[bugzilla-gnome-org-extensions] Stock answers: Link to Poppler specific Evince wiki page

commit 6221ba3c97e4187c31a7f432416d10209b007e1a
Author: Andre Klapper <a9016009 gmx de>
Date:   Sun Jan 4 23:57:23 2015 +0100

    Stock answers: Link to Poppler specific Evince wiki page

 .../hook/bug/edit-after_comment_textarea.html.tmpl |    2 +-
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
diff --git a/StockAnswers/template/en/default/hook/bug/edit-after_comment_textarea.html.tmpl 
index 0f22da1..4b66a72 100644
--- a/StockAnswers/template/en/default/hook/bug/edit-after_comment_textarea.html.tmpl
+++ b/StockAnswers/template/en/default/hook/bug/edit-after_comment_textarea.html.tmpl
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
       addStockLink("This problem has been fixed in the unstable development version. The fix will be 
available in the next major software release. You may need to upgrade your Linux distribution to obtain that 
newer version.\n\nAfter your distribution has provided you with the updated package - and if you have some 
time - please feel encouraged to verify the fix by changing the status of this [% terms.bug %] report to 
VERIFIED. If the updated package does not fix the reported issue, please reopen this [% terms.bug %] 
report.", 'fixed_in_head', '', 'FIXED', '');
     [% IF bug.product == 'evince' %]
-      addStockLink("Thanks for taking the time to report this.\nUnfortunately it lacks some information that 
may help us in finding the cause of the [% terms.bug %]. Can you, if possible, attach the file causing the 
crash? Also this may be a Poppler [% terms.Bug %] (the backend used by Evince to render PDF), could you 
please supply the poppler version and type? You can find it in the Help->About menu in Evince.", 
'crash-evince', 'NEEDINFO', '', '1');
+      addStockLink("Thanks for taking the time to report this.\nUnfortunately it lacks some information that 
may help us in finding the cause of the [% terms.bug %]. Can you, if possible, attach the file causing the 
crash? Also this may be a Poppler [% terms.Bug %] (the backend used by Evince to render PDF, see 
https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Evince/PopplerBugs for more information), could you please supply the poppler 
version and type? You can find it in the Help->About menu in Evince.", 'crash-evince', 'NEEDINFO', '', '1');
     [% ELSIF bug.product == 'metacity' %]
       addStockLink("Thanks for taking the time to report this.\nUnfortunately it lacks some information that 
may help us in finding the cause of the [% terms.bug %].  Can you provide a verbose debugging log?  To do 
so:\n\n  1. Reduce your desktop to as few windows as possible to reproduce the [% terms.bug %]\n  2. Run 
METACITY_VERBOSE=1 METACITY_USE_LOGFILE=1 metacity --replace\n  3. On stdout metacity will print the name of 
the logfile\n  4. Reproduce the [% terms.bug %] as quickly as possible\n  5. Kill the metacity you started 
above to stop the logfile from growing any longer\n  6. Attach the logfile here", 'metacity-verbose-log', 
'NEEDINFO', '', '');
     [% ELSIF bug.product == 'epiphany' || bug.product == 'galeon' %]

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