[chronojump] Fixing capture to have same results than curves

commit cde9b94816871e2d50982e903e9760a0491c61f0
Author: Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
Date:   Wed Jan 21 22:20:57 2015 +0100

    Fixing capture to have same results than curves

 encoder/capture.R |   62 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 encoder/graph.R   |  103 ---------------------------------------------------
 encoder/util.R    |  107 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 156 insertions(+), 116 deletions(-)
diff --git a/encoder/capture.R b/encoder/capture.R
index 65580b6..6b997ec 100644
--- a/encoder/capture.R
+++ b/encoder/capture.R
@@ -44,27 +44,59 @@ while(input[1] != "Q") {
        #if data file ends with comma. Last character will be an NA. remove it
        #this removes all NAs
        displacement  = displacement[!is.na(displacement)]
+       if(isInertial(op$EncoderConfigurationName)) 
+       {
+               displacement = fixDisplacementInertial(displacement, op$EncoderConfigurationName, 
op$diameter, op$diameterExt)
+               displacement = getDisplacementInertialBody(displacement, FALSE, op$Title) #draw: FALSE
+       } else {
+               displacement = getDisplacement(op$EncoderConfigurationName, displacement, op$diameter, 
+       }
+       write(displacement,stderr())
        position = cumsum(displacement)
+       write(position,stderr())
+       #curves=findCurves(displacement, op$Eccon, op$MinHeight, FALSE, op$Title) #draw: FALSE
+       #print("curves",stderr())
+       #print(curves,stderr())
-       reduceTemp = reduceCurveBySpeed(op$Eccon, 1, 
-                                     1, 0, #startT, startH
-                                     displacement, #displacement
-                                     op$SmoothingOneC #SmoothingOneC
-                                     )
+       if( ! isInertial(op$EncoderConfigurationName)) {
+               reduceTemp = reduceCurveBySpeed(op$Eccon, 1, 
+                                               #curves[1,1], curves[1,3], #startT, startH
+                                               1, 0, #startT, startH
+                                               displacement, #displacement
+                                               op$SmoothingOneC #SmoothingOneC
+                                               )
+               #curves[1,1] = reduceTemp[1]
+               #curves[1,2] = reduceTemp[2]
+               #curves[1,3] = reduceTemp[3]
+       }
+#      SmoothingsEC = findSmoothingsEC(singleFile, displacement, curves, op$Eccon, op$SmoothingOneC)
+#      write(c("SmoothingsEC:",SmoothingsEC),stderr())
+       write("curves after reduceCurveBySpeed",stderr())
+       #write(as.vector(curves[1,]),stderr())
        start = reduceTemp[1]
        end = reduceTemp[2]
-       write("printing reduceTemp2", stderr())
-       write(reduceTemp[2], stderr())
+       #write("printing reduceTemp2", stderr())
+       #write(reduceTemp[2], stderr())
        if(end > length(displacement))
                end = length(displacement)
-       write("printing reduceTemp", stderr())
-       write(c(start, end, length(displacement)),stderr())
+       #write("printing reduceTemp", stderr())
+       #write(c(start, end, length(displacement)),stderr())
-       displacement = displacement[start:end]
+       #displacement = displacement[start:end]
+       #if(curves[1,2] > length(displacement)) 
+       #       curves[1,2] = length(displacement)
        g = 9.81
@@ -81,21 +113,25 @@ while(input[1] != "Q") {
        #print("pre kinematicsResult")
+       #kinematicsResult <- kinematicsF(displacement[curves[1,1]:curves[1,2]], 
        kinematicsResult <- kinematicsF(displacement, 
                    op$MassBody, op$MassExtra, op$ExercisePercentBodyWeight,
                    op$EncoderConfigurationName, op$diameter, op$diameterExt, op$anglePush, op$angleWeight, 
op$inertiaMomentum, op$gearedDown,
+                   #SmoothingsEC[1], op$SmoothingOneC, 
                    SmoothingsEC, op$SmoothingOneC, 
                    g, op$Eccon, isPropulsive)
-       paf = pafGenerate("c", kinematicsResult, op$MassBody, op$MassExtra)
-       #print("paf")
-       #print(paf)
+       paf = data.frame()
+       paf = pafGenerate(op$Eccon, kinematicsResult, op$MassBody, op$MassExtra)
+       #write("paf",stderr())
+       #write(paf,stderr())
        #do not use print because it shows the [1] first. Use cat:
        cat(paste(#start, #start is not used because we have no data of the initial zeros
                  (end-start), (position[end]-position[start]),
+                 #curves[1,2]-curves[1,1], position[curves[1,2]]-curves[1,3],
                  paf$meanSpeed, paf$maxSpeed, paf$maxSpeedT, paf$meanPower, paf$peakPower, paf$peakPowerT, 
paf$pp_ppt, sep=", "))
        cat("\n") #mandatory to read this from C#, but beware, there we will need a trim to remove the 
windows \r\n
diff --git a/encoder/graph.R b/encoder/graph.R
index 15167d3..40ce183 100644
--- a/encoder/graph.R
+++ b/encoder/graph.R
@@ -135,52 +135,6 @@ translate <- function(englishWord) {
 #      return(displacement)
-#separate phases using initial height of full extended person
-#this methods replaces getDisplacement and fixRawdataInertial
-#here comes a signal: (singleFile)
-#it shows the disc rotation and the person movement
-getDisplacementInertialBody <- function(displacement, draw, title) 
-       position=cumsum(displacement)
-       position.ext=extrema(position)
-       print("at findCurvesInertial")
-       print(position.ext)
-       #Fix if disc goes wrong direction at start
-       if(position.ext$maxindex[1] < position.ext$minindex[1]) {
-               displacement = displacement * -1
-               position=cumsum(displacement)
-               position.ext=extrema(position)
-       }
-       firstDownPhaseTime = position.ext$minindex[1]
-       downHeight = abs(position[1] - position[firstDownPhaseTime])
-       positionPerson = abs(cumsum(displacement))*-1
-       #this is to make "inverted cumsum"
-       displacementPerson = c(0,diff(positionPerson))
-       if(draw) {
-               col="black"
-               plot((1:length(position))/1000                  #ms -> s
-                    ,position/10,                              #mm -> cm
-                    type="l",
-                    xlim=c(1,length(position))/1000,           #ms -> s
-                    xlab="",ylab="",axes=T,
-                    lty=2,col=col) 
-               abline(h=0, lty=2, col="gray")
-               lines((1:length(position))/1000,positionPerson/10,lty=1,lwd=2)
-               title(title, cex.main=1, font.main=1)
-               mtext(paste(translate("time"),"(s)"),side=1,adj=1,line=-1)
-               mtext(paste(translate("displacement"),"(cm)"),side=2,adj=1,line=-1)
-       }
-       return(displacementPerson)
 findCurves <- function(displacement, eccon, min_height, draw, title) {
@@ -1632,63 +1586,6 @@ find.yrange <- function(singleFile, displacement, curves) {
 #-------------------- EncoderConfiguration conversions --------------------------
-#in signals and curves, need to do conversions (invert, inertiaMomentum, diameter)
-#we use 'data' variable because can be position or displacement
-getDisplacement <- function(encoderConfigurationName, data, diameter, diameterExt) {
-       #no change
-       if(
-          encoderConfigurationName == "LINEARINVERTED" ||
-          encoderConfigurationName == "WEIGHTEDMOVPULLEYLINEARONPERSON1INV" ||
-          encoderConfigurationName == "WEIGHTEDMOVPULLEYLINEARONPERSON2INV") 
-       {
-               data = -data
-       } else if(encoderConfigurationName == "WEIGHTEDMOVPULLEYONLINEARENCODER") {
-               #default is: gearedDown = 2. Future maybe this will be a parameter
-               data = data *2
-       } else if(encoderConfigurationName == "ROTARYFRICTIONAXIS") {
-               data = data * diameter / diameterExt
-       } else if(encoderConfigurationName == "ROTARYAXIS" || 
-                 encoderConfigurationName == "WEIGHTEDMOVPULLEYROTARYAXIS") {
-               ticksRotaryEncoder = 200 #our rotary axis encoder send 200 ticks by turn
-               #diameter m -> mm
-               data = ( data / ticksRotaryEncoder ) * 2 * pi * ( diameter * 1000 / 2 )
-       }
-       return(data)
-fixDisplacementInertial <- function(displacement, encoderConfigurationName, diameter, diameterExt)
-       #scanned displacement is ticks of rotary axis encoder
-       #now convert it to mm of body displacement
-       if(encoderConfigurationName == "ROTARYAXISINERTIAL") {
-               displacementMeters = displacement / 1000 #mm -> m
-               diameterMeters = diameter / 100 #cm -> m
-               ticksRotaryEncoder = 200 #our rotary axis encoder send 200 ticks by turn
-               #angle in radians
-               angle = abs(cumsum(displacementMeters * 1000)) * 2 * pi / ticksRotaryEncoder
-               position = angle * diameterMeters / 2
-               position = position * 1000      #m -> mm
-               #this is to make "inverted cumsum"
-               displacement = c(0,diff(position)) #this displacement is going to be used now
-       }
-       #on friction side: know displacement of the "person"
-       if(encoderConfigurationName == "ROTARYFRICTIONSIDEINERTIAL")
-       {
-               displacement = displacement * diameter / diameterExt #displacement of the axis
-       }
-       return (displacement)
 #-------------- end of EncoderConfiguration conversions -------------------------
diff --git a/encoder/util.R b/encoder/util.R
index 6359070..b93f409 100644
--- a/encoder/util.R
+++ b/encoder/util.R
@@ -667,3 +667,110 @@ getDynamicsInertial <- function(encoderConfigurationName, displacement, d, D, ma
        return(list(displacement=displacement, mass=mass, force=force, power=power))
+#separate phases using initial height of full extended person
+#this methods replaces getDisplacement and fixRawdataInertial
+#here comes a signal: (singleFile)
+#it shows the disc rotation and the person movement
+getDisplacementInertialBody <- function(displacement, draw, title) 
+       position=cumsum(displacement)
+       position.ext=extrema(position)
+       print("at findCurvesInertial")
+       print(position.ext)
+       #Fix if disc goes wrong direction at start
+       if(position.ext$maxindex[1] < position.ext$minindex[1]) {
+               displacement = displacement * -1
+               position=cumsum(displacement)
+               position.ext=extrema(position)
+       }
+       firstDownPhaseTime = position.ext$minindex[1]
+       downHeight = abs(position[1] - position[firstDownPhaseTime])
+       positionPerson = abs(cumsum(displacement))*-1
+       #this is to make "inverted cumsum"
+       displacementPerson = c(0,diff(positionPerson))
+       if(draw) {
+               col="black"
+               plot((1:length(position))/1000                  #ms -> s
+                    ,position/10,                              #mm -> cm
+                    type="l",
+                    xlim=c(1,length(position))/1000,           #ms -> s
+                    xlab="",ylab="",axes=T,
+                    lty=2,col=col) 
+               abline(h=0, lty=2, col="gray")
+               lines((1:length(position))/1000,positionPerson/10,lty=1,lwd=2)
+               title(title, cex.main=1, font.main=1)
+               mtext(paste(translate("time"),"(s)"),side=1,adj=1,line=-1)
+               mtext(paste(translate("displacement"),"(cm)"),side=2,adj=1,line=-1)
+       }
+       return(displacementPerson)
+#in signals and curves, need to do conversions (invert, inertiaMomentum, diameter)
+#we use 'data' variable because can be position or displacement
+getDisplacement <- function(encoderConfigurationName, data, diameter, diameterExt) {
+       #no change
+       if(
+          encoderConfigurationName == "LINEARINVERTED" ||
+          encoderConfigurationName == "WEIGHTEDMOVPULLEYLINEARONPERSON1INV" ||
+          encoderConfigurationName == "WEIGHTEDMOVPULLEYLINEARONPERSON2INV") 
+       {
+               data = -data
+       } else if(encoderConfigurationName == "WEIGHTEDMOVPULLEYONLINEARENCODER") {
+               #default is: gearedDown = 2. Future maybe this will be a parameter
+               data = data *2
+       } else if(encoderConfigurationName == "ROTARYFRICTIONAXIS") {
+               data = data * diameter / diameterExt
+       } else if(encoderConfigurationName == "ROTARYAXIS" || 
+                 encoderConfigurationName == "WEIGHTEDMOVPULLEYROTARYAXIS") {
+               ticksRotaryEncoder = 200 #our rotary axis encoder send 200 ticks by turn
+               #diameter m -> mm
+               data = ( data / ticksRotaryEncoder ) * 2 * pi * ( diameter * 1000 / 2 )
+       }
+       return(data)
+fixDisplacementInertial <- function(displacement, encoderConfigurationName, diameter, diameterExt)
+       #scanned displacement is ticks of rotary axis encoder
+       #now convert it to mm of body displacement
+       if(encoderConfigurationName == "ROTARYAXISINERTIAL") {
+               displacementMeters = displacement / 1000 #mm -> m
+               diameterMeters = diameter / 100 #cm -> m
+               ticksRotaryEncoder = 200 #our rotary axis encoder send 200 ticks by turn
+               #angle in radians
+               angle = abs(cumsum(displacementMeters * 1000)) * 2 * pi / ticksRotaryEncoder
+               position = angle * diameterMeters / 2
+               position = position * 1000      #m -> mm
+               #this is to make "inverted cumsum"
+               displacement = c(0,diff(position)) #this displacement is going to be used now
+       }
+       #on friction side: know displacement of the "person"
+       if(encoderConfigurationName == "ROTARYFRICTIONSIDEINERTIAL")
+       {
+               displacement = displacement * diameter / diameterExt #displacement of the axis
+       }
+       return (displacement)

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