[gnome-shell] (88 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/sass

The branch 'wip/sass' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  47c55df... theme: Fix sintax error in the theme
  8c7c6d2... theme: rewrite to be structured - using SASS - trying to re
  f6c921e... theme: use Adwaita dark style for popup menus
  0221978... theme: update some svg assets to adwaita 3.14 counterparts
  1c218a8... theme: fine tune scrollbars
  b4d8abf... theme: modal dialogs and tweaked entries
  dcff190... theme: top bar styling.
  5f9363a... theme: overview search bar styling
  8db395d... theme: checkboxes
  c3100f1... theme: top bar appmenu etc.
  5f49ddb... theme: volume/mic slider
  c39ef73... theme: switches
  6fe1a1f... theme: forgot old overrides of the panel styling
  2cf9df5... theme: top bar active is underlined.
  14094eb... theme: remove unused assets
  d5cbe9b... theme: overview styling
  9441710... theme: workspace pager in overview
  ef25514... theme: entry selections, parsed css
  37f2319... theme: overview-icon fixes
  0eb2f8f... theme: better running, hover and active states for icons
  e0cd247... theme: window captions in the overview
  4a0fd7e... theme: looking glass
  9f64892... theme: notifications & message tray
  590e2ef... appDisplay: Show a dot when application is running
  90c7357... theme: make notification counters round.
  1afcc53... theme: use regular borders for top bar buttons
  cb6c1e8... Why do we need this to have focus on folders?
  7c45ac7... theme: Match list row hover transition type of gtk
  dc1d340... theme: Use box shadow for active panel menu border
  ea99f1c... theme: some code style fixes
  98760ab... theme: Remove looking glass border-image
  2f9ae4c... theme: menu separators, message tray icons
  3802037... theme: kill osd_bg_color
  1e1474d... panelMenu: Don't fade appMenuButton icon and put it on the 
  dc70db3... panel: Remove TextShadower
  1743a81... remove shell-slicer
  81bcd0c... shell-app: Remove shell_app_get_faded_icon
  b4cdb50... datetime/calendar popup
  62efb45... theme: Adapt to commit 117a81e06f3ac975
  a9c6fb1... theme: NM dialogs
  9ce998a... theme: OSD app/workspace switcher
  76b5b93... theme: sync dash padding with OSD
  8aadfeb... theme: use selected bg color consistently
  a432957... theme: more selection color bits
  e54aa76... theme: tiled window previews
  be2f256... theme: initial stab at High Contrast theme
  01cd5bf... theme: system modals
  068e0c3... theme: minor OSD tweak
  bb448e6... theme: calendar fixups
  7ae2bd3... theme: symbolic icons for App menu
  9654960... theme: clean up dialogs
  cda6dae... theme: run dialog tweaks
  e36e42e... theme: banner buttons
  dc7be35... theme: a button is a button is a button
  b3d4cd2... popup: Include active item as part of the submenu
  d642783... theme: Fix caption border gap
  6ce91df... theme: typo
  0a45ee3... popupMenu: Add active CSS pseudo class
  d9db2ea... theme: overview searchbox rounding out of place
  80fff84... theme: embolden the parent item of a submenu
  1003bb8... theme: on screen keyboard + bits
  8405508... theme: subkeys themeing for OSK
  3cfdaa3... theme: ibus candidate popup
  b9a2c81... theme: background menu
  55e8091... theme: calendar widget visual cleanup
  c3aadf3... theme: final touches on calendar widget
  a3c379c... theme: login & screen shield theming
  2353c0f... theme: revert back to osd colors due to classic mode
  e767cbe... theme: Adapt screenshield to mockups
  09e3c80... theme: appmenu label shadow no longer needed
  bd27559... theme: notification bubbles on screen shield
  a5c6d53... theme: consistent osd colors for overview
  e0d0df9... theme: osd fixes
  ceda88e... theme: osd fixes
  c54483f... theme: more osd fixes
  7ac72eb... theme: Add music notification as well
  4035ff0... theme: system-menu-action colors
  fb15068... theme: more osd fixed (for login screen)
  aa1d6bd... theme: avoid hardcoded color
  924d0cf... theme: tweaks
  cdb34aa... theme: fix some placeholder colors
  6b319ab... theme: fix borders on the dash
  9136867... Fix panel-menu margin regression
  b83a0aa... Fix .panel-menu
  f795b3b... theme: sass code structure
  1461a95... status: Stop using .panel-status-button
  202fbb7... theme: Use gnome-shell-sass as a submodule

Commits added to the branch:

  5cddab3... gdm: allow user to switch VTs using ctrl-alt-f[1-7] (*)
  23a492b... theme: Fix sintax error in the theme
  ff839ab... theme: rewrite to be structured - using SASS - trying to re
  d99d1ff... theme: use Adwaita dark style for popup menus
  d17e1ad... theme: update some svg assets to adwaita 3.14 counterparts
  5500398... theme: fine tune scrollbars
  9dfee8e... theme: modal dialogs and tweaked entries
  09062dd... theme: top bar styling.
  1ff19c6... theme: overview search bar styling
  edebd69... theme: checkboxes
  bee3cc2... theme: top bar appmenu etc.
  0b6f661... theme: volume/mic slider
  fbc6f4b... theme: switches
  44336cf... theme: forgot old overrides of the panel styling
  6516ecd... theme: top bar active is underlined.
  96e95cd... theme: remove unused assets
  d377721... theme: overview styling
  2df90c5... theme: workspace pager in overview
  721da14... theme: entry selections, parsed css
  200c467... theme: overview-icon fixes
  26bebfe... theme: better running, hover and active states for icons
  cc0b0ae... theme: window captions in the overview
  5f2b0a6... theme: looking glass
  0349668... theme: notifications & message tray
  c58259d... appDisplay: Show a dot when application is running
  90393a2... theme: make notification counters round.
  be9da26... theme: use regular borders for top bar buttons
  d8a80aa... Why do we need this to have focus on folders?
  008406c... theme: Match list row hover transition type of gtk
  592184f... theme: Use box shadow for active panel menu border
  54bc3b5... theme: some code style fixes
  78cce20... theme: Remove looking glass border-image
  d485dc4... theme: menu separators, message tray icons
  f606890... theme: kill osd_bg_color
  e69fbb7... panelMenu: Don't fade appMenuButton icon and put it on the 
  d6bfa10... panel: Remove TextShadower
  0ba5d22... remove shell-slicer
  d810e8e... shell-app: Remove shell_app_get_faded_icon
  3db3f08... datetime/calendar popup
  9f84609... theme: Adapt to commit 117a81e06f3ac975
  208ffca... theme: NM dialogs
  fbc5d00... theme: OSD app/workspace switcher
  cfa8000... theme: sync dash padding with OSD
  3142634... theme: use selected bg color consistently
  b4c9da9... theme: more selection color bits
  c4c9a65... theme: tiled window previews
  5ca653d... theme: initial stab at High Contrast theme
  2135d18... theme: system modals
  85ed6dc... theme: minor OSD tweak
  7308930... theme: calendar fixups
  87247ad... theme: symbolic icons for App menu
  d44734d... theme: clean up dialogs
  6d7bd46... theme: run dialog tweaks
  ca31dca... theme: banner buttons
  c326bd2... theme: a button is a button is a button
  6d7a1b7... popup: Include active item as part of the submenu
  35cd616... theme: Fix caption border gap
  d31f6cd... theme: typo
  d4fb799... popupMenu: Add active CSS pseudo class
  b7024c3... theme: overview searchbox rounding out of place
  3c6e3ee... theme: embolden the parent item of a submenu
  86ac74a... theme: on screen keyboard + bits
  12d9fd9... theme: subkeys themeing for OSK
  38b0c59... theme: ibus candidate popup
  e411a2c... theme: background menu
  e072f99... theme: calendar widget visual cleanup
  cc19571... theme: final touches on calendar widget
  c081d93... theme: login & screen shield theming
  3e544d8... theme: revert back to osd colors due to classic mode
  babe5b2... theme: Adapt screenshield to mockups
  f10edff... theme: appmenu label shadow no longer needed
  44d9f57... theme: notification bubbles on screen shield
  ab254ba... theme: consistent osd colors for overview
  f15b624... theme: osd fixes
  45486d0... theme: osd fixes
  e886cb2... theme: more osd fixes
  b020f59... theme: Add music notification as well
  5499048... theme: system-menu-action colors
  726d196... theme: more osd fixed (for login screen)
  05973e7... theme: avoid hardcoded color
  cef45af... theme: tweaks
  a172bb3... theme: fix some placeholder colors
  bfb68ca... theme: fix borders on the dash
  2659657... Fix panel-menu margin regression
  4956df6... Fix .panel-menu
  f92939a... theme: sass code structure
  1317614... status: Stop using .panel-status-button
  568ce9a... theme: Use gnome-shell-sass as a submodule

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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