[sound-juicer] Use re-read state for UI.
- From: Phillip Wood <pwood src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [sound-juicer] Use re-read state for UI.
- Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2015 18:27:28 +0000 (UTC)
commit 6c7c530affd7a32457731c985b5806a985070b77
Author: Phillip Wood <phillip wood dunelm org uk>
Date: Thu Feb 13 11:12:34 2014 +0000
Use re-read state for UI.
Use the state of the re-read action to change the status bar and mouse
cursor rather than changing them directly everywhere the state of the
action is changed. This means we don't have to remember to change the
UI when we change the state, it just happens automatically.
src/sj-main.c | 91 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
1 files changed, 64 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/sj-main.c b/src/sj-main.c
index 9af2b0c..22db00c 100644
--- a/src/sj-main.c
+++ b/src/sj-main.c
@@ -1117,18 +1117,12 @@ static void audio_volume_changed_cb (GSettings *settings, gchar *key, gpointer u
static void
metadata_cb (SjMetadataGetter *m, GList *albums, GError *error)
- gboolean realized = gtk_widget_get_realized (main_window);
set_action_state ("re-read(false)");
- if (realized)
- gdk_window_set_cursor (gtk_widget_get_window (main_window), NULL);
- /* Clear the statusbar message */
- gtk_statusbar_pop(GTK_STATUSBAR(status_bar), 0);
if (error && !(error->code == SJ_ERROR_CD_NO_MEDIA)) {
+ gboolean realized;
GtkWidget *dialog;
+ realized = gtk_widget_get_realized (main_window);
dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new_with_markup (realized ? GTK_WINDOW (main_window) : NULL, 0,
@@ -1208,11 +1202,6 @@ static void reread_cd (gboolean ignore_no_media)
/* TODO: remove ignore_no_media? */
GError *error = NULL;
- GdkCursor *cursor;
- GdkWindow *window;
- gboolean realized = gtk_widget_get_realized (main_window);
- window = gtk_widget_get_window (main_window);
set_action_state ("re-read(true)");
set_action_enabled ("re-read", FALSE);
@@ -1220,17 +1209,6 @@ static void reread_cd (gboolean ignore_no_media)
/* Make sure nothing is playing */
stop_playback ();
- /* Set watch cursor */
- if (realized) {
- cursor = gdk_cursor_new_for_display (gtk_widget_get_display (GTK_WIDGET (main_window)), GDK_WATCH);
- gdk_window_set_cursor (window, cursor);
- g_object_unref (cursor);
- gdk_display_sync (gtk_widget_get_display (GTK_WIDGET (main_window)));
- }
- /* Set statusbar message */
- gtk_statusbar_push(GTK_STATUSBAR(status_bar), 0, _("Retrieving track listing...please wait."));
if (!drive)
sj_debug (DEBUG_CD, "Attempting to re-read NULL drive\n");
@@ -1242,17 +1220,16 @@ static void reread_cd (gboolean ignore_no_media)
sj_debug (DEBUG_CD, "Media is not an audio CD\n");
set_action_state ("re-read(false)");
update_ui_for_album (NULL);
- gtk_statusbar_pop(GTK_STATUSBAR(status_bar), 0);
- if (realized)
- gdk_window_set_cursor (window, NULL);
sj_metadata_getter_list_albums (metadata, &error);
if (error && !(error->code == SJ_ERROR_CD_NO_MEDIA && ignore_no_media)) {
+ gboolean realized;
GtkWidget *dialog;
+ realized = gtk_widget_get_realized (main_window);
dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new (realized ? GTK_WINDOW (main_window) : NULL, 0,
@@ -2030,6 +2007,62 @@ is_cd_duplication_available(void)
return FALSE;
+static void
+ui_set_retrieving_metadata (gboolean state)
+ GdkWindow *window;
+ window = gtk_widget_get_window (main_window);
+ if (state) {
+ GdkCursor *cursor;
+ gtk_statusbar_push(GTK_STATUSBAR(status_bar), 0,
+ _("Retrieving track listing...please wait."));
+ cursor = gdk_cursor_new_for_display (gtk_widget_get_display (main_window),
+ gdk_window_set_cursor (window, cursor);
+ g_object_unref (cursor);
+ gdk_display_sync (gtk_widget_get_display (GTK_WIDGET (main_window)));
+ } else {
+ gtk_statusbar_pop(GTK_STATUSBAR(status_bar), 0);
+ gdk_window_set_cursor (window, NULL);
+ }
+static void
+reread_main_window_realize_cb (GtkWidget *widget,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ ui_set_retrieving_metadata (TRUE);
+static void
+reread_state_changed_cb (gchar *group_name,
+ gchar *action_name,
+ GVariant *value,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ static gboolean state = FALSE;
+ static gulong id = 0;
+ if (g_variant_get_boolean (value) == state)
+ return;
+ state = !state;
+ if (id != 0) {
+ g_signal_handler_disconnect (main_window, id);
+ id = 0;
+ }
+ if (gtk_widget_get_realized (main_window)) {
+ ui_set_retrieving_metadata (state);
+ } else if (state) {
+ id = g_signal_connect (main_window,
+ "realize",
+ G_CALLBACK (reread_main_window_realize_cb),
+ NULL);
+ }
GActionEntry app_entries[] = {
{ "re-read", on_reread_activate, NULL, "false", NULL },
{ "duplicate", on_duplicate_activate, NULL, NULL, NULL },
@@ -2108,6 +2141,10 @@ startup_cb (GApplication *app, gpointer user_data)
g_action_map_add_action_entries (G_ACTION_MAP (app),
app_entries, G_N_ELEMENTS (app_entries),
+ g_signal_connect (app,
+ "action-state-changed::re-read",
+ G_CALLBACK (reread_state_changed_cb),
+ NULL);
builder = gtk_builder_new ();
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