[evolution] Bug 759337 - Busy loop after sending a message with a space on the end of paragraph

commit 0cccbfb172bb62ae8f249839047a9ef042a50ee4
Author: Tomas Popela <tpopela redhat com>
Date:   Fri Dec 11 10:58:30 2015 +0100

    Bug 759337 - Busy loop after sending a message with a space on the end of paragraph
    Fix the code to avoid the busy loop and also change the trailing space to
    non-breaking space, otherwise it will be hidden by WebKit (just this would be
    enough to fix this bug).

 e-util/e-html-editor-selection.c |   54 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 e-util/e-html-editor-view.c      |    2 +-
 2 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
diff --git a/e-util/e-html-editor-selection.c b/e-util/e-html-editor-selection.c
index efab355..a64c939 100644
--- a/e-util/e-html-editor-selection.c
+++ b/e-util/e-html-editor-selection.c
@@ -6333,6 +6333,27 @@ find_where_to_break_line (WebKitDOMCharacterData *node,
 static void
+mark_and_remove_trailing_space (WebKitDOMDocument *document,
+                                WebKitDOMNode *node)
+       WebKitDOMElement *element;
+       element = webkit_dom_document_create_element (document, "SPAN", NULL);
+       webkit_dom_element_set_attribute (element, "data-hidden-space", "", NULL);
+       webkit_dom_node_insert_before (
+               webkit_dom_node_get_parent_node (node),
+               WEBKIT_DOM_NODE (element),
+               webkit_dom_node_get_next_sibling (node),
+               NULL);
+       webkit_dom_character_data_replace_data (
+               WEBKIT_DOM_CHARACTER_DATA (node),
+               webkit_dom_character_data_get_length (WEBKIT_DOM_CHARACTER_DATA (node)),
+               1,
+               "",
+               NULL);
+static void
 mark_and_remove_leading_space (WebKitDOMDocument *document,
                                WebKitDOMNode *node)
@@ -6826,6 +6847,11 @@ wrap_lines (EHTMLEditorSelection *selection,
                                                                        if (nd_content && *nd_content) {
                                                                                if (*nd_content == ' ')
mark_and_remove_leading_space (document, nd);
+                                                                               if 
(!webkit_dom_node_get_next_sibling (nd) &&
+                                                                                   g_str_has_suffix 
(nd_content, " "))
mark_and_remove_trailing_space (document, nd);
                                                                                g_free (nd_content);
@@ -6875,29 +6901,41 @@ wrap_lines (EHTMLEditorSelection *selection,
                                        nd = node;
                                if (nd) {
+                                       gboolean no_sibling = FALSE;
                                        gchar *nd_content;
                                        nd_content = webkit_dom_node_get_text_content (nd);
                                        if (nd_content && *nd_content) {
                                                if (*nd_content == ' ')
                                                        mark_and_remove_leading_space (document, nd);
+                                               if (!webkit_dom_node_get_next_sibling (nd) &&
+                                                   g_str_has_suffix (nd_content, " ")) {
+                                                       mark_and_remove_trailing_space (document, nd);
+                                                       no_sibling = TRUE;
+                                               }
                                                g_free (nd_content);
-                                       webkit_dom_node_insert_before (
-                                               webkit_dom_node_get_parent_node (node),
-                                               WEBKIT_DOM_NODE (element),
-                                               nd,
-                                               NULL);
+                                       if (!no_sibling)
+                                               webkit_dom_node_insert_before (
+                                                       webkit_dom_node_get_parent_node (node),
+                                                       WEBKIT_DOM_NODE (element),
+                                                       nd,
+                                                       NULL);
                                        offset = 0;
                                        nd_content = webkit_dom_node_get_text_content (nd);
                                        if (!*nd_content)
                                                remove_node (nd);
                                        g_free (nd_content);
-                                       node = webkit_dom_node_get_next_sibling (
-                                               WEBKIT_DOM_NODE (element));
+                                       if (no_sibling)
+                                               node = NULL;
+                                       else
+                                               node = webkit_dom_node_get_next_sibling (
+                                                       WEBKIT_DOM_NODE (element));
                                } else {
                                        webkit_dom_node_append_child (
                                                webkit_dom_node_get_parent_node (node),
diff --git a/e-util/e-html-editor-view.c b/e-util/e-html-editor-view.c
index 8fa7a71..bab9a7b 100644
--- a/e-util/e-html-editor-view.c
+++ b/e-util/e-html-editor-view.c
@@ -7179,7 +7179,7 @@ parse_html_into_blocks (EHTMLEditorView *view,
        /* Replace single spaces on the beginning of line, 2+ spaces and
         * tabulators with non breaking spaces */
-       regex_nbsp = g_regex_new ("^\\s{1}|\\s{2,}|\x9", 0, 0, NULL);
+       regex_nbsp = g_regex_new ("^\\s{1}|\\s{2,}|\x9|\\s$", 0, 0, NULL);
        while (next_br) {
                gboolean local_ignore_next_br = ignore_next_br;

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