[meld: 1/63] filediff: Use GtkSourceView's file loader

commit 2c33048c87a19292526c8f3d96284e3d96b16829
Author: Kai Willadsen <kai willadsen gmail com>
Date:   Sat Jul 18 13:42:08 2015 +1000

    filediff: Use GtkSourceView's file loader
    This mostly reproduces our existing behaviour, just better and faster.
    There is some behaviour changes around encodings (e.g., we no longer
    support the gsetting key, but we have a better default set that we try)
    and newlines (we have no support for mixed-newline files).

 meld/const.py    |    8 ++-
 meld/filediff.py |  207 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 2 files changed, 107 insertions(+), 108 deletions(-)
diff --git a/meld/const.py b/meld/const.py
index c7d72cb..f6ae127 100644
--- a/meld/const.py
+++ b/meld/const.py
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+from gi.repository import GtkSource
 from meld.conf import _
 # Chunk action mode, set by filediff and used in gutterrendererchunk
@@ -7,7 +9,7 @@ MODE_DELETE = 1
-    '\n': _("UNIX (LF)"),
-    '\r\n': _("DOS/Windows (CR-LF)"),
-    '\r': _("Mac OS (CR)"),
+    GtkSource.NewlineType.LF: ('\n', _("UNIX (LF)")),
+    GtkSource.NewlineType.CR_LF: ('\r\n', _("DOS/Windows (CR-LF)")),
+    GtkSource.NewlineType.CR: ('\r', _("Mac OS (CR)")),
diff --git a/meld/filediff.py b/meld/filediff.py
index ff461c6..3b4a2fc 100644
--- a/meld/filediff.py
+++ b/meld/filediff.py
@@ -1050,91 +1050,88 @@ class FileDiff(melddoc.MeldDoc, gnomeglade.Component):
-        try_codecs = list(settings.get_value('detect-encodings'))
-        try_codecs.append('latin1')
         yield _("[%s] Opening files") % self.label_text
         tasks = []
+        for pane, filename in enumerate(files):
+            if not filename:
+                continue
+            gfile = Gio.File.new_for_path(filename)
+            sourcefile = GtkSource.File()
+            sourcefile.set_location(gfile)
+            # TODO: Maybe re-add support for the 'detect-encodings' gsetting
+            loader = GtkSource.FileLoader.new(textbuffers[pane], sourcefile)
+            # FIXME: add a cancelable
+            loader.load_async(
+                GLib.PRIORITY_HIGH,
+                progress_callback=self.load_progress,
+                progress_callback_data=(pane,),
+                callback=self.file_loaded,
+                user_data=(pane,)
+            )
+    def load_progress(self, current_bytes, total_bytes, pane):
+        print pane, "%d%%" % int((current_bytes / float(total_bytes)) * 100)
+    def file_loaded(self, loader, result, user_data):
         def add_dismissable_msg(pane, icon, primary, secondary):
             msgarea = self.msgarea_mgr[pane].new_from_text_and_icon(
-                            icon, primary, secondary)
+                icon, primary, secondary)
             msgarea.add_button(_("Hi_de"), Gtk.ResponseType.CLOSE)
                             lambda *args: self.msgarea_mgr[pane].clear())
             return msgarea
-        for pane, filename in enumerate(files):
-            buf = textbuffers[pane]
-            if filename:
-                try:
-                    handle = io.open(filename, "r", encoding=try_codecs[0])
-                    task = TaskEntry(filename, handle, buf, try_codecs[:],
-                                     pane, False)
-                    tasks.append(task)
-                except (IOError, LookupError) as e:
-                    buf.delete(*buf.get_bounds())
-                    add_dismissable_msg(pane, Gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_ERROR,
-                                        _("Could not read file"), str(e))
-        yield _("[%s] Reading files") % self.label_text
-        while len(tasks):
-            for t in tasks[:]:
-                try:
-                    nextbit = t.file.read(4096)
-                    if nextbit.find("\x00") != -1:
-                        t.buf.delete(*t.buf.get_bounds())
-                        filename = GObject.markup_escape_text(t.filename)
-                        add_dismissable_msg(t.pane, Gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_ERROR,
-                            _("Could not read file"),
-                            _("%s appears to be a binary file.") % filename)
-                        tasks.remove(t)
-                        continue
-                except ValueError as err:
-                    t.codec.pop(0)
-                    if len(t.codec):
-                        t.buf.delete(*t.buf.get_bounds())
-                        t.file = io.open(t.filename, "r", encoding=t.codec[0])
-                    else:
-                        t.buf.delete(*t.buf.get_bounds())
-                        filename = GObject.markup_escape_text(t.filename)
-                        add_dismissable_msg(t.pane, Gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_ERROR,
-                                        _("Could not read file"),
-                                        _("%s is not in encodings: %s") %
-                                            (filename, try_codecs))
-                        tasks.remove(t)
-                except IOError as ioerr:
-                    add_dismissable_msg(t.pane, Gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_ERROR,
-                                    _("Could not read file"), str(ioerr))
-                    tasks.remove(t)
-                else:
-                    # The handling here avoids inserting split CR/LF pairs into
-                    # GtkTextBuffers; this is relevant only when universal
-                    # newline support is unavailable or broken.
-                    if t.was_cr:
-                        nextbit = "\r" + nextbit
-                        t.was_cr = False
-                    if len(nextbit):
-                        if nextbit[-1] == "\r" and len(nextbit) > 1:
-                            t.was_cr = True
-                            nextbit = nextbit[0:-1]
-                        t.buf.insert(t.buf.get_end_iter(), nextbit)
-                    else:
-                        if t.buf.data.savefile:
-                            writable = True
-                            if os.path.exists(t.buf.data.savefile):
-                                writable = os.access(
-                                    t.buf.data.savefile, os.W_OK)
-                        else:
-                            writable = os.access(t.filename, os.W_OK)
-                        self.set_buffer_writable(t.buf, writable)
-                        t.buf.data.encoding = t.codec[0]
-                        if hasattr(t.file, "newlines"):
-                            t.buf.data.newlines = t.file.newlines
-                        tasks.remove(t)
-            yield 1
-        for b in self.textbuffer:
-            self.undosequence.checkpoint(b)
-            b.data.update_mtime()
+        gfile = loader.get_location()
+        pane = user_data[0]
+        try:
+            loader.load_finish(result)
+        except GLib.Error as err:
+            # TODO: Find sane error domain constants
+            if err.domain == 'gtk-source-file-loader-error':
+                # TODO: Add custom reload-with-encoding handling for
+                # GtkSource.FileLoaderError.CONVERSION_FALLBACK and
+                # GtkSource.FileLoaderError.ENCODING_AUTO_DETECTION_FAILED
+                pass
+            filename = GLib.markup_escape_text(
+                gfile.get_parse_name()).decode('utf-8')
+            primary = _(
+                u"There was a problem opening the file ā€œ%sā€." % filename)
+            add_dismissable_msg(
+                pane, Gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_ERROR, primary, err.message)
+            return
+        def is_writable(gfile):
+            try:
+                info = gfile.query_info(Gio.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ACCESS_CAN_WRITE, 0, None)
+            except GLib.GError:
+                return False
+            return info.get_attribute_boolean(Gio.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ACCESS_CAN_WRITE)
+        buf = loader.get_buffer()
+        write_file = Gio.File.new_for_path(buf.data.savefile) if buf.data.savefile else gfile
+        self.set_buffer_writable(buf, is_writable(write_file))
+        # TODO: Move to using the GtkSourceEncoding type
+        buf.data.encoding = loader.get_encoding().get_charset()
+        # TODO: Remove handling for mixed newlines in other places, or add
+        # mixed newline support to GtkSourceFile.
+        buf.data.newlines = loader.get_newline_type()
+        self.undosequence.checkpoint(buf)
+        buf.data.update_mtime()
+        # FIXME: Only add once...
+        self.scheduler.add_task(self._diff_files())
     def _diff_files(self, refresh=False):
         yield _("[%s] Computing differences") % self.label_text
@@ -1184,8 +1181,6 @@ class FileDiff(melddoc.MeldDoc, gnomeglade.Component):
     def _set_files_internal(self, files):
         for i in self._load_files(files, self.textbuffer):
             yield i
-        for i in self._diff_files():
-            yield i
     def set_meta(self, meta):
         self.meta = meta
@@ -1396,7 +1391,7 @@ class FileDiff(melddoc.MeldDoc, gnomeglade.Component):
                         n if isinstance(n, tuple) else (n,) for n in newlines]
                     newline_strings = []
                     for label, nl_types in zip(labels, newline_types):
-                        nl_string = ", ".join(NEWLINES[n] for n in nl_types)
+                        nl_string = ", ".join(NEWLINES[n][1] for n in nl_types)
                         newline_strings.append("\t%s: %s" % (label, nl_string))
                     secondary_text %= "\n".join(newline_strings)
@@ -1543,34 +1538,36 @@ class FileDiff(melddoc.MeldDoc, gnomeglade.Component):
         start, end = buf.get_bounds()
         text = text_type(buf.get_text(start, end, False), 'utf8')
-        if bufdata.newlines:
-            if isinstance(bufdata.newlines, basestring):
-                if bufdata.newlines != '\n':
-                    text = text.replace("\n", bufdata.newlines)
-            else:
-                buttons = {
-                    '\n': (NEWLINES['\n'], 0),
-                    '\r\n': (NEWLINES['\r\n'], 1),
-                    '\r': (NEWLINES['\r'], 2),
-                }
-                dialog_buttons = [(_("_Cancel"), Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL)]
-                dialog_buttons += [buttons[b] for b in bufdata.newlines]
-                newline = misc.modal_dialog(
-                    primary=_("Inconsistent line endings found"),
-                    secondary=_(
-                        "'%s' contains a mixture of line endings. Select the "
-                        "line ending format to use.") % bufdata.label,
-                    buttons=dialog_buttons,
-                    messagetype=Gtk.MessageType.WARNING
-                )
-                if newline < 0:
-                    return False
-                for k, v in buttons.items():
-                    if v[1] == newline:
-                        bufdata.newlines = k
-                        if k != '\n':
-                            text = text.replace('\n', k)
-                        break
+        nl_text = NEWLINES[bufdata.newlines][0]
+        if nl_text != '\n':
+            text = text.replace("\n", nl_text)
+            # TODO: Multiple line-ending handling is now missing; remove
+            # this or adapt.
+            # buttons = {
+            #     '\n': (NEWLINES['\n'], 0),
+            #     '\r\n': (NEWLINES['\r\n'], 1),
+            #     '\r': (NEWLINES['\r'], 2),
+            # }
+            # dialog_buttons = [(_("_Cancel"), Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL)]
+            # dialog_buttons += [buttons[b] for b in bufdata.newlines]
+            # newline = misc.modal_dialog(
+            #     primary=_("Inconsistent line endings found"),
+            #     secondary=_(
+            #         "'%s' contains a mixture of line endings. Select the "
+            #         "line ending format to use.") % bufdata.label,
+            #     buttons=dialog_buttons,
+            #     messagetype=Gtk.MessageType.WARNING
+            # )
+            # if newline < 0:
+            #     return False
+            # for k, v in buttons.items():
+            #     if v[1] == newline:
+            #         bufdata.newlines = k
+            #         if k != '\n':
+            #             text = text.replace('\n', k)
+            #         break
         encoding = bufdata.encoding
         while isinstance(text, unicode):

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