[chronojump] Realtime capture on inertial almost perfect on eccon=="c"

commit 3445facdecce6b734a56cf1bb26641a9fb05da17
Author: Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
Date:   Wed Feb 18 19:06:15 2015 +0100

    Realtime capture on inertial almost perfect on eccon=="c"

 encoder/capture.R  |  138 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 encoder/graph.R    |    5 +-
 encoder/util.R     |   32 +++++++++---
 src/gui/encoder.cs |   52 ++++++++++++++++---
 src/utilEncoder.cs |   15 ++++--
 5 files changed, 162 insertions(+), 80 deletions(-)
diff --git a/encoder/capture.R b/encoder/capture.R
index 86380a5..6f75c83 100644
--- a/encoder/capture.R
+++ b/encoder/capture.R
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ source(scriptUtilR)
 g = 9.81
-calcule <- function(displacement, op) 
+calcule <- function(displacement, start, end, op) 
        #read AnalysisOptions
        #if is propulsive and rotatory inertial is: "p;ri" 
@@ -66,77 +66,99 @@ calcule <- function(displacement, op)
        #do not use print because it shows the [1] first. Use cat:
        cat(paste(#start, #start is not used because we have no data of the initial zeros
-                 (end-start), (position[end]-position[start]),
+                 #(end-start), (position[end]-position[start]), #this is not used because the start, end 
values are not ok now
+                 0, 0, 
                  paf$meanSpeed, paf$maxSpeed, paf$maxSpeedT, paf$meanPower, paf$peakPower, paf$peakPowerT, 
paf$pp_ppt, sep=", "))
        cat("\n") #mandatory to read this from C#, but beware, there we will need a trim to remove the 
windows \r\n
-input <- readLines(f, n = 1L)
-while(input[1] != "Q") {
-       #Sys.sleep(4) #just to test how Chronojump reacts if process takes too long
-       #cat(paste("input is:", input, "\n"))
+getPositionStart <- function(input) 
+       inputVector = unlist(strsplit(input, " "))
+       if( length(inputVector) == 2 && inputVector[1] == "ps" )
+               return (as.numeric(inputVector[2]))
+       else
+               return (0)
+doProcess <- function() 
        op <- assignOptions(options)
        #print ("----op----")
        #print (op)
+       input <- readLines(f, n = 1L)
+       while(input[1] != "Q") {
+               #Sys.sleep(4) #just to test how Chronojump reacts if process takes too long
+               #cat(paste("input is:", input, "\n"))
-       displacement = as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(input, " ")))
-       #if data file ends with comma. Last character will be an NA. remove it
-       #this removes all NAs
-       displacement  = displacement[!is.na(displacement)]
-       if(isInertial(op$EncoderConfigurationName)) 
-       {
-               displacement = fixDisplacementInertial(displacement, op$EncoderConfigurationName, 
op$diameter, op$diameterExt)
+               #from Chronojump first it's send the eg: "ps -1000", meaning curve starts at -1000
+               #then it's send the displacement
+               positionStart = getPositionStart(input)
+               input <- readLines(f, n = 1L)
-               displacement = getDisplacementInertialBody(displacement, FALSE, op$Title) #draw: FALSE
-       } else {
-               displacement = getDisplacement(op$EncoderConfigurationName, displacement, op$diameter, 
-       }
-       start = 1
-       end = length(displacement)
-       if( ! isInertial(op$EncoderConfigurationName)) {
-               reduceTemp = reduceCurveBySpeed(op$Eccon, 1, 
-                                               1, 0, #startT, startH
-                                               displacement, #displacement
-                                               op$SmoothingOneC #SmoothingOneC
-                                               )
-               start = reduceTemp[1]
-               end = reduceTemp[2]
-               #write("printing reduceTemp2", stderr())
-               #write(reduceTemp[2], stderr())
-               if(end > length(displacement))
-                       end = length(displacement)
-               displacement = displacement[start:end]
-       }
+               displacement = as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(input, " ")))
+               #if data file ends with comma. Last character will be an NA. remove it
+               #this removes all NAs
+               displacement  = displacement[!is.na(displacement)]
+               if(isInertial(op$EncoderConfigurationName)) 
+               {
+                       displacement = fixDisplacementInertial(displacement, op$EncoderConfigurationName, 
op$diameter, op$diameterExt)
-       #if isInertial: getDisplacementInertialBody separate phases using initial height of full extended 
-       #so now there will be two different curves to process
-       if(isInertial(op$EncoderConfigurationName)) 
-       {
-               position = cumsum(displacement)
-               positionBottom <- floor(mean(which(position == min(position))))
-               displacement1 = displacement[1:positionBottom]
-               calcule(displacement1, op)
-               if( (positionBottom +1) < length(displacement)){
-                       displacement2 = displacement[(positionBottom+1):length(displacement)]
-                       calcule(displacement2, op)
+                       displacement = getDisplacementInertialBody(positionStart, displacement, FALSE, 
op$Title) #draw: FALSE
+               } else {
+                       displacement = getDisplacement(op$EncoderConfigurationName, displacement, 
op$diameter, op$diameterExt)
-               write(c("positionBottom", positionBottom), stderr())
-               write(c("length(displacement)", length(displacement)), stderr())
-       } else {
-               calcule(displacement, op)
-       }
-       input <- readLines(f, n = 1L)
+               start = 1
+               end = length(displacement)
+               if( ! isInertial(op$EncoderConfigurationName)) {
+                       reduceTemp = reduceCurveBySpeed(op$Eccon, 1, 
+                                                       1, 0, #startT, startH
+                                                       displacement, #displacement
+                                                       op$SmoothingOneC #SmoothingOneC
+                                                       )
+                       start = reduceTemp[1]
+                       end = reduceTemp[2]
+                       #write("printing reduceTemp2", stderr())
+                       #write(reduceTemp[2], stderr())
+                       if(end > length(displacement))
+                               end = length(displacement)
+                       displacement = displacement[start:end]
+               }
+               #if isInertial: getDisplacementInertialBody separate phases using initial height of full 
extended person
+               #so now there will be two different curves to process
+               if(isInertial(op$EncoderConfigurationName)) 
+               {
+                       position = cumsum(displacement)
+                       positionTop <- floor(mean(which(position == max(position))))
+                       displacement1 = displacement[1:positionTop]
+                       displacement2 = displacement[(positionTop+1):length(displacement)]
+                       if(op$Eccon == "c") {
+                               calcule(displacement1, start, end, op) #TODO: check this start, end
+                       } else {
+                               calcule(displacement1, start, end, op) #TODO: check this start, end
+                               calcule(displacement2, start, end, op) #TODO: check this start, end
+                       }
+                       #write(c("positionTop", positionTop), stderr())
+                       #write(c("length(displacement)", length(displacement)), stderr())
+               } else {
+                       calcule(displacement, start, end, op) #TODO: check this start, end
+               }
+               input <- readLines(f, n = 1L)
+       }
 write("Ending capture.R", stderr())
diff --git a/encoder/graph.R b/encoder/graph.R
index ff27e0f..2b8eb87 100644
--- a/encoder/graph.R
+++ b/encoder/graph.R
@@ -1869,8 +1869,9 @@ doProcess <- function(options)
                        displacement = fixDisplacementInertial(displacement, op$EncoderConfigurationName, 
op$diameter, op$diameterExt)
-                       displacement = getDisplacementInertialBody(displacement, curvesPlot, op$Title)
+                       displacement = getDisplacementInertialBody(0, displacement, curvesPlot, op$Title)
+                       #positionStart is 0 in graph.R. It is different on capture.R because depends on the 
start of every repetition
                        curvesPlot = FALSE
                } else {
diff --git a/encoder/util.R b/encoder/util.R
index f67fe37..d4ec45d 100644
--- a/encoder/util.R
+++ b/encoder/util.R
@@ -675,7 +675,12 @@ getDynamicsInertial <- function(encoderConfigurationName, displacement, d, D, ma
 #this methods replaces getDisplacement and fixRawdataInertial
 #here comes a signal: (singleFile)
 #it shows the disc rotation and the person movement
-getDisplacementInertialBody <- function(displacement, draw, title) 
+#positionStart is the height at the start of the curve. It's used only on realtime capture.
+#displacementPerson has to be adjusted for every repetition using the positionStart relative to the start of 
the movement
+#Eg, at start of the capture position is always 0, then goes down (first eccentric phase), and then starts 
con-ecc, con-ecc, con-ecc, ...
+#To divide the con-ecc in two phases (because for the encoder is only one phsae because it rotates in the 
same direction), we need to know the positionAtStart
+getDisplacementInertialBody <- function(positionStart, displacement, draw, title) 
@@ -685,23 +690,36 @@ getDisplacementInertialBody <- function(displacement, draw, title)
        #do if extrema(position)$nextreme == 0... then do not use extrema
        #TODO: check if started backwards on realtime capture (extrema is null)
-       firstDownPhaseTime = 1
-       downHeight = 0
+       #firstDownPhaseTime = 1
+       #downHeight = 0
        if( position.ext$nextreme > 0 && ! is.null(position.ext$minindex) && ! is.null(position.ext$maxindex) 
) {
                #Fix if disc goes wrong direction at start
-               if(position.ext$maxindex[1] < position.ext$minindex[1]) {
+               #we know this because we found a maxindex before than a minindex, and
+               #this maxindex is not an small movement, at least is 20% of the movement
+               if(
+                  ( position.ext$maxindex[1] < position.ext$minindex[1] ) &&
+                  ( position[position.ext$maxindex[1]] >= ( max(abs(position)) *.2 ) ) ) {
                        displacement = displacement * -1
-               firstDownPhaseTime = position.ext$minindex[1]
-               downHeight = abs(position[1] - position[firstDownPhaseTime])
+               #firstDownPhaseTime = position.ext$minindex[1]
+               #downHeight = abs(position[1] - position[firstDownPhaseTime])
-       positionPerson = abs(cumsum(displacement))*-1
+       positionPerson = cumsum(displacement)
+       positionPerson = positionPerson + positionStart
+       positionPerson = abs(positionPerson)*-1
        #this is to make "inverted cumsum"
+       #this displacement when 'cumsum' into position is the reality,
+       #but if we use it it will seem a VERY high acceleration in the beginning (between the fist and second 
+       #because it will be: eg:  -1100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, ...
+       #don't use it
+       #displacementPerson = c(positionStart,diff(positionPerson))
+       #better have it starting with 0 and then speed calculations... will be correct
        displacementPerson = c(0,diff(positionPerson))
diff --git a/src/gui/encoder.cs b/src/gui/encoder.cs
index f7182bc..e5c4b18 100644
--- a/src/gui/encoder.cs
+++ b/src/gui/encoder.cs
@@ -1326,8 +1326,8 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
                //test: try to compress signal in order to send if.
                //obviously this is not going to be done here
-               LogB.Information("Trying compress function");
-               LogB.Information(UtilEncoder.CompressSignal(UtilEncoder.GetEncoderDataTempFileName()));
+               //LogB.Information("Trying compress function");
+               //LogB.Information(UtilEncoder.CompressSignal(UtilEncoder.GetEncoderDataTempFileName()));
                if(success) {   
                        //force a recalculate but not save the curve (we are loading)
@@ -2245,21 +2245,55 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
                                                                //1) check heightCurve in a fast way first to 
discard curves soon
                                                                //   only process curves with height >= 
-                                                               //2) if it's concentric, only take the 
concentric curves
+                                                               //2) if it's concentric, only take the 
concentric curves, 
+                                                               //   but if it's concentric and inertial: 
take both.
+                                                               //   
+                                                               //   When capturing on inertial, we have the 
first graph
+                                                               //   that will be converted to the second.
+                                                               //   we need the eccentric phase in order to 
detect the Ci2
+                                                               /*               
+                                                                *             /\
+                                                                *            /  \
+                                                                *           /    \
+                                                                *____      C1     \      ___
+                                                                *    \    /        \    /
+                                                                *     \  /          \  C2
+                                                                *      \/            \/
+                                                                *
+                                                                * C1, C2: two concentric phases
+                                                                */
+                                                               /*               
+                                                                *____                    ___
+                                                                *    \    /\      /\    /
+                                                                *     \ Ci1 \   Ci2 \ Ci3
+                                                                *      \/    \  /    \/
+                                                                *             \/
+                                                                *
+                                                                * Ci1, Ci2, Ci3: three concentric phases on 
+                                                                */
                                                                //3) if it's ecc-con, don't record first 
curve if first curve is concentric
+                                                               //TODO: needs tweaking on inertia ecc-con at 
first curve
                                                                                heightCurve >= 
encoderSelectedMinimumHeight &&                  //1
-                                                                               ( ( eccon == "c" && 
previousWasUp ) || eccon != "c" ) &&        //2
+                                                                               ( 
+                                                                                ( eccon == "c" && ecc.up ) 
||  //2) "c" and going up
+                                                                                ( 
+                                                                                 eccon == "c" &&             
  //2) or "c" and inertial but not first eccentric phase
encoderConfigurationCurrent.has_inertia && 
+                                                                                 ! ( ! ecc.up && 
ecca.curvesAccepted == 0 ) 
+                                                                                ) || 
+                                                                                eccon != "c"                 
  //2) or !"c"
+                                                                                ) &&
                                                                                ! ( (eccon == "ec" || eccon 
== "ecS") && ecc.up && ecca.curvesAccepted == 0 )  //3
                                                                  ) {
-                                                                       //this is need on inertial to convert 
on direction curve (recorded by encoder) 
-                                                                       //to a con-ecc curve (done by the 
-                                                                               curve[0] = 
-                                                                                       pCaptureNoRDotNet, 
+                                                                                       pCaptureNoRDotNet, 
heightAtCurveStart, curve);
                                                                        ecca.curvesDone ++;
                                                                        ecca.curvesAccepted ++;
diff --git a/src/utilEncoder.cs b/src/utilEncoder.cs
index d4055e9..46cdafb 100644
--- a/src/utilEncoder.cs
+++ b/src/utilEncoder.cs
@@ -474,15 +474,22 @@ public class UtilEncoder
-       public static void RunEncoderCaptureNoRDotNetSendCurve(Process p, double [] d)
+       public static void RunEncoderCaptureNoRDotNetSendCurve(Process p, double heightAtStart, double [] d)
-               LogB.Debug("writing line 1");
-               string curveSend = string.Join(" ", Array.ConvertAll(d, x => x.ToString()));
+               LogB.Debug("writing line 1 -->");
+               string curveSend = "ps " + Util.ConvertToPoint(heightAtStart);
+               LogB.Debug("curveSend [heightAtStart]",curveSend);
+               p.StandardInput.WriteLine(curveSend);
+               curveSend = string.Join(" ", Array.ConvertAll(d, x => x.ToString()));
                //TODO convert comma to point in this doubles
-               LogB.Debug("curveSend",curveSend);
+               LogB.Debug("curveSend [displacement array]",curveSend);
+               LogB.Debug("<-- writen line 1");
        public static void RunEncoderCaptureNoRDotNetSendEnd(Process p)

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