[gnome-builder/wip/chergert/perspective] egg: add EggMenuManager for .ui merging of GMenu items

commit ee8cd1175efc9876a05357dd773ee8d76d71a210
Author: Christian Hergert <chergert redhat com>
Date:   Thu Dec 3 13:33:54 2015 -0800

    egg: add EggMenuManager for .ui merging of GMenu items
    This allows us to merge the .ui from the application and plugins. Simply
    duplicate the hierarchy of your menu you would like merged. See the test
    attached for an example of extending the core menus.
    Extensions can also provide new menus which then get extended by other
    plugins. egg_menu_manager_get_menu_by_id() will always return a GMenu,
    which may be populated by a future merging.

 contrib/egg/Makefile.am        |    2 +
 contrib/egg/egg-menu-manager.c |  501 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 contrib/egg/egg-menu-manager.h |   41 ++++
 tests/Makefile.am              |   17 ++-
 tests/menus-exten-1.ui         |   17 ++
 tests/menus-exten-2.ui         |   12 +
 tests/menus-exten-3.ui         |   20 ++
 tests/menus-exten-4.ui         |   11 +
 tests/menus-exten-5.ui         |   16 ++
 tests/menus.ui                 |   47 ++++
 tests/test-egg-menu-manager.c  |   55 +++++
 11 files changed, 738 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
diff --git a/contrib/egg/Makefile.am b/contrib/egg/Makefile.am
index e6dc1fb..24470ec 100644
--- a/contrib/egg/Makefile.am
+++ b/contrib/egg/Makefile.am
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ libegg_private_la_SOURCES = \
        egg-frame-source.h \
        egg-heap.c \
        egg-heap.h \
+       egg-menu-manager.c \
+       egg-menu-manager.h \
        egg-pill-box.c \
        egg-pill-box.h \
        egg-private.h \
diff --git a/contrib/egg/egg-menu-manager.c b/contrib/egg/egg-menu-manager.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2cd892
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/egg/egg-menu-manager.c
@@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
+/* egg-menu-manager.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Hergert <chergert redhat com>
+ *
+ * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+#include "egg-menu-manager.h"
+struct _EggMenuManager
+  GObject     parent_instance;
+  guint       last_merge_id;
+  GHashTable *models;
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (EggMenuManager, egg_menu_manager, G_TYPE_OBJECT)
+#define EGG_MENU_ATTRIBUTE_BEFORE   "before"
+#define EGG_MENU_ATTRIBUTE_AFTER    "after"
+#define EGG_MENU_ATTRIBUTE_MERGE_ID "egg-merge-id"
+ * SECTION:egg-menu-manager
+ * @short_description: UI merging for menus
+ *
+ * The goal of #EggMenuManager is to simplify the process of merging multiple
+ * GtkBuilder .ui files containing menus into a single representation of the
+ * application menus. Additionally, it provides the ability to "unmerge"
+ * previously merged menus.
+ *
+ * This allows for an application to have plugins which seemlessly extends
+ * the core application menus.
+ *
+ * Implementation notes:
+ *
+ * To make this work, we don't use the GMenu instances created by a GtkBuilder
+ * instance. Instead, we create the menus ourself and recreate section and
+ * submenu links. This allows the #EggMenuManager to be in full control of
+ * the generated menus.
+ *
+ * egg_menu_manager_get_menu_by_id() will always return a #GMenu, however
+ * that menu may contain no children until something has extended it later
+ * on during the application process.
+ */
+static const gchar *
+get_object_id (GObject *object)
+  g_assert (G_IS_OBJECT (object));
+  if (GTK_IS_BUILDABLE (object))
+    return gtk_buildable_get_name (GTK_BUILDABLE (object));
+  else
+    return g_object_get_data (object, "gtk-builder-name");
+static void
+egg_menu_manager_finalize (GObject *object)
+  EggMenuManager *self = (EggMenuManager *)object;
+  g_clear_pointer (&self->models, g_hash_table_unref);
+  G_OBJECT_CLASS (egg_menu_manager_parent_class)->finalize (object);
+static void
+egg_menu_manager_class_init (EggMenuManagerClass *klass)
+  GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
+  object_class->finalize = egg_menu_manager_finalize;
+static void
+egg_menu_manager_init (EggMenuManager *self)
+  self->models = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, g_object_unref);
+static gint
+find_with_attribute_string (GMenuModel  *model,
+                            const gchar *attribute,
+                            const gchar *value)
+  guint n_items;
+  gint i;
+  g_assert (G_IS_MENU_MODEL (model));
+  g_assert (attribute != NULL);
+  g_assert (value != NULL);
+  n_items = g_menu_model_get_n_items (model);
+  for (i = 0; i < n_items; i++)
+    {
+      g_autofree gchar *item_value = NULL;
+      if (g_menu_model_get_item_attribute (model, i, attribute, "s", &item_value) &&
+          (g_strcmp0 (value, item_value) == 0))
+        return i;
+    }
+  return -1;
+static gboolean
+egg_menu_manager_menu_contains (EggMenuManager *self,
+                                GMenu          *menu,
+                                GMenuItem      *item)
+  g_autoptr(GMenuModel) section = NULL;
+  g_autoptr(GMenuModel) submenu = NULL;
+  const gchar *link_id;
+  const gchar *label;
+  g_assert (EGG_IS_MENU_MANAGER (self));
+  g_assert (G_IS_MENU (menu));
+  g_assert (G_IS_MENU_ITEM (item));
+  /* try to find  match by item label */
+  if (g_menu_item_get_attribute (item, G_MENU_ATTRIBUTE_LABEL, "&s", &label) &&
+      (find_with_attribute_string (G_MENU_MODEL (menu), G_MENU_ATTRIBUTE_LABEL, label) >= 0))
+    return TRUE;
+  /* try to find match by item link */
+  if (g_menu_item_get_attribute (item, "egg-link-id", "&s", &link_id) &&
+      (find_with_attribute_string (G_MENU_MODEL (menu), "egg-link-id", link_id) >= 0))
+    return TRUE;
+  return FALSE;
+static void
+model_copy_attributes_to_item (GMenuModel *model,
+                               gint        item_index,
+                               GMenuItem  *item)
+  GMenuAttributeIter *iter;
+  const gchar *attr_name;
+  GVariant *attr_value;
+  g_assert (G_IS_MENU_MODEL (model));
+  g_assert (item_index >= 0);
+  g_assert (G_IS_MENU_ITEM (item));
+  iter = g_menu_model_iterate_item_attributes (model, item_index);
+  while (g_menu_attribute_iter_get_next (iter, &attr_name, &attr_value))
+    g_menu_item_set_attribute_value (item, attr_name, attr_value);
+  g_object_unref (iter);
+static gint
+find_position_for_item (GMenuModel *model,
+                        GMenuItem  *item)
+  const gchar *after;
+  const gchar *before;
+  gint before_pos = -1;
+  gint after_pos = -1;
+  g_assert (G_IS_MENU_MODEL (model));
+  g_assert (G_IS_MENU_ITEM (item));
+  if (!g_menu_item_get_attribute (item, EGG_MENU_ATTRIBUTE_AFTER, "&s", &after))
+    after = NULL;
+  if (!g_menu_item_get_attribute (item, EGG_MENU_ATTRIBUTE_BEFORE, "&s", &before))
+    before = NULL;
+  if (after != NULL)
+    after_pos = find_with_attribute_string (model, G_MENU_ATTRIBUTE_LABEL, after);
+  if (before != NULL)
+    before_pos = find_with_attribute_string (model, G_MENU_ATTRIBUTE_LABEL, before);
+  /*
+   * TODO: Perform resort after all items have been inserted.
+   *
+   *       We cannot resolve all positions incrementally as we add them since
+   *       plugin ordering cannot be guaranteed (and some relative positions
+   *       may not yet be available). If relations were symmetrical, that
+   *       wouldn't be a problem.
+   */
+  if (before_pos >= 0)
+    return MAX (0, before_pos - 1);
+  if (after_pos >= 0)
+    return after_pos + 1;
+  return -1;
+static void
+egg_menu_manager_add_to_menu (EggMenuManager *self,
+                              GMenu          *menu,
+                              GMenuItem      *item)
+  gint position;
+  g_assert (EGG_IS_MENU_MANAGER (self));
+  g_assert (G_IS_MENU (menu));
+  g_assert (G_IS_MENU_ITEM (item));
+  position = find_position_for_item (G_MENU_MODEL (menu), item);
+  g_menu_insert_item (menu, position, item);
+static void
+egg_menu_manager_merge_model (EggMenuManager *self,
+                              GMenu          *menu,
+                              GMenuModel     *model,
+                              guint           merge_id)
+  guint n_items;
+  gint i;
+  g_assert (EGG_IS_MENU_MANAGER (self));
+  g_assert (G_IS_MENU (menu));
+  g_assert (G_IS_MENU_MODEL (model));
+  g_assert (merge_id > 0);
+  /*
+   * NOTES:
+   *
+   * Instead of using g_menu_item_new_from_model(), we create our own item
+   * and resolve section/submenu links. This allows us to be in full control
+   * of all of the menu items created.
+   *
+   * We move through each item in @model. If that item does not exist within
+   * @menu, we add it taking into account %EGG_MENU_ATTRIBUTE_BEFORE and
+   */
+  n_items = g_menu_model_get_n_items (model);
+  for (i = 0; i < n_items; i++)
+    {
+      g_autoptr(GMenuItem) item = NULL;
+      g_autoptr(GMenuLinkIter) link_iter = NULL;
+      item = g_menu_item_new (NULL, NULL);
+      /*
+       * Copy attributes from the model. This includes, label, action,
+       * target, before, after, etc. Also set our merge-id so that we
+       * can remove the item when we are unmerged.
+       */
+      model_copy_attributes_to_item (model, i, item);
+      g_menu_item_set_attribute (item, EGG_MENU_ATTRIBUTE_MERGE_ID, "u", merge_id);
+      /*
+       * If this is a link, resolve it from our already created GMenu.
+       * The menu might be empty now, but it will get filled in on a
+       * followup pass for that model.
+       */
+      link_iter = g_menu_model_iterate_item_links (model, i);
+      while (g_menu_link_iter_next (link_iter))
+        {
+          g_autoptr(GMenuModel) link_model = NULL;
+          const gchar *link_name;
+          const gchar *link_id;
+          GMenuModel *internal_menu;
+          link_name = g_menu_link_iter_get_name (link_iter);
+          link_model = g_menu_link_iter_get_value (link_iter);
+          g_assert (link_name != NULL);
+          g_assert (G_IS_MENU_MODEL (link_model));
+          link_id = get_object_id (G_OBJECT (link_model));
+          if (link_id == NULL)
+            {
+              g_warning ("Link of type \"%s\" missing \"id=\". "
+                         "Merging will not be possible.",
+                         link_name);
+              continue;
+            }
+          internal_menu = g_hash_table_lookup (self->models, link_id);
+          if (internal_menu == NULL)
+            {
+              g_warning ("linked menu %s has not been created", link_id);
+              continue;
+            }
+          /*
+           * Save the internal link reference-id to do merging of items
+           * later on. We need to know if an item matches when we might
+           * not have a "label" to work from.
+           */
+          g_menu_item_set_attribute (item, "egg-link-id", "s", link_id);
+          g_menu_item_set_link (item, link_name, internal_menu);
+        }
+      /*
+       * If the menu already has this item, that's fine. We will populate
+       * the submenu/section links in followup merges of their GMenuModel.
+       */
+      if (egg_menu_manager_menu_contains (self, menu, item))
+        continue;
+      egg_menu_manager_add_to_menu (self, menu, item);
+    }
+static void
+egg_menu_manager_merge (EggMenuManager *self,
+                        GtkBuilder     *builder,
+                        guint           merge_id)
+  const GSList *iter;
+  GSList *list;
+  g_assert (EGG_IS_MENU_MANAGER (self));
+  g_assert (GTK_IS_BUILDER (builder));
+  g_assert (merge_id > 0);
+  /*
+   * NOTES:
+   *
+   * We cannot re-use any of the created GMenu from the builder as we need
+   * control over all the created GMenu. Primarily because manipulating
+   * existing GMenu is such a PITA. So instead, we create our own GMenu and
+   * resolve links manually.
+   *
+   * Since GtkBuilder requires that all menus have an "id" element, we can
+   * resolve the menu->id fairly easily. First we create our own GMenu
+   * instances so that we can always resolve them during the creation process.
+   * Then we can go through and manually resolve links as we create items.
+   *
+   * We don't need to recursively create the menus since we will come across
+   * additional GMenu instances while iterating the available objects from the
+   * GtkBuilder. This does require 2 iterations of the objects, but that is
+   * not an issue.
+   */
+  list = gtk_builder_get_objects (builder);
+  /*
+   * For every menu with an id, check to see if we already created our
+   * instance of that menu. If not, create it now so we can resolve them
+   * while building the menu links.
+   */
+  for (iter = list; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next)
+    {
+      GObject *object = iter->data;
+      const gchar *id;
+      GMenu *menu;
+      if (!G_IS_MENU (object))
+        continue;
+      if (!(id = get_object_id (object)))
+        {
+          g_warning ("menu without identifier, implausible");
+          continue;
+        }
+      if (!(menu = g_hash_table_lookup (self->models, id)))
+        g_hash_table_insert (self->models, g_strdup (id), g_menu_new ());
+    }
+  /*
+   * Now build each menu we discovered in the GtkBuilder. We do not need to
+   * build them recursively since we will pass the linked menus as we make
+   * forward progress on the GtkBuilder created objects.
+   */
+  for (iter = list; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next)
+    {
+      GObject *object = iter->data;
+      const gchar *id;
+      GMenu *menu;
+      if (!G_IS_MENU_MODEL (object))
+        continue;
+      if (!(id = get_object_id (object)))
+        continue;
+      menu = g_hash_table_lookup (self->models, id);
+      g_assert (G_IS_MENU (menu));
+      egg_menu_manager_merge_model (self, menu, G_MENU_MODEL (object), merge_id);
+    }
+  g_slist_free (list);
+EggMenuManager *
+egg_menu_manager_new (void)
+  return g_object_new (EGG_TYPE_MENU_MANAGER, NULL);
+egg_menu_manager_add_filename (EggMenuManager  *self,
+                               const gchar     *filename,
+                               GError         **error)
+  GtkBuilder *builder;
+  guint merge_id;
+  g_return_val_if_fail (EGG_IS_MENU_MANAGER (self), 0);
+  g_return_val_if_fail (filename != NULL, 0);
+  builder = gtk_builder_new ();
+  if (!gtk_builder_add_from_file (builder, filename, error))
+    {
+      g_object_unref (builder);
+      return 0;
+    }
+  merge_id = ++self->last_merge_id;
+  egg_menu_manager_merge (self, builder, merge_id);
+  g_object_unref (builder);
+  return merge_id;
+egg_menu_manager_remove (EggMenuManager *self,
+                         guint           merge_id)
+  GHashTableIter iter;
+  GMenu *menu;
+  g_return_if_fail (EGG_IS_MENU_MANAGER (self));
+  g_return_if_fail (merge_id != 0);
+  g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, self->models);
+  while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, NULL, (gpointer *)&menu))
+    {
+      guint n_items;
+      gint i;
+      g_assert (G_IS_MENU (menu));
+      n_items = g_menu_model_get_n_items (G_MENU_MODEL (menu));
+      for (i = 0; i < n_items; i++)
+        {
+          guint item_merge_id;
+          if (g_menu_model_get_item_attribute (G_MENU_MODEL (menu),
+                                               i,
+                                               EGG_MENU_ATTRIBUTE_MERGE_ID,
+                                               "u", &item_merge_id))
+            {
+              g_menu_remove (menu, i);
+              i--;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+ * egg_menu_manager_get_menu_by_id:
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer none): A #GMenu.
+ */
+GMenu *
+egg_menu_manager_get_menu_by_id (EggMenuManager *self,
+                                 const gchar    *menu_id)
+  GMenu *menu;
+  g_return_val_if_fail (EGG_IS_MENU_MANAGER (self), NULL);
+  g_return_val_if_fail (menu_id != NULL, NULL);
+  menu = g_hash_table_lookup (self->models, menu_id);
+  if (menu == NULL)
+    {
+      menu = g_menu_new ();
+      g_hash_table_insert (self->models, g_strdup (menu_id), menu);
+    }
+  return menu;
diff --git a/contrib/egg/egg-menu-manager.h b/contrib/egg/egg-menu-manager.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e8e6f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/egg/egg-menu-manager.h
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+/* egg-menu-manager.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Hergert <chergert redhat com>
+ *
+ * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#define EGG_TYPE_MENU_MANAGER (egg_menu_manager_get_type())
+G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (EggMenuManager, egg_menu_manager, EGG, MENU_MANAGER, GObject)
+EggMenuManager *egg_menu_manager_new            (void);
+guint           egg_menu_manager_add_filename   (EggMenuManager  *self,
+                                                 const gchar     *filename,
+                                                 GError         **error);
+void            egg_menu_manager_remove         (EggMenuManager  *self,
+                                                 guint            merge_id);
+GMenu          *egg_menu_manager_get_menu_by_id (EggMenuManager  *self,
+                                                 const gchar     *menu_id);
+#endif /* EGG_MENU_MANAGER_H */
diff --git a/tests/Makefile.am b/tests/Makefile.am
index a491481..1b08106 100644
--- a/tests/Makefile.am
+++ b/tests/Makefile.am
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
 egg_cflags = \
        $(DEBUG_CFLAGS) \
        $(LIBIDE_CFLAGS) \
@@ -199,6 +201,19 @@ test_egg_binding_group_CFLAGS = $(egg_cflags)
 test_egg_binding_group_LDADD = $(egg_libs)
+TESTS += test-egg-menu-manager
+test_egg_menu_manager_SOURCES = test-egg-menu-manager.c
+test_egg_menu_manager_CFLAGS = $(egg_cflags)
+test_egg_menu_manager_LDADD = $(egg_libs)
+       menus-exten-1.ui \
+       menus-exten-2.ui \
+       menus-exten-3.ui \
+       menus-exten-4.ui \
+       menus-exten-5.ui \
+       menus.ui
 TESTS += test-egg-signal-group
 test_egg_signal_group_SOURCES = test-egg-signal-group.c
 test_egg_signal_group_CFLAGS = $(egg_cflags)
@@ -229,7 +244,7 @@ endif
 check_PROGRAMS = $(TESTS) $(misc_programs)
        data/project1/configure.ac \
        data/project1/.editorconfig \
        data/project1/project1.doap \
diff --git a/tests/menus-exten-1.ui b/tests/menus-exten-1.ui
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43f257b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/menus-exten-1.ui
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+  <menu id="menu-1">
+    <section id="menu-1-section-3">
+      <submenu id="menu-1-section-3-submenu-1">
+        <attribute name="after">menu-1-section-3-item-2</attribute>
+        <attribute name="label">menu-1-section-3-item-3</attribute>
+        <section id="menu-1-section-3-item-3-submenu-1-section-1">
+          <item>
+            <attribute name="label">menu-1-section-3-item-3-submenu-1-section-1</attribute>
+            <attribute name="action">menu-1-section-3-item-3-submenu-1-section-1</attribute>
+          </item>
+        </section>
+      </submenu>
+    </section>
+  </menu>
diff --git a/tests/menus-exten-2.ui b/tests/menus-exten-2.ui
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b7cfbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/menus-exten-2.ui
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+  <menu id="menu-2">
+    <section id="menu-2-section-1">
+      <item>
+        <attribute name="before">menu-2-section-1-item-1</attribute>
+        <attribute name="label">menu-2-section-1-item-0</attribute>
+        <attribute name="action">menu-2-section-1-item-0</attribute>
+      </item>
+    </section>
+  </menu>
diff --git a/tests/menus-exten-3.ui b/tests/menus-exten-3.ui
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17a301e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/menus-exten-3.ui
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+  <menu id="menu-3">
+    <section id="menu-3-section-2">
+      <item>
+        <attribute name="label">menu-3-section-2-item-0</attribute>
+        <attribute name="action">menu-3-section-2-item-0</attribute>
+      </item>
+      <submenu id="menu-3-section-2-submenu-1">
+        <attribute name="label">menu-3-section-2-item-1</attribute>
+        <section id="menu-3-section-2-submenu-1-section-1">
+          <item>
+            <attribute name="label">menu-3-section-2-item-1</attribute>
+            <attribute name="action">menu-3-section-2-item-1</attribute>
+          </item>
+        </section>
+      </submenu>
+    </section>
+  </menu>
diff --git a/tests/menus-exten-4.ui b/tests/menus-exten-4.ui
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..387cd90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/menus-exten-4.ui
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+  <menu id="menu-4">
+    <section id="menu-4-section-1">
+      <item>
+        <attribute name="label">menu-4-section-1-item-1</attribute>
+        <attribute name="action">menu-4-section-1-item-1</attribute>
+      </item>
+    </section>
+  </menu>
diff --git a/tests/menus-exten-5.ui b/tests/menus-exten-5.ui
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fbbc4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/menus-exten-5.ui
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+  <menu id="menu-3">
+    <section id="menu-3-section-2">
+      <submenu id="menu-3-section-2-submenu-1">
+        <section id="menu-3-section-2-submenu-1-section-1">
+          <item>
+            <attribute name="after">menu-3-section-2-item-1</attribute>
+            <attribute name="label">menu-3-section-2-item-2</attribute>
+            <attribute name="action">menu-3-section-2-item-2</attribute>
+          </item>
+        </section>
+      </submenu>
+    </section>
+  </menu>
diff --git a/tests/menus.ui b/tests/menus.ui
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93de611
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/menus.ui
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+  <menu id="menu-1">
+    <section id="menu-1-section-1">
+      <item>
+        <attribute name="label" translatable="yes">menu-1-section-1-item-1</attribute>
+        <attribute name="action">menu-1-section-1-item-1</attribute>
+      </item>
+      <item>
+        <attribute name="label" translatable="yes">menu-1-section-1-item-2</attribute>
+        <attribute name="action">menu-1-section-1-item-2</attribute>
+      </item>
+    </section>
+    <section id="menu-1-section-2">
+      <item>
+        <attribute name="label" translatable="yes">menu-1-section-2-item-1</attribute>
+        <attribute name="action">menu-1-section-2-item-1</attribute>
+      </item>
+    </section>
+    <section id="menu-1-section-3">
+      <item>
+        <attribute name="label" translatable="yes">menu-1-section-3-item-1</attribute>
+        <attribute name="action">menu-1-section-3-item-1</attribute>
+      </item>
+      <item>
+        <attribute name="label" translatable="yes">menu-1-section-3-item-2</attribute>
+        <attribute name="action">menu-1-section-3-item-2</attribute>
+      </item>
+    </section>
+  </menu>
+  <menu id="menu-2">
+    <section id="menu-2-section-1">
+      <item>
+        <attribute name="label">menu-2-section-1-item-1</attribute>
+        <attribute name="action">menu-2-section-1-item-1</attribute>
+      </item>
+    </section>
+    <section id="menu-2-section-2">
+    </section>
+  </menu>
+  <menu id="menu-3">
+    <section id="menu-3-section-1">
+    </section>
+    <section id="menu-3-section-2">
+    </section>
+  </menu>
diff --git a/tests/test-egg-menu-manager.c b/tests/test-egg-menu-manager.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6582de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test-egg-menu-manager.c
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#include "egg-menu-manager.h"
+main (gint   argc,
+      gchar *argv[])
+  EggMenuManager *manager;
+  GMenu *menu;
+  GtkWidget *widget;
+  GError *error = NULL;
+  GMenu *top;
+  gtk_init (&argc, &argv);
+  manager = egg_menu_manager_new ();
+  egg_menu_manager_add_filename (manager, "menus.ui", &error);
+  g_assert_no_error (error);
+  egg_menu_manager_add_filename (manager, "menus-exten-1.ui", &error);
+  g_assert_no_error (error);
+  egg_menu_manager_add_filename (manager, "menus-exten-2.ui", &error);
+  g_assert_no_error (error);
+  egg_menu_manager_add_filename (manager, "menus-exten-3.ui", &error);
+  g_assert_no_error (error);
+  egg_menu_manager_add_filename (manager, "menus-exten-4.ui", &error);
+  g_assert_no_error (error);
+  egg_menu_manager_add_filename (manager, "menus-exten-5.ui", &error);
+  g_assert_no_error (error);
+  top = g_menu_new ();
+  menu = egg_menu_manager_get_menu_by_id (manager, "menu-1");
+  g_menu_append_submenu (top, "menu-1", G_MENU_MODEL (menu));
+  menu = egg_menu_manager_get_menu_by_id (manager, "menu-2");
+  g_menu_append_submenu (top, "menu-2", G_MENU_MODEL (menu));
+  menu = egg_menu_manager_get_menu_by_id (manager, "menu-3");
+  g_menu_append_submenu (top, "menu-3", G_MENU_MODEL (menu));
+  menu = egg_menu_manager_get_menu_by_id (manager, "menu-4");
+  g_menu_append_submenu (top, "menu-4", G_MENU_MODEL (menu));
+  widget = gtk_menu_new_from_model (G_MENU_MODEL (top));
+  gtk_menu_popup (GTK_MENU (widget), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, GDK_CURRENT_TIME);
+  gtk_main ();
+  return 0;

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