[epiphany/wip/mcatanzaro/fedora-needs-upstreamed: 17/20] Use GdTwoLinesRenderer for location entry completion
- From: Michael Catanzaro <mcatanzaro src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [epiphany/wip/mcatanzaro/fedora-needs-upstreamed: 17/20] Use GdTwoLinesRenderer for location entry completion
- Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2015 21:05:49 +0000 (UTC)
commit c7a902dff781183362a3f404491fb7125795603a
Author: Michael Catanzaro <mcatanzaro gnome org>
Date: Tue Feb 3 13:36:48 2015 -0600
Use GdTwoLinesRenderer for location entry completion
The grey subtitle (URL) of completions in the location entry dropdown
clash badly with the selected blue background. Instead of forcing this
text to be a particular color, use the custom cell renderer libgd
provides for this situation.
lib/widgets/Makefile.am | 2 +
lib/widgets/ephy-location-entry.c | 54 +---
lib/widgets/gd-two-lines-renderer.c | 621 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
lib/widgets/gd-two-lines-renderer.h | 75 +++++
4 files changed, 710 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lib/widgets/Makefile.am b/lib/widgets/Makefile.am
index 8673688..970c653 100644
--- a/lib/widgets/Makefile.am
+++ b/lib/widgets/Makefile.am
@@ -83,6 +83,8 @@ libephywidgets_la_SOURCES = \
ephy-tree-model-sort.h \
ephy-zoom-action.h \
ephy-zoom-action.c \
+ gd-two-lines-renderer.c \
+ gd-two-lines-renderer.h \
nautilus-floating-bar.c \
nautilus-floating-bar.h \
totem-glow-button.c \
diff --git a/lib/widgets/ephy-location-entry.c b/lib/widgets/ephy-location-entry.c
index d342001..2141dfb 100644
--- a/lib/widgets/ephy-location-entry.c
+++ b/lib/widgets/ephy-location-entry.c
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
#include "ephy-gui.h"
#include "ephy-lib-type-builtins.h"
#include "ephy-signal-accumulator.h"
+#include "gd-two-lines-renderer.h"
#include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h>
#include <glib/gi18n.h>
@@ -1047,18 +1048,6 @@ cursor_on_match_cb (GtkEntryCompletion *completion,
return TRUE;
-static char *
-rgba_to_hex (GdkRGBA *color)
- char *hex;
- hex = g_strdup_printf ("#%04X%04X%04X",
- (guint)(color->red * (gdouble)65535),
- (guint)(color->green * (gdouble)65535),
- (guint)(color->blue * (gdouble)65535));
- return hex;
static void
textcell_data_func (GtkCellLayout *cell_layout,
GtkCellRenderer *cell,
@@ -1066,51 +1055,29 @@ textcell_data_func (GtkCellLayout *cell_layout,
GtkTreeIter *iter,
gpointer data)
- GtkWidget *entry;
EphyLocationEntryPrivate *priv;
- char *ctext;
char *title;
char *url;
- GtkStyleContext *style;
GValue text = { 0, };
- entry = GTK_WIDGET (data);
priv = EPHY_LOCATION_ENTRY (data)->priv;
gtk_tree_model_get (tree_model, iter,
priv->text_col, &title,
priv->url_col, &url,
+ g_value_init (&text, G_TYPE_STRING);
+ g_value_take_string (&text, title);
+ g_object_set_property (G_OBJECT (cell), "text", &text);
if (url)
- GdkRGBA color;
- char *color_text;
- char *unescaped_url;
sanitize_location (&url);
- unescaped_url = g_uri_unescape_string (url, NULL);
- style = gtk_widget_get_style_context (entry);
- gtk_style_context_get_color (style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_INSENSITIVE,
- &color);
- color_text = rgba_to_hex (&color);
- ctext = g_markup_printf_escaped ("%s\n<span font-size=\"small\" color=\"%s\">%s</span>",
title, color_text, unescaped_url);
- g_free (color_text);
- g_free (title);
- g_free (unescaped_url);
- }
- else
- {
- ctext = title;
+ g_value_take_string (&text, url);
+ g_object_set_property (G_OBJECT (cell), "line-two", &text);
- g_value_init (&text, G_TYPE_STRING);
- g_value_take_string (&text, ctext);
- g_object_set_property (G_OBJECT (cell), "markup", &text);
g_value_unset (&text);
- g_free (url);
static void
@@ -1263,8 +1230,11 @@ ephy_location_entry_set_completion (EphyLocationEntry *entry,
gtk_cell_renderer_set_alignment (cell, 0.0, 0.5);
- cell = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new ();
- g_object_set (cell, "ellipsize", PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_END, NULL);
+ cell = gd_two_lines_renderer_new ();
+ g_object_set (cell,
+ "ellipsize", PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_END,
+ "text-lines", 2,
+ NULL);
gtk_cell_layout_pack_start (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (completion),
cell, TRUE);
gtk_cell_layout_add_attribute (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (completion),
diff --git a/lib/widgets/gd-two-lines-renderer.c b/lib/widgets/gd-two-lines-renderer.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd96165
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/widgets/gd-two-lines-renderer.c
@@ -0,0 +1,621 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2011 Red Hat, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+ * option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Author: Cosimo Cecchi <cosimoc redhat com>
+ *
+ */
+#include "gd-two-lines-renderer.h"
+#include <string.h>
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (GdTwoLinesRenderer, gd_two_lines_renderer, GTK_TYPE_CELL_RENDERER_TEXT)
+struct _GdTwoLinesRendererPrivate {
+ gchar *line_two;
+ gint text_lines;
+enum {
+static GParamSpec *properties[NUM_PROPERTIES] = { NULL, };
+static PangoLayout *
+create_layout_with_attrs (GtkWidget *widget,
+ const GdkRectangle *cell_area,
+ GdTwoLinesRenderer *self,
+ PangoEllipsizeMode ellipsize)
+ PangoLayout *layout;
+ gint wrap_width, xpad;
+ PangoWrapMode wrap_mode;
+ PangoAlignment alignment;
+ g_object_get (self,
+ "wrap-width", &wrap_width,
+ "wrap-mode", &wrap_mode,
+ "alignment", &alignment,
+ "xpad", &xpad,
+ NULL);
+ layout = pango_layout_new (gtk_widget_get_pango_context (widget));
+ pango_layout_set_ellipsize (layout, ellipsize);
+ pango_layout_set_alignment (layout, alignment);
+ if (wrap_width != -1)
+ {
+ pango_layout_set_width (layout, wrap_width * PANGO_SCALE);
+ pango_layout_set_wrap (layout, wrap_mode);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (cell_area != NULL)
+ pango_layout_set_width (layout, (cell_area->width - 2 * xpad) * PANGO_SCALE);
+ else
+ pango_layout_set_width (layout, -1);
+ pango_layout_set_wrap (layout, PANGO_WRAP_CHAR);
+ }
+ return layout;
+static void
+apply_subtitle_style_to_layout (GtkStyleContext *context,
+ PangoLayout *layout,
+ GtkStateFlags flags)
+ PangoFontDescription *desc;
+ GdkRGBA rgba;
+ PangoAttrList *layout_attr;
+ PangoAttribute *attr_color;
+ gtk_style_context_get (context, flags,
+ "font", &desc,
+ "color", &rgba,
+ NULL);
+ /* Set the font size */
+ pango_font_description_set_size (desc, pango_font_description_get_size (desc) * SUBTITLE_SIZE_PERCENTAGE);
+ pango_layout_set_font_description (layout, desc);
+ pango_font_description_free (desc);
+ /* Set the color */
+ rgba.red = CLAMP(1.0 - ((1.0 - rgba.red) * SUBTITLE_DIM_PERCENTAGE), 0.0, 1.0);
+ rgba.green = CLAMP(1.0 - ((1.0 - rgba.green) * SUBTITLE_DIM_PERCENTAGE), 0.0, 1.0);
+ rgba.blue = CLAMP(1.0 - ((1.0 - rgba.blue) * SUBTITLE_DIM_PERCENTAGE), 0.0, 1.0);
+ layout_attr = pango_attr_list_new ();
+ attr_color = pango_attr_foreground_new (rgba.red * 65535,
+ rgba.green * 65535,
+ rgba.blue * 65535);
+ pango_attr_list_insert (layout_attr, attr_color);
+ pango_layout_set_attributes (layout, layout_attr);
+ pango_attr_list_unref (layout_attr);
+static void
+gd_two_lines_renderer_prepare_layouts (GdTwoLinesRenderer *self,
+ const GdkRectangle *cell_area,
+ GtkWidget *widget,
+ PangoLayout **layout_one,
+ PangoLayout **layout_two)
+ PangoLayout *line_one;
+ PangoLayout *line_two = NULL;
+ gchar *text = NULL;
+ g_object_get (self,
+ "text", &text,
+ NULL);
+ line_one = create_layout_with_attrs (widget, cell_area,
+ if (self->priv->line_two == NULL ||
+ g_strcmp0 (self->priv->line_two, "") == 0)
+ {
+ pango_layout_set_height (line_one, - (self->priv->text_lines));
+ if (text != NULL)
+ pango_layout_set_text (line_one, text, -1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ GtkStyleContext *context;
+ line_two = create_layout_with_attrs (widget, cell_area,
+ context = gtk_widget_get_style_context (widget);
+ gtk_style_context_save (context);
+ apply_subtitle_style_to_layout (context, line_two, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL);
+ gtk_style_context_restore (context);
+ pango_layout_set_height (line_one, - (self->priv->text_lines - 1));
+ pango_layout_set_height (line_two, -1);
+ pango_layout_set_text (line_two, self->priv->line_two, -1);
+ if (text != NULL)
+ pango_layout_set_text (line_one, text, -1);
+ }
+ if (layout_one)
+ *layout_one = line_one;
+ if (layout_two)
+ *layout_two = line_two;
+ g_free (text);
+static void
+gd_two_lines_renderer_get_size (GtkCellRenderer *cell,
+ GtkWidget *widget,
+ PangoLayout *layout_1,
+ PangoLayout *layout_2,
+ gint *width,
+ gint *height,
+ const GdkRectangle *cell_area,
+ gint *x_offset_1,
+ gint *x_offset_2,
+ gint *y_offset)
+ GdTwoLinesRenderer *self = GD_TWO_LINES_RENDERER (cell);
+ gint xpad, ypad;
+ PangoLayout *layout_one, *layout_two;
+ GdkRectangle layout_one_rect, layout_two_rect, layout_union;
+ if (layout_1 == NULL)
+ {
+ gd_two_lines_renderer_prepare_layouts (self, cell_area, widget, &layout_one, &layout_two);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ layout_one = g_object_ref (layout_1);
+ if (layout_2 != NULL)
+ layout_two = g_object_ref (layout_2);
+ else
+ layout_two = NULL;
+ }
+ gtk_cell_renderer_get_padding (cell, &xpad, &ypad);
+ pango_layout_get_pixel_extents (layout_one, NULL, (PangoRectangle *) &layout_one_rect);
+ if (layout_two != NULL)
+ {
+ pango_layout_get_pixel_extents (layout_two, NULL, (PangoRectangle *) &layout_two_rect);
+ layout_union.width = MAX (layout_one_rect.width, layout_two_rect.width);
+ layout_union.height = layout_one_rect.height + layout_two_rect.height;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ layout_union = layout_one_rect;
+ }
+ if (cell_area)
+ {
+ gfloat xalign, yalign;
+ gtk_cell_renderer_get_alignment (cell, &xalign, &yalign);
+ layout_union.width = MIN (layout_union.width, cell_area->width - 2 * xpad);
+ layout_union.height = MIN (layout_union.height, cell_area->height - 2 * ypad);
+ if (x_offset_1)
+ {
+ if (gtk_widget_get_direction (widget) == GTK_TEXT_DIR_RTL)
+ *x_offset_1 = (1.0 - xalign) * (cell_area->width - (layout_one_rect.width + (2 * xpad)));
+ else
+ *x_offset_1 = xalign * (cell_area->width - (layout_one_rect.width + (2 * xpad)));
+ *x_offset_1 = MAX (*x_offset_1, 0);
+ }
+ if (x_offset_2)
+ {
+ if (layout_two != NULL)
+ {
+ if (gtk_widget_get_direction (widget) == GTK_TEXT_DIR_RTL)
+ *x_offset_2 = (1.0 - xalign) * (cell_area->width - (layout_two_rect.width + (2 * xpad)));
+ else
+ *x_offset_2 = xalign * (cell_area->width - (layout_two_rect.width + (2 * xpad)));
+ *x_offset_2 = MAX (*x_offset_2, 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *x_offset_2 = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (y_offset)
+ {
+ *y_offset = yalign * (cell_area->height - (layout_union.height + (2 * ypad)));
+ *y_offset = MAX (*y_offset, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (x_offset_1) *x_offset_1 = 0;
+ if (x_offset_2) *x_offset_2 = 0;
+ if (y_offset) *y_offset = 0;
+ }
+ g_clear_object (&layout_one);
+ g_clear_object (&layout_two);
+ if (height)
+ *height = ypad * 2 + layout_union.height;
+ if (width)
+ *width = xpad * 2 + layout_union.width;
+static void
+gd_two_lines_renderer_render (GtkCellRenderer *cell,
+ cairo_t *cr,
+ GtkWidget *widget,
+ const GdkRectangle *background_area,
+ const GdkRectangle *cell_area,
+ GtkCellRendererState flags)
+ GdTwoLinesRenderer *self = GD_TWO_LINES_RENDERER (cell);
+ GtkStyleContext *context;
+ gint line_one_height;
+ GtkStateFlags state;
+ GdkRectangle area, render_area = *cell_area;
+ gint xpad, ypad, x_offset_1, x_offset_2, y_offset;
+ PangoLayout *layout_one, *layout_two;
+ PangoRectangle layout_rect;
+ /* fetch common information */
+ context = gtk_widget_get_style_context (widget);
+ gd_two_lines_renderer_prepare_layouts (self, cell_area, widget, &layout_one, &layout_two);
+ gd_two_lines_renderer_get_size (cell, widget,
+ layout_one, layout_two,
+ cell_area,
+ &x_offset_1, &x_offset_2, &y_offset);
+ gtk_cell_renderer_get_padding (cell, &xpad, &ypad);
+ area = *cell_area;
+ area.x += xpad;
+ area.y += ypad;
+ /* now render the first layout */
+ pango_layout_get_pixel_extents (layout_one, NULL, &layout_rect);
+ render_area = area;
+ render_area.x += x_offset_1 - layout_rect.x;
+ gtk_render_layout (context, cr,
+ render_area.x,
+ render_area.y,
+ layout_one);
+ /* render the second layout */
+ if (layout_two != NULL)
+ {
+ pango_layout_get_pixel_size (layout_one,
+ NULL, &line_one_height);
+ gtk_style_context_save (context);
+ apply_subtitle_style_to_layout (context, layout_two, flags);
+ state = gtk_cell_renderer_get_state (cell, widget, flags);
+ gtk_style_context_set_state (context, state);
+ pango_layout_get_pixel_extents (layout_two, NULL, &layout_rect);
+ render_area = area;
+ render_area.x += x_offset_2 - layout_rect.x;
+ render_area.y += line_one_height;
+ gtk_render_layout (context, cr,
+ render_area.x,
+ render_area.y,
+ layout_two);
+ gtk_style_context_restore (context);
+ }
+ g_clear_object (&layout_one);
+ g_clear_object (&layout_two);
+static void
+gd_two_lines_renderer_get_preferred_width (GtkCellRenderer *cell,
+ GtkWidget *widget,
+ gint *minimum_size,
+ gint *natural_size)
+ PangoContext *context;
+ PangoFontMetrics *metrics;
+ PangoFontDescription *font_desc;
+ GtkStyleContext *style_context;
+ gint nat_width, min_width;
+ gint xpad, char_width, wrap_width, text_width;
+ gint width_chars, ellipsize_chars;
+ g_object_get (cell,
+ "xpad", &xpad,
+ "width-chars", &width_chars,
+ "wrap-width", &wrap_width,
+ NULL);
+ style_context = gtk_widget_get_style_context (widget);
+ gtk_cell_renderer_get_padding (cell, &xpad, NULL);
+ gd_two_lines_renderer_get_size (cell, widget,
+ &text_width, NULL,
+ /* Fetch the average size of a charachter */
+ context = gtk_widget_get_pango_context (widget);
+ gtk_style_context_get (style_context, 0, "font", &font_desc, NULL);
+ metrics = pango_context_get_metrics (context, font_desc,
+ pango_context_get_language (context));
+ char_width = pango_font_metrics_get_approximate_char_width (metrics);
+ pango_font_metrics_unref (metrics);
+ pango_font_description_free (font_desc);
+ /* enforce minimum width for ellipsized labels at ~3 chars */
+ ellipsize_chars = 3;
+ /* If no width-chars set, minimum for wrapping text will be the wrap-width */
+ if (wrap_width > -1)
+ min_width = xpad * 2 + MIN (text_width, wrap_width);
+ else
+ min_width = xpad * 2 +
+ MIN (text_width,
+ (PANGO_PIXELS (char_width) * MAX (width_chars, ellipsize_chars)));
+ if (width_chars > 0)
+ nat_width = xpad * 2 +
+ MAX ((PANGO_PIXELS (char_width) * width_chars), text_width);
+ else
+ nat_width = xpad * 2 + text_width;
+ nat_width = MAX (nat_width, min_width);
+ if (minimum_size)
+ *minimum_size = min_width;
+ if (natural_size)
+ *natural_size = nat_width;
+static void
+gd_two_lines_renderer_get_preferred_height_for_width (GtkCellRenderer *cell,
+ GtkWidget *widget,
+ gint width,
+ gint *minimum_size,
+ gint *natural_size)
+ GdTwoLinesRenderer *self = GD_TWO_LINES_RENDERER (cell);
+ PangoLayout *layout_one, *layout_two;
+ gint text_height, wrap_width;
+ gint xpad, ypad;
+ gtk_cell_renderer_get_padding (cell, &xpad, &ypad);
+ g_object_get (cell, "wrap-width", &wrap_width, NULL);
+ gd_two_lines_renderer_prepare_layouts (self, NULL, widget, &layout_one, &layout_two);
+ if (wrap_width != -1)
+ wrap_width = MIN (width - 2 * xpad, wrap_width);
+ else
+ wrap_width = width - 2 * xpad;
+ pango_layout_set_width (layout_one, wrap_width);
+ if (layout_two != NULL)
+ pango_layout_set_width (layout_two, wrap_width);
+ gd_two_lines_renderer_get_size (cell, widget,
+ layout_one, layout_two,
+ NULL, &text_height,
+ text_height += 2 * ypad;
+ if (minimum_size != NULL)
+ *minimum_size = text_height;
+ if (natural_size != NULL)
+ *natural_size = text_height;
+ g_clear_object (&layout_one);
+ g_clear_object (&layout_two);
+static void
+gd_two_lines_renderer_get_preferred_height (GtkCellRenderer *cell,
+ GtkWidget *widget,
+ gint *minimum_size,
+ gint *natural_size)
+ gint min_width;
+ gtk_cell_renderer_get_preferred_width (cell, widget, &min_width, NULL);
+ gd_two_lines_renderer_get_preferred_height_for_width (cell, widget, min_width,
+ minimum_size, natural_size);
+static void
+gd_two_lines_renderer_get_aligned_area (GtkCellRenderer *cell,
+ GtkWidget *widget,
+ GtkCellRendererState flags,
+ const GdkRectangle *cell_area,
+ GdkRectangle *aligned_area)
+ GdTwoLinesRenderer *self = GD_TWO_LINES_RENDERER (cell);
+ gint x_offset, x_offset_1, x_offset_2, y_offset;
+ PangoLayout *layout_one, *layout_two;
+ /* fetch common information */
+ gd_two_lines_renderer_prepare_layouts (self, cell_area, widget, &layout_one, &layout_two);
+ gd_two_lines_renderer_get_size (cell, widget,
+ layout_one, layout_two,
+ &aligned_area->width, &aligned_area->height,
+ cell_area,
+ &x_offset_1, &x_offset_2, &y_offset);
+ x_offset = MIN (x_offset_1, x_offset_2);
+ aligned_area->x = cell_area->x + x_offset;
+ aligned_area->y = cell_area->y;
+ g_clear_object (&layout_one);
+ g_clear_object (&layout_two);
+static void
+gd_two_lines_renderer_set_line_two (GdTwoLinesRenderer *self,
+ const gchar *line_two)
+ if (g_strcmp0 (self->priv->line_two, line_two) == 0)
+ return;
+ g_free (self->priv->line_two);
+ self->priv->line_two = g_strdup (line_two);
+ g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_LINE_TWO]);
+static void
+gd_two_lines_renderer_set_text_lines (GdTwoLinesRenderer *self,
+ gint text_lines)
+ if (self->priv->text_lines == text_lines)
+ return;
+ self->priv->text_lines = text_lines;
+ g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_TEXT_LINES]);
+static void
+gd_two_lines_renderer_set_property (GObject *object,
+ guint property_id,
+ const GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec)
+ GdTwoLinesRenderer *self = GD_TWO_LINES_RENDERER (object);
+ switch (property_id)
+ {
+ gd_two_lines_renderer_set_text_lines (self, g_value_get_int (value));
+ break;
+ gd_two_lines_renderer_set_line_two (self, g_value_get_string (value));
+ break;
+ default:
+ G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec);
+ break;
+ }
+static void
+gd_two_lines_renderer_get_property (GObject *object,
+ guint property_id,
+ GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec)
+ GdTwoLinesRenderer *self = GD_TWO_LINES_RENDERER (object);
+ switch (property_id)
+ {
+ g_value_set_int (value, self->priv->text_lines);
+ break;
+ g_value_set_string (value, self->priv->line_two);
+ break;
+ default:
+ G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec);
+ break;
+ }
+static void
+gd_two_lines_renderer_finalize (GObject *object)
+ GdTwoLinesRenderer *self = GD_TWO_LINES_RENDERER (object);
+ g_free (self->priv->line_two);
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (gd_two_lines_renderer_parent_class)->finalize (object);
+static void
+gd_two_lines_renderer_class_init (GdTwoLinesRendererClass *klass)
+ GtkCellRendererClass *cclass = GTK_CELL_RENDERER_CLASS (klass);
+ GObjectClass *oclass = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
+ cclass->render = gd_two_lines_renderer_render;
+ cclass->get_preferred_width = gd_two_lines_renderer_get_preferred_width;
+ cclass->get_preferred_height = gd_two_lines_renderer_get_preferred_height;
+ cclass->get_preferred_height_for_width = gd_two_lines_renderer_get_preferred_height_for_width;
+ cclass->get_aligned_area = gd_two_lines_renderer_get_aligned_area;
+ oclass->set_property = gd_two_lines_renderer_set_property;
+ oclass->get_property = gd_two_lines_renderer_get_property;
+ oclass->finalize = gd_two_lines_renderer_finalize;
+ properties[PROP_TEXT_LINES] =
+ g_param_spec_int ("text-lines",
+ "Lines of text",
+ "The total number of lines to be displayed",
+ 2, G_MAXINT, 2,
+ properties[PROP_LINE_TWO] =
+ g_param_spec_string ("line-two",
+ "Second line",
+ "Second line",
+ g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (GdTwoLinesRendererPrivate));
+ g_object_class_install_properties (oclass, NUM_PROPERTIES, properties);
+static void
+gd_two_lines_renderer_init (GdTwoLinesRenderer *self)
+ GdTwoLinesRendererPrivate);
+GtkCellRenderer *
+gd_two_lines_renderer_new (void)
+ return g_object_new (GD_TYPE_TWO_LINES_RENDERER, NULL);
diff --git a/lib/widgets/gd-two-lines-renderer.h b/lib/widgets/gd-two-lines-renderer.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2200f94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/widgets/gd-two-lines-renderer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2011 Red Hat, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+ * option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Author: Cosimo Cecchi <cosimoc redhat com>
+ *
+ */
+#include <glib-object.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#define GD_TYPE_TWO_LINES_RENDERER gd_two_lines_renderer_get_type()
+#define GD_TWO_LINES_RENDERER(obj) \
+ (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), \
+ GD_TYPE_TWO_LINES_RENDERER, GdTwoLinesRendererClass))
+#define GD_IS_TWO_LINES_RENDERER(obj) \
+ (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), \
+ GD_TYPE_TWO_LINES_RENDERER, GdTwoLinesRendererClass))
+typedef struct _GdTwoLinesRenderer GdTwoLinesRenderer;
+typedef struct _GdTwoLinesRendererClass GdTwoLinesRendererClass;
+typedef struct _GdTwoLinesRendererPrivate GdTwoLinesRendererPrivate;
+struct _GdTwoLinesRenderer
+ GtkCellRendererText parent;
+ GdTwoLinesRendererPrivate *priv;
+struct _GdTwoLinesRendererClass
+ GtkCellRendererTextClass parent_class;
+GType gd_two_lines_renderer_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+GtkCellRenderer *gd_two_lines_renderer_new (void);
+#endif /* _GD_TWO_LINES_RENDERER_H */
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