[evolution/gnome-3-16] EHTMLEditorSelection - Improve function that is used to find a position to split at during wrapping

commit d1bbe6640b705868c35777975d2acc203624583c
Author: Tomas Popela <tpopela redhat com>
Date:   Fri Aug 7 08:35:53 2015 +0200

    EHTMLEditorSelection - Improve function that is used to find a position to split at during wrapping
    - If the position where we will split a line contains the dash character always
      split after it.
    - Correct the check if we are already after the position limit.
    - If ret_val is 0 also check if we really didn't found any character to break at
      before returning the limit position.
    - Tight it to WebKitDOMCharacterData object.
    - Rename the last_space variable as we don't split just on space.

 e-util/e-html-editor-selection.c |   41 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
diff --git a/e-util/e-html-editor-selection.c b/e-util/e-html-editor-selection.c
index d71084f..699b5fd 100644
--- a/e-util/e-html-editor-selection.c
+++ b/e-util/e-html-editor-selection.c
@@ -6357,44 +6357,50 @@ e_html_editor_selection_move_caret_into_element (WebKitDOMDocument *document,
 static gint
-find_where_to_break_line (WebKitDOMNode *node,
+find_where_to_break_line (WebKitDOMCharacterData *node,
                           gint max_length)
+       gboolean last_break_position_is_dash = FALSE;
        gchar *str, *text_start;
        gunichar uc;
-       gint pos = 1;
-       gint last_space = 0;
-       gint ret_val = 0;
+       gint pos = 1, last_break_position = 0, ret_val = 0;
-       text_start =  webkit_dom_character_data_get_data (WEBKIT_DOM_CHARACTER_DATA (node));
+       text_start = webkit_dom_character_data_get_data (node);
        str = text_start;
        do {
                uc = g_utf8_get_char (str);
                if (!uc) {
-                       ret_val = pos <= max_length ? pos : last_space > 0 ? last_space - 1 : 0;
+                       ret_val = pos <= max_length ? pos : last_break_position > 0 ? last_break_position - 1 
: 0;
                        goto out;
-               if (g_unichar_isspace (uc) || str[0] == '-')
-                       last_space = pos;
+               if (g_unichar_isspace (uc) || *str == '-') {
+                       if (*str == '-')
+                               last_break_position_is_dash = TRUE;
+                       else
+                               last_break_position_is_dash = FALSE;
+                       last_break_position = pos;
+               }
-               /* If last_space is zero then the word is longer than max_length
-                * characters, so continue until we find a space */
-               if ((pos > max_length))
+               if ((pos == max_length))
-               pos += 1;
+               pos++;
                str = g_utf8_next_char (str);
        } while (*str);
-       if (last_space != 0)
-               ret_val = last_space - 1;
+       if (last_break_position != 0)
+               ret_val = last_break_position - 1;
        g_free (text_start);
-       /* No space found, split at max_length. */
-       if (ret_val == 0)
+       /* Always break after the dash character. */
+       if (last_break_position_is_dash)
+               ret_val++;
+       /* No character to break at is found, split at max_length. */
+       if (ret_val == 0 && last_break_position == 0)
                ret_val = max_length;
        return ret_val;
@@ -6748,7 +6754,8 @@ wrap_lines (EHTMLEditorSelection *selection,
                        else {
                                /* Find where we can line-break the node so that it
                                 * effectively fills the rest of current row. */
-                               offset = find_where_to_break_line (node, max_length);
+                               offset = find_where_to_break_line (
+                                       WEBKIT_DOM_CHARACTER_DATA (node), max_length);
                        element = webkit_dom_document_create_element (document, "BR", NULL);

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