[libgsystem] fileutils: Switch to libglnx xattr code

commit f136e9216811eb33c31c5e2d042138f9eba58d82
Author: Colin Walters <walters verbum org>
Date:   Sun Feb 15 17:38:13 2015 -0500

    fileutils: Switch to libglnx xattr code

 libglnx                  |    2 +-
 src/gsystem-file-utils.c |  329 ++--------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 318 deletions(-)
diff --git a/libglnx b/libglnx
index ba67dd3..a90e1c3 160000
--- a/libglnx
+++ b/libglnx
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit ba67dd39a7d5cc779f83bb22512740cdb4c61b33
+Subproject commit a90e1c3423d815931408b39181e10d281ae3d40b
diff --git a/src/gsystem-file-utils.c b/src/gsystem-file-utils.c
index 5c1b251..bc7dc35 100644
--- a/src/gsystem-file-utils.c
+++ b/src/gsystem-file-utils.c
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
 #include <string.h>
+#include <libglnx.h>
 #include "libgsystem.h"
 #include "gsystem-glib-compat.h"
@@ -37,9 +39,6 @@
 #include <glib-unix.h>
 #include <limits.h>
 #include <dirent.h>
-#include <attr/xattr.h>
 static int
 close_nointr (int fd)
@@ -1416,169 +1415,6 @@ gs_file_realpath (GFile *file)
   return file_real;
-static char *
-canonicalize_xattrs (char    *xattr_string,
-                     size_t   len)
-  char *p;
-  GSList *xattrs = NULL;
-  GSList *iter;
-  GString *result;
-  result = g_string_new (0);
-  p = xattr_string;
-  while (p < xattr_string+len)
-    {
-      xattrs = g_slist_prepend (xattrs, p);
-      p += strlen (p) + 1;
-    }
-  xattrs = g_slist_sort (xattrs, (GCompareFunc) strcmp);
-  for (iter = xattrs; iter; iter = iter->next) {
-    g_string_append (result, iter->data);
-    g_string_append_c (result, '\0');
-  }
-  g_slist_free (xattrs);
-  return g_string_free (result, FALSE);
-static GVariant *
-variant_new_ay_bytes (GBytes *bytes)
-  gsize size;
-  gconstpointer data;
-  data = g_bytes_get_data (bytes, &size);
-  g_bytes_ref (bytes);
-  return g_variant_new_from_data (G_VARIANT_TYPE ("ay"), data, size,
-                                  TRUE, (GDestroyNotify)g_bytes_unref, bytes);
-static gboolean
-read_xattr_name_array (const char *path,
-                       int         fd,
-                       const char *xattrs,
-                       size_t      len,
-                       GVariantBuilder *builder,
-                       GError  **error)
-  gboolean ret = FALSE;
-  const char *p;
-  int r;
-  const char *funcstr;
-  g_assert (path != NULL || fd != -1);
-  funcstr = fd != -1 ? "fgetxattr" : "lgetxattr";
-  p = xattrs;
-  while (p < xattrs+len)
-    {
-      ssize_t bytes_read;
-      char *buf;
-      GBytes *bytes = NULL;
-      if (fd != -1)
-        bytes_read = fgetxattr (fd, p, NULL, 0);
-      else
-        bytes_read = lgetxattr (path, p, NULL, 0);
-      if (bytes_read < 0)
-        {
-          gs_set_prefix_error_from_errno (error, errno, "%s", funcstr);
-          goto out;
-        }
-      if (bytes_read == 0)
-        continue;
-      buf = g_malloc (bytes_read);
-      bytes = g_bytes_new_take (buf, bytes_read);
-      if (fd != -1)
-        r = fgetxattr (fd, p, buf, bytes_read);
-      else
-        r = lgetxattr (path, p, buf, bytes_read);
-      if (r < 0)
-        {
-          g_bytes_unref (bytes);
-          gs_set_prefix_error_from_errno (error, errno, "%s", funcstr);
-          goto out;
-        }
-      g_variant_builder_add (builder, "(@ay ay)",
-                             g_variant_new_bytestring (p),
-                             variant_new_ay_bytes (bytes));
-      p = p + strlen (p) + 1;
-      g_bytes_unref (bytes);
-    }
-  ret = TRUE;
- out:
-  return ret;
-static gboolean
-get_xattrs_impl (const char      *path,
-                 GVariant       **out_xattrs,
-                 GCancellable   *cancellable,
-                 GError        **error)
-  gboolean ret = FALSE;
-  ssize_t bytes_read;
-  char *xattr_names = NULL;
-  char *xattr_names_canonical = NULL;
-  GVariantBuilder builder;
-  gboolean builder_initialized = FALSE;
-  GVariant *ret_xattrs = NULL;
-  g_variant_builder_init (&builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("a(ayay)"));
-  builder_initialized = TRUE;
-  bytes_read = llistxattr (path, NULL, 0);
-  if (bytes_read < 0)
-    {
-      if (errno != ENOTSUP)
-        {
-          gs_set_prefix_error_from_errno (error, errno, "llistxattr");
-          goto out;
-        }
-    }
-  else if (bytes_read > 0)
-    {
-      xattr_names = g_malloc (bytes_read);
-      if (llistxattr (path, xattr_names, bytes_read) < 0)
-        {
-          gs_set_prefix_error_from_errno (error, errno, "llistxattr");
-          goto out;
-        }
-      xattr_names_canonical = canonicalize_xattrs (xattr_names, bytes_read);
-      if (!read_xattr_name_array (path, -1, xattr_names_canonical, bytes_read, &builder, error))
-        goto out;
-    }
-  ret_xattrs = g_variant_builder_end (&builder);
-  builder_initialized = FALSE;
-  g_variant_ref_sink (ret_xattrs);
-  ret = TRUE;
-  gs_transfer_out_value (out_xattrs, &ret_xattrs);
- out:
-  g_clear_pointer (&xattr_names, g_free);
-  g_clear_pointer (&xattr_names_canonical, g_free);
-  g_clear_pointer (&ret_xattrs, g_variant_unref);
-  if (!builder_initialized)
-    g_variant_builder_clear (&builder);
-  return ret;
-  return TRUE;
  * gs_dfd_and_name_get_all_xattrs:
  * @dfd: Parent directory file descriptor
@@ -1597,19 +1433,7 @@ gs_dfd_and_name_get_all_xattrs (int            dfd,
                                 GCancellable  *cancellable,
                                 GError       **error)
-  gboolean ret = FALSE;
-  /* A workaround for the lack of lgetxattrat(), thanks to Florian Weimer:
-   * https://mail.gnome.org/archives/ostree-list/2014-February/msg00017.html
-   */
-  char *path = g_strdup_printf ("/proc/self/fd/%d/%s", dfd, name);
-  if (!get_xattrs_impl (path, out_xattrs,
-                        cancellable, error))
-    goto out;
-  ret = TRUE;
- out:
-  g_free (path);
-  return ret;
+  return glnx_dfd_name_get_all_xattrs (dfd, name, out_xattrs, cancellable, error);
@@ -1631,8 +1455,9 @@ gs_file_get_all_xattrs (GFile         *f,
                         GCancellable  *cancellable,
                         GError       **error)
-  return get_xattrs_impl (gs_file_get_path_cached (f), out_xattrs,
-                          cancellable, error);
+  return glnx_dfd_name_get_all_xattrs (AT_FDCWD,
+                                       gs_file_get_path_cached (f),
+                                       out_xattrs, cancellable, error);
@@ -1654,58 +1479,7 @@ gs_fd_get_all_xattrs (int            fd,
                       GCancellable  *cancellable,
                       GError       **error)
-  gboolean ret = FALSE;
-  ssize_t bytes_read;
-  char *xattr_names = NULL;
-  char *xattr_names_canonical = NULL;
-  GVariantBuilder builder;
-  gboolean builder_initialized = FALSE;
-  GVariant *ret_xattrs = NULL;
-  g_variant_builder_init (&builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("a(ayay)"));
-  builder_initialized = TRUE;
-  bytes_read = flistxattr (fd, NULL, 0);
-  if (bytes_read < 0)
-    {
-      if (errno != ENOTSUP)
-        {
-          gs_set_prefix_error_from_errno (error, errno, "flistxattr");
-          goto out;
-        }
-    }
-  else if (bytes_read > 0)
-    {
-      xattr_names = g_malloc (bytes_read);
-      if (flistxattr (fd, xattr_names, bytes_read) < 0)
-        {
-          gs_set_prefix_error_from_errno (error, errno, "flistxattr");
-          goto out;
-        }
-      xattr_names_canonical = canonicalize_xattrs (xattr_names, bytes_read);
-      if (!read_xattr_name_array (NULL, fd, xattr_names_canonical, bytes_read, &builder, error))
-        goto out;
-    }
-  ret_xattrs = g_variant_builder_end (&builder);
-  builder_initialized = FALSE;
-  g_variant_ref_sink (ret_xattrs);
-  ret = TRUE;
-  gs_transfer_out_value (out_xattrs, &ret_xattrs);
- out:
-  g_clear_pointer (&xattr_names, g_free);
-  g_clear_pointer (&xattr_names_canonical, g_free);
-  g_clear_pointer (&ret_xattrs, g_variant_unref);
-  if (!builder_initialized)
-    g_variant_builder_clear (&builder);
-  return ret;
-  return TRUE;
+  return glnx_fd_get_all_xattrs (fd, out_xattrs, cancellable, error);
@@ -1725,80 +1499,7 @@ gs_fd_set_all_xattrs (int            fd,
                       GCancellable  *cancellable,
                       GError       **error)
-  gboolean ret = FALSE;
-  int i, n;
-  n = g_variant_n_children (xattrs);
-  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
-    {
-      const guint8* name;
-      const guint8* value_data;
-      GVariant *value = NULL;
-      gsize value_len;
-      int res;
-      g_variant_get_child (xattrs, i, "(^&ay ay)",
-                           &name, &value);
-      value_data = g_variant_get_fixed_array (value, &value_len, 1);
-      do
-        res = fsetxattr (fd, (char*)name, (char*)value_data, value_len, 0);
-      while (G_UNLIKELY (res == -1 && errno == EINTR));
-      g_variant_unref (value);
-      if (G_UNLIKELY (res == -1))
-        {
-          gs_set_prefix_error_from_errno (error, errno, "fsetxattr");
-          goto out;
-        }
-    }
-  ret = TRUE;
- out:
-  return ret;
-  return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-set_all_xattrs_for_path (const char    *path,
-                         GVariant      *xattrs,
-                         GCancellable  *cancellable,
-                         GError       **error)
-  gboolean ret = FALSE;
-  int i, n;
-  n = g_variant_n_children (xattrs);
-  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
-    {
-      const guint8* name;
-      GVariant *value;
-      const guint8* value_data;
-      gsize value_len;
-      gboolean loop_err;
-      g_variant_get_child (xattrs, i, "(^&ay ay)",
-                           &name, &value);
-      value_data = g_variant_get_fixed_array (value, &value_len, 1);
-      loop_err = lsetxattr (path, (char*)name, (char*)value_data, value_len, 0) < 0;
-      g_clear_pointer (&value, (GDestroyNotify) g_variant_unref);
-      if (loop_err)
-        {
-          gs_set_prefix_error_from_errno (error, errno, "lsetxattr");
-          goto out;
-        }
-    }
-  ret = TRUE;
- out:
-  return ret;
-  return TRUE;
+  return glnx_fd_set_all_xattrs (fd, xattrs, cancellable, error);
@@ -1808,15 +1509,7 @@ gs_dfd_and_name_set_all_xattrs (int            dfd,
                                 GCancellable  *cancellable,
                                 GError       **error)
-  /* A workaround for the lack of lsetxattrat(), thanks to Florian Weimer:
-   * https://mail.gnome.org/archives/ostree-list/2014-February/msg00017.html
-   */
-  char *path = g_strdup_printf ("/proc/self/fd/%d/%s", dfd, name);
-  gboolean ret;
-  ret = set_all_xattrs_for_path (path, xattrs, cancellable, error);
-  g_free (path);
-  return ret;
+  return glnx_dfd_name_set_all_xattrs (dfd, name, xattrs, cancellable, error);
@@ -1836,7 +1529,9 @@ gs_file_set_all_xattrs (GFile         *file,
                         GCancellable  *cancellable,
                         GError       **error)
-  return set_all_xattrs_for_path (gs_file_get_path_cached (file), xattrs, cancellable, error);
+  return glnx_dfd_name_set_all_xattrs (AT_FDCWD,
+                                       gs_file_get_path_cached (file),
+                                       xattrs, cancellable, error);
 struct GsRealDirfdIterator

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