[gnome-klotski] Review user help

commit 3fa372ba950d5d4396c8f62dc9874c1bb74064e8
Author: Michael Catanzaro <mcatanzaro gnome org>
Date:   Mon Feb 16 16:14:30 2015 -0600

    Review user help

 help/C/index.page              |   18 ++-
 help/C/introduction.page       |   30 ----
 help/C/keyboard-shortcuts.page |   20 ++-
 help/C/moves.page              |   44 ------
 help/C/puzzles.page            |  295 ++++------------------------------------
 help/C/rules.page              |   55 ++++----
 help/C/scores.page             |  128 +++++++++++++++--
 help/C/start.page              |   42 ++-----
 help/Makefile.am               |    2 -
 9 files changed, 205 insertions(+), 429 deletions(-)
diff --git a/help/C/index.page b/help/C/index.page
index 662e823..83e503b 100644
--- a/help/C/index.page
+++ b/help/C/index.page
@@ -10,15 +10,20 @@
     <title type="text">Klotski</title>
     <revision version="3.14" date="2014-05-22" status="draft"/>
+    <revision version="3.15.90" date="2015-02-16" status="draft"/>
     <credit type="author">
       <name>Rashi Aswani</name>
       <email its:translate="no">aswanirashi19 gmail com</email>
+    <credit type="editor">
+      <name>Michael Catanzaro</name>
+      <email its:translate="no">mcatanzaro gnome org</email>
+    </credit>
     <include href="legal.xml" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"/>
-    <desc>GNOME Klotski help.</desc>
+    <desc>GNOME Klotski help</desc>
@@ -26,9 +31,10 @@
-  <p>Slide blocks to solve the puzzle. For a quick introduction into the most
-  basic features of <app>Klotski</app>, visit
-  <link xref="introduction">Game introduction</link>.</p>
+  <p><app>GNOME Klotski</app> is a set of block sliding puzzles. The objective is to move the
+  patterned block to the area bordered by green markers. To do so, you will need
+  to slide other blocks out of the way. Complete each puzzle in as few moves as
+  possible!</p>
   <section id="play" style="2column">
     <title>Playing Klotski</title>
@@ -38,8 +44,4 @@
     <title>Useful tips</title>
-  <section id="advanced" style="2column">
-    <title>Advanced</title>
-  </section>
diff --git a/help/C/keyboard-shortcuts.page b/help/C/keyboard-shortcuts.page
index 9f9d111..cf071bc 100644
--- a/help/C/keyboard-shortcuts.page
+++ b/help/C/keyboard-shortcuts.page
@@ -1,34 +1,38 @@
 <page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/";
+      xmlns:its="http://www.w3.org/2005/11/its";
       type="topic" style="task"
     <link type="guide" xref="index#tips" />
     <revision version="3.14" date="2014-06-09" status="review"/>
+    <revision version="3.15.90" date="2015-02-16" status="review"/>
     <credit type="author">
       <name>Rashi Aswani</name>
-      <email>aswanirashi19 gmail com</email>
+      <email its:translate="no">aswanirashi19 gmail com</email>
+    <credit type="editor">
+      <name>Michael Catanzaro</name>
+      <email its:translate="no">mcatanzaro gnome org</email>
+      <years>2015</years>
+    </credit>
     <include href="legal.xml" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"; />
-    <desc>Play the game using keyboard.</desc>
+    <desc>Play the game using the keyboard.</desc>
   <title>Keyboard shortcuts</title>
-  <p>Use <gui>shortcut keys</gui> to perform common tasks more quickly than
-  with the mouse and menus. The following tables list all of <app>klotski's</app>
+  <p>Use keyboard shortcuts to perform common tasks more quickly than
+  with the mouse and menus. The following tables list all of <app>Klotski’s</app>
   shortcut keys.</p>
     <table frame="all" rules="cols" shade="rows">
-        <td><p>New game</p></td>
-        <td><p><keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>N</key></keyseq></p></td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr>
diff --git a/help/C/puzzles.page b/help/C/puzzles.page
index 95ea4be..f5bf848 100644
--- a/help/C/puzzles.page
+++ b/help/C/puzzles.page
@@ -5,9 +5,8 @@
     <link type="guide" xref="index#play"/>
-    <link type="seealso" xref="moves"/>
-    <link type="seealso" xref="scores"/>
     <revision version="3.14" date="2015-01-27" status="review"/>
+    <revision version="3.15.90" date="2015-02-16" status="review"/>
     <credit type="author">
       <name>Rashi Aswani</name>
@@ -19,277 +18,43 @@
       <email its:translate="no">tyagishobha gmail com</email>
+    <credit type="editor">
+      <name>Michael Catanzaro</name>
+      <email its:translate="no">mcatanzaro gnome org</email>
+      <years>2015</years>
+    </credit>
     <include href="legal.xml" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"; />
-    <desc>Navigate among puzzles, look at the minimum number of moves to solve
-    a puzzle.</desc>
+    <desc>How do I switch puzzles?</desc>
-  <p>Puzzles are divided into three categories namely, <gui>HuaRong Trail</gui>,
-  <gui>Challenge Pack</gui> and <gui>Skill Pack</gui> based on the difficulty
-  level of the game. <gui>HuaRong Trail</gui>  and <gui>Skill Pack</gui>
-  contains nine puzzles each and <gui>Challenge Pack</gui> consists of ten
-  beautiful puzzles.</p>
-<section id="navigate-puzzles">
-  <title>Navigate among puzzles</title>
-  <p>To navigate between the puzzles:</p>
-  <steps>
-    <item>
-      <p>Click on <gui style="button">View Puzzles</gui> in the bottom right,
-      choose a category. All the puzzles in the category will be
-      displayed.</p>
-    </item>
-    <item>
-      <p>You can navigate sequentially among the puzzles with the
-      <gui style="button">Next Puzzle</gui> and <gui style="button">
-      Previous Puzzle</gui>.</p>
-    </item>
-  </steps>
-<section id="minimum-number-of-moves">
-  <title>Minimum number of moves</title>
-  <p>Each puzzle is different from the other in the manner of, the minimum
-  number of moves to solve them and the various positions of the blocks in
-  it. You can find the minimum number of moves for the various puzzles
-  below.</p>
-  <table frame="all" rules="rows cols">
-    <tr>
-      <td>
-        <p>Puzzles</p>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        <p>Minimum number of moves</p>
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td>
-        <p>Only 18 Steps</p>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        <p>18</p>
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td>
-        <p>Daisy</p>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        <p>28</p>
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td>
-        <p>Violet</p>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        <p>27</p>
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td>
-        <p>Poppy</p>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        <p>40</p>
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td>
-        <p>Pansy</p>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        <p>28</p>
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td>
-        <p>Snowdrop</p>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        <p>46</p>
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td>
-        <p>Red Donkey</p>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        <p>81</p>
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td>
-        <p>Trail</p>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        <p>102</p>
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td>
-        <p>Ambush</p>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        <p>120</p>
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td>
-        <p>Agatka</p>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        <p>30</p>
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td>
-        <p>Success</p>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        <p>25</p>
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td>
-        <p>Bone</p>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        <p>14</p>
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td>
-        <p>Fortune</p>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        <p>24</p>
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td>
-        <p>Fool</p>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        <p>29</p>
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td>
-        <p>Solomon</p>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        <p>29</p>
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td>
-        <p>Cleopatra</p>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        <p>31</p>
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td>
-        <p>Shark</p>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        <p>48</p>
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td>
-        <p>Rome</p>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        <p>38</p>
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td>
-        <p>Pennant Puzzle</p>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        <p>59</p>
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td>
-        <p>Ithaca</p>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        <p>?</p>
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td>
-        <p>Pelopones</p>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        <p>25</p>
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td>
-        <p>Lodzianka</p>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        <p>21</p>
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td>
-        <p>Polonaise</p>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        <p>23</p>
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td>
-        <p>Baltic Sea</p>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        <p>42</p>
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td>
-        <p>American Pie</p>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        <p>?</p>
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td>
-        <p>Traffic Jam</p>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        <p>132</p>
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td>
-        <p>Sunshine</p>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        <p>345</p>
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-  </table>
+  <p>Puzzles are divided into three categories based on the difficulty level of
+  the game. <gui>HuaRong Trail</gui> puzzles are the easiest. <gui>Challenge
+  Pack</gui> and <gui>Skill Pack</gui> puzzles are more difficult.</p>
+  <section id="navigate-puzzles">
+  <title>Select a Puzzle</title>
+  <p>To browse the puzzles:</p>
+    <steps>
+      <item>
+        <p>Click on <gui style="button">Change Puzzle</gui> button in the
+        header bar. Choose a category using the back and forward buttons on
+        the top. All the puzzles in the current category will be displayed.</p>
+      </item>
+      <item>
+        <p>You can navigate sequentially among the puzzles with the
+        <gui style="button">Next Puzzle</gui> and <gui style="button">
+        Previous Puzzle</gui>. Or, double-click on the name of a puzzle to switch
+        to it.</p>
+      </item>
+    </steps>
+  </section>
diff --git a/help/C/rules.page b/help/C/rules.page
index 48edc56..bb3b79b 100644
--- a/help/C/rules.page
+++ b/help/C/rules.page
@@ -7,44 +7,49 @@
     <link type="guide" xref="index#play"/>
     <link type="seealso" xref="keyboard-shortcuts"/>
     <revision version="3.14" date="2014-05-23" status="review"/>
+    <revision version="3.15.90" date="2015-02-16" status="review"/>
     <credit type="author">
       <name>Rashi Aswani</name>
       <email its:translate="no">aswanirashi19 gmail com</email>
+    <credit type="editor">
+      <name>Michael Catanzaro</name>
+      <email its:translate="no">mcatanzaro gnome org</email>
+      <years>2015</years>
+    </credit>
     <include href="legal.xml" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"; />
-    <desc>How to play <app>Klotski</app>?</desc>
+    <desc>What are the rules of <app>Klotski</app>?</desc>
   <title>Game rules</title>
-  <p>The aim of <app>Klotski</app> is to move the patterned block to a specific
-  location. You must follow some rules while moving the blocks:</p>
-<section id="rules-block">
-  <title>Rules to move a block</title>
-  <list>
-    <item>
-      <p>Click and drag the desired block to a location of your choice on the
-      board.</p>
-    </item>
-    <item>
-      <p>The green blocks and the boundary blocks cannot be moved.</p>
-    </item>
-    <item>
-      <p>A block cannot be moved over the green blocks. However, it is
-      allowed to move a patterened block.</p>
-    </item>
-    <item>
-      <p>You can take more than one step in a single move.</p>
-    </item>
-  </list>
+  <p>The aim of <app>Klotski</app> is to move the patterned block to the area
+  bordered by green markers. Click and drag a block to move it to a location
+  of your choice on the board. Or, click once on the block to begin moving it,
+  then click again on the position you wish to place it.</p>
+  <section id="rules-block">
+  <title>Rules for moving blocks</title>
+    <list>
+      <item>
+        <p>The green blocks and the boundary blocks cannot be moved.</p>
+      </item>
+      <item>
+        <p>A block normally cannot be moved over any other block. However,
+        you may move the patterened block over the green blocks.</p>
+      </item>
+      <item>
+        <p>In a single move, you may move a block over any number of open
+        spaces.</p>
+       </item>
+    </list>
+  </section>
diff --git a/help/C/scores.page b/help/C/scores.page
index 05c6271..93658ab 100644
--- a/help/C/scores.page
+++ b/help/C/scores.page
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
     <link type="guide" xref="index#play"/>
     <revision version="3.14" date="2015-01-2" status="review"/>
+    <revision version="3.15.90" date="2015-02-16" status="review"/>
     <credit type="author">
       <name>Rashi Aswani</name>
@@ -17,10 +18,15 @@
       <email its:translate="no">tyagishobha gmail com</email>
+    <credit type="editor">
+      <name>Michael Catanzaro</name>
+      <email its:translate="no">mcatanzaro gnome org</email>
+      <years>2015</years>
+    </credit>
     <include href="legal.xml" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"; />
-    <desc>Check your performance.</desc>
+    <desc>How do I view my high scores?</desc>
@@ -28,20 +34,112 @@
   <p>You can check your performance by looking at the number of moves you
   have made in the previous games. To view your scores:</p>
+    <steps>
+      <item>
+        <p>Select <gui style="menuitem">Scores</gui> from the
+        menu.</p>
+      </item>
+      <item>
+        <p>The dialog displays scores of one puzzle you have completed at
+        a time. Select the puzzle whose scores you wish to see from the
+        menu.</p>
+      </item>
+    </steps>
+  <section id="minimum-number-of-moves">
+  <title>Minimum number of moves</title>
+  <p>The number of moves and the placement of blocks together make each game
+  unique. The minimum number of moves for the various puzzles are:</p>
+  <table frame="all" rules="rows cols">
+    <tr>
+      <th><p>Puzzle</p></th> <th><p>Minimum number of moves</p></th>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><p>Only 18 Steps</p></td> <td><p>18</p></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><p>Daisy</p></td> <td><p>28</p></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><p>Violet</p></td> <td><p>27</p></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><p>Poppy</p></td> <td><p>40</p></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><p>Pansy</p></td> <td><p>28</p></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><p>Snowdrop</p></td> <td><p>46</p></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><p>Red Donkey</p></td> <td><p>81</p></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><p>Trail</p></td> <td><p>102</p></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><p>Ambush</p></td> <td><p>120</p></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><p>Agatka</p></td> <td><p>30</p></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><p>Success</p></td> <td><p>25</p></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><p>Bone</p></td> <td><p>14</p></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><p>Fortune</p></td> <td><p>24</p></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><p>Fool</p></td> <td><p>29</p></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><p>Solomon</p></td> <td><p>29</p></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><p>Cleopatra</p></td> <td><p>31</p></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><p>Shark</p></td> <td><p>48</p></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><p>Rome</p></td> <td><p>38</p></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><p>Pennant Puzzle</p></td> <td><p>59</p></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><p>Ithaca</p></td> <td><p>?</p></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><p>Pelopones</p></td> <td><p>25</p></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><p>Lodzianka</p></td> <td><p>21</p></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><p>Polonaise</p></td> <td><p>23</p></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><p>Baltic Sea</p></td> <td><p>42</p></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><p>American Pie</p></td> <td><p>?</p></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><p>Traffic Jam</p></td> <td><p>132</p></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><p>Sunshine</p></td> <td><p>345</p></td>
+    </tr>
+  </table>
-  <steps>
-    <item>
-      <p>Select <gui style="menu">Klotski</gui> in the top bar, then select
-      <gui style="menuitem">Scores</gui>.</p>
-    </item>
-    <item>
-      <p>The dialog by default displays scores of the <gui>Only 18 Steps</gui>
-      puzzle. To view others, select the puzzle from the menu whose scores you
-      wish to see.</p>
-    </item>
-    <item>
-      <p>Click on <gui style="button">OK</gui> to close <gui>Scores</gui>.</p>
-    </item>
-  </steps>
+  </section>
diff --git a/help/C/start.page b/help/C/start.page
index 60cbdb2..3e7e80e 100644
--- a/help/C/start.page
+++ b/help/C/start.page
@@ -5,10 +5,9 @@
     <link type="guide" xref="index"/>
-    <link type="seealso" xref="rules"/>
-    <link type="seealso" xref="keyboard-shortcuts"/>
     <link type="seealso" xref="puzzles"/>
     <revision version="3.14" date="2015-01-27" status="review"/>
+    <revision version="3.15.90" date="2015-02-16" status="review"/>
     <credit type="author">
       <name>Rashi Aswani</name>
@@ -20,42 +19,21 @@
       <email its:translate="no">tyagishobha gmail com</email>
+    <credit type="editor">
+      <name>Michael Catanzaro</name>
+      <email its:translate="no">mcatanzaro gnome org</email>
+    </credit>
     <include href="legal.xml" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"; />
-    <desc>Play another game.</desc>
+    <desc>How do I start playing?</desc>
   <title>Start a new game</title>
-  <p><app>Klotski</app> offers a large collection of games.</p>
-  <steps>
-  <title><p>To play a new game:</p></title>
-    <item>
-      <p>Select <gui style="menu">Klotski</gui> in the top bar.</p>
-    </item>
-    <item>
-      <p>Select <gui style="menuitem">New Game</gui>.</p>
-    </item>
-  </steps>
-  <p>Click <gui type="button">Start over</gui> to restart the current game.</p>
-<section id="play-different-puzzles">
-  <title>Play a different puzzle</title>
-  <steps>
-    <item>
-      <p>To play a different puzzle, click on <gui style="button">View
-      Puzzles</gui>.</p>
-    </item>
-    <item>
-      <p>Click on <gui type="button">Next Puzzle</gui> or
-      <gui type="button">Previous Puzzle</gui>.</p>
-    </item>
-  </steps>
+  <p>When you open <app>Klotski</app>, a new game begins automatically. After
+  your first move, you can select <gui style="button">Start Over</gui> to
+  restart the puzzle that you are currently playing. You can also
+  <link xref="puzzles">switch to a different puzzle.</link></p>
diff --git a/help/Makefile.am b/help/Makefile.am
index bd64284..75f4952 100644
--- a/help/Makefile.am
+++ b/help/Makefile.am
@@ -4,10 +4,8 @@ HELP_ID = gnome-klotski
        index.page \
-       introduction.page \
        keyboard-shortcuts.page \
        legal.xml \
-       moves.page \
        puzzles.page \
        rules.page \
        scores.page \

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