[gnumeric] ODF import/export general plot data specifications. [#743818]

commit 28fac9c5e044331148d41eb2a631c0793e0e4fbd
Author: Andreas J. Guelzow <aguelzow pyrshep ca>
Date:   Sat Feb 7 12:28:22 2015 -0700

    ODF import/export general plot data specifications. [#743818]
    2015-02-07  Andreas J. Guelzow <aguelzow pyrshep ca>
        * openoffice-read.c (oo_plot_assign_dim): add argument to handle
        general expressions. Change all callers.
        (oo_plot_series): handle new gnm:values-cell-range-expression attribute
        (oo_plot_series_end): reset overridden plot type
        (oo_series_domain): handle new gnm:cell-range-expression attribute

 NEWS                                 |    3 +
 plugins/openoffice/ChangeLog         |    8 ++
 plugins/openoffice/openoffice-read.c |  175 +++++++++++++++++++---------------
 3 files changed, 107 insertions(+), 79 deletions(-)
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index da6256e..ce7ea44 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
 Gnumeric 1.12.21
+       * ODF import/export general plot data specifications. [#743818]
        * Initial xlsx import of sheet widgets.
        * Initial xlsx export of sheet widgets.
diff --git a/plugins/openoffice/ChangeLog b/plugins/openoffice/ChangeLog
index ba1d707..815ca71 100644
--- a/plugins/openoffice/ChangeLog
+++ b/plugins/openoffice/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+2015-02-07  Andreas J. Guelzow <aguelzow pyrshep ca>
+       * openoffice-read.c (oo_plot_assign_dim): add argument to handle
+       general expressions. Change all callers.
+       (oo_plot_series): handle new gnm:values-cell-range-expression attribute
+       (oo_plot_series_end): reset overridden plot type
+       (oo_series_domain): handle new gnm:cell-range-expression attribute
 2015-02-04  Morten Welinder <terra gnome org>
        * Release 1.12.20
diff --git a/plugins/openoffice/openoffice-read.c b/plugins/openoffice/openoffice-read.c
index b81cb58..a9340c4 100644
--- a/plugins/openoffice/openoffice-read.c
+++ b/plugins/openoffice/openoffice-read.c
@@ -279,6 +279,7 @@ typedef struct {
                                                  /* currently active styles at plot-area, */
                                                        /* series level*/
        OOPlotType               plot_type;
+       OOPlotType               plot_type_default;
        SheetObjectAnchor        anchor;        /* anchor to draw the frame (images or graphs) */
        double                   frame_offset[4]; /* offset as given in the file */
        gnm_float                width;   /* This refers to the ODF frame element */
@@ -8618,8 +8619,10 @@ gog_series_map_dim_by_name (GogSeries const *series, char const *dim_name)
 /* If range == %NULL use an implicit range */
+/* If general_expr, then range contains an expression not necessarily a range. */
 static void
-oo_plot_assign_dim (GsfXMLIn *xin, xmlChar const *range, int dim_type, char const *dim_name)
+oo_plot_assign_dim (GsfXMLIn *xin, xmlChar const *range, int dim_type, char const *dim_name,
+                   gboolean general_expr)
        OOParseState *state = (OOParseState *)xin->user_state;
@@ -8642,34 +8645,40 @@ oo_plot_assign_dim (GsfXMLIn *xin, xmlChar const *range, int dim_type, char cons
        if (NULL != range) {
-               char const *range_list = CXML2C (range);
-               GnmParsePos pp;
-               GnmExprList *args = NULL;
-               GnmExpr const *expr;
-               parse_pos_init_sheet (&pp, state->pos.sheet);
-               while (*range_list != 0) {
-                       GnmRangeRef ref;
-                       char const *ptr = oo_rangeref_parse
-                               (&ref, range_list, &pp, NULL);
-                       if (ptr == range_list || ref.a.sheet == invalid_sheet) {
-                               return;
+               if (general_expr) {
+                       texpr = odf_parse_range_address_or_expr (xin, CXML2C (range));
+                       if (state->debug)
+                               g_print ("%d = rangeref (%s) -- general expression\n", dim, range);
+               } else {
+                       char const *range_list = CXML2C (range);
+                       GnmParsePos pp;
+                       GnmExprList *args = NULL;
+                       GnmExpr const *expr;
+                       parse_pos_init_sheet (&pp, state->pos.sheet);
+                       while (*range_list != 0) {
+                               GnmRangeRef ref;
+                               char const *ptr = oo_rangeref_parse
+                                       (&ref, range_list, &pp, NULL);
+                               if (ptr == range_list || ref.a.sheet == invalid_sheet) {
+                                       return;
+                               }
+                               v = value_new_cellrange (&ref.a, &ref.b, 0, 0);
+                               expr = gnm_expr_new_constant (v);
+                               args = gnm_expr_list_append (args, expr);
+                               range_list = ptr;
+                               while (*range_list == ' ')
+                                       range_list++;
-                       v = value_new_cellrange (&ref.a, &ref.b, 0, 0);
-                       expr = gnm_expr_new_constant (v);
-                       args = gnm_expr_list_append (args, expr);
-                       range_list = ptr;
-                       while (*range_list == ' ')
-                               range_list++;
-               }
-               if (1 == gnm_expr_list_length (args)) {
-                       expr = args->data;
-                       gnm_expr_list_free (args);
-               } else
-                       expr = gnm_expr_new_set (args);
-               texpr = gnm_expr_top_new (expr);
-               if (state->debug)
-                       g_print ("%d = rangeref (%s)\n", dim, range);
+                       if (1 == gnm_expr_list_length (args)) {
+                               expr = args->data;
+                               gnm_expr_list_free (args);
+                       } else
+                               expr = gnm_expr_new_set (args);
+                       texpr = gnm_expr_top_new (expr);
+                       if (state->debug)
+                               g_print ("%d = rangeref (%s)\n", dim, range);
+               }
        } else if (NULL != gog_dataset_get_dim (GOG_DATASET (state->chart.series), dim))
                return; /* implicit does not overwrite existing */
        else if (state->chart.src_n_vectors <= 0) {
@@ -9001,11 +9010,11 @@ odf_create_stock_plot (GsfXMLIn *xin)
        if (len-- > 0) {
                state->chart.series = gog_plot_new_series (state->chart.plot);
-               oo_plot_assign_dim (xin, series_addresses->data, GOG_MS_DIM_LOW, NULL);
+               oo_plot_assign_dim (xin, series_addresses->data, GOG_MS_DIM_LOW, NULL, FALSE);
        if (len-- > 0) {
                series_addresses = series_addresses->next;
-               oo_plot_assign_dim (xin, series_addresses->data, GOG_MS_DIM_HIGH, NULL);
+               oo_plot_assign_dim (xin, series_addresses->data, GOG_MS_DIM_HIGH, NULL, FALSE);
@@ -9021,7 +9030,7 @@ oo_plot_area_end (GsfXMLIn *xin, G_GNUC_UNUSED GsfXMLBlob *blob)
                if (state->chart.series_count == 0 && state->chart.series == NULL)
                        state->chart.series = gog_plot_new_series (state->chart.plot);
                if (state->chart.series != NULL) {
-                       oo_plot_assign_dim (xin, NULL, GOG_MS_DIM_VALUES, NULL);
+                       oo_plot_assign_dim (xin, NULL, GOG_MS_DIM_VALUES, NULL, FALSE);
                        state->chart.series = NULL;
@@ -9040,10 +9049,14 @@ oo_plot_series (GsfXMLIn *xin, xmlChar const **attrs)
        gboolean plot_type_set = FALSE;
        int tmp;
        GogPlot *plot;
+       gchar const *cell_range_address = NULL;
+       gchar const *cell_range_expression = NULL;
+       gboolean general_expression;
        if (state->debug)
                g_print ("<<<<< Start\n");
+       state->chart.plot_type_default = state->chart.plot_type;
        state->chart.domain_count = 0;
        state->chart.data_pt_count = 0;
@@ -9051,7 +9064,7 @@ oo_plot_series (GsfXMLIn *xin, xmlChar const **attrs)
         /* We need to first know whether we are overriding the class */
        for (; attrs_cp != NULL && attrs_cp[0] && attrs_cp[1] ; attrs_cp += 2)
                if (oo_attr_enum (xin, attrs_cp, OO_NS_CHART, "class", odf_chart_classes, &tmp)) {
-                       plot_type = tmp;
+                       state->chart.plot_type = plot_type = tmp;
                        plot_type_set = TRUE;
@@ -9077,58 +9090,18 @@ oo_plot_series (GsfXMLIn *xin, xmlChar const **attrs)
                        if (state->chart.cat_expr != NULL) {
                                        (xin, state->chart.cat_expr,
-                                        GOG_MS_DIM_CATEGORIES, NULL);
+                                        GOG_MS_DIM_CATEGORIES, NULL, FALSE);
        /* Now check the attributes */
        for (; attrs != NULL && attrs[0] && attrs[1] ; attrs += 2) {
-               if (gsf_xml_in_namecmp (xin, CXML2C (attrs[0]), OO_NS_CHART, "values-cell-range-address")) {
-                       switch (plot_type) {
-                       case OO_PLOT_STOCK:
-                               state->chart.list = g_slist_append (state->chart.list,
-                                                                   g_strdup (attrs[1]));
-                               break;
-                       case OO_PLOT_SURFACE:
-                       case OO_PLOT_CONTOUR:
-                               {
-                                       GnmRangeRef ref;
-                                       GnmValue *v;
-                                       GnmExprTop const *texpr;
-                                       GnmParsePos pp;
-                                       char const *ptr = oo_rangeref_parse
-                                               (&ref, CXML2C (attrs[1]),
-                                                parse_pos_init_sheet
-                                                (&pp, state->pos.sheet),
-                                                NULL);
-                                       if (ptr == CXML2C (attrs[1]) ||
-                                           ref.a.sheet == invalid_sheet)
-                                               return;
-                                       v = value_new_cellrange (&ref.a, &ref.b, 0, 0);
-                                       texpr = gnm_expr_top_new_constant (v);
-                                       if (NULL != texpr)
-                                               gog_series_set_dim (state->chart.series, 2,
-                                                                   gnm_go_data_matrix_new_expr
-                                                                   (state->pos.sheet, texpr), NULL);
-                               }
-                               break;
-                       case OO_PLOT_GANTT:
-                               oo_plot_assign_dim (xin, attrs[1],
-                                                   (state->chart.series_count % 2 == 1) ? GOG_MS_DIM_START : 
-                                                   NULL);
-                               break;
-                       case OO_PLOT_BUBBLE:
-                               oo_plot_assign_dim (xin, attrs[1], GOG_MS_DIM_BUBBLES, NULL);
-                               break;
-                       case OO_PLOT_SCATTER_COLOUR:
-                               oo_plot_assign_dim (xin, attrs[1], GOG_MS_DIM_EXTRA1, NULL);
-                               break;
-                       default:
-                               oo_plot_assign_dim (xin, attrs[1], GOG_MS_DIM_VALUES, NULL);
-                               break;
-                       }
-               } else if (gsf_xml_in_namecmp (xin, CXML2C (attrs[0]), OO_NS_CHART, "label-cell-address")) {
+               if (gsf_xml_in_namecmp (xin, CXML2C (attrs[0]), OO_NS_CHART, "values-cell-range-address"))
+                       cell_range_address = CXML2C (attrs[1]);
+               else if (gsf_xml_in_namecmp (xin, CXML2C (attrs[0]), OO_GNUM_NS_EXT, 
+                       cell_range_expression = CXML2C (attrs[1]);
+               else if (gsf_xml_in_namecmp (xin, CXML2C (attrs[0]), OO_NS_CHART, "label-cell-address")) {
                        if (label == NULL)
                                label = attrs[1];
                } else if (gsf_xml_in_namecmp (xin, CXML2C (attrs[0]), OO_GNUM_NS_EXT, 
@@ -9139,6 +9112,44 @@ oo_plot_series (GsfXMLIn *xin, xmlChar const **attrs)
                                (state->chart.graph_styles, CXML2C (attrs[1]));
+       if ((general_expression = (NULL != cell_range_expression)))
+               cell_range_address = cell_range_expression;
+       if (NULL != cell_range_address) {
+               switch (plot_type) {
+               case OO_PLOT_STOCK:
+                       state->chart.list = g_slist_append (state->chart.list,
+                                                           g_strdup (cell_range_address));
+                       break;
+               case OO_PLOT_SURFACE:
+               case OO_PLOT_CONTOUR:
+                       {
+                               GnmExprTop const *texpr;
+                               texpr = odf_parse_range_address_or_expr (xin, cell_range_address);
+                               if (NULL != texpr)
+                                       gog_series_set_dim (state->chart.series, 2,
+                                                           gnm_go_data_matrix_new_expr
+                                                           (state->pos.sheet, texpr), NULL);
+                       }
+                       break;
+               case OO_PLOT_GANTT:
+                       oo_plot_assign_dim (xin, cell_range_address,
+                                           (state->chart.series_count % 2 == 1) ? GOG_MS_DIM_START : 
+                                           NULL, general_expression);
+                       break;
+               case OO_PLOT_BUBBLE:
+                       oo_plot_assign_dim (xin, cell_range_address, GOG_MS_DIM_BUBBLES, NULL, 
+                       break;
+               case OO_PLOT_SCATTER_COLOUR:
+                       oo_plot_assign_dim (xin, cell_range_address, GOG_MS_DIM_EXTRA1, NULL, 
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       oo_plot_assign_dim (xin, cell_range_address, GOG_MS_DIM_VALUES, NULL, 
+                       break;
+               }
+       }
        if (label != NULL) {
                GnmExprTop const *texpr = odf_parse_range_address_or_expr (xin, label);
                if (texpr != NULL)
@@ -9167,10 +9178,11 @@ oo_plot_series_end (GsfXMLIn *xin, G_GNUC_UNUSED GsfXMLBlob *blob)
                /* else no break */
-               oo_plot_assign_dim (xin, NULL, GOG_MS_DIM_VALUES, NULL);
+               oo_plot_assign_dim (xin, NULL, GOG_MS_DIM_VALUES, NULL, FALSE);
                state->chart.series = NULL;
+       state->chart.plot_type = state->chart.plot_type_default;
        state->chart.i_plot_styles[OO_CHART_STYLE_SERIES] = NULL;
        if (state->debug)
                g_print (">>>>> end\n");
@@ -9181,12 +9193,16 @@ oo_series_domain (GsfXMLIn *xin, xmlChar const **attrs)
        OOParseState *state = (OOParseState *)xin->user_state;
        xmlChar const *src = NULL;
+       xmlChar const *cell_range_expression = NULL;
        int dim = GOG_MS_DIM_VALUES;
        char const *name = NULL;
        for (; attrs != NULL && attrs[0] && attrs[1] ; attrs += 2)
                if (gsf_xml_in_namecmp (xin, CXML2C (attrs[0]), OO_NS_TABLE, "cell-range-address"))
                        src = attrs[1];
+               else if (gsf_xml_in_namecmp (xin, CXML2C (attrs[0]), OO_GNUM_NS_EXT, "cell-range-expression"))
+                       cell_range_expression = attrs[1];
        switch (state->chart.plot_type) {
        case OO_PLOT_BUBBLE:
@@ -9203,7 +9219,8 @@ oo_series_domain (GsfXMLIn *xin, xmlChar const **attrs)
                dim = GOG_MS_DIM_CATEGORIES;
-       oo_plot_assign_dim (xin, src, dim, name);
+       oo_plot_assign_dim (xin, (cell_range_expression != NULL) ? cell_range_expression : src, dim, name, 
+                           cell_range_expression != NULL);

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