[gimp-web/gimp-web-static] Added meta page about editing front page of the site

commit e91ab274f0f99947f128ee34d72caf85612c10d4
Author: Pat David <patdavid gmail com>
Date:   Thu Aug 20 12:19:27 2015 -0500

    Added meta page about editing front page of the site

 content/about/meta/frontpage.md |  123 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 content/about/meta/index.md     |    1 +
 content/frontpage/index.md      |    7 ++
 content/pages/index.md          |    7 --
 pelicanconf.py                  |    2 +-
 5 files changed, 132 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
diff --git a/content/about/meta/frontpage.md b/content/about/meta/frontpage.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f863210
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/about/meta/frontpage.md
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+Title: Editing the Front Page
+Date: 2015-08-20T09:42:26-05:00
+Author: Pat David
+Summary: How to edit the main landing page of the site.
+So you'd like to modify the main landing page of this site?
+Check with someone first.
+Seriously.  Get on [irc]({filename}../../about/irc.md), and get someone to get support for what you want to 
+The reason I say this is that it's likely going to be a bit of work, and I'd hate for you
+to get too far down the rabbit hole before finding out it may not be something that will be implemented.
+Ok, still on track to fiddle with the front page?  Read on! Or just jump straight to the [TL;DR](#tldr).
+## The Front Page
+The way that [Pelican] is normally handling the front page of a site is to consider it a listing of
+blog posts.  This means that a normal "front page" for a Pelican site usually has a list of all of the 
+*Article* posts on the site.
+This is not what we're doing here.
+We still want a listing of *Article* posts, but in a different location than the front page
+(I will be referring to the Pelican idea of *Article* as *News* items from now on).
+Really, we want a (*relatively*) static front page, and we'd like to move the list of news items
+to it's own page (and each news item gets it's own permalink as well).
+So, the default way this works in Pelican is that the main front page for the site is auto-generated
+from a template file:
+    themes/themename/templates/index.html
+### Modifying Default Behavior
+We only need to modify two things to get the behavior we want.
+From a high-level perspective:
+1. Move the current news-indexed main page to a different location
+2. Put a new static page at the old location (gimp.org/index.html).
+#### Move old index.html to new location
+We want the auto-generated page that indexes all of the *News* items to live in a different location.
+Preferably, at: `www.gimp.org/news/index.html`.
+This way, getting a list of the latest news can be found at the url: `www.gimp.org/news/`.
+This is accomplished through a setting in `pelicanconf.py`:
+    INDEX_SAVE_AS = "/news/index.html"
+This setting will redirect what *was* the front page to a new location `/news/index.html`.
+Note that the template to produce this page is still the `/themes/themename/tempates/index.html` file,
+all we've done is redirected it's output to a new location.
+#### Create new index.html
+With the old front page redirected to a new location, we now need a new file to replace it.
+This only requires that we create a new index file and give it an explicit override for some metadata.
+I created a new folder just for this one file, `/content/frontpage/`.
+In that folder, there is a file, `index.md` whose contents look like this:
+    Title: GIMP
+    Date: 2015-08-20T10:23:31-05:00
+    URL:
+    save_as: index.html
+    Template: home
+This is only a placeholder file to trigger the use of a new template.
+It has two important pieces of metadata to get this behavior:
+    save_as: index.html
+Tells Pelican to save this file as the new main page, `gimp.org/index.html`.
+    Template: home
+This tells Pelican to use a custom template for this page, called "home", which is located here:
+    themes/themename/templates/home.html
+**Which**, *finally* gives us the file you'll need to modify to change the front page!
+### TL;DR
+To modify the front page, modify the file located at `/themes/themename/templates/home.html`.
+## Editing Notes
+In Pelican, all template will receive some [common 
variables](http://docs.getpelican.com/en/3.6.2/themes.html#common-variables) for parsing.  Something that we 
may want to include for example is the latest news post.
+This can be accessed in the template through the `article` variable.  For instance, some common properties 
(from the most recent news post):
+    articles[0].title
+    articles[0].url
+    articles[0].summary
+    articles[0].author
+    articles[0].date
+The way it might actually be used in the template:
+    <h3>Articles Object</h3>
+        <div>
+            <a href="{{ articles[0].url }}">{{ articles[0].title }}</a>
+        </div>
+        <div>
+            {{ articles[0].summary }}
+        </div>
+        <div>
+            {{ articles[0].author }}
+        </div>
+        <div>
+            {{ articles[0].date }}
+        </div>
diff --git a/content/about/meta/index.md b/content/about/meta/index.md
index 7df156e..c5bcda4 100644
--- a/content/about/meta/index.md
+++ b/content/about/meta/index.md
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ I (Pat David) am creating this page to keep notes and information for building/m
 * [To Do](./to-do/)
 * [Using Pelican](./using-pelican/)
 * [Markdown Cheatsheet](./markdown.html)
+* [Edit the Front Page]({filename}./frontpage.md)
 The work I am doing here is based on a couple of suggestions over the past year (or more, I'm sure) to 
refresh the design of WGO.
 In particular, I had created a brief mockup to show and have been using that as a sort of visual guide for 
approaching the main page.
diff --git a/content/frontpage/index.md b/content/frontpage/index.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1dfa668
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/frontpage/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Title: GIMP
+Date: 2015-08-19T11:43:22-05:00
+save_as: index.html
+Template: home
+I'm just a placeholder.  Refer to /about/meta/frontpage.(md|html) for more information.
diff --git a/pelicanconf.py b/pelicanconf.py
index dbe8e7b..e7d6225 100644
--- a/pelicanconf.py
+++ b/pelicanconf.py
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ RELATIVE_URLS = True
 STATIC_PATHS = ['images', 'pages', 'tutorials', 'about', 'books', 'develop', 'docs', 'donating', 
'downloads', 'features', 'bugs', 'links', 'man', 'release-notes', 'screenshots', 'source', 'unix']
 # This sets which directories will be parsed as pages (vs. news/articles)
-PAGE_PATHS = ['about', 'pages', 'tutorials', 'books', 'develop', 'docs', 'donating', 'downloads', 
'features', 'bugs', 'links', 'man', 'release-notes', 'screenshots', 'source', 'unix']
+PAGE_PATHS = ['about', 'frontpage', 'tutorials', 'books', 'develop', 'docs', 'donating', 'downloads', 
'features', 'bugs', 'links', 'man', 'release-notes', 'screenshots', 'source', 'unix']
 ARTICLE_PATHS = ['news']

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