[chronojump] removed unused findCurvesOld

commit 191c3c96000f47bbad08c859dfce5e6d3a8f11dc
Author: Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
Date:   Tue Dec 15 19:19:36 2015 +0100

    removed unused findCurvesOld

 encoder/graph.R |  148 -------------------------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 148 deletions(-)
diff --git a/encoder/graph.R b/encoder/graph.R
index ed7dbb7..815b547 100644
--- a/encoder/graph.R
+++ b/encoder/graph.R
@@ -409,153 +409,6 @@ findCurvesNew <- function(displacement, eccon, isInertial, min_height, draw, tit
-#extrema method
-#there are problems when small changes of direction are found
-#unused now, use the new findCurves (above) that is equal to runEncoderCaptureCsharp()
-findCurvesOld <- function(displacement, eccon, min_height, draw, title) {
-       position=cumsum(displacement)
-       position.ext=extrema(position)
-       print("at findCurves")
-       print(position.ext)
-       start=0; end=0; startH=0
-       tempStart=0; tempEnd=0;
-       #TODO: fer algo per si no es detecta el minindex previ al salt
-       if(eccon=="c") 
-       {
-               #1) fix big problems with set (signal). No minindex or no maxindex
-               if(length(position.ext$minindex)==0) { position.ext$minindex=cbind(1,1) }
-               if(length(position.ext$maxindex)==0) { 
position.ext$maxindex=cbind(length(position),length(position)) }
-               #2) fixes if 1st minindex is after 1st maxindex
-               if(position.ext$maxindex[1] < position.ext$minindex[1]) { position.ext$minindex = 
rbind(c(1,1),position.ext$minindex) } 
-               #3 find the curves (enter the bucle)
-               row=1; #row means each curve
-               i=1; j=1 #i minimums; j maximums
-               while(max(c(i,j)) <= 
-               {
-                       #3.1) assign tempStart and tempEnd using extrema data
-                       #tempStart at the end of minindexs
-                       #tempStart = position.ext$minindex[i,2]
-                       #tempStart at the mean of minindexs
-                       #this is better because has more data in order to reduceCurveBySpeed
-                       #then we get similar results than pyserial_pyper.py
-                       tempStart = mean(c(position.ext$minindex[i,1],position.ext$minindex[i,2]))
-                       #end at the mean of maximum values then reduceCurveBySpeed will end it when first 
speed==0 at right of maxspeed 
-                       tempEnd = mean(c(position.ext$maxindex[j,1],position.ext$maxindex[j,2]))
-                       #end at the first maximum value
-                       #tempEnd = position.ext$maxindex[j,1]
-                       #3.2) get heigh. Store curve if it's enough
-                       height=position[tempEnd]-position[tempStart]
-                       if(height >= min_height) { 
-                               start[row] = tempStart
-                               end[row]   = tempEnd
-                               startH[row]= position[position.ext$minindex[i,1]]               #height at 
-                               row=row+1;
-                               #if(eccon=="c") { break } #c only needs one result
-                       } 
-                       i=i+1; j=j+1
-               } #end of while
-       } else { #ec, ecS, ce, ceS
-               row=1; i=1; j=2
-               referenceindex=0
-               if(eccon=="ec" || eccon=="ecS") {
-                       referenceindex=position.ext$maxindex
-               } else {
-                       referenceindex=position.ext$minindex
-               }
-               #when saved a row with ec-con, and there's only this curve, extrema doesn't find maxindex
-               if(length(referenceindex) == 0) {
-                       start[1] = 1
-                       if(eccon=="ec" || eccon=="ecS")
-                               end[1] = mean(which(position == min(position)))
-                       else
-                               end[1] = mean(which(position == max(position)))
-                       startH[1]=position[1]
-                       start[2] =end[1]+1
-                       end[2]   =length(position)
-                       startH[2]=position[start[2]]
-               }
-               #if a person starts stand up and goes down, extrema maxindex don't find the initial position
-               #if this person does 3 squats, only 2 will be found
-               #add first value of all the serie (1ms time) to maxindex to help to detect this first curve
-               referenceindex = rbind(c(1,1),referenceindex)
-               while(j <= length(referenceindex[,1])) {
-                       tempStart = mean(c(referenceindex[i,1],referenceindex[i,2]))
-                       tempEnd   = mean(c(referenceindex[j,1],referenceindex[j,2]))
-                       if(eccon=="ec" || eccon=="ecS") {
-                               opposite=min(position[tempStart:tempEnd]) #find min value between the two tops
-                               mintop=min(c(position[tempStart],position[tempEnd])) #find wich top is lower
-                               height=mintop-opposite
-                       } else {
-                               opposite=max(position[tempStart:tempEnd]) #find max value between the two 
-                               maxbottom=max(c(position[tempStart],position[tempEnd])) #find wich bottom is 
-                               height=abs(maxbottom-opposite)
-                       }
-                       if(height >= min_height) { 
-                               if(eccon == "ecS" || eccon == "ceS") {
-                                       start[row] = tempStart
-                                       end[row]   = mean(which(position[tempStart:tempEnd] == opposite) + 
-                                       startH[row] = position[referenceindex[i,1]]             #height at 
-                                       row=row+1
-                                       start[row] = end[(row-1)] + 1
-                                       end[row]   = tempEnd
-                                       startH[row] = position[start[row]]              #height at start
-                                       row=row+1
-                                       i=j
-                               } else {        #("ec" || "ce")
-                                       start[row] = tempStart
-                                       end[row]   = tempEnd
-                                       startH[row] = position[referenceindex[i,1]]             #height at 
-                                       row=row+1
-                                       i=j
-                               }
-                       } else {
-                               if(eccon=="ec" || eccon=="ecS") {
-                                       if(position[tempEnd] >= position[tempStart]) {
-                                               i=j
-                                       }
-                               } else {
-                                       if(position[tempEnd] <= position[tempStart]) {
-                                               i=j
-                                       }
-                               }
-                       }
-                       j=j+1
-               }
-       }
-       if(draw) {
-               lty=1
-               col="black"
-               plot((1:length(position))/1000                  #ms -> s
-                    ,position/10,                              #mm -> cm
-                    type="l",
-                    xlim=c(1,length(position))/1000,           #ms -> s
-                    xlab="",ylab="",axes=T,
-                    lty=lty,col=col) 
-               title(title, cex.main=1, font.main=1)
-               mtext(paste(translateToPrint("time"),"(s)"),side=1,adj=1,line=-1)
-               mtext(paste(translateToPrint("displacement"),"(cm)"),side=2,adj=1,line=-1)
-       }
-       return(as.data.frame(cbind(start,end,startH)))
 findSmoothingsECGetPower <- function(speed)
@@ -2593,7 +2446,6 @@ doProcess <- function(options)
-               #curves=findCurvesOld(displacement, op$Eccon, op$MinHeight, curvesPlot, op$Title)
                curves=findCurvesNew(displacement, op$Eccon, isInertial(op$EncoderConfigurationName), 
                                     op$MinHeight, curvesPlot, op$Title)

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