[at-spi2-atk] Action tests added and some test framework refactor

commit 4c2aee06d56e5bff448411965139fe7913fd670d
Author: Patryk Kaczmarek <patryk k samsung com>
Date:   Mon Feb 16 15:15:42 2015 +0100

    Action tests added and some test framework refactor
      * Accessible Action Test addded
      * XML loader unificated for different Atk Object types
      * Atk Suite now can run single interface tests
      * get_root_obj function changed
      * Created tests utils for test unification
      * Makefile.am files formating changed and unused parts deleted
      * MyAtkObject attributes receiving fixed

 tests/Makefile.am              |   48 +++++---
 tests/README                   |    8 ++
 tests/atk-object-xml-loader.c  |  103 +++++++++------
 tests/atk_suite.c              |   32 ++++-
 tests/atk_suite.h              |    2 +
 tests/atk_test_accessible.c    |  211 ++++++++++++--------------------
 tests/atk_test_action.c        |  120 ++++++++++++++++++
 tests/atk_test_util.c          |   80 ++++++++++++
 tests/atk_test_util.h          |   45 +++++++
 tests/data/test-accessible.xml |   16 +++
 tests/data/test-action.xml     |   11 ++
 tests/dummyatk/Makefile.am     |   19 ++--
 tests/dummyatk/my-atk-action.c |  270 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/dummyatk/my-atk-action.h |   63 +++++++++
 tests/dummyatk/my-atk-object.c |   45 ++-----
 tests/dummyatk/my-atk-object.h |   12 ++
 tests/dummyatk/my-atk.h        |    1 +
 tests/test-application.c       |    7 +-
 18 files changed, 848 insertions(+), 245 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tests/Makefile.am b/tests/Makefile.am
index c8d9a3a..c03d3fe 100644
--- a/tests/Makefile.am
+++ b/tests/Makefile.am
@@ -2,28 +2,30 @@ SUBDIRS = dummyatk
 noinst_PROGRAMS = atk-test app-test
 TESTS = atk-test
-lib_LTLIBRARIES =libxmlloader.la
+lib_LTLIBRARIES =libxmlloader.la libtestutils.la
 atk_test_CFLAGS = $(DBUS_CFLAGS) \
-                     -I$(top_builddir)\
-                     $(GLIB_CFLAGS) \
-                     $(ATSPI_CFLAGS) \
-                     -I$(top_srcdir)/tests/dummyatk/ \
-                     -I$(top_srcdir)/tests/dummyatk/.libs \
-                     -I$(top_srcdir)/tests/dummyatk/.deps \
-                     -I$(top_srcdir)
+                  $(GLIB_CFLAGS) \
+                  $(ATSPI_CFLAGS) \
+                  -I$(top_builddir)\
+                  -I$(top_srcdir)/tests/dummyatk/ \
+                  -I$(top_srcdir)/tests/dummyatk/.libs \
+                  -I$(top_srcdir)/tests/dummyatk/.deps \
+                  -I$(top_srcdir)
 atk_test_LDFLAGS  = libxmlloader.la \
-                       $(GLIB_LIBS) \
-                       $(ATSPI_LIBS) \
-                       $(top_srcdir)/tests/dummyatk/libdummyatk.la
+                    libtestutils.la \
+                    $(GLIB_LIBS) \
+                    $(ATSPI_LIBS) \
+                    $(top_srcdir)/tests/dummyatk/libdummyatk.la
 atk_test_CPPFLAGS = -DTESTS_BUILD_DIR=\"$(top_builddir)/tests\" \
                     -DTESTS_SRC_DIR=\"$(top_srcdir)/tests\" \
 atk_test_SOURCES = atk_suite.c \
-                   atk_test_accessible.c
+                   atk_test_accessible.c \
+                   atk_test_action.c
 app_test_CFLAGS = -I$(top_builddir) \
                    $(GLIB_CFLAGS) \
@@ -32,6 +34,7 @@ app_test_CFLAGS = -I$(top_builddir) \
 app_test_LDFLAGS = libxmlloader.la \
+                   libtestutils.la \
                    $(GLIB_LIBS) \
                    $(ATK_LIBS) \
                    $(top_srcdir)/tests/dummyatk/libdummyatk.la \
@@ -39,20 +42,27 @@ app_test_LDFLAGS = libxmlloader.la \
 app_test_SOURCES = test-application.c
-libxmlloader_la_CFLAGS = \
-                         $(GLIB_CFLAGS) \
+libxmlloader_la_CFLAGS = $(GLIB_CFLAGS) \
                          $(GOBJ_CFLAGS)  \
                          $(XML_CFLAGS) \
                          $(ATK_CFLAGS) \
-libxmlloader_la_LIBADD = \
-                         $(GLIB_LIBS) \
+libxmlloader_la_LIBADD = $(GLIB_LIBS) \
                          $(XML_LIBS) \
                          $(GOBJ_LIBS) \
                          $(top_srcdir)/tests/dummyatk/libdummyatk.la \
-libxmlloader_la_SOURCES =\
-                         atk-object-xml-loader.c\
-                         atk-object-xml-loader.h
+libxmlloader_la_SOURCES = atk-object-xml-loader.c\
+                          atk-object-xml-loader.h
+libtestutils_la_CFLAGS = -I$(top_builddir) \
+                         $(GLIB_CFLAGS) \
+                         $(ATSPI_CFLAGS)
+libtestutils_la_LIBADD = $(GLIB_LIBS) \
+                         $(ATSPI_LIBS)
+libtestutils_la_SOURCES = atk_test_util.c \
+                          atk_test_util.h
diff --git a/tests/README b/tests/README
index b48cb51..b49f270 100644
--- a/tests/README
+++ b/tests/README
@@ -72,3 +72,11 @@ AVAILABLE TESTS:
+- Action:
+             -get_action_interface
+             -action_get_action_description
+             -action_get_action_name
+             -action_get_n_actions
+             -action_get_key_binding
+             -action_get_localized_name
+             -action_do_action
diff --git a/tests/atk-object-xml-loader.c b/tests/atk-object-xml-loader.c
index a05b4ea..2174584 100644
--- a/tests/atk-object-xml-loader.c
+++ b/tests/atk-object-xml-loader.c
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
 #include "my-atk.h"
 #define ACCESSIBLE_NODE ((const xmlChar *) "accessible")
+#define ACC_ACTION_NODE ((const xmlChar *) "accessible_action")
+#define ACTION_NODE ((const xmlChar *) "action")
 #define INTERFACE_NODE  ((const xmlChar *) "interface")
 #define RELATION_NODE ((const xmlChar *) "relation")
 #define STATE_NODE ((const xmlChar *) "state")
@@ -40,22 +42,26 @@
 #define RELATION_TYPE_ATTR ((const xmlChar *) "relation_type")
 #define RELATION_TARGET_NAME_ATTR ((const xmlChar *) "target_name")
 #define STATE_TYPE_ATTR ((const xmlChar *) "state_enum")
+#define ACTION_NAME_ATTR ((const xmlChar *) "action_name")
+#define ACTION_DES_ATTR ((const xmlChar *) "action_description")
+#define ACTION_KEY_BIND_ATTR ((const xmlChar *) "key_binding")
 MyAtkObject *relation_target = NULL;
-static MyAtkObject *
+static gpointer
 create_atk_object_from_element (xmlNode *element)
   xmlNode *child_node;
   xmlNode *child_node2;
-  MyAtkObject *obj = NULL;
-  MyAtkObject *child_obj = NULL;
+  gpointer obj;
+  gpointer child_obj;
   AtkRelationSet *relation_set = NULL;
   AtkObject *array[1];
   AtkRelation *relation;
   AtkStateSet *state_set = NULL;
   AtkStateType state_type;
+  AtkAction *action;
   xmlChar *name;
   xmlChar *description;
@@ -65,51 +71,66 @@ create_atk_object_from_element (xmlNode *element)
   xmlChar *role;
   gint relation_type;
   xmlChar *relation_target_name;
-  GType type = MY_TYPE_ATK_OBJECT;
+  xmlChar *action_name;
+  xmlChar *action_des;
+  xmlChar *action_key_bind;
   name = xmlGetProp (element, NAME_ATTR);
   description = xmlGetProp (element, DESC_ATTR);
   role = xmlGetProp (element, ROLE_ATTR);
   type_text = xmlGetProp (element, TYPE_ATTR);
+  GType type = MY_TYPE_ATK_OBJECT;
+  if (!xmlStrcmp (element->name, ACCESSIBLE_NODE))
+    type = MY_TYPE_ATK_OBJECT;
+  if (!xmlStrcmp (element->name, ACC_ACTION_NODE))
+    type = MY_TYPE_ATK_ACTION;
-  obj = MY_ATK_OBJECT (g_object_new (type,
-                                     "accessible-name", name,
-                                     "accessible-description", description,
-                                     "accessible-role", atk_role_for_name (role),
-                                     NULL));
+  obj = g_object_new (type,
+                      "accessible-name", name,
+                      "accessible-description", description,
+                      "accessible-role", atk_role_for_name (role),
+                      NULL);
   child_node = element->xmlChildrenNode;
   while (child_node != NULL) {
-    if (!xmlStrcmp(child_node->name, ACCESSIBLE_NODE)) {
-      child_obj = create_atk_object_from_element(child_node);
-      my_atk_object_add_child(obj, child_obj);
-      child_node2 = child_node->xmlChildrenNode;
-      while (child_node2 != NULL) {
-        if (!xmlStrcmp (child_node2->name, RELATION_NODE)) {
-          relation_type_text = xmlGetProp (child_node2, RELATION_TYPE_ATTR);
-          relation_type = atoi (relation_type_text);
-          relation_target_name = xmlGetProp (child_node2, RELATION_TARGET_NAME_ATTR);
-          relation_set = atk_object_ref_relation_set (ATK_OBJECT(child_obj));
-          array[0] = ATK_OBJECT (obj);
-          relation = atk_relation_new (array, 1, relation_type);
-          atk_relation_new (array, 1, relation_type);
-          atk_relation_set_add (relation_set, relation);
-          g_object_unref (relation);
-          g_object_unref (relation_set);
-          xmlFree (relation_target_name);
-          xmlFree (relation_type_text);
-        }
-        if (!xmlStrcmp (child_node2->name, STATE_NODE)) {
-          state_set = atk_object_ref_state_set (ATK_OBJECT(child_obj));
-          state_enum = xmlGetProp (child_node2, STATE_TYPE_ATTR);
-          state_type = atk_state_type_for_name (state_enum);
-          atk_state_set_add_state (state_set, state_type);
-          g_object_unref (state_set);
-          xmlFree (state_enum);
-        }
-        child_node2 = child_node2->next;
+    if (!xmlStrcmp (child_node->name, ACCESSIBLE_NODE) ||
+        !xmlStrcmp (child_node->name, ACC_ACTION_NODE)) {
+      child_obj = create_atk_object_from_element (child_node);
+      my_atk_object_add_child (obj, child_obj);
+    }
+    child_node2 = child_node->xmlChildrenNode;
+    while (child_node2 != NULL) {
+      if (!xmlStrcmp (child_node2->name, RELATION_NODE)) {
+        relation_type_text = xmlGetProp (child_node2, RELATION_TYPE_ATTR);
+        relation_type = atoi (relation_type_text);
+        relation_target_name = xmlGetProp (child_node2, RELATION_TARGET_NAME_ATTR);
+        relation_set = atk_object_ref_relation_set (ATK_OBJECT (child_obj));
+        array[0] = ATK_OBJECT (obj);
+        relation = atk_relation_new (array, 1, relation_type);
+        atk_relation_new (array, 1, relation_type);
+        atk_relation_set_add (relation_set, relation);
+        g_object_unref (relation);
+        g_object_unref (relation_set);
+        xmlFree (relation_target_name);
+        xmlFree (relation_type_text);
+      }
+      if (!xmlStrcmp (child_node2->name, STATE_NODE)) {
+        state_set = atk_object_ref_state_set (ATK_OBJECT (child_obj));
+        state_enum = xmlGetProp (child_node2, STATE_TYPE_ATTR);
+        state_type = atk_state_type_for_name (state_enum);
+        atk_state_set_add_state (state_set, state_type);
+        g_object_unref (state_set);
+        xmlFree (state_enum);
+      if (!xmlStrcmp (child_node2->name, ACTION_NODE)) {
+        action_name = xmlGetProp (child_node2, ACTION_NAME_ATTR);
+        action_des = xmlGetProp (child_node2, ACTION_DES_ATTR);
+        action_key_bind = xmlGetProp (child_node2, ACTION_KEY_BIND_ATTR);
+        my_atk_action_add_action (child_obj, action_name, action_des, action_key_bind);
+      }
+      child_node2 = child_node2->next;
     child_node = child_node->next;
@@ -134,8 +155,10 @@ atk_object_xml_parse (gchar *filename)
   root_element = xmlDocGetRootElement (doc);
-  if (!xmlStrcmp (root_element->name, ACCESSIBLE_NODE))
-    new_atk_object = create_atk_object_from_element (root_element);
+  if (!root_element)
+    return NULL;
+  new_atk_object = create_atk_object_from_element (root_element);
   xmlFreeDoc (doc);
   return new_atk_object;
diff --git a/tests/atk_suite.c b/tests/atk_suite.c
index 0c8a21b..0afb0ea 100644
--- a/tests/atk_suite.c
+++ b/tests/atk_suite.c
@@ -27,19 +27,21 @@
 #include <sys/wait.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include "atk_suite.h"
+#include "atk_test_util.h"
 static gchar *tdata_list = NULL;
+static gchar *one_test = NULL;
 typedef struct _Atk_Test_Case Atk_Test_Case;
-struct _Atk_Test_Case
+struct _Atk_Test_Case {
   const char *test_case;
   void (*build)( void);
 static const Atk_Test_Case atc[] = {
   { ATK_TEST_PATH_ACCESSIBLE, atk_test_accessible },
+  { ATK_TEST_PATH_ACTION, atk_test_action },
   { NULL, NULL}
@@ -59,11 +61,12 @@ atk_suite_build (int argc, char **argv )
   g_test_init (&argc, &argv, NULL);
   atk_test_accessible ();
+  atk_test_action ();
-static GOptionEntry optentries[] =
+static GOptionEntry optentries[] = {
   {"list", 'l', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &tdata_list, "Display all available test cases", NULL},
+  {"separate", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &one_test, "Run only NAME test", "NAME"},
@@ -85,9 +88,28 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
     return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+  clean_exit_on_fail ();
+  if (one_test) {
+    if (!g_strcmp0 (one_test, "Accessible")) {
+      g_test_init (&argc, &argv, NULL);
+      atk_test_accessible ();
+      test_result = g_test_run ();
+      return (test_result == 0 ) ? 0 : 255;
+    }
+    if (!g_strcmp0 (one_test, "Action")) {
+      g_test_init (&argc, &argv, NULL);
+      atk_test_action ();
+      test_result = g_test_run ();
+      return (test_result == 0 ) ? 0 : 255;
+    }
+    g_print ("Unknown test name\n");
+    _list_tests ();
+    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+  }
   atk_suite_build (argc, argv);
   test_result = g_test_run ();
-  return ( test_result == 0 ) ? 0 : 255;
+  return (test_result == 0 ) ? 0 : 255;
diff --git a/tests/atk_suite.h b/tests/atk_suite.h
index 59b3892..2ac7e58 100644
--- a/tests/atk_suite.h
+++ b/tests/atk_suite.h
@@ -26,7 +26,9 @@
 #include <atspi/atspi.h>
 #define ATK_TEST_PATH_ACCESSIBLE (const char *)"/Accessible"
+#define ATK_TEST_PATH_ACTION (const char *)"/Action"
 void atk_test_accessible (void);
+void atk_test_action (void);
 #endif /* _ATK_SUITE_H */
diff --git a/tests/atk_test_accessible.c b/tests/atk_test_accessible.c
index 50ae9da..e6aeb2f 100644
--- a/tests/atk_test_accessible.c
+++ b/tests/atk_test_accessible.c
@@ -20,67 +20,10 @@
  * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <glib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/wait.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <locale.h>
 #include "atk_suite.h"
+#include "atk_test_util.h"
-#define DATA_FILE TESTS_DATA_DIR"/test.xml"
-pid_t child_pid;
-run_app (void)
-  int i=0;
-  child_pid = fork ();
-  if (child_pid == 0) {
-    execlp ("./app-test",
-            "./app-test",
-            "--test-data-file",
-            DATA_FILE,
-            NULL);
-    _exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
-  }
-AtspiAccessible * get_root_obj (void)
-  int i;
-  AtspiAccessible *obj= NULL;
-  run_app ();
-  /* sleep is needed to wait for forked test application */
-  sleep (1);
-  obj = atspi_get_desktop (0);
-  gint child_count = atspi_accessible_get_child_count (obj, NULL);
-  if (child_count < 1) {
-    g_test_message ("Fail, test application not found\n");
-    g_test_fail ();
-    kill (child_pid, SIGTERM);
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  for (i=0; i<child_count; i++) {
-    AtspiAccessible *child = atspi_accessible_get_child_at_index (obj,i, NULL);
-    if (!strcmp (atspi_accessible_get_name (child, NULL), "root_object"))
-      return child;
-  }
-  g_test_message ("test object not found\n");
-  g_test_fail ();
-  kill (child_pid, SIGTERM);
-  return NULL;
+#define DATA_FILE TESTS_DATA_DIR"/test-accessible.xml"
 static void
 teardown_accessible_test (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
@@ -91,21 +34,21 @@ teardown_accessible_test (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
 static void
 atk_test_accessible_get_name (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
-  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj ();
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
   g_assert_cmpstr (atspi_accessible_get_name (obj, NULL), ==, "root_object");
 static void
 atk_test_accessible_get_description (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
-  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj ();
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
   g_assert_cmpstr (atspi_accessible_get_description (obj, NULL), ==, "Root of the accessible tree" );
 static void
 atk_test_accessible_get_child_count (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
-  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj ();
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
   gint child_c = atspi_accessible_get_child_count (obj, NULL);
   g_assert_cmpint ( 3, ==, child_c );
@@ -113,7 +56,7 @@ atk_test_accessible_get_child_count (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
 static void
 atk_test_accessible_get_parent (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
-  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj ();
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
   AtspiAccessible *child = atspi_accessible_get_child_at_index (obj, 0, NULL );
   AtspiAccessible *parent = atspi_accessible_get_parent (child, NULL );
   g_assert (parent == obj );
@@ -122,7 +65,7 @@ atk_test_accessible_get_parent (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
 static void
 atk_test_accessible_get_child_at_index (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
-  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj ();
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
   AtspiAccessible *child = atspi_accessible_get_child_at_index (obj, 1, NULL );
   g_assert_cmpstr (atspi_accessible_get_name (child, NULL), ==, "obj2");
@@ -130,7 +73,7 @@ atk_test_accessible_get_child_at_index (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_dat
 static void
 atk_test_accessible_get_index_in_parent (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
-  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj ();
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
   AtspiAccessible *child = atspi_accessible_get_child_at_index (obj, 2, NULL);
   int index = atspi_accessible_get_index_in_parent (child, NULL);
   g_assert_cmpint (index, ==, 2);
@@ -139,7 +82,7 @@ atk_test_accessible_get_index_in_parent (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_da
 static void
 atk_test_accessible_get_relation_set_1 (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
-  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj ();
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
   AtspiAccessible *child1 = atspi_accessible_get_child_at_index (obj, 1, NULL);
   AtspiAccessible *child = atspi_accessible_get_child_at_index (child1, 0, NULL);
   GArray *rel_set = atspi_accessible_get_relation_set (child, NULL);
@@ -149,8 +92,8 @@ atk_test_accessible_get_relation_set_1 (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_dat
 static void
 atk_test_accessible_get_relation_set_2 (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
-  AtspiAccessible *root_object = get_root_obj ();
-  AtspiAccessible *obj2 = atspi_accessible_get_child_at_index (root_object, 1, NULL);
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
+  AtspiAccessible *obj2 = atspi_accessible_get_child_at_index (obj, 1, NULL);
   AtspiAccessible *obj2_1 = atspi_accessible_get_child_at_index (obj2, 0, NULL);
   GArray *rel_set = atspi_accessible_get_relation_set (obj2_1, NULL);
   int i=0;
@@ -166,7 +109,7 @@ atk_test_accessible_get_relation_set_2 (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_dat
 static void
 atk_test_accessible_get_role (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
-  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj ();
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
   AtspiRole root_role = atspi_accessible_get_role (obj, NULL);
   g_assert_cmpint (root_role, ==, ATSPI_ROLE_ACCELERATOR_LABEL);
@@ -174,7 +117,7 @@ atk_test_accessible_get_role (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
 static void
 atk_test_accessible_get_role_name (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
-  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj ();
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
   gchar *root_role_name = atspi_accessible_get_role_name (obj, NULL);
   g_assert_cmpstr (root_role_name, ==, "accelerator label");
@@ -182,7 +125,7 @@ atk_test_accessible_get_role_name (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
 static void
 atk_test_accessible_get_localized_role_name (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
-  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj();
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
   gchar *root_role_name = atspi_accessible_get_localized_role_name (obj, NULL);
   g_assert_cmpstr (root_role_name, ==, "accelerator label");
@@ -190,7 +133,7 @@ atk_test_accessible_get_localized_role_name (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer use
 static void
 atk_test_accessible_get_state_set (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
-  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj ();
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
   AtspiAccessible *child = atspi_accessible_get_child_at_index (obj, 0, NULL);
   AtspiStateSet *states = atspi_accessible_get_state_set (child);
   GArray *states_arr = atspi_state_set_get_states (states);
@@ -211,13 +154,13 @@ atk_test_accessible_get_state_set (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
 static void
 atk_test_accessible_get_attributes (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
-  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj ();
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
   GHashTable *attr_hash_tab = atspi_accessible_get_attributes (obj, NULL);
   GHashTableIter iter;
   gpointer key, value;
-  gchar *valid_keys[] = { "baz", "quux",  "foo" };
-  gchar *valid_values[] = { "qux", "corge", "bar" };
+  gchar *valid_keys[] = { "atspi" };
+  gchar *valid_values[] = { "test" };
   g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, attr_hash_tab );
   int i = 0;
@@ -231,11 +174,11 @@ atk_test_accessible_get_attributes (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
 static void
 atk_test_accessible_get_attributes_as_array (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
-  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj ();
-  gchar *valid_attr[] = { "foo:bar", "baz:qux", "quux:corge", NULL };
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
+  gchar *valid_attr[] = { "atspi:test", NULL };
   GArray *attr_arr = atspi_accessible_get_attributes_as_array ( obj, NULL);
   int i = 0;
-  g_assert (attr_arr->len == 3);
+  g_assert (attr_arr->len == (sizeof(valid_attr)/sizeof(gchar *))-1);
   for( i = 0; i < attr_arr->len; ++i) {
     g_assert_cmpstr (valid_attr[i], ==, g_array_index (attr_arr, gchar *, i));
@@ -244,7 +187,7 @@ atk_test_accessible_get_attributes_as_array (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer use
 static void
 atk_test_accessible_get_toolkit_name (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
-  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj ();
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
   gchar *toolkit_name = atspi_accessible_get_toolkit_name (obj, NULL);
   g_assert_cmpstr (toolkit_name, ==, "atspitesting-toolkit");
@@ -253,7 +196,7 @@ atk_test_accessible_get_toolkit_name (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
 static void
 atk_test_accessible_get_toolkit_version (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
-  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj ();
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
   gchar *toolkit_ver = atspi_accessible_get_toolkit_version (obj, NULL);
   /* should be empty string, because no value is setted */
   g_assert_cmpstr (toolkit_ver, ==, "");
@@ -262,7 +205,7 @@ atk_test_accessible_get_toolkit_version (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_da
 static void
 atk_test_accessible_get_atspi_version (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
-  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj ();
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
   gchar *atspi_version = atspi_accessible_get_atspi_version (obj, NULL);
   g_assert_cmpstr (atspi_version, ==, "2.0");
@@ -270,7 +213,7 @@ atk_test_accessible_get_atspi_version (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data
 static void
 atk_test_accessible_get_id (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
-  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj ();
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
   gint app_id = atspi_accessible_get_id (obj, NULL);
   g_assert_cmpint (app_id, !=, -1);
@@ -278,7 +221,7 @@ atk_test_accessible_get_id (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
 static void
 atk_test_accessible_get_application (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
-  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj ();
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
   AtspiAccessible *app = atspi_accessible_get_application (obj, NULL);
   g_assert (app != NULL);
@@ -286,7 +229,7 @@ atk_test_accessible_get_application (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
 static void
 atk_test_accessible_get_action_iface (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
-  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj ();
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
   AtspiAction *iface = atspi_accessible_get_action_iface (obj);
   g_assert (iface == NULL);
@@ -294,7 +237,7 @@ atk_test_accessible_get_action_iface (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
 static void
 atk_test_accessible_get_collection_iface (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
-  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj ();
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
   AtspiCollection *iface = atspi_accessible_get_collection_iface (obj);
   g_assert (iface != NULL);
@@ -302,7 +245,7 @@ atk_test_accessible_get_collection_iface (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_d
 static void
 atk_test_accessible_get_component_iface (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
-  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj ();
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
   AtspiComponent *iface = atspi_accessible_get_component_iface (obj);
   g_assert (iface == NULL);
@@ -310,7 +253,7 @@ atk_test_accessible_get_component_iface (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_da
 static void
 atk_test_accessible_get_document_iface (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
-  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj ();
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
   AtspiDocument *iface = atspi_accessible_get_document_iface (obj);
   g_assert (iface == NULL);
@@ -318,7 +261,7 @@ atk_test_accessible_get_document_iface (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_dat
 static void
 atk_test_accessible_get_editable_text_iface (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
-  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj ();
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
   AtspiEditableText *iface = atspi_accessible_get_editable_text_iface (obj);
   g_assert (iface == NULL);
@@ -326,7 +269,7 @@ atk_test_accessible_get_editable_text_iface (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer use
 static void
 atk_test_accessible_get_hypertext_iface (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
-  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj ();
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
   AtspiHypertext *iface = atspi_accessible_get_hypertext_iface (obj);
   g_assert (iface == NULL);
@@ -334,7 +277,7 @@ atk_test_accessible_get_hypertext_iface (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_da
 static void
 atk_test_accessible_get_image_iface (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
-  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj ();
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
   AtspiImage *iface = atspi_accessible_get_image_iface (obj);
   g_assert (iface == NULL);
@@ -342,7 +285,7 @@ atk_test_accessible_get_image_iface (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
 static void
 atk_test_accessible_get_selection_iface (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
-  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj ();
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
   AtspiSelection *iface = atspi_accessible_get_selection_iface (obj);
   g_assert (iface == NULL);
@@ -350,7 +293,7 @@ atk_test_accessible_get_selection_iface (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_da
 static void
 atk_test_accessible_get_table_iface (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
-  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj ();
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
   AtspiTable *iface = atspi_accessible_get_table_iface (obj);
   g_assert (iface == NULL);
@@ -358,7 +301,7 @@ atk_test_accessible_get_table_iface (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
 static void
 atk_test_accessible_get_text_iface (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
-  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj ();
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
   AtspiText *iface = atspi_accessible_get_text_iface (obj);
   g_assert (iface == NULL);
@@ -366,7 +309,7 @@ atk_test_accessible_get_text_iface (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
 static void
 atk_test_accessible_get_value_iface (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
-  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj ();
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
   AtspiValue *iface = atspi_accessible_get_value_iface (obj);
   g_assert (iface == NULL);
@@ -374,7 +317,7 @@ atk_test_accessible_get_value_iface (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
 static void
 atk_test_accessible_get_interfaces (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
-  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj();
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
   gchar *valid_obj_ifaces[] = { "Accessible", "Collection" };
   GArray *ifaces = atspi_accessible_get_interfaces (obj);
@@ -387,7 +330,7 @@ atk_test_accessible_get_interfaces (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
 static void
 atk_test_accessible_get_object_locale (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
-  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj ();
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
   const gchar *obj_locale = atspi_accessible_get_object_locale (obj, NULL);
   g_assert_cmpstr (obj_locale, ==, setlocale (LC_MESSAGES, NULL));
@@ -395,7 +338,7 @@ atk_test_accessible_get_object_locale (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data
 static void
 atk_test_accessible_set_cache_mask (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
-  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj ();
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
   AtspiCache cache_mask = ATSPI_CACHE_ROLE;
   atspi_accessible_set_cache_mask (obj, cache_mask);
   g_assert_cmpint (obj->parent.app->cache, ==, cache_mask);
@@ -413,7 +356,7 @@ atk_test_check_cache_cleared (AtspiAccessible *obj)
 static void
 atk_test_accessible_clear_cache (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
-  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj ();
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
   atspi_accessible_clear_cache (obj);
   atk_test_check_cache_cleared (obj);
@@ -421,7 +364,7 @@ atk_test_accessible_clear_cache (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
 static void
 atk_test_accessible_get_process_id (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
-  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj ();
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
   guint proc_id = atspi_accessible_get_process_id (obj, NULL);
   g_assert_cmpint (proc_id, ==, child_pid);
@@ -430,73 +373,73 @@ void
 atk_test_accessible(void )
   g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACCESSIBLE "/atk_test_accesible_get_name",
-    0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_name, teardown_accessible_test );
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_name, teardown_accessible_test );
   g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACCESSIBLE "/atk_test_accessible_get_description",
-    0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_description, teardown_accessible_test );
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_description, teardown_accessible_test );
   g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACCESSIBLE "/atk_test_accessible_get_child_count",
-    0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_child_count, teardown_accessible_test );
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_child_count, teardown_accessible_test );
   g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACCESSIBLE "/atk_test_accessible_get_parent",
-    0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_parent, teardown_accessible_test );
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_parent, teardown_accessible_test );
   g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACCESSIBLE "/atk_test_accessible_get_child_at_index",
-    0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_child_at_index, teardown_accessible_test );
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_child_at_index, teardown_accessible_test );
   g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACCESSIBLE "/atk_test_accessible_get_index_in_parent",
-    0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_index_in_parent, teardown_accessible_test );
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_index_in_parent, teardown_accessible_test );
   g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACCESSIBLE "/atk_test_accessible_get_relation_set_1",
-    0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_relation_set_1, teardown_accessible_test );
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_relation_set_1, teardown_accessible_test );
   g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACCESSIBLE "/atk_test_accessible_get_relation_set_2",
-    0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_relation_set_2, teardown_accessible_test );
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_relation_set_2, teardown_accessible_test );
   g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACCESSIBLE "/atk_test_accessible_get_role",
-    0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_role, teardown_accessible_test );
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_role, teardown_accessible_test );
   g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACCESSIBLE "/atk_test_accessible_get_role_name",
-    0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_role_name, teardown_accessible_test );
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_role_name, teardown_accessible_test );
   g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACCESSIBLE "/atk_test_accessible_get_localized_role_name",
-    0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_localized_role_name, teardown_accessible_test );
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_localized_role_name, teardown_accessible_test );
   g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACCESSIBLE "/atk_test_accessible_get_state_set",
-    0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_state_set, teardown_accessible_test );
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_state_set, teardown_accessible_test );
   g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACCESSIBLE "/atk_test_accessible_get_attributes",
-    0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_attributes, teardown_accessible_test );
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_attributes, teardown_accessible_test );
   g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACCESSIBLE "/atk_test_accessible_get_attributes_as_array",
-    0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_attributes_as_array, teardown_accessible_test );
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_attributes_as_array, teardown_accessible_test );
   g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACCESSIBLE "/atk_test_accessible_get_toolkit_name",
-    0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_toolkit_name, teardown_accessible_test );
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_toolkit_name, teardown_accessible_test );
   g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACCESSIBLE "/atk_test_accessible_get_toolkit_version",
-    0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_toolkit_version, teardown_accessible_test );
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_toolkit_version, teardown_accessible_test );
   g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACCESSIBLE "/atk_test_accessible_get_atspi_version",
-    0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_atspi_version, teardown_accessible_test );
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_atspi_version, teardown_accessible_test );
   g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACCESSIBLE "/atk_test_accessible_get_id",
-    0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_id, teardown_accessible_test );
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_id, teardown_accessible_test );
   g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACCESSIBLE "/atk_test_accessible_get_application",
-    0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_application, teardown_accessible_test );
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_application, teardown_accessible_test );
   g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACCESSIBLE "/atk_test_accessible_get_action_iface",
-    0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_action_iface, teardown_accessible_test );
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_action_iface, teardown_accessible_test );
   g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACCESSIBLE "/atk_test_accessible_get_collection_iface",
-    0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_collection_iface, teardown_accessible_test );
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_collection_iface, teardown_accessible_test );
   g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACCESSIBLE "/atk_test_accessible_get_component_iface",
-    0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_component_iface, teardown_accessible_test );
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_component_iface, teardown_accessible_test );
   g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACCESSIBLE "/atk_test_accessible_get_document_iface",
-    0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_document_iface, teardown_accessible_test );
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_document_iface, teardown_accessible_test );
   g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACCESSIBLE "/atk_test_accessible_get_editable_text_iface",
-    0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_editable_text_iface, teardown_accessible_test );
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_editable_text_iface, teardown_accessible_test );
   g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACCESSIBLE "/atk_test_accessible_get_hypertext_iface",
-    0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_hypertext_iface, teardown_accessible_test );
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_hypertext_iface, teardown_accessible_test );
   g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACCESSIBLE "/atk_test_accessible_get_image_iface",
-    0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_image_iface, teardown_accessible_test );
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_image_iface, teardown_accessible_test );
   g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACCESSIBLE "/atk_test_accessible_get_selection_iface",
-    0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_selection_iface, teardown_accessible_test );
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_selection_iface, teardown_accessible_test );
   g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACCESSIBLE "/atk_test_accessible_get_table_iface",
-    0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_table_iface, teardown_accessible_test );
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_table_iface, teardown_accessible_test );
   g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACCESSIBLE "/atk_test_accessible_get_text_iface",
-    0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_text_iface, teardown_accessible_test );
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_text_iface, teardown_accessible_test );
   g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACCESSIBLE "/atk_test_accessible_get_value_iface",
-    0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_value_iface, teardown_accessible_test );
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_value_iface, teardown_accessible_test );
   g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACCESSIBLE "/atk_test_accessible_get_interfaces",
-    0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_interfaces, teardown_accessible_test );
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_interfaces, teardown_accessible_test );
   g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACCESSIBLE "/atk_test_accessible_get_object_locale",
-    0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_object_locale, teardown_accessible_test );
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_object_locale, teardown_accessible_test );
   g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACCESSIBLE "/atk_test_accessible_set_cache_mask",
-    0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_set_cache_mask, teardown_accessible_test );
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_set_cache_mask, teardown_accessible_test );
   g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACCESSIBLE "/atk_test_accessible_clear_cache",
-    0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_clear_cache, teardown_accessible_test );
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_clear_cache, teardown_accessible_test );
   g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACCESSIBLE "/atk_test_accessible_get_process_id",
-    0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_process_id, teardown_accessible_test );
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_accessible_get_process_id, teardown_accessible_test );
diff --git a/tests/atk_test_action.c b/tests/atk_test_action.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa79d1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/atk_test_action.c
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ * AT-SPI - Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface
+ * (Gnome Accessibility Project; https://wiki.gnome.org/Accessibility)
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2015 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Library General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "atk_suite.h"
+#include "atk_test_util.h"
+#define DATA_FILE TESTS_DATA_DIR"/test-action.xml"
+static void
+teardown_action_test (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
+  kill (child_pid, SIGTERM);
+static void
+atk_test_action_sample_get_interface (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
+  g_assert_cmpstr (atspi_accessible_get_name (obj, NULL), ==, "root_object");
+  AtspiAccessible *child = atspi_accessible_get_child_at_index (obj,1, NULL);
+  AtspiAction *iface = atspi_accessible_get_action_iface (child);
+  g_assert (iface != NULL);
+static void
+atk_test_action_get_action_description (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
+  AtspiAccessible *child = atspi_accessible_get_child_at_index (obj,1, NULL);
+  AtspiAction *action = atspi_accessible_get_action_iface (child);
+  g_assert_cmpstr (atspi_action_get_action_description (action, 0, NULL), == ,"action1 description");
+static void
+atk_test_action_get_action_name (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
+  AtspiAccessible *child = atspi_accessible_get_child_at_index (obj,1, NULL);
+  AtspiAction *action = atspi_accessible_get_action_iface (child);
+  g_assert_cmpstr (atspi_action_get_action_name (action, 0, NULL), == ,"action1");
+static void
+atk_test_action_get_n_actions (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
+  AtspiAccessible *child = atspi_accessible_get_child_at_index (obj,1, NULL);
+  AtspiAction *action = atspi_accessible_get_action_iface (child);
+  g_assert_cmpint (atspi_action_get_n_actions (action, NULL), == , 2);
+static void
+atk_test_action_get_key_binding (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
+  AtspiAccessible *child = atspi_accessible_get_child_at_index (obj,1, NULL);
+  AtspiAction *action = atspi_accessible_get_action_iface (child);
+  g_assert_cmpstr (atspi_action_get_key_binding (action, 0, NULL), == ,"action1 key binding");
+static void
+atk_test_action_get_localized_name (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
+  AtspiAccessible *child = atspi_accessible_get_child_at_index (obj,1, NULL);
+  AtspiAction *action = atspi_accessible_get_action_iface (child);
+  g_assert_cmpstr (atspi_action_get_localized_name (action, 0, NULL), == ,"action1");
+static void
+atk_test_action_do_action (gpointer fixture, gconstpointer user_data)
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = get_root_obj (DATA_FILE);
+  AtspiAccessible *child = atspi_accessible_get_child_at_index (obj,1, NULL);
+  AtspiAction *action = atspi_accessible_get_action_iface (child);
+  g_assert (action != NULL);
+  atspi_action_do_action (action, 0, NULL);
+  atspi_accessible_clear_cache (obj);
+  AtspiStateSet *s = atspi_accessible_get_state_set (child);
+  GArray *array = atspi_state_set_get_states (s);
+  g_assert_cmpint (array->len, ==, 1);
+atk_test_action (void)
+  g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACTION "/atk_test_action_sample_get_interface",
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_action_sample_get_interface, teardown_action_test);
+  g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACTION "/atk_test_action_get_action_description",
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_action_get_action_description, teardown_action_test);
+  g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACTION "/atk_test_action_get_action_name",
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_action_get_action_name, teardown_action_test);
+  g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACTION "/atk_test_action_get_n_actions",
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_action_get_n_actions, teardown_action_test);
+  g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACTION "/atk_test_action_get_key_binding",
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_action_get_key_binding, teardown_action_test);
+  g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACTION "/atk_test_action_get_localized_name",
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_action_get_localized_name, teardown_action_test);
+  g_test_add_vtable (ATK_TEST_PATH_ACTION "/atk_test_action_do_action",
+                     0, NULL, NULL, atk_test_action_do_action, teardown_action_test);
diff --git a/tests/atk_test_util.c b/tests/atk_test_util.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22c791d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/atk_test_util.c
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ * AT-SPI - Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface
+ * (Gnome Accessibility Project; https://wiki.gnome.org/Accessibility)
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2015 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Library General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include <signal.h>
+#include "atk_test_util.h"
+static void assert_clean_exit (int sig)
+  kill (child_pid, SIGTERM);
+void clean_exit_on_fail ()
+  signal (SIGABRT, assert_clean_exit);
+run_app (const char *file_name)
+  int i=0;
+  child_pid = fork ();
+  if (child_pid == 0) {
+    execlp ("./app-test",
+            "./app-test",
+            "--test-data-file",
+            file_name,
+            NULL);
+    _exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);
+  }
+AtspiAccessible * get_root_obj (const char *file_name)
+  int i;
+  AtspiAccessible *obj = NULL;
+  run_app (file_name);
+  /* sleep is needed to wait for fored test application*/
+  sleep (1);
+  obj = atspi_get_desktop (0);
+  gint child_count = atspi_accessible_get_child_count (obj, NULL);
+  if (child_count < 1) {
+    g_test_message ("Fail, test application not found\n");
+    g_test_fail ();
+    kill (child_pid, SIGTERM);
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  for (i=0; i<child_count; i++) {
+    AtspiAccessible *child = atspi_accessible_get_child_at_index (obj,i, NULL);
+    if (!strcmp (atspi_accessible_get_name (child, NULL), "root_object"))
+      return child;
+  }
+  g_test_message ("test object not found\n");
+  g_test_fail ();
+  kill (child_pid, SIGTERM);
+  return NULL;
diff --git a/tests/atk_test_util.h b/tests/atk_test_util.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2376d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/atk_test_util.h
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ * AT-SPI - Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface
+ * (Gnome Accessibility Project; https://wiki.gnome.org/Accessibility)
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2015 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Library General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef _ATK_TEST_UTIL_H
+#define _ATK_TEST_UTIL_H
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <locale.h>
+#include "atk_suite.h"
+pid_t child_pid;
+void run_app (const char *file_name);
+AtspiAccessible *get_root_obj (const char *file_name);
+void clean_exit_on_fail ();
+#endif /* _ATK_TEST_UTIL_H */
diff --git a/tests/data/test-accessible.xml b/tests/data/test-accessible.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26728dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/test-accessible.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<accessible description="Root of the accessible tree" name="root_object" role="accelerator label">
+       <accessible description="first child" name="obj1" role="alert">
+               <state state_enum="modal"/>
+               <state state_enum="multi-line"/>
+       </accessible>
+       <accessible description="second child" name="obj2" role="animation">
+               <accessible description="first prechild" name="obj2/1" role="arrow">
+                       <relation relation_type="2" target_name="obj2"/>
+               </accessible>
+               <accessible description="second prechild" name="obj2/2" role="canvas"/>
+       </accessible>
+       <accessible description="third child" name="obj3" role="check box">
+               <accessible description="first prechild" name="obj3/1" role="check menu item"/>
+       </accessible>
diff --git a/tests/data/test-action.xml b/tests/data/test-action.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41ddf00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/test-action.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<accessible description="Root of the accessible tree" name="root_object" role="accelerator label">
+       <accessible description="first child" name="obj1" role="alert"/>
+       <accessible_action description="second child" name="obj2" role="application">
+               <action action_name="action1" action_description="action1 description" key_binding="action1 
key binding"/>
+               <action action_name="action2" action_description="action2 description" key_binding="action2 
key binding"/>
+       </accessible_action>
+       <accessible_action description="third child" name="obj3" role="push button">
+               <action action_name="action1" action_description="action1 description" key_binding="action1 
key binding"/>
+       </accessible_action>
diff --git a/tests/dummyatk/Makefile.am b/tests/dummyatk/Makefile.am
index ff018a9..631e986 100644
--- a/tests/dummyatk/Makefile.am
+++ b/tests/dummyatk/Makefile.am
@@ -1,18 +1,19 @@
 lib_LTLIBRARIES = libdummyatk.la
-libdummyatk_la_CFLAGS = $(ATK_CFLAGS)          \
-                       $(GMODULE_CFLAGS)       \
-                       $(GLIB_CFLAGS)          \
-                       $(GOBJ_CFLAGS)          \
+libdummyatk_la_CFLAGS = $(ATK_CFLAGS) \
+                       $(GLIB_CFLAGS) \
+                       $(GOBJ_CFLAGS) \
 libdummyatk_la_LDFLAGS = -no-undefined
-libdummyatk_la_LIBADD = $(ATK_LIBS)    \
-                       $(GMODULE_LIBS) \
-                       $(GLIB_LIBS)    \
+libdummyatk_la_LIBADD = $(ATK_LIBS) \
+                       $(GLIB_LIBS) \
-libdummyatk_la_SOURCES = my-atk-object.c       \
-                        my-atk-object.h        \
+libdummyatk_la_SOURCES = \
+                        my-atk-action.c \
+                        my-atk-action.h \
+                        my-atk-object.c \
+                        my-atk-object.h \
diff --git a/tests/dummyatk/my-atk-action.c b/tests/dummyatk/my-atk-action.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f02356
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dummyatk/my-atk-action.c
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+ * AT-SPI - Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface
+ * (Gnome Accessibility Project; https://wiki.gnome.org/Accessibility)
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2015 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Library General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <atk/atk.h>
+#include "my-atk-object.h"
+#include "my-atk-action.h"
+typedef struct _MyAtkActionInfo MyAtkActionInfo;
+struct _MyAtkActionInfo {
+  gchar *name;
+  gchar *description;
+  gchar *keybinding;
+  MyAtkActionFunc do_action_func;
+static void atk_action_interface_init (AtkActionIface *iface);
+                         my_atk_action,
+                         MY_TYPE_ATK_OBJECT,
+                         G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE(ATK_TYPE_ACTION,
+                         atk_action_interface_init));
+struct _MyAtkActionPrivate
+  GQueue *action_queue;
+  guint action_idle_handler;
+  GList  *action_list;
+  GList *children;
+static void
+my_atk_action_initialize (AtkObject *obj, gpointer data)
+static void
+my_atk_action_init (MyAtkAction *action_obj)
+  MyAtkActionPrivate *priv = MY_ATK_ACTION_GET_PRIVATE (action_obj);
+  action_obj->priv = priv;
+  priv->action_queue = NULL;
+  priv->action_idle_handler = 0;
+  priv->action_list = NULL;
+  priv->children = NULL;
+static void
+my_atk_action_finalize (GObject *object)
+static void
+my_atk_action_class_init (MyAtkActionClass *my_class)
+  AtkObjectClass *atk_class = ATK_OBJECT_CLASS (my_class);
+  GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (my_class);
+  gobject_class->finalize = my_atk_action_finalize;
+  atk_class->initialize = my_atk_action_initialize;
+  g_type_class_add_private (gobject_class, sizeof (MyAtkActionPrivate));
+static MyAtkActionInfo *
+_my_atk_action_get_action_info (MyAtkAction *action, gint i)
+  MyAtkActionPrivate *priv = NULL;
+  MyAtkActionInfo *node_data = NULL;
+  g_return_val_if_fail (MY_IS_ATK_ACTION (action), NULL);
+  priv = action->priv;
+  if (priv->action_list == NULL)
+    return NULL;
+  node_data = g_list_nth_data (priv->action_list, i);
+  g_return_val_if_fail (node_data, NULL);
+  return node_data;
+static const gchar*
+my_atk_action_description_get (AtkAction *action, gint i)
+  MyAtkAction *my_action = NULL;
+  MyAtkActionInfo *info = NULL;
+  g_return_val_if_fail (MY_IS_ATK_ACTION (action), NULL);
+  my_action = MY_ATK_ACTION (action);
+  info = _my_atk_action_get_action_info (my_action, i);
+  if (info == NULL)
+    return NULL;
+  return strdup (info->description);
+static gboolean
+my_atk_action_description_set (AtkAction *action, gint i, const char *des)
+  MyAtkAction *my_action = NULL;
+  MyAtkActionInfo *info = NULL;
+  g_return_val_if_fail (MY_IS_ATK_ACTION (action), FALSE);
+  my_action = MY_ATK_ACTION (action);
+  info = _my_atk_action_get_action_info (my_action, i);
+  if (info == NULL)
+    return FALSE;
+  g_free (info->description);
+  info->description = g_strdup (des);
+  return TRUE;
+static const gchar*
+my_atk_action_name_get (AtkAction *action, gint i)
+  MyAtkAction *my_action = NULL;
+  MyAtkActionInfo *info = NULL;
+  g_return_val_if_fail (MY_IS_ATK_ACTION (action), NULL);
+  my_action = MY_ATK_ACTION (action);
+  info = _my_atk_action_get_action_info (my_action, i);
+  if (info == NULL)
+    return NULL;
+  return strdup (info->name);
+static const gchar*
+my_atk_action_localized_name_get (AtkAction *action, gint i)
+  MyAtkAction *my_action = NULL;
+  MyAtkActionInfo *info = NULL;
+  g_return_val_if_fail (MY_IS_ATK_ACTION (action), NULL);
+  my_action = MY_ATK_ACTION (action);
+  info = _my_atk_action_get_action_info (my_action, i);
+  if (info == NULL)
+    return NULL;
+  return strdup (info->name);
+static gint
+my_atk_action_get_n_actions (AtkAction *action)
+  MyAtkAction *action_obj = NULL;
+  MyAtkActionPrivate *priv = NULL;
+  action_obj = MY_ATK_ACTION (action);
+  priv = action_obj->priv;
+  return g_list_length (priv->action_list);
+static const gchar *
+my_atk_action_get_keybinding (AtkAction *action, gint i)
+  MyAtkAction *my_action = NULL;
+  MyAtkActionInfo *info = NULL;
+  g_return_val_if_fail (MY_IS_ATK_ACTION (action), NULL);
+  my_action = MY_ATK_ACTION (action);
+  info = _my_atk_action_get_action_info (my_action, i);
+  if (info == NULL)
+    return NULL;
+  return strdup (info->keybinding);
+void perform_action (AtkObject *obj)
+  AtkStateSet *state_set1 = atk_object_ref_state_set (obj);
+  atk_state_set_add_state (state_set1, ATK_STATE_ACTIVE);
+static gboolean
+my_atk_action_do_action (AtkAction *action, gint i)
+  g_return_val_if_fail (MY_IS_ATK_ACTION (action), NULL);
+  MyAtkAction *my_action = NULL;
+  MyAtkActionPrivate *priv = NULL;
+  my_action = MY_ATK_ACTION (action);
+  priv = my_action->priv;
+  perform_action (ATK_OBJECT (action));
+  return FALSE;
+guint my_atk_action_add_action (MyAtkAction *action,
+                                const gchar *action_name,
+                                const gchar *action_description,
+                                const gchar *action_keybinding)
+  MyAtkActionInfo *info = NULL;
+  MyAtkActionPrivate *priv = NULL;
+  g_return_val_if_fail (MY_IS_ATK_ACTION (action), -1);
+  priv = action->priv;
+  info = g_slice_new (MyAtkActionInfo);
+  info->name = g_strdup (action_name);
+  info->description = g_strdup (action_description);
+  info->keybinding = g_strdup (action_keybinding);
+  priv->action_list = g_list_append (priv->action_list, info);
+  return g_list_length (priv->action_list);
+static void
+atk_action_interface_init (AtkActionIface *iface)
+  g_return_if_fail (iface);
+  iface->do_action          = my_atk_action_do_action;
+  iface->get_n_actions      = my_atk_action_get_n_actions;
+  iface->get_description    = my_atk_action_description_get;
+  iface->get_keybinding     = my_atk_action_get_keybinding;
+  iface->get_name           = my_atk_action_name_get;
+  iface->set_description    = my_atk_action_description_set;
+  iface->get_localized_name = my_atk_action_localized_name_get;
diff --git a/tests/dummyatk/my-atk-action.h b/tests/dummyatk/my-atk-action.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bdb4f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dummyatk/my-atk-action.h
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+ * AT-SPI - Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface
+ * (Gnome Accessibility Project; https://wiki.gnome.org/Accessibility)
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2015 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Library General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef MY_ATK_ACTION_H
+#define MY_ATK_ACTION_H
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <glib-object.h>
+#include <atk/atk.h>
+#include "my-atk-object.h"
+#define MY_TYPE_ATK_ACTION             (my_atk_action_get_type ())
+#define MY_ATK_ACTION(obj)             (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), MY_TYPE_ATK_ACTION, MyAtkAction))
+typedef struct _MyAtkAction MyAtkAction;
+typedef struct _MyAtkActionPrivate MyAtkActionPrivate;
+typedef struct _MyAtkActionClass MyAtkActionClass;
+typedef void (* MyAtkActionFunc) (MyAtkAction *action);
+struct _MyAtkAction {
+  MyAtkObject parent;
+  MyAtkActionPrivate *priv;
+  gint last_performed_action;//this field is changed when action is performed
+struct _MyAtkActionClass {
+  MyAtkObjectClass parent;
+GType my_atk_action_get_type (void);
+guint my_atk_action_add_action (MyAtkAction *action,
+                                const gchar *action_name,
+                                const gchar *action_description,
+                                const gchar *action_keybinding);
+#endif /*MY_ATK_ACTION_H*/
diff --git a/tests/dummyatk/my-atk-object.c b/tests/dummyatk/my-atk-object.c
index c20ad7a..c0b3014 100644
--- a/tests/dummyatk/my-atk-object.c
+++ b/tests/dummyatk/my-atk-object.c
@@ -25,21 +25,6 @@
 #include "my-atk-object.h"
-struct _MyAtkObject
-  AtkObject parent;
-  AtkStateSet *state_set;
-  AtkAttributeSet *attributes;
-  AtkRelationSet *relation_set;
-  GPtrArray* children;
-  gint id;
-struct _MyAtkObjectClass
-  AtkObjectClass parent;
 GType my_atk_object_get_type (void);
 G_DEFINE_TYPE (MyAtkObject,
@@ -66,7 +51,7 @@ void my_atk_object_remove_child (MyAtkObject* parent,
   for (i = parent->children->len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
     if (g_ptr_array_index (parent->children, i) == child)
-    }
+  }
   g_return_if_fail (i < 0);
   g_ptr_array_remove_index (parent->children, i);
   g_signal_emit_by_name (parent, "children-changed::remove", i, child);
@@ -140,24 +125,16 @@ static AtkStateSet *my_atk_object_ref_state_set (AtkObject *accessible)
 static AtkAttributeSet *my_atk_object_get_attributes (AtkObject *accessible)
-  MyAtkObject *obj = MY_ATK_OBJECT (accessible);
-  AtkAttributeSet *rs = obj->attributes = NULL;
-  AtkAttribute *a, *b, *c;
-  a = g_new (AtkAttribute, 1);
-  b = g_new (AtkAttribute, 1);
-  c = g_new (AtkAttribute, 1);
-  a->name = g_strdup ("foo");
-  a->value = g_strdup ("bar");
-  b->name = g_strdup ("baz");
-  b->value = g_strdup ("qux");
-  c->name = g_strdup ("quux");
-  c->value = g_strdup ("corge");
-  rs = g_slist_append (rs, (gpointer) a);
-  rs = g_slist_append (rs, (gpointer) b);
-  rs = g_slist_append (rs, (gpointer) c);
+  AtkAttributeSet *attributes;
+  AtkAttribute *attr;
+  attr = g_malloc (sizeof (AtkAttribute));
+  attr->name = g_strdup ("atspi");
+  attr->value = g_strdup ("test");
+  attributes = g_slist_append (NULL, attr);
+  return attributes;
 static void my_atk_object_init (MyAtkObject *self)
diff --git a/tests/dummyatk/my-atk-object.h b/tests/dummyatk/my-atk-object.h
index 10ab034..d4a1eec 100644
--- a/tests/dummyatk/my-atk-object.h
+++ b/tests/dummyatk/my-atk-object.h
@@ -36,6 +36,18 @@
 typedef struct _MyAtkObject MyAtkObject;
 typedef struct _MyAtkObjectClass MyAtkObjectClass;
+struct _MyAtkObject {
+  AtkObject parent;
+  AtkStateSet *state_set;
+  AtkRelationSet *relation_set;
+  GPtrArray* children;
+  gint id;
+struct _MyAtkObjectClass {
+  AtkObjectClass parent;
 GType my_atk_object_get_type ();
 void my_atk_object_add_child (MyAtkObject* parent,
diff --git a/tests/dummyatk/my-atk.h b/tests/dummyatk/my-atk.h
index 97e1bfd..f617c9d 100644
--- a/tests/dummyatk/my-atk.h
+++ b/tests/dummyatk/my-atk.h
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 #ifndef MY_ATK_H
 #define MY_ATK_H
+#include "my-atk-action.h"
 #include "my-atk-object.h"
 #endif /*MY_ATK_H*/
diff --git a/tests/test-application.c b/tests/test-application.c
index 74265ae..fe9527d 100644
--- a/tests/test-application.c
+++ b/tests/test-application.c
@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ test_init (gchar *path)
   gchar *td;
   if (path == NULL) {
-    g_print("No test data file provided\n");
-    exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+    g_print ("No test data file provided\n");
+    exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
   tdata_path = path;
@@ -88,8 +88,7 @@ setup_atk_util (void)
   g_type_class_unref (klass);
-static GOptionEntry optentries[] =
+static GOptionEntry optentries[] = {
   {"test-data-file", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &tdata_path, "Path to file of test data", NULL},

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