[geary/wip/713150-conversations: 7/7] Clean up remove, remove ConversationMonitor's reliance on Message-IDs
- From: Jim Nelson <jnelson src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [geary/wip/713150-conversations: 7/7] Clean up remove, remove ConversationMonitor's reliance on Message-IDs
- Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2015 01:49:09 +0000 (UTC)
commit 53cbdc509930faf88930db24eb37b63dc0eb1211
Author: Jim Nelson <jim yorba org>
Date: Tue Feb 24 17:48:56 2015 -0800
Clean up remove, remove ConversationMonitor's reliance on Message-IDs
This reveals a major bug in the database code, so returning to that.
src/engine/api/geary-account.vala | 2 +-
src/engine/app/app-conversation-monitor.vala | 178 +++++---------------
src/engine/imap-db/imap-db-account.vala | 2 +-
.../imap-engine/imap-engine-generic-account.vala | 2 +-
4 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 137 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/engine/api/geary-account.vala b/src/engine/api/geary-account.vala
index 64659af..dcaa93c 100644
--- a/src/engine/api/geary-account.vala
+++ b/src/engine/api/geary-account.vala
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ public abstract class Geary.Account : BaseObject {
* locally.
public abstract async Gee.Collection<Geary.AssociatedEmails>? local_search_associated_emails_async(
- Gee.Set<Geary.EmailIdentifier> email_ids, Geary.Email.Field requested_fields,
+ Gee.Collection<Geary.EmailIdentifier> email_ids, Geary.Email.Field requested_fields,
EmailSearchPredicate? search_predicate, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error;
diff --git a/src/engine/app/app-conversation-monitor.vala b/src/engine/app/app-conversation-monitor.vala
index a61d6df..d67a191 100644
--- a/src/engine/app/app-conversation-monitor.vala
+++ b/src/engine/app/app-conversation-monitor.vala
@@ -43,15 +43,7 @@ public class Geary.App.ConversationMonitor : BaseObject {
// All generated Conversations
private Gee.HashSet<Conversation> conversations = new Gee.HashSet<Conversation>();
- // A logical map of Message-ID to Conversation ... these Message-IDs are merely referenced by
- // emails and the email itself may not be present in the conversation
- //
- // TODO: Is this necessary any longer?
- private Gee.HashMap<RFC822.MessageID, Conversation> message_id_to_conversation =
- new Gee.HashMap<RFC822.MessageID, Conversation>();
- // A map of EmailIdentifiers to Conversations ... unlike Message-IDs, these are known emails
- // loaded into the conversations
+ // A map of EmailIdentifiers to Conversations
private Gee.HashMap<EmailIdentifier, Conversation> email_id_to_conversation =
new Gee.HashMap<EmailIdentifier, Conversation>();
@@ -385,6 +377,7 @@ public class Geary.App.ConversationMonitor : BaseObject {
Geary.Folder.ListFlags flags, Cancellable? cancellable) {
try {
+ // list by required_flags to ensure all are present in local store
yield process_email_async(yield folder.list_email_by_id_async(initial_id, count,
required_fields, flags, cancellable));
} catch (Error err) {
@@ -398,6 +391,7 @@ public class Geary.App.ConversationMonitor : BaseObject {
Geary.Folder.ListFlags flags, Cancellable? cancellable) {
try {
+ // list by required_flags to ensure all are present in local store
yield process_email_async(yield folder.list_email_by_sparse_id_async(ids, required_fields,
flags, cancellable));
} catch (Error err) {
@@ -407,68 +401,6 @@ public class Geary.App.ConversationMonitor : BaseObject {
- private async void external_load_by_sparse_id(Geary.Folder folder,
- Gee.Collection<Geary.EmailIdentifier> ids, Geary.Folder.ListFlags flags, Cancellable? cancellable) {
- bool opened = false;
- try {
- yield folder.open_async(Geary.Folder.OpenFlags.NONE, cancellable);
- opened = true;
- debug("Listing %d external emails", ids.size);
- // First just get the bare minimum we need to determine if we even
- // care about the messages.
- Gee.List<Geary.Email>? emails = yield folder.list_email_by_sparse_id_async(ids,
- Geary.Email.Field.REFERENCES, flags, cancellable);
- debug("List found %d emails", (emails == null ? 0 : emails.size));
- Gee.HashSet<Geary.EmailIdentifier> relevant_ids = new Gee.HashSet<Geary.EmailIdentifier>();
- foreach (Geary.Email email in emails) {
- Gee.Set<RFC822.MessageID>? ancestors = email.get_ancestors();
- if (ancestors != null &&
- Geary.traverse<RFC822.MessageID>(ancestors).any(id =>
- relevant_ids.add(email.id);
- }
- debug("%d external emails are relevant to current conversations", relevant_ids.size);
- // List the relevant messages again with the full set of fields, to
- // make sure when we load them from the database we have all the
- // data we need.
- yield folder.list_email_by_sparse_id_async(relevant_ids, required_fields, flags, cancellable);
- yield folder.close_async(cancellable);
- opened = false;
- Gee.ArrayList<Geary.Email> search_emails = new Gee.ArrayList<Geary.Email>();
- foreach (Geary.EmailIdentifier id in relevant_ids) {
- // TODO: parallelize this.
- try {
- Geary.Email email = yield folder.account.local_fetch_email_async(id,
- required_fields, cancellable);
- search_emails.add(email);
- } catch (Error e) {
- debug("Error fetching out of folder message: %s", e.message);
- }
- }
- debug("Fetched %d relevant emails locally", search_emails.size);
- // TODO: Only need id's for this
- yield process_email_async(search_emails);
- } catch (Error e) {
- debug("Error loading external emails: %s", e.message);
- if (opened) {
- try {
- yield folder.close_async(cancellable);
- } catch (Error e) {
- debug("Error closing folder %s: %s", folder.to_string(), e.message);
- }
- }
- }
- }
// NOTE: This is called from a background thread.
private bool search_associated_predicate(EmailIdentifier email_id, bool only_partial,
Gee.Collection<FolderPath?> known_paths, EmailFlags flags) {
@@ -498,69 +430,81 @@ public class Geary.App.ConversationMonitor : BaseObject {
if (emails == null || emails.size == 0)
- Logging.debug(Logging.Flag.CONVERSATIONS, "[%s] ConversationMonitor::process_email: %d emails",
- folder.to_string(), emails.size);
- Gee.HashSet<EmailIdentifier> email_ids = traverse<Email>(emails)
- .map_nonnull<EmailIdentifier>(email => email.id)
+ Gee.Set<EmailIdentifier> ids = traverse<Email>(emails)
+ .map<EmailIdentifier>(email => email.id)
- Gee.Collection<AssociatedEmails> associated;
+ yield process_email_ids_async(ids);
+ }
+ private async void process_email_ids_async(Gee.Collection<Geary.EmailIdentifier>? email_ids) {
+ if (email_ids == null || email_ids.size == 0)
+ return;
+ Logging.debug(Logging.Flag.CONVERSATIONS, "[%s] ConversationMonitor::process_email: %d emails",
+ folder.to_string(), email_ids.size);
+ Gee.Collection<AssociatedEmails>? associations = null;
try {
- associated = yield folder.account.local_search_associated_emails_async(
+ associations = yield folder.account.local_search_associated_emails_async(
email_ids, required_fields, search_associated_predicate, null);
} catch (Error err) {
debug("Unable to search for associated emails: %s", err.message);
- return;
+ if (associations == null || associations.size == 0)
+ return;
+ debug("%d email ids, %d associations", email_ids.size, associations.size);
Gee.HashSet<Conversation> added = new Gee.HashSet<Conversation>();
Gee.HashMultiMap<Conversation, Email> appended = new Gee.HashMultiMap<Conversation, Email>();
- foreach (AssociatedEmails association in associated) {
- // Get all ancestors for the associated emails
- Gee.HashSet<RFC822.MessageID> ancestors = new Gee.HashSet<RFC822.MessageID>();
- foreach (Email email in association.emails)
- ancestors.add_all(email.get_ancestors());
+ foreach (AssociatedEmails association in associations) {
+ // Get all EmailIdentifiers in association
+ Gee.HashSet<EmailIdentifier> associated_ids = traverse<Email>(association.emails)
+ .map<EmailIdentifier>(email => email.id)
+ .to_hash_set();
// get all conversations for these emails (possible for multiple conversations to be
// started and then coalesce as new emails come in)
Gee.HashSet<Conversation> existing = new Gee.HashSet<Conversation>();
- foreach (RFC822.MessageID ancestor in ancestors) {
- Conversation? conversation = message_id_to_conversation[ancestor];
+ foreach (EmailIdentifier associated_id in associated_ids) {
+ Conversation? conversation = email_id_to_conversation[associated_id];
if (conversation != null)
// Create or pick conversation for these emails
Conversation conversation;
+ unowned string ctype;
switch (existing.size) {
case 0:
+ ctype = "NEW";
conversation = new Conversation(this);
case 1:
+ ctype = "FOUND";
conversation = traverse<Conversation>(existing).first();
+ ctype = "MERGED";
conversation = merge_conversations(existing);
// add all emails and each known path(s) to the Conversation and EmailIdentifier mapping
foreach (Email email in association.emails) {
+ if (email.subject.value.contains("714922"))
+ debug("ADDING \"%s TO %s", email.subject.to_string(), ctype);
conversation.add(email, association.known_paths[email]);
email_id_to_conversation[email.id] = conversation;
- // map all Message-IDs to this Conversation
- foreach (RFC822.MessageID ancestor in ancestors)
- message_id_to_conversation[ancestor] = conversation;
- // if new, added, otherwise appended
+ // if new, added, otherwise appended (if not already added)
if (!conversations.contains(conversation)) {
@@ -570,6 +514,8 @@ public class Geary.App.ConversationMonitor : BaseObject {
+ debug("%d added conversations, %d appended", added.size, appended.size);
if (added.size > 0)
@@ -579,7 +525,7 @@ public class Geary.App.ConversationMonitor : BaseObject {
Logging.debug(Logging.Flag.CONVERSATIONS, "[%s] ConversationMonitor::process_email completed: %d
- folder.to_string(), emails.size);
+ folder.to_string(), email_ids.size);
@@ -632,48 +578,19 @@ public class Geary.App.ConversationMonitor : BaseObject {
if (removed_email == null)
- // TODO: If removed message is still available in other paths, don't remove from
- // conversation, simply remove from the path
bool removed = conversation.remove(removed_email, folder.path);
if (conversation.get_count() == 0 || !conversation.any_in_folder_path(folder.path)) {
+ // could have been trimmed earlier in the loop
+ trimmed_conversations.remove_all(conversation);
} else if (removed) {
trimmed_conversations.set(conversation, removed_email);
- // TODO: cleanup/remove message_id_to_conversation map
- /*
- if (removed_message_ids != null) {
- foreach (RFC822.MessageID removed_message_id in removed_message_ids)
- message_id_to_conversation.unset(removed_message_id);
- }
- */
- // Look for trimmed conversations no longer holding messages in this folder;
- // those are then evaporated themselves
- /*
- int evaporated_count = 0;
- foreach (Conversation conversation in trimmed_conversations.get_keys().to_array()) {
- if (conversation.any_in_folder_path(folder.path))
- continue;
- trimmed_conversations.remove_all(conversation);
- conversations.remove(conversation);
- removed_conversations.add(conversation);
- evaporated_count++;
- }
- if (evaporated_count > 0) {
- debug("Evaporated %d conversations from %s due to no in-folder messages",
- evaporated_count, folder.to_string());
- }
- */
if (trimmed_conversations.size > 0) {
debug("Trimmed %d conversations of %d emails from %s", trimmed_conversations.get_keys().size,
trimmed_conversations.get_values().size, folder.to_string());
@@ -689,18 +606,11 @@ public class Geary.App.ConversationMonitor : BaseObject {
- internal async void external_append_emails_async(Geary.Folder folder,
- Gee.Collection<Geary.EmailIdentifier> appended_ids) {
- if (search_path_blacklist.contains(folder.path))
- return;
- if (conversations.is_empty)
- return;
+ internal async void external_append_emails_async(Folder folder, Gee.Collection<EmailIdentifier>
appended_ids) {
debug("%d out of folder message(s) appended to %s, fetching to add to conversations...",
- yield external_load_by_sparse_id(folder, appended_ids, Geary.Folder.ListFlags.NONE, null);
+ yield process_email_ids_async(appended_ids);
private void on_account_email_flags_changed(Geary.Folder folder,
diff --git a/src/engine/imap-db/imap-db-account.vala b/src/engine/imap-db/imap-db-account.vala
index ac5512d..230dcbe 100644
--- a/src/engine/imap-db/imap-db-account.vala
+++ b/src/engine/imap-db/imap-db-account.vala
@@ -679,7 +679,7 @@ private class Geary.ImapDB.Account : BaseObject {
public async Gee.Collection<Geary.AssociatedEmails>? search_associated_emails_async(
- Gee.Set<Geary.EmailIdentifier> email_ids, Email.Field requested_fields,
+ Gee.Collection<Geary.EmailIdentifier> email_ids, Email.Field requested_fields,
Geary.Account.EmailSearchPredicate? search_predicate, Cancellable? cancellable) throws Error {
diff --git a/src/engine/imap-engine/imap-engine-generic-account.vala
index d48ddda..8d1c9c6 100644
--- a/src/engine/imap-engine/imap-engine-generic-account.vala
+++ b/src/engine/imap-engine/imap-engine-generic-account.vala
@@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ private abstract class Geary.ImapEngine.GenericAccount : Geary.Account {
public override async Gee.Collection<Geary.AssociatedEmails>? local_search_associated_emails_async(
- Gee.Set<Geary.EmailIdentifier> email_ids, Geary.Email.Field requested_fields,
+ Gee.Collection<Geary.EmailIdentifier> email_ids, Geary.Email.Field requested_fields,
Account.EmailSearchPredicate? search_predicate, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error {
return yield local.search_associated_emails_async(email_ids, requested_fields, search_predicate,
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