.12", replacement = "XMLRPC.build_method_call")]
+       public static unowned string xmlrpc_build_method_call (string method_name, GLib.Value[] @params);
+       [Deprecated (since = "vala-0.12", replacement = "XMLRPC.build_method_response")]
+       public static unowned string xmlrpc_build_method_response (GLib.Value value);
+       [Deprecated (since = "vala-0.12", replacement = "XMLRPC.error_quark")]
+       public static GLib.Quark xmlrpc_error_quark ();
+       [Deprecated (since = "vala-0.12", replacement = "XMLRPC.extract_method_call")]
+       [CCode (sentinel = "G_TYPE_INVALID")]
+       public static bool xmlrpc_extract_method_call (string method_call, int length, out unowned string 
method_name, ...);
+       [Deprecated (since = "vala-0.12", replacement = "XMLRPC.extract_method_response")]
+       [CCode (sentinel = "G_TYPE_INVALID")]
+       public static bool xmlrpc_extract_method_response (string method_response, int length, ...) throws 
+       [Deprecated (since = "vala-0.12", replacement = "XMLRPC.fault_quark")]
+       public static GLib.Quark xmlrpc_fault_quark ();
+       [Deprecated (since = "vala-0.12", replacement = "XMLRPC.parse_method_call")]
+       public static bool xmlrpc_parse_method_call (string method_call, int length, out unowned string 
method_name, out unowned GLib.ValueArray @params);
+       [Deprecated (since = "vala-0.12", replacement = "XMLRPC.parse_method_response")]
+       public static bool xmlrpc_parse_method_response (string method_response, int length, GLib.Value 
value) throws GLib.Error;
+       [Deprecated (since = "vala-0.12", replacement = "XMLRPC.request_new")]
+       [CCode (sentinel = "G_TYPE_INVALID")]
+       public static unowned Soup.Message xmlrpc_request_new (string uri, string method_name, ...);
+       [Deprecated (since = "vala-0.12", replacement = "XMLRPC.set_fault")]
+       [PrintfFormat]
+       public static void xmlrpc_set_fault (Soup.Message msg, int fault_code, string fault_format, ...);
+       [Deprecated (since = "vala-0.12", replacement = "XMLRPC.set_response")]
+       [CCode (sentinel = "G_TYPE_INVALID")]
+       public static void xmlrpc_set_response (Soup.Message msg, ...);
+       [Deprecated (since = "vala-0.12", replacement = "Form.decode")]
+       public static GLib.HashTable<string,string> form_decode (string encoded_form);
+       [Deprecated (since = "vala-0.12", replacement = "Form.decode_multipart")]
+       public static GLib.HashTable<string,string> form_decode_multipart (Soup.Message msg, string 
file_control_name, out string filename, out string content_type, out Soup.Buffer file);
+       [Deprecated (since = "vala-0.12", replacement = "Form.encode")]
+       public static string form_encode (...);
+       [Deprecated (since = "vala-0.12", replacement = "Form.encode_datalist")]
+       public static string form_encode_datalist (void* form_data_set);
+       [Deprecated (since = "vala-0.12", replacement = "Form.encode_hash")]
+       public static string form_encode_hash (GLib.HashTable<string,string> form_data_set);
+       [Deprecated (since = "vala-0.12")]
+       public static string form_encode_valist (string first_field, void* args);
+       [Deprecated (since = "vala-0.12", replacement = "Form.request_new")]
+       public static Soup.Message form_request_new (string method, string uri, ...);
+       [Deprecated (since = "vala-0.12", replacement = "Form.request_new_from_datalist")]
+       public static Soup.Message form_request_new_from_datalist (string method, string uri, void* 
+       [Deprecated (since = "vala-0.12", replacement = "Form.request_new_from_hash")]
+       public static Soup.Message form_request_new_from_hash (string method, string uri, 
GLib.HashTable<string,string> form_data_set);
+       [Deprecated (since = "vala-0.12", replacement = "Form.request_new_from_multipart")]
+       public static Soup.Message form_request_new_from_multipart (string uri, Soup.Multipart multipart);
+       [Deprecated (since = "vala-0.14", replacement = "SSLError.quark")]
+       public static GLib.Quark ssl_error_quark ();
+       [Deprecated (since = "vala-0.22", replacement = "Status.get_phrase")]
+       public static unowned string status_get_phrase (uint status_code);
+       [Deprecated (since = "vala-0.22", replacement = "Status.proxify")]
+       public static uint status_proxify (uint status_code);
+       [Deprecated (since = "vala-0.22", replacement = "Status")]
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libsoup/soup.h", cprefix = "SOUP_STATUS_", type_id = 
"soup_known_status_code_get_type ()")]
+       public enum KnownStatusCode {
+               NONE,
+               CANCELLED,
+               CANT_RESOLVE,
+               CANT_RESOLVE_PROXY,
+               CANT_CONNECT,
+               CANT_CONNECT_PROXY,
+               SSL_FAILED,
+               IO_ERROR,
+               MALFORMED,
+               TRY_AGAIN,
+               TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS,
+               TLS_FAILED,
+               CONTINUE,
+               SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS,
+               PROCESSING,
+               OK,
+               CREATED,
+               ACCEPTED,
+               NON_AUTHORITATIVE,
+               NO_CONTENT,
+               RESET_CONTENT,
+               PARTIAL_CONTENT,
+               MULTI_STATUS,
+               MULTIPLE_CHOICES,
+               MOVED_PERMANENTLY,
+               FOUND,
+               MOVED_TEMPORARILY,
+               SEE_OTHER,
+               NOT_MODIFIED,
+               USE_PROXY,
+               TEMPORARY_REDIRECT,
+               BAD_REQUEST,
+               UNAUTHORIZED,
+               PAYMENT_REQUIRED,
+               FORBIDDEN,
+               NOT_FOUND,
+               METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED,
+               NOT_ACCEPTABLE,
+               PROXY_UNAUTHORIZED,
+               REQUEST_TIMEOUT,
+               CONFLICT,
+               GONE,
+               LENGTH_REQUIRED,
+               PRECONDITION_FAILED,
+               REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG,
+               INVALID_RANGE,
+               EXPECTATION_FAILED,
+               LOCKED,
+               FAILED_DEPENDENCY,
+               INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
+               NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
+               BAD_GATEWAY,
+               SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE,
+               GATEWAY_TIMEOUT,
+               NOT_EXTENDED
+       }
+       public delegate void ProxyResolverCallback (Soup.ProxyResolver p1, Soup.Message p2, uint p3, 
Soup.Address p4);
diff --git a/libsoup/Soup-2.4.metadata b/libsoup/Soup-2.4.metadata
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ffb659
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libsoup/Soup-2.4.metadata
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+// Vala-specific
+       .add_path#property skip
+       .remove_path#property skip
+form_* parent="Soup.Form" name="form_(.+)"
+form_encode_datalist.form_data_set type_arguments="string"
+form_request_new_from_datalist.form_data_set type_arguments="string"
+xmlrpc_* parent="Soup.XMLRPC" name="xmlrpc_(.+)"
+XMLRPCFault errordomain parent="Soup.XMLRPC" name="Fault"
+XMLRPCError parent="Soup.XMLRPC" name="Error"
+xmlrpc_set_response.type skip
+HTTPVersion.http_* name="http_(.+)"
+// Backwards compatibility
+KnownStatusCode skip
+Requester deprecated_since="2.42" replacement="Session"
+  .request* skip=false unowned=false
+// Report upstream
+Soup cheader_filename="libsoup/soup.h"
+add_* skip=false type="unowned GLib.TimeoutSource"
+       .accepts#method skip
+       .challenge#virtual_method vfunc_name="challenge"
+       .basic_set_auth_callback skip
+       .digest_set_auth_callback skip
+AuthDomainBasic.new skip=false
+AuthDomainDigest.new skip=false
+Buffer.new.data type="uint8[]" array_length_idx=2
+Buffer.new_with_owner.data type="uint8[]" array_length_idx=1
+Buffer.new_subbuffer skip
+Buffer.new_with_owner.owner_dnotify nullable
+CookieJar.all_cookies type_arguments="Cookie"
+ContentSniffer.sniff.params type_arguments="string,string" nullable out unowned=false
+form_* skip=false
+header_parse_list type_arguments="string"
+header_parse_quality_list type_arguments="string"
+       .unacceptable out type_arguments="string"
+       .add_header_handler skip=false
+       .add_status_code_handler skip=false
+       .request_*#property skip
+       .response_*#property skip
+       .set_request.req_body type="uint8[]" array_length_idx=3
+       .get_ranges.ranges out type="Soup.Range[]" array_length_idx=2
+       .new skip=false
+       .async_context type="GLib.MainContext"
+       .async_context type="GLib.MainContext"
+       .get_features type_arguments="weak Soup.SessionFeature"
+       .send_async.cancellable#parameter default=null
+Session*.new_with_options skip=false
+       .async_context type="GLib.MainContext"
+       .new skip=false
+       .read.buffer type="uint8[]" array_length_idx=1
+       .read_until.buffer type="uint8[]" array_length_idx=1
+       .read_until.nread out
+       .write.buffer type="uint8[]" array_length_idx=1
+       .new_with_base skip
+       .set_query_from_fields skip=false
+uri_encode.escape_extra nullable
+// uri_host_*.* type="Soup.URI"
+ProxyURIResolverCallback.user_data skip
+xmlrpc_* skip=false
+// xmlrpc_build_method_call.params array array_length_idx=2
+xmlrpc_extract_method_response throws="Soup.XMLRPC.Fault"
+       .error skip
+       .type skip
+value_* skip=false
+  .get_proxy_uri_async skip=false
+  .get_proxy_uri_async.callback owned scope="async"
+  .get_proxy_uri_async.async_context nullable
+  .get_proxy_uri_sync.proxy_uri out unowned=false
+// Not enough GIR information
+Buffer.data type="uint8[]" array_length_field="length"
+MessageBody.data type="uint8[]" array_length_field="length"
+xmlrpc_parse_method_response throws="Soup.XMLRPC.Fault"
+       .new_from_time_t.when type="time_t"
+       .to_time_t type="time_t"
+xmlrpc_extract_method_call sentinel="G_TYPE_INVALID"
+xmlrpc_extract_method_response sentinel="G_TYPE_INVALID"
+xmlrpc_request_new sentinel="G_TYPE_INVALID"
+xmlrpc_set_fault printf_format
+xmlrpc_set_response sentinel="G_TYPE_INVALID"
+xmlrpc_build_fault printf_format
+// Simplify memory management
+  .new deprecated_since="2.32" replacement="Buffer.take"
+  .append deprecated_since="2.32" replacement="MessageBody.append_take"
\ No newline at end of file

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