[gnome-nibbles/wip/vala: 17/64] Add multiple worm colors

commit ec197874bd4b84a28e0ca92bd91330d6b7c57409
Author: Iulian Radu <iulian radu67 gmail com>
Date:   Sun Jun 28 23:09:04 2015 +0300

    Add multiple worm colors

 data/org.gnome.nibbles.gschema.xml          |  111 +++++++++++++++++++
 data/pix/{snake-grey.svg => snake-gray.svg} |    0
 src/games-gridframe.h                       |    2 +-
 src/gnome-nibbles.vala                      |   40 ++++----
 src/nibbles-game.vala                       |   24 ++--
 src/nibbles-view.vala                       |  152 ++++++++++++++++-----------
 src/worm.vala                               |   20 ++--
 7 files changed, 244 insertions(+), 105 deletions(-)
diff --git a/data/org.gnome.nibbles.gschema.xml b/data/org.gnome.nibbles.gschema.xml
index 7be2d8c..686663a 100644
--- a/data/org.gnome.nibbles.gschema.xml
+++ b/data/org.gnome.nibbles.gschema.xml
@@ -34,6 +34,11 @@
       <summary>Color to use for worm</summary>
       <description>Color to use for worm.</description>
+    <key name="move-relative" type="b">
+      <default>false</default>
+      <summary>Use relative movement</summary>
+      <description>Use relative movement (ie. left or right only).</description>
+    </key>
     <key name="key-up" type="i">
       <summary>Move up</summary>
@@ -61,6 +66,11 @@
       <summary>Color to use for worm</summary>
       <description>Color to use for worm.</description>
+    <key name="move-relative" type="b">
+      <default>false</default>
+      <summary>Use relative movement</summary>
+      <description>Use relative movement (ie. left or right only).</description>
+    </key>
     <key name="key-up" type="i">
       <summary>Move up</summary>
@@ -88,6 +98,107 @@
       <summary>Color to use for worm</summary>
       <description>Color to use for worm.</description>
+    <key name="move-relative" type="b">
+      <default>false</default>
+      <summary>Use relative movement</summary>
+      <description>Use relative movement (ie. left or right only).</description>
+    </key>
+    <key name="key-up" type="i">
+      <default>65362</default>
+      <summary>Move up</summary>
+      <description>Key to use for motion up.</description>
+    </key>
+    <key name="key-down" type="i">
+      <default>65364</default>
+      <summary>Move down</summary>
+      <description>Key to use for motion down.</description>
+    </key>
+    <key name="key-left" type="i">
+      <default>65361</default>
+      <summary>Move left</summary>
+      <description>Key to use for motion left.</description>
+    </key>
+    <key name="key-right" type="i">
+      <default>65363</default>
+      <summary>Move right</summary>
+      <description>Key to use for motion right.</description>
+    </key>
+  </schema>
+  <schema id="org.gnome.nibbles.worm3" path="/org/gnome/nibbles/worm3/">
+    <key name="color" type="s">
+      <default>'yellow'</default>
+      <summary>Color to use for worm</summary>
+      <description>Color to use for worm.</description>
+    </key>
+    <key name="move-relative" type="b">
+      <default>false</default>
+      <summary>Use relative movement</summary>
+      <description>Use relative movement (ie. left or right only).</description>
+    </key>
+    <key name="key-up" type="i">
+      <default>65362</default>
+      <summary>Move up</summary>
+      <description>Key to use for motion up.</description>
+    </key>
+    <key name="key-down" type="i">
+      <default>65364</default>
+      <summary>Move down</summary>
+      <description>Key to use for motion down.</description>
+    </key>
+    <key name="key-left" type="i">
+      <default>65361</default>
+      <summary>Move left</summary>
+      <description>Key to use for motion left.</description>
+    </key>
+    <key name="key-right" type="i">
+      <default>65363</default>
+      <summary>Move right</summary>
+      <description>Key to use for motion right.</description>
+    </key>
+  </schema>
+  <schema id="org.gnome.nibbles.worm4" path="/org/gnome/nibbles/worm4/">
+    <key name="color" type="s">
+      <default>'cyan'</default>
+      <summary>Color to use for worm</summary>
+      <description>Color to use for worm.</description>
+    </key>
+    <key name="move-relative" type="b">
+      <default>false</default>
+      <summary>Use relative movement</summary>
+      <description>Use relative movement (ie. left or right only).</description>
+    </key>
+    <key name="key-up" type="i">
+      <default>65362</default>
+      <summary>Move up</summary>
+      <description>Key to use for motion up.</description>
+    </key>
+    <key name="key-down" type="i">
+      <default>65364</default>
+      <summary>Move down</summary>
+      <description>Key to use for motion down.</description>
+    </key>
+    <key name="key-left" type="i">
+      <default>65361</default>
+      <summary>Move left</summary>
+      <description>Key to use for motion left.</description>
+    </key>
+    <key name="key-right" type="i">
+      <default>65363</default>
+      <summary>Move right</summary>
+      <description>Key to use for motion right.</description>
+    </key>
+  </schema>
+  <schema id="org.gnome.nibbles.worm5" path="/org/gnome/nibbles/worm5/">
+    <key name="color" type="s">
+      <default>'purple'</default>
+      <summary>Color to use for worm</summary>
+      <description>Color to use for worm.</description>
+    </key>
+    <key name="move-relative" type="b">
+      <default>false</default>
+      <summary>Use relative movement</summary>
+      <description>Use relative movement (ie. left or right only).</description>
+    </key>
     <key name="key-up" type="i">
       <summary>Move up</summary>
diff --git a/data/pix/snake-grey.svg b/data/pix/snake-gray.svg
similarity index 100%
rename from data/pix/snake-grey.svg
rename to data/pix/snake-gray.svg
diff --git a/src/games-gridframe.h b/src/games-gridframe.h
index 1a67a9c..2a8b32c 100644
--- a/src/games-gridframe.h
+++ b/src/games-gridframe.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 /* games-gridframe.h: Create a container that guarantees that the internal
- *                    allocated space is a fixed multiple of an integer.
+ *                    allocated space is a fixed multiple of an integer. 
  * Copyright 2004 by Callum McKenzie
diff --git a/src/gnome-nibbles.vala b/src/gnome-nibbles.vala
index 7c461dd..1b33139 100644
--- a/src/gnome-nibbles.vala
+++ b/src/gnome-nibbles.vala
@@ -1,24 +1,22 @@
-using Gtk;
 public class Nibbles : Gtk.Application
-    private GLib.Settings settings;
-    private Gee.ArrayList<GLib.Settings> worm_settings;
+    private Settings settings;
+    private Gee.ArrayList<Settings> worm_settings;
     private bool is_maximized;
     private bool is_tiled;
     private int window_width;
     private int window_height;
-    private ApplicationWindow window;
-    private HeaderBar headerbar;
-    private Stack main_stack;
+    private Gtk.ApplicationWindow window;
+    private Gtk.HeaderBar headerbar;
+    private Gtk.Stack main_stack;
     private GamesGridFrame frame;
     private NibblesView? view;
     private NibblesGame? game = null;
-    private const GLib.ActionEntry action_entries[] =
+    private const ActionEntry action_entries[] =
         {"start-game", start_game_cb},
         {"quit", quit}
@@ -39,7 +37,7 @@ public class Nibbles : Gtk.Application
         add_main_option_entries (option_entries);
-    protected override int handle_local_options (GLib.VariantDict options)
+    protected override int handle_local_options (VariantDict options)
         if (options.contains ("version"))
@@ -58,26 +56,26 @@ public class Nibbles : Gtk.Application
         add_action_entries (action_entries, this);
-        settings = new GLib.Settings ("org.gnome.nibbles");
-        worm_settings = new Gee.ArrayList<GLib.Settings> ();
+        settings = new Settings ("org.gnome.nibbles");
+        worm_settings = new Gee.ArrayList<Settings> ();
         for (int i = 0; i < NibblesGame.NUMWORMS; i++)
             var name = "org.gnome.nibbles.worm%d".printf(i);
-            worm_settings.add (new GLib.Settings (name));
+            worm_settings.add (new Settings (name));
         set_accels_for_action ("app.quit", {"<Primary>q"});
-        var builder = new Builder.from_resource ("/org/gnome/nibbles/ui/gnome-nibbles.ui");
-        window = builder.get_object ("nibbles-window") as ApplicationWindow;
+        var builder = new Gtk.Builder.from_resource ("/org/gnome/nibbles/ui/gnome-nibbles.ui");
+        window = builder.get_object ("nibbles-window") as Gtk.ApplicationWindow;
         window.size_allocate.connect (size_allocate_cb);
         window.window_state_event.connect (window_state_event_cb);
         window.set_default_size (settings.get_int ("window-width"), settings.get_int ("window-height"));
         if (settings.get_boolean ("window-is-maximized"))
             window.maximize ();
-        headerbar = builder.get_object ("headerbar") as HeaderBar;
-        main_stack = builder.get_object ("main_stack") as Stack;
+        headerbar = builder.get_object ("headerbar") as Gtk.HeaderBar;
+        main_stack = builder.get_object ("main_stack") as Gtk.Stack;
         window.set_titlebar (headerbar);
         add_window (window);
@@ -102,7 +100,7 @@ public class Nibbles : Gtk.Application
     * * Window events
-    private void size_allocate_cb (Allocation allocation)
+    private void size_allocate_cb (Gtk.Allocation allocation)
         if (is_maximized || is_tiled)
@@ -192,7 +190,7 @@ public class Nibbles : Gtk.Application
         foreach (var worm in game.worms)
-            var actors = view.worm_actors.lookup (worm);
+            var actors = view.worm_actors.get (worm);
             if (actors.get_stage () == null) {
                 view.stage.add_child (actors);
@@ -232,9 +230,9 @@ public class Nibbles : Gtk.Application
         catch (Error e)
             var dialog = new Gtk.MessageDialog (null,
-                                                DialogFlags.MODAL,
-                                                MessageType.ERROR,
-                                                ButtonsType.NONE,
+                                                Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL,
+                                                Gtk.MessageType.ERROR,
+                                                Gtk.ButtonsType.NONE,
                                                 "Unable to initialize Clutter:\n%s", e.message);
             dialog.set_title (Environment.get_application_name ());
             dialog.run ();
diff --git a/src/nibbles-game.vala b/src/nibbles-game.vala
index d919bad..251e100 100644
--- a/src/nibbles-game.vala
+++ b/src/nibbles-game.vala
@@ -5,10 +5,7 @@ public class NibblesGame : Object
     public const int MINIMUM_TILE_SIZE = 7;
-    public const int DEFAULTGAMEDELAY = 35;
     public const int GAMEDELAY = 35;
-    public const int NETDELAY = 2;
-    public const int BONUSDELAY = 100;
     public const int NUMWORMS = 2;
@@ -29,37 +26,35 @@ public class NibblesGame : Object
     public signal void worm_moved (Worm worm);
-    public HashTable<Worm, WormProperties?> worm_props;
+    public Gee.HashMap<Worm, WormProperties?> worm_props;
     public NibblesGame (Settings settings)
         walls = new int[WIDTH, HEIGHT];
         worms = new Gee.LinkedList<Worm> ();
-        worm_props = new HashTable<Worm, WormProperties?> (direct_hash, direct_equal);
+        worm_props = new Gee.HashMap<Worm, WormProperties?> ();
         load_properties (settings);
     public void start ()
         add_worms ();
-        Timeout.add (game_speed * (GAMEDELAY + NETDELAY), main_loop_cb);
+        var id = Timeout.add (game_speed * GAMEDELAY, main_loop_cb);
+        Source.set_name_by_id (id, "[Nibbles] main_loop_cb");
     public void add_worms ()
         stderr.printf("[Debug] Loading worms\n");
-        stderr.printf("[Debug] worms: %d\n", worms.size);
-        foreach (var worm in worms) {
-            stderr.printf("[Debug] worm size %d\n", worm.list.size);
+        foreach (var worm in worms)
             worm.spawn (walls);
-        }
     public void move_worms ()
         foreach (var worm in worms)
-            if (worm.stop)
+            if (worm.is_stopped)
             foreach (var other_worm in worms)
@@ -104,21 +99,26 @@ public class NibblesGame : Object
         foreach (var worm in worms)
             var properties = WormProperties ();
+            properties.color = NibblesView.colorval_from_name (worm_settings[worm.id].get_string ("color"));
             properties.up = worm_settings[worm.id].get_int ("key-up");
             properties.down = worm_settings[worm.id].get_int ("key-down");
             properties.left = worm_settings[worm.id].get_int ("key-left");
             properties.right = worm_settings[worm.id].get_int ("key-right");
-            worm_props.insert (worm, properties);
+            worm_props.set (worm, properties);
     public bool handle_keypress (uint keyval)
         foreach (var worm in worms)
+        {
             if (worm.human)
+            {
                 if (worm.handle_keypress (keyval, worm_props))
                     return true;
+            }
+        }
         return false;
diff --git a/src/nibbles-view.vala b/src/nibbles-view.vala
index 06d6c46..30aaab1 100644
--- a/src/nibbles-view.vala
+++ b/src/nibbles-view.vala
@@ -1,14 +1,26 @@
+public enum Color
+    RED,
+    GREEN,
+    BLUE,
+    YELLOW,
+    CYAN,
+    PURPLE,
+    GRAY
 public class NibblesView : GtkClutter.Embed
     /* Game being played */
-    private NibblesGame? _game = null;
-    public NibblesGame? game
+    private NibblesGame _game;
+    public NibblesGame game
         get { return _game; }
             if (_game != null)
                 SignalHandler.disconnect_matched (_game, SignalMatchType.DATA, 0, 0, null, null, this);
             _game = value;
@@ -21,8 +33,11 @@ public class NibblesView : GtkClutter.Embed
     public Gdk.Pixbuf worm_pixmaps[7];
     private Gdk.Pixbuf boni_pixmaps[9];
-    // public Gee.ArrayList<GtkClutter.Actor> worm_actors;
-    public HashTable<Worm, WormActor> worm_actors;
+    public Gee.HashMap<Worm, WormActor> worm_actors;
+    public const int NUM_COLORS = 7;
+    private static Gee.HashMap<string, Color> color_lookup;
     public NibblesView (NibblesGame game)
@@ -59,7 +74,16 @@ public class NibblesView : GtkClutter.Embed
             error ("Failed to load textures: %s", e.message);
-        worm_actors = new HashTable<Worm, WormActor> (direct_hash, direct_equal);
+        worm_actors = new Gee.HashMap<Worm, WormActor> ();
+        color_lookup = new Gee.HashMap<string, Color> ();
+        color_lookup.set ("red", Color.RED);
+        color_lookup.set ("green", Color.GREEN);
+        color_lookup.set ("blue", Color.BLUE);
+        color_lookup.set ("yellow", Color.YELLOW);
+        color_lookup.set ("cyan", Color.CYAN);
+        color_lookup.set ("purple", Color.PURPLE);
+        color_lookup.set ("gray", Color.GRAY);
         load_pixmap ();
         stage.add_child (surface);
@@ -81,7 +105,8 @@ public class NibblesView : GtkClutter.Embed
         filename = Path.build_filename (PKGDATADIR, "levels", level_name, null);
         FileStream file;
-        if ((file = FileStream.open (filename, "r")) == null) {
+        if ((file = FileStream.open (filename, "r")) == null)
+        {
             /* Fatal console error when the game's data files are missing. */
             error (_("Nibbles couldn't find pixmap file: %s"), filename);
@@ -98,7 +123,7 @@ public class NibblesView : GtkClutter.Embed
             for (int j = 0; j < NibblesGame.WIDTH; j++)
-                game.walls[j, i] = tmpboard  get(j);
+                game.walls[j, i] = tmpboard.get(j);
                 switch (game.walls[j, i])
                     case 'm':
@@ -106,15 +131,12 @@ public class NibblesView : GtkClutter.Embed
                         if (count < game.numworms)
                             var worm = new Worm (count++, WormDirection.UP);
-                            worm.added.connect (worm_added_cb);
-                            worm.moved.connect (worm_moved_cb);
-                            worm.rescaled.connect (worm_rescaled_cb);
-                            worm.died.connect (worm_died_cb);
+                            connect_signals (worm);
                             worm.set_start (j, i);
                             game.worms.add (worm);
                             var actors = new WormActor ();
-                            worm_actors.insert (worm, actors);
+                            worm_actors.set (worm, actors);
                     case 'n':
@@ -122,15 +144,12 @@ public class NibblesView : GtkClutter.Embed
                         if (count < game.numworms)
                             var worm = new Worm (count++, WormDirection.LEFT);
-                            worm.added.connect (worm_added_cb);
-                            worm.moved.connect (worm_moved_cb);
-                            worm.rescaled.connect (worm_rescaled_cb);
-                            worm.died.connect (worm_died_cb);
+                            connect_signals (worm);
                             worm.set_start (j, i);
                             game.worms.add (worm);
                             var actors = new WormActor ();
-                            worm_actors.insert (worm, actors);
+                            worm_actors.set (worm, actors);
                     case 'o':
@@ -138,15 +157,12 @@ public class NibblesView : GtkClutter.Embed
                         if (count < game.numworms)
                             var worm = new Worm (count++, WormDirection.DOWN);
-                            worm.added.connect (worm_added_cb);
-                            worm.moved.connect (worm_moved_cb);
-                            worm.rescaled.connect (worm_rescaled_cb);
-                            worm.died.connect (worm_died_cb);
+                            connect_signals (worm);
                             worm.set_start (j, i);
                             game.worms.add (worm);
                             var actors = new WormActor ();
-                            worm_actors.insert (worm, actors);
+                            worm_actors.set (worm, actors);
                     case 'p':
@@ -154,15 +170,12 @@ public class NibblesView : GtkClutter.Embed
                         if (count < game.numworms)
                             var worm = new Worm (count++, WormDirection.RIGHT);
-                            worm.added.connect (worm_added_cb);
-                            worm.moved.connect (worm_moved_cb);
-                            worm.rescaled.connect (worm_rescaled_cb);
-                            worm.died.connect (worm_died_cb);
+                            connect_signals (worm);
                             worm.set_start (j, i);
                             game.worms.add (worm);
                             var actors = new WormActor ();
-                            worm_actors.insert (worm, actors);
+                            worm_actors.set (worm, actors);
@@ -191,7 +204,7 @@ public class NibblesView : GtkClutter.Embed
             image = new Gdk.Pixbuf.from_file_at_scale (filename, xsize, ysize, true);
-        catch (GLib.Error e)
+        catch (Error e)
             warning ("Failed to load pixmap file: %s", e.message);
@@ -200,7 +213,8 @@ public class NibblesView : GtkClutter.Embed
     private void load_pixmap ()
-        string[] bonus_files = {
+        string[] bonus_files =
+        {
@@ -211,7 +225,8 @@ public class NibblesView : GtkClutter.Embed
-        string[] small_files = {
+        string[] small_files =
+        {
@@ -225,7 +240,8 @@ public class NibblesView : GtkClutter.Embed
-        string[] worm_files = {
+        string[] worm_files =
+        {
@@ -235,17 +251,20 @@ public class NibblesView : GtkClutter.Embed
-        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+        {
             boni_pixmaps[i] = load_pixmap_file (bonus_files[i],
                                                 2 * game.tile_size, 2 * game.tile_size);
-        for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
+        for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
+        {
             wall_pixmaps[i] = load_pixmap_file (small_files[i],
                                                 2 * game.tile_size, 2 * game.tile_size);
-        for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
+        for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
+        {
             worm_pixmaps[i] = load_pixmap_file (worm_files[i],
                                                 game.tile_size, game.tile_size);
@@ -323,7 +342,8 @@ public class NibblesView : GtkClutter.Embed
                 catch (Error e)
-                    error (e.message);
+                    /* Error message when a level cannot be loaded. */
+                    error (_("Error loading level: %s"), e.message);
                 if (is_wall)
@@ -376,18 +396,26 @@ public class NibblesView : GtkClutter.Embed
+    private void connect_signals (Worm worm)
+    {
+        worm.added.connect (worm_added_cb);
+        worm.moved.connect (worm_moved_cb);
+        worm.rescaled.connect (worm_rescaled_cb);
+        worm.died.connect (worm_died_cb);
+    }
     public void worm_added_cb (Worm worm)
         var actor = new GtkClutter.Texture ();
-            actor.set_from_pixbuf (worm_pixmaps[0]);
+            actor.set_from_pixbuf (worm_pixmaps[game.worm_props.get (worm).color]);
         catch (Clutter.TextureError e)
             error ("Failed to set texture: %s", e.message);
-        catch (GLib.Error e)
+        catch (Error e)
             error ("Failed to set texture: %s", e.message);
@@ -395,20 +423,13 @@ public class NibblesView : GtkClutter.Embed
         actor.set_size (game.tile_size, game.tile_size);
         actor.set_position (worm.list.first ().x * game.tile_size, worm.list.first ().y * game.tile_size);
-        var actors = worm_actors.lookup (worm);
+        var actors = worm_actors.get (worm);
         actors.add_child (actor);
-        for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) {
-            for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++)
-                stderr.printf("%c ", game.walls[j, i]);
-            stderr.printf("\n");
-        }
-        stderr.printf("\n");
     public void worm_moved_cb (Worm worm)
-        var actors = worm_actors.lookup (worm);
+        var actors = worm_actors.get (worm);
         /* Make the worms last actor (the tail) the new head. Then remove it
          * and add it again so the head is always the last child added */
@@ -416,19 +437,12 @@ public class NibblesView : GtkClutter.Embed
         tail_actor.set_position (worm.list.first ().x * game.tile_size, worm.list.first ().y * 
         actors.remove_child (tail_actor);
         actors.add_child (tail_actor);
-        for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) {
-            for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++)
-                stderr.printf("%c ", game.walls[j, i]);
-            stderr.printf("\n");
-        }
-        stderr.printf("\n");
     public void worm_rescaled_cb (Worm worm, int tile_size)
         float x_pos, y_pos;
-        var actors = worm_actors.lookup (worm);
+        var actors = worm_actors.get (worm);
         if (actors == null)
@@ -445,30 +459,30 @@ public class NibblesView : GtkClutter.Embed
         float x, y;
         var group = new Clutter.Actor ();
-        var actors = worm_actors.lookup (worm);
+        var actors = worm_actors.get (worm);
         foreach (var actor in actors.get_children ())
             stderr.printf("[Debug] Before\n");
-            GtkClutter.Texture tmp = new GtkClutter.Texture ();
-            var color = game.worm_props.lookup (worm).color;
+            GtkClutter.Texture texture = new GtkClutter.Texture ();
+            var color = game.worm_props.get (worm).color;
-                tmp.set_from_pixbuf (worm_pixmaps[color]);
+                texture.set_from_pixbuf (worm_pixmaps[color]);
             catch (Clutter.TextureError e)
                 error ("Failed to set texture: %s", e.message);
-            catch (GLib.Error e)
+            catch (Error e)
                 error ("Failed to set texture: %s", e.message);
             actor.get_position (out x, out y);
-            tmp.set_position (x, y);
-            tmp.set_size (game.tile_size, game.tile_size);
-            group.add_child (tmp);
+            texture.set_position (x, y);
+            texture.set_size (game.tile_size, game.tile_size);
+            group.add_child (texture);
             stderr.printf("[Debug] After\n");
@@ -484,6 +498,20 @@ public class NibblesView : GtkClutter.Embed
         group.set_opacity (0);
         group.restore_easing_state ();
+    public static Color colorval_from_name (string name)
+    {
+        return color_lookup.get (name);
+    }
+    // public static string colorval_name (Color colorval)
+    // {
+    //     foreach (var entry in color_lookup.entries)
+    //         if (entry.value == colorval)
+    //             return entry.key;
+    //     return "unknown";
+    // }
 public class WormActor : Clutter.Actor
diff --git a/src/worm.vala b/src/worm.vala
index 8872a9d..ec14419 100644
--- a/src/worm.vala
+++ b/src/worm.vala
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ public class Worm : Object
     public bool human;
     public bool keypress = false;
-    public bool stop = false;
+    public bool is_stopped = false;
     public int lives { get; private set; }
     private WormDirection _direction;
@@ -122,7 +122,6 @@ public class Worm : Object
-        stderr.printf("[Debug] x %d y %d\n", position.x, position.y);
         /* Add a new body piece */
         list.offer_head (position);
         /* Mark the tile as occupied by the worm's body */
@@ -175,7 +174,7 @@ public class Worm : Object
     public void die (int[,] walls)
-        stop = true;
+        is_stopped = true;
         lose_life ();
         died ();
@@ -189,7 +188,7 @@ public class Worm : Object
         key_queue.clear ();
-        stop = false;
+        is_stopped = false;
     private Position position_move ()
@@ -225,7 +224,7 @@ public class Worm : Object
         return position;
-    public bool handle_keypress (uint keyval, HashTable<Worm, WormProperties?> worm_props)
+    public bool handle_keypress (uint keyval, Gee.HashMap<Worm, WormProperties?> worm_props)
         WormProperties properties;
         uint propsUp, propsDown, propsLeft, propsRight, keyvalUpper;
@@ -233,7 +232,7 @@ public class Worm : Object
         if (lives <= 0)
             return false;
-        properties = worm_props.lookup (this);
+        properties = worm_props.get (this);
         propsUp = upper_key (properties.up);
         propsLeft = upper_key (properties.left);
         propsDown = upper_key (properties.down);
@@ -245,15 +244,18 @@ public class Worm : Object
             handle_direction (WormDirection.UP);
             return true;
-        if ((keyvalUpper == propsDown) && (direction != WormDirection.UP)) {
+        if ((keyvalUpper == propsDown) && (direction != WormDirection.UP))
+        {
             handle_direction (WormDirection.DOWN);
             return true;
-        if ((keyvalUpper == propsRight) && (direction != WormDirection.LEFT)) {
+        if ((keyvalUpper == propsRight) && (direction != WormDirection.LEFT))
+        {
             handle_direction (WormDirection.RIGHT);
             return true;
-        if ((keyvalUpper == propsLeft) && (direction != WormDirection.RIGHT)) {
+        if ((keyvalUpper == propsLeft) && (direction != WormDirection.RIGHT))
+        {
             handle_direction (WormDirection.LEFT);
             return true;

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