[gnome-boxes/gnome-3-14] tests: Don't delete test boxes through UI

commit 068784abf63415d3039b964a8261caddb7539494
Author: Zeeshan Ali (Khattak) <zeeshanak gnome org>
Date:   Fri Jan 16 14:40:56 2015 -0500

    tests: Don't delete test boxes through UI
    For some reason, deletion of boxes from UI doesn't always remove the
    associated storage volume so lets delete the VM's domain through virsh
    and delete all possible associated data manually through rm command. It
    also makes things much faster.

 tests/environment.py   |   63 ++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 tests/steps/general.py |   16 ------------
 2 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tests/environment.py b/tests/environment.py
index 0cfcefa..3da67a5 100644
--- a/tests/environment.py
+++ b/tests/environment.py
@@ -123,38 +123,6 @@ def after_scenario(context, scenario):
-        # Delete all boxes from GUI
-        if context.app_class.isRunning():
-            new = context.app.findChildren(lambda x: x.name == 'New')[0]
-            # Is new visible?
-            if not new.showing:
-            # ave to press back button if visible
-                backs = context.app.findChildren(lambda x: x.name == 'Back' and x.showing)
-                if backs:
-                    backs[0].click()
-            # Is new finally visible?
-            new = context.app.findChildren(lambda x: x.name == 'New')[0]
-            if not new.showing:
-                # Have to press vm unnamed back button
-                panel = context.app.child('Boxes').children[0].findChildren(lambda x: x.roleName == 'panel' \
-                                                                                                     and 
-                buttons = panel.findChildren(lambda x: x.roleName == 'push button' and x.showing)
-                if buttons:
-                    buttons[0].click()
-            new.grabFocus()
-            pane = context.app.child(roleName='layered pane')
-            if len(pane.children) != 0:
-                for child in pane.children:
-                    child.click(button=3)
-                context.app.findChildren(lambda x: x.name == 'Delete' and x.showing)[0].click()
-                context.app.findChildren(lambda x: x.name == 'Undo' and x.showing)[0].grabFocus()
-                pressKey('Tab')
-                pressKey('Enter')
-                sleep(2)
         # Attach journalctl logs
         if hasattr(context, "embed"):
             os.system("journalctl /usr/bin/gnome-session --no-pager -o cat --since='%s'> 
/tmp/journal-session.log" \
@@ -174,11 +142,34 @@ def after_scenario(context, scenario):
             if stderr:
                 context.embed('text/plain', stderr)
+        f = open(os.devnull, "w")
+        # Shutdown all boxes
+        call("for i in $(virsh list --all|tail -n +3|head -n -1|sed -e 's/^ \(-\|[0-9]\+\) *//'|cut -d' ' 
-f1); do " +
+             "    virsh destroy $i || true; done", shell=True, stdout=f, stderr=f)
+        # Remove all snapshots
+        call("for i in $(virsh list --all|tail -n +3|head -n -1|sed -e 's/^ \(-\|[0-9]\+\) *//'|cut -d' ' 
-f1); do " +
+             "    for j in $(virsh snapshot-list $i|tail -n +3|head -n -1|sed 's/^ //'|cut -d' ' -f1); do " +
+             "        virsh snapshot-delete $i $j|| true; done; done", shell=True, stdout=f, stderr=f)
+        # Remove all volumes
+        call("for i in $(virsh vol-list gnome-boxes|tail -n +3|head -n -1|sed 's/^ //'|cut -d' ' -f1); do " +
+             "    virsh vol-delete $i gnome-boxes; done", shell=True, stdout=f)
+        # Remove all save states
+        call("rm -rf ~/.config/libvirt/qemu/save/*", shell=True, stderr=f)
+        # Remove all sources
+        call("rm -rf ~/.cache/gnome-boxes/sources/*", shell=True, stderr=f)
+        # Undefine all boxes
+        call("for i in $(virsh list --all|tail -n +3|head -n -1|sed -e 's/^ \(-\|[0-9]\+\) *//'|cut -d' ' 
-f1); do " +
+             "    virsh undefine --managed-save $i; done", shell=True, stdout=f)
+        f.close()
     except Exception as e:
         # Stupid behave simply crashes in case exception has occurred
         print "Error in after_scenario: %s" % e.message
-    # clean all boxes
-    os.system("rm -rf ~/.config/libvirt/storage/*")
-    os.system("rm -rf ~/.cache/gnome-boxes/sources/qemu*")
-    os.system("rm -rf ~/.local/share/gnome-boxes/images/*")
diff --git a/tests/steps/general.py b/tests/steps/general.py
index 50c859e..30c9401 100644
--- a/tests/steps/general.py
+++ b/tests/steps/general.py
@@ -46,19 +46,6 @@ def customize_vm(context):
- step('Delete all boxes')
-def delete_all(context):
-    context.app.findChildren(lambda x: x.name == 'New')[0].grabFocus()
-    pane = context.app.child(roleName='layered pane')
-    if len(pane.children) != 0:
-        for child in pane.children:
-            child.click(button=3)
-        context.app.child('Delete').click()
-        context.app.findChildren(lambda x: x.name == 'Undo' and x.showing)[0].grabFocus()
-        pressKey('Tab')
-        pressKey('Enter')
-        sleep(4)
 @step('Go into "{vm}" box')
 def go_into_vm(context, vm):
     pane = context.app.child(roleName='layered pane')
@@ -192,6 +179,3 @@ def verify_back_button_visibility(context, state, vm_name):
 @step('Wait until overview is loaded')
 def initial_page_loaded(context):
     wait_until(lambda x: x.name != 'New', context.app)
-    context.execute_steps("""
-        * Delete all boxes
-        """)

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